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作者 风说
她为了她不惜犯罪,用鲜血染红双手,成为一齐背负罪孽的共犯。 共犯,多么美好的关系,尽管触犯人类的禁忌,却让她与最爱的密不可分。 纤细敏感的夏蒙拥有特殊能力,可以听到植物的声音。 在路边发现被人们丢弃的盆栽,总是会忍不住将她们带回去照顾。 温奈对夏蒙的暗恋持续了很久,从大学到毕业后她们一起开店,但始终没有表白的契机与勇气。 了解更多
原价 RM 25.00

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会员 RM 22.50 (-10%)

作者 Earth Defence Squad
The lead character, Duncan Lane, begins as a passionate fan of motorcycle racing who then gets to participate in the World Motorcycle Championship by accident. The female lead, Jasmine Ford, and her father, Harley, see Duncan's potential and decide to train him to become a professional motorcycle racer. However, Duncan's journey to become a motorcyle racer is challenging. Not only does he have to pit his skills against many gifted racers, but he also encounters Harper Sorolla 了解更多
原价 RM 15.50

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会员 RM 13.95 (-10%)

作者 Earth Defence Squad
The male lead, Owen Craig, in an extremely talented stylist. No matter how challenging the task is, he is not troubled by it. He deals with them one by one and creates looks that please his clients. However, he now runs into his biggest challenge - a rude and hot-tempered rock singer, Claire Barrow. She gives Owen a headache as she is stubborn. In the makeover process, he has to do whatever it takes to make her heed his advice. Can Claire be transformed in the end? 了解更多
原价 RM 15.50

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会员 RM 13.95 (-10%)

作者 Earth Defence Squad
The male lead, Adrian Miller, is a marine biologist who loves aquatic life. He protects and does research about marine life together with fellow marine biologist, Evelyn Brooks. Unintentionally, they get caught up in a bizzare event where a whale is ravaged by an unidentified sea creature. In order to find out the truth and prevent further destruction, they decide to dive into the cold, dark sea. What terrifying sea monster awaits them? Will they be able to escape alive? 了解更多
原价 RM 15.50

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会员 RM 13.95 (-10%)

作者 Earth Defence Squad
The male lead, Scott Maxwell is a gifted agriculturist. One day, he accidentally caused a fire during a presentation and blew up the agricultural research centre. To avoid being haeld accountable by the director of the centre, he fled to the rural area where he met an old farmer, Lee Johnson and his granddaughter, Cherry. He found that the farmers there used a lot of synthetic pesticides and fertilisers. He intended to use his new approach to get nutritious and healthier crop 了解更多
原价 RM 15.50

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会员 RM 13.95 (-10%)

作者 Earth Defence Squad
Ethan Hawke is a smart armourer. He takes the risk of using an intelligent weapon he invented, Sanzen and eventually triumphs on the battlefield. However, the commander-in-shief, Benedict Carlton has doubts about Sanzen. At the same time, there is a monster invasion caused by ancient weapons. All kinds of powerful weapons fail to beat the monsters. Having no choice, Benedict can only seek Ethan's help. Will Ethan be able to win this battle? 了解更多
原价 RM 15.50

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会员 RM 13.95 (-10%)

作者 大衛·葛芬
股票,就是一場世紀大騙局! 臺灣人口2,357萬人,有1,200萬人投資股票, 但真正賺到錢的人有多少? 買在低點、賣在高點,卻沒有賺到錢, 短期投資、長期持有,常常血本無歸, 天天看盤、觀察趨勢,以為自己在坐轎,原來只是幫人抬轎。 內線消息不可信,投資明牌要存疑, 但資深財經記者的話,一定要聽: 「在還沒搞懂股票前,千萬別再買股票!」   了解更多
原价 RM 53.75

现售 RM 53.75 (-0%)

会员 RM 48.38 (-10%)

作者 Helmy Effendy
Siapa sangka, percutian para pelajar Universiti Tun Dr. Mahathir ke Langkawi untuk menyiapkan assignment dirundung malang besar. Pesawat Boeing 777-300ER, penerbangan MH707 yang dinaiki mereka terhempas di sebuah pulau misteri. Afiq Zaki, Tengku Nizariff dan Ummu Habibah, tiga orang sahabat baik antara penumpang pesawat itu. Siapa sangka, pulau itu menyimpan seribu misteri yang menanti untuk dibongkarkan mereka yang terselamat daripada nahas besar itu. Entah kenapa juga, t 了解更多
原价 RM 37.00

现售 RM 37.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 33.30 (-10%)

作者 Helmy Affendy
Kita berkongsi dunia dengan mereka... Mereka ialah pemburu hantu. Tapi nanti dulu! Mereka tiada kena-mengena dengan Sam dan Dean Winchester. Mereka juga tidak ada kaitan dengan kumpulan legenda Ghosbuster. Mereka adalah Badruz Zaman dan Citra Adra, kacukan manusia-bunian, kembar yang yatim piatu. Pasangan kembar ini ada misi tersendiri. Mereka mahu mencari jalan masuk ke alam bunian demi mencari asal usul dan mengenali ibu ayah mereka. Namun, tiada sesiapa yang tahu cara u 了解更多
原价 RM 37.00

