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作者 Dreamerz
原价 RM 12.00

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作者 Dreamerz Kaoru
Even as Mikael sets about earning money for a flight ticket back to Prague, Joni blows all her cash and is unable to buy a much needed reference book. Mia and Emilia then try to teach her how to manage money, but can she break free from her bad spending habits? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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作者 Dreamerz Kaoru
The students of Momos Academy for Boys have been invited to a dance event organised by Poposi Academy for Girls. To Alex's surprise, Princess Han has requested that he be her dance partner for the first dance. The only problem is Alex doesn't know a thing about dancing. Can the Princes help the very nervous Alex acquire some dance moves? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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作者 Dreamerz Kaoru
While helping to clean up the school science lab, Mia, Emilia and Joni encounter something bizzare that frightens all of them. Because of this, they become anxious about their upcoming overnight camp at the school. How will they overcome their fears so that they can enjoy the camp with their friends? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 Dreamerz Kaoru
Candy JEM’s friend Corey has always been a talented athlete. He becomes even more popular after he is praised during a school assembly for his achievements. But now he faces a tough badminton match against a strong and powerful opponent! Also, it seems he is being watched...? How will Emilia and the others help him overcome these new challenges? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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作者 Dreamerz Kaoru
Alex’s family is poor, and cannot always afford to have three nutritious meals a day. Anthony brings her healthy foods every day to help her maintain a balanced diet. Then, Alex happens to meet a boy who is good at growing vegetables, and asks for his help. But this somehow leads to a misunderstanding with Anthony...! 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 Dreamerz Kaoru
At school, Norman is the laidback monitor of Class 5A. At home, he has to cook, clean, and care for his younger siblings because his parents are busy with work. But when Norman"s family responsibilities cause him to neglect his duties at school, his classmates start losing patience with him. Can he find the balance between school and family before everything falls apart? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 Dreamerz Kaoru
Sofia always says exactly what she thinks without considering the feeling of others, so she has very few friends as a result. Meanwhile, the charming Richard has many admirers- but she is secretly arrogant and always looks down on everyone else. How can Sofia change her behaviour so people will not dislike her and can Richard banish his own dark side before it becomes his downfall? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 格子帮
正男、小萱和佳佳去医院探望玲玲和婷婷,意外发现美雪老师的脚受伤了。最令他们吃惊的是原来美雪老师和安东先生在交往中!之后还发现中二男的班上有一对小情侣,正男、小萱和佳佳都觉得求学时期谈恋爱不太妥当。到底小学生应该如何分辨自己的情感呢? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 Dreamerz Kaoru
Joni, Mia and Emilia are not only Candy JEM, they are best friends who always do everything together. However, on a class trip the three girls find themselves spilt up and paired off with different classmates! Without each other, how will the three members of Candy JEM fare? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 Dreamerz Kaoru
Class 5A is all abuzz over the upcoming Sacred Hearts Primary School bazaar! Concerned that the laid-back class monitor, Norman, is not taking their class booth preparations seriously enough, Emilia volunteers to assist him with managing the project. However, her strict perfectionism starts to threaten the teamwork of the class! Can Emilia and Norman resolve their different attitudes and cooperate to lead Class 5A to success? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 Dreamerz Kaoru
A crisis is brewing at Sacred Hearts Primary School! Some boys start bullying girls, claiming that girls are weak and inferior. Joni, Mia and Emilia stand up to them, and even Anthony steps up in defence of the girls, but the troublemakers refuse to change their ways. How will the conflict between the boys and girls be resolved? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 Dreamerz Kaoru
Joni aspires to become a chef and make food that everyone will enjoy. But because of her inexperience and ignorance, her cooking is inedible! Is her ambition strong enough to keep her moving forward to achieve her dreams? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 Dreamerz Kaoru
Seeing how well Mia behaves, her mother"s friend asks her for help to teach good manners to her six-year-old daughter. However, the little girl is a child star with an arrogant ego beyond her years! What is worse, she refuses to listen to her elders! How will Mia, Joni and Emilia convince this spoilt brat to change her ways? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 Dreamerz Kaoru
Emilia"s dreams is to become the next Steve Jobs, while Mia wants to be a fashion designer. But Joni has yet to decide on her future career. Can Mikael and Steve put said their differences long enough to help Joni her ambition? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 Dreamerz Kaoru
Mikael returns home for a rare visit to participate in Sacred Hearts Primary School"s celebration concert! Candy JEM will be performing too, but Joni has completely forgotten all her singing skills, so she must relearn everything from scratch. However, her poor time management causes her to neglect her schoolwork as well as her singing lessons! Can Joni learn how to manage her time more wisely to keep things from getting worse? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 Kaoru , Dreamerz
Demi keamanan dunia, Akademi Lelaki Momos telah mengumpulkan pelajar elit dari seluruh pelosok dunia termasuklah putera dari England, Amerika, Perancis, Jepun, Afrika dan banyak lagi negara lain. Alexis, seorang budak dari keluarga biasa, terpilih untuk menjadi pelajar akademi tersebut. Dia yang hadir berpakaian biasa telah disalah anggap sebagai penceroboh! Bagaimanakah kehidupan Alexis bersama pemuda-pemuda berpengaruh dari seluruh dunia ini? Ikuti kisah yang penuh dengan k 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 Dreamerz Kaoru
When Sofia and Mia"s photos are printed in a fashion magazine, Sofia is upset to see that Mia"s photo is more prominent than hers, so she challenges Mia to see who the prettiest girl in school is. Later, Sofia meets the handsome Richard and starts coming to school in outrageous outfits to get his attention, making everyone feel uncomfortable. Will Sofia wake up from her delusions? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 Dreamerz Kaoru
Fed up with her mother reading her diary, Emilia decides to trick her by writing a fake diary where she makes up negative stories about her friends. Unfortunately, Mia, Joni and Corey stumble on the fake diary and think that Emilia secretly dislikes them! What is worse, after Emilia"s mother finds her real diary, she wants Emilia to change schools! How is Emilia going to sort out this mess? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 Dreamerz Kaoru
At the school's health check, Mia learns that both her height and weight have increased! She becomes even more upset when she discovers that some of her clothes don"t fit her anymore. Then, her mother promises to organise a birthday party for her, and while Mia is deciding who she wants to invite, she gets her first pimple as well! How will Mia resolve her concerns about growing up? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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作者 格子帮
以世界和平为目标,莫莫西学院聚集了世界各地,包括英国、美国、法国、日本和非洲等的王子,以及全球名人的后商。心地善良的亚历克西斯是其中一个入学的学生,他对于贵族学校充满好奇,四处参观,却被人误会他是非法闯进学校?他该怎么办呢?一起跟亚历克西斯探索王子们缤纷多姿、笑中有泪的贵族学生生涯吧! 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 格子帮
立志想成为一名厨师的正男,很努力地为大家准备爱心食物,但她却不知道自己的“杰作”可是连路边的乞丐也嫌弃。究竟正男什么时候才会发现大家的用心?她又是否能成功成为一名厨师呢? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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作者 Dreamerz Kaoru
Joni skips tuition with her big brother Julian to attend her favourite pop idol"s autograph session with Mia. This makes Julian furious, and he forbids Joni from chasing her idols. However, Mia and Emilia say that being a fan isn"t necessarily bad, as it can encourage people to strive harder in their studies. Also, despite being discouraged by Mia and Emilia, their classmate Jane dresses like Joni, and even copies her every move! This all makes the Candy JEM members very unco 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 Dreamerz Kaoru
Miss Miyuki decides to rearrange the students in her class according to their class rankings. With their top marks, Mia and Emilia get to sit together, but Joni is seated among the students with the lowest marks in the class. Their classmate Jane grabs the chance to take Joni"s place in Candy JEM. Determined to sit with her friends again, Joni starts tuition lessons from her older brother Julian to improve her results. Will Joni succeed? Will Jane succeed in her sneaky plan t 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 格子帮
小彬是个孤儿,他每天总会寄出一封信,然后风雨不改地站在信箱旁等待邮差叔叔的经过,等待远方父母的回信,然而小彬从邮差叔叔手中接回的只有一封封被退还的信。尽管如此小彬依旧每天重复着相同的事,这份坚持让邮差决定到信件上的地址一探究竟。当他发现那个地址根本不存在时,毅然决定代替小彬父母回信…… 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 格子帮
希均在巴士上遇到色狼,但不敢出声,幸好健一及时出现,赶走了色狼。在学校,高大的男生君保歧视女生,说女生是弱小的生物,还跟希均、正男、小宣和佳佳起争执,健一再次出手相救,君保不服气离开了。之后君保挑战健一,两队以篮球比赛决胜负,输的人要脱光衣服跑圈。到底健一如何应付来势汹汹的君保?君保什么时候才肯罢休、不再歧视女生? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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作者 格子帮
小洁因为爸爸工作的关系,再次搬家了。开朗的她很快地跟新朋友打成一片。就在某天,她亲眼目睹一个弱小同学被欺负而大家选择漠视不理后,她有了小小目标——她要守护这个弟弟。然而这个被她视作弟弟的人,选择封闭自己,拒绝跟她太亲近…… 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 Dreamerz Kaoru
Irwin goes on a research trip to Langkawi to study the animals there, and invite Joni, Mia, Emilia, Sofia, Corey, and Charles to accompany him. Because it"s Joni’s first plane ride, she gets airsick. Not only that, she forgot to pack basic necessities such as toothpaste and towels. Sofia also feels uncomfortable because she didn"t bring appropriate clothing. Then they are joined by Mikael, who has returned from Prague for a short holiday. But when everyone is having fun at 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 格子帮
美雪老师讲解历史人物追求梦想的成功故事,同学们都显得兴致勃勃。佳佳的梦想是成为电子研发人员;而小宣则想成为服装设计师;至于正男还没有找到自己的梦想。宇哲和阿凯的学校还在放假中,他们连同佳佳和小宣帮助正男寻找她的梦想。不过宇哲和阿凯水火不容,二人相处得不太好。到底正男会不会成功寻获属于自己的梦想? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 Dreamerz Kaoru
Joni begins to secretly look after a guinea pig she found in the park as she has always wanted a pet. Meanwhile, she"s also responsible for taking care of some flowers for an observation project that she, Mia, Emilia, and Alex are conducting. In Joni’s already messy room, the guinea pig makes even more of a mess! What"s more, looking after the guinea pig causes Joni to neglect the flowers until they wilt and die! How will Joni clean up this mess? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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作者 格子帮
难得宇哲回国,正男答应要去接机却严重迟到,害得小宣、佳佳和宇哲等了好久。宇哲为了参与惠心小学的校庆表演而特地回国,糖果喵组合也会参与校庆演出。正男完全忘光了宇哲之前教的唱歌技巧,必须重新开始学起,但她不懂得管理时间,功课没做完,又没时间练习唱歌,结果什么事情都做不好。到底正男如何纠正她的时间观念?糖果喵组合的表演会顺利 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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作者 格子帮
刘俊洋误打误撞之下加入了被人嫌弃的舞狮团,并和死对头林岚成为拍档。在接触舞狮文化后,原本不能吃苦、委屈留下的俊洋,也开始明白这个民俗的意义和精神。然而,一次和林岚争斗中使教练受伤进院。在没有教练的指导和陪伴下,弱小的舞狮团要如何才能坚强和团结起来? 了解更多
原价 RM 9.50