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会员 RM 33.30 (-10%)

作者 Chris Fenning
Get people's attention and get your message across at work. Learn the simplest way to improve your business communication skills. There is no fluff and no vague advice, just practical step-by-step methods you can start using today. This multi-award-winning book teaches specific methods for having short, clear business conversations, emails, meetings, interviews, and more. Check out the reviews to hear from the real people this book has helped. Communication should be clear 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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会员 RM 44.91 (-10%)

~Tiada yang lebih gelap daripada sisi gelap seorang manusia.~ Lapangan Terbang Hang Nadim di Eurasia dirampas oleh kumpulan pengganas. Dalam masa yang sama, sebuah pesawat yang telah hilang lima tahun lalu muncul secara tiba-tiba. Tidak lama kemudian, lapangan terbang itu diselubungi gelombang hitam yang tidak diketahui dari mana datangnya. Apa sebenarnya yang terjadi? Misteri apakah yang sedang melanda lapangan terbang itu? Bala tidak berhenti menyapa mereka yang berada di 了解更多
原价 RM 14.00

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会员 RM 12.60 (-10%)

作者 Rei Effendi
"Mereka ada di sekitar kita." Setelah putus dengan girlfriend-nya, Edo pergi ke perpustakaan dan terjumpa seorang gadis cantik. Dia jatuh hati pandang pertama. Tapi, ada misteri tak terungkap pada gadis itu... Chacha melalui kejadian aneh lagi seram ketika aktiviti perkhemahan di sekolah... Juwita terserempak wanita berkebaya semasa perjalanan pulang ke rumah... Dan barisan kisah seram bikin korang rasa 'sesuatu'! sedang memerhati! 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 丹尼爾·芬斯特
★全美排名第一的疼痛管理診所院長「丹尼爾‧芬斯特」重磅著作★ 簡單又非侵入式的筋膜療法,讓你告別疼痛成功自療 9大伸展姿勢× 6項正位練習,找回筋膜最佳狀態。 7大面向×21個技法,化開筋膜激痛點 10位專家深入訪談,讓你擁有健康的身心狀態。 ──筋膜鬆了,身體就好了── 【筋膜解痛專家/國家隊隊醫|凃俐雯醫師 專業審訂】   筋膜是我們 了解更多
原价 RM 73.90

现售 RM 73.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 66.51 (-10%)

作者 Affieyza Isahak , Fitri Husin , Helmi Effendy
Hidup Sidek mula berubah selepas pulang dari Batu 20. Dia mula diganggu jelmaan yang mahukan habuan manakala Pian pula semakin jelik tingkah lakunya. Pian semakin galak mendekati isteri Sidek sehinggakan menimbulkan rasa cemburu. Sidek semakin tertekan apabila ada yang menghuni basnya dan menyerupai dirinya untuk mendapatkan habuan. “Hadirku pabila diseru.” / BATU 20 Kejadian orang hilang semakin menjadi-jadi. Enam orang termasuk yang dijumpai semula dalam keadaan koma 了解更多
原价 RM 28.00

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会员 RM 25.20 (-10%)

作者 吴青峰 Wu Qing Feng
吴青峰暌违三年全新词曲创作,「恋人絮语」歌名与法国文学家Roland Barthes的同名名着,新歌还邀请到金马影后林嘉欣献声法文口白,提及的是无法自拔地将累化作成甜蜜的爱情,此作也是他全创作个人专辑《马拉美的星期二》的序曲。而今次创作的灵感起源与纪录亦特别以名为「《马拉美的沙龙》在高雄卫武营艺术文化中心限定两周时间展出,将这些作品最原 了解更多
原价 RM 169.90

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会员 RM 152.91 (-10%)

作者 Earth Defence Squad
Fujita Hayate is a skilled martial arts practitioner. When he comes across a film character with superior skills, he decides to challenge him. What he does nor know is that the character's actions are actually performed by Anita Hathaway, a stuntwoman. Hayate gets drwn into the stunt profession and it becomes an obsession. A director asks the stunt duo to do some dangerous stunts without any protective gear. What wil they decide? 了解更多
原价 RM 13.50

现售 RM 13.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 12.15 (-10%)

作者 Earth Defence Squad
Harry Horner is a palaeontologist and museum guide. His research to develop and bring prehistoric animals back to life gains the interest of a research centre. He is invited to join them and have his work funded. Harry accepts the job and gets to know Hermione Vickers, a palaebiologist at the centre. Both of them uncover a secret conspiracy behind the centre's mission. What does it have to do with prehistoric animals? How will they set things right? 了解更多
原价 RM 13.50

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会员 RM 12.15 (-10%)

作者 Earth Defence Squad
Chris Curtis, the main lead, is a computer engineer. He designed a programme named 'Sister' to help with the housework and take care of him. His ill-intentioned colleague, Tommy Gregg steals 'Siste' away. Tommy uses the programme to turn the world into a virtual one. He even intends to use it to subdue the world. What should Chris do to solve this problem? 了解更多
原价 RM 13.50

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会员 RM 12.15 (-10%)

作者 Earth Defence Squad
The lead, Noah