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会员 RM 8.55 (-10%)

作者 格子帮
原本美美在炫耀自己的照片被刊登在时尚杂志上,谁知道小宣的照片也被刊登出来,而且更大、更显眼,同学们纷纷赞美小宣。美美不甘心被抢风头,向小宣下挑战书,看看谁才是全校最漂亮的人。之后,美美遇上伟明学长,深深地被他的帅气吸引。为了引起伟明和大家的注意,并向小宣炫耀,美美经常穿着华丽的衣服来学校,小宣觉得非常困扰。到底美美什么 了解更多
原价 RM 9.50

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作者 格子帮
适逢学校连假,正男、小宣和佳佳参加晓生哥哥举办的露营活动,正辉因为不放心正男也一起去。糖果喵组合还认识了野外露营的男生队小队长——阴沉、思想消极的蓝诚孝;以及女生队小队长——开朗、思想积极的桦拉拉,两人的性格相差甚大。开心露营之际,没想到正男、小宣、拉拉和诚孝在森林迷路了,他们该怎么办呢? 了解更多
原价 RM 9.50

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作者 Dreamerz Kaoru
The school health teacher’s twin sons are a pair of notorious clean freaks. They are known for their strict disciplinary actions and surprise health inspections to ensure that the students always pay attention to their personal hygiene and grooming. The older brother, Anthony, is cold and strict; and the younger twin Andrew is a soft-spoken and gentle boy. One day, Anthony punishes Joni’s classmate Alex with a demerit. Finding this highly unfair, Joni begins plotting to t 了解更多
原价 RM 10.50

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会员 RM 9.45 (-10%)

作者 格子帮
最近,糖果喵组合觉得在家里失去了个人隐私,小宣希望能保留个人空间;正辉没敲门就进入正男的房间;佳佳妈妈只在乎学业成绩,还偷看佳佳的日记,大家都非常懊恼。佳佳决定写两本日记,让妈妈看记录朋友坏话的假日记。没想到小宣、正男和裕太不小心看了假日记的内容,以为佳佳嫌弃他们!这时,看了真日记的妈妈竟然逼佳佳转校? 了解更多
原价 RM 9.50

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作者 Dreamerz Kaoru
What's in the box: Full pages full color comic On her way to school, shy Mia meets a mysterious boy who claims to be the “Prince of the Dark Dimension”. Later at school, she reluctantly signs up for the drama club"s holiday activities together with Joni and Emilia. Will this prove a good fit for the reserved Mia? And just who was that strange self-proclaimed prince? 了解更多
原价 RM 10.50

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会员 RM 9.45 (-10%)

作者 格子帮
学校进行健康检查时,小宣发现自己长高了,体重还增加了!她因为穿不下旧衣服,而害怕自己会变得越来越像男生,为此十分懊恼。妈妈答应给小宣开个生日派对,小宣打算要邀请刚认识、长得高大的篮球队副队长时,却发现自己长了青春痘!啊,青春期的烦恼真多啊!小宣该如何一一解决这些困扰呢? 了解更多
原价 RM 9.50

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作者 Dreamerz Kaoru
Even though Emilia avoids strenuous exercise in P.E., she somehow manages to remain slim and trim! Joni and Mia find this s unfair! However, when a new transfer student joins their class, Emilia"s reaction reveals that there"s more to her than meets the eye… Can Joni dan Mia help Emilia come to terms with her secret past? 了解更多
原价 RM 10.50

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会员 RM 9.45 (-10%)

作者 格子帮
正男陪小宣去看偶像的签唱会,翘掉哥哥正辉的补习班,结果正辉大发雷霆,不许正男追星。小宣和佳佳各有崇拜的偶像,还说其实追星并不完全负面,它会带来正面的鼓励,甚至可以令自己发愤图强、努力学习。上次被佳佳和小宣痛骂的杏子,竟然打扮成正男的样子,学习正男的一举一动,结果引起同学们的反感。糖果喵组合该怎样收拾残局呢? 了解更多
原价 RM 9.50

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作者 格子帮
大部分同学的成绩退步,美雪老师决定按照成绩排名来分配座位。小萱和佳佳被分在优秀的第一组,而正男被分配在全班最后10名的组别。同班同学杏子非常憧憬糖果喵组合,甚至希望有朝一日能取代正男。哥哥正辉替正男恶补功课,正男也开始发愤图强,用工图书。却遭到杏子同学的仇视。到底最后正男的成绩有没有进步?杏子同学的奸计会否得逞? 了解更多
原价 RM 9.50

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作者 格子帮
裕太在跆拳道比赛获得亚军,还认识了得到冠军的程信毅,二人互相欣赏。最近学校出现非礼女同学的坏人,老师督促学生们要小心一点,避免单独行动,吓得全校学生都人心惶惶。信毅的妹妹差点被怪叔叔拐走,幸好正男和裕太等人救了她。原来信毅学习自卫术就是为了保护妹妹。究竟怪叔叔是谁?最后校方能否逮捕那个坏人呢? 了解更多
原价 RM 9.50

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作者 格子帮
正铭跟着生意失败的父亲,从西马搬迁到东马的美里。他在美里结交了一个新朋友——志义。志义和婆婆相依为命,每天婆婆都自个儿到森林里去搜寻她多年前遗失的“宝物”。正铭和志义则把婆婆的这番话当作是一个“传说”,虽然婆婆的这个习惯日复一日的进行,但直至她去世那天,宝物也不曾出现过。某天,村长接到一个坏消息,某集团要收购他们居住的 了解更多
原价 RM 9.50

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作者 格子帮
晓生哥哥要去浮罗交怡做动物研究,带了正男、小、佳佳、美美、裕太和小塞卢一起去。正男第一次坐飞机就晕机,还忘记带牙膏、毛巾、等日常用品,非常狼狈;而美美则因为穿着不适宜的服装而感到身体不适。生闷气的宇哲因学校放假回国,来到浮罗交怡找正男她们,他们在海边玩得不亦乐乎时,正男却溺水了?后来宇哲突然打包行李,说要提早回去?这到 了解更多
原价 RM 9.50

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作者 格子帮
一直都很想养宠物的正男在公园捡到一只天竺鼠,窃喜如狂,打算偷偷地饲养。另一方面,正男、小萱、佳佳和希均要做牵牛花研究的作业,正男负责牵牛花和写每天的观察日记。正男连自己的房间都乱七八糟的,何况她第一次养宠物,结果天竺鼠四处大便、乱咬东西,而牵牛花也被正男完全忽略而枯萎了。到底最后正男如何收拾残局呢? 了解更多
原价 RM 9.50

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作者 格子帮
上体育课时,正男和小宣才知道原来佳佳完全不运动,那到底她是如何保持苗条的身段呢?这时,一个身材肥胖的男生插班到5年A班,佳佳和他似乎有一段不为人知的过去...... 了解更多
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作者 格子帮
佳佳和同班同学如雁考到全级第一名,成绩优异。不过她们的学习方式相差天南地北,佳佳善用电脑网络增广见闻;如雁则推崇传统的书本学习法,认为沉迷上网会荒废学业。如雁更大胆挑战佳佳,如果无法使班上的宅男变成精英学生的话,佳佳必须承认她的网络学习法是错误的,佳佳一怒之下接受挑战。到底佳佳会否成功?而宅男为什么长时间上网,融不进学 了解更多
原价 RM 9.50

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作者 格子帮
自从小宣改变了内向的性格后,大受班上同学的欢迎。正在念服装设计的学院生被小宣的一双巧手吸引,邀请她担任服装设计秀的小助手。美美因为妒忌糖果喵组合,决定与虚荣心重的表姐联手,要和小宣等人在服装秀上决一高下!到底谁会胜出呢? 了解更多
原价 RM 9.50

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作者 格子帮
出名严格得训导主任被委任为卫生主任经常进行突击卫生检查;,以确保学生么们注意个人卫生和仪容。卫生主任的双胞胎儿子是学校的卫生股长,哥哥健一冷酷严格,弟弟健次温柔和蔼。一次,同班同学王希均被陷害而被记过,正男觉得很不公平,暗自打算要教训健一?? 了解更多
原价 RM 9.50

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作者 格子帮
阿伦有一个英雄主义的外公,经常炫耀年轻时的经历。代沟加上外公对自己的严格,这让阿伦很反感。某天,阿伦不小心把外公气得晕倒。在众人得指责之下,不甘心得阿伦跑到了荒废的矿场通道。经过一夜的逗留,当阿伦重心踏出通道时,惊觉自己竟身处于陌生的环境...... 了解更多
原价 RM 9.50

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作者 格子帮
一次的意外,令旭宏的双腿严重受伤。当旭宏发现他为梦想所付出的努力都化为乌有,就变得一蹶不振。自暴自弃的旭宏陆续气走许多看护,这次父母请来一个新看护——沛儿。尽管沛儿做事慌慌张张、看起来缺乏专业知识,但旭宏和她相处一段时间后,变得比较开朗。这时,旭宏却发现一直以来的复健是没有意义的?而且沛儿的身份有可疑? 了解更多
原价 RM 9.50

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作者 格子帮
小宣上学途中遇到一个自称来"自异世界地骑士"地怪男生,还说了一大推小宣听不懂地话。学校假期快到了,老师要大家参加社团,本来小宣向参加歌唱社,但为了迁就喜欢戏剧社地正男,而和佳佳三人加入了戏剧社。究竟内向、没自信地小宣会有什么样地转变?而那个怪男生又是谁呢? 了解更多
原价 RM 9.50

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作者 格子帮
在单亲家庭长大的健仔,和阿恺是好朋友。阿凯常说,好朋友应该要互相的帮忙。因为这个信念,健仔一直都得到阿凯的帮助。后来,被寄予高期望的阿恺在游泳比赛输了,信心全失。阿凯消沉了几天后,湿淋淋的健仔出现在自己的面前,不但帮他找回了信心,还让他和爸爸的关系变好。然而阿恺却不知道,湖边,那个被遗弃的奖牌,那个被遗弃留的少年,始终 了解更多
原价 RM 9.50

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作者 格子帮
正男与宣,在歌唱比赛中被分配到与佳佳同一组。在第一次的练习中,佳佳受不了正男那音痴般的表现,愤而离去。 究竟音感超差的正男、性格怯弱的小宣、脾气倔强的佳佳。是否就此无缘参加歌唱比赛呢? 了解更多
原价 RM 9.50

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作者 格子帮
终于等到妈答应买PSP给自己,初二买怀期待地赶回家时,迎接他的却不是游戏机,而是一则噩秏-妈妈因意外而昏迷不醒。随着这不行的开始,爸爸失业、大耳隆找上门、被同学欺负等,一连串事情也陆续发生,初二地小小心灵也有了改变。究竟,妈妈什么时候会醒来?这一切不幸的事,什么时候才会结束? 了解更多
原价 RM 9.50

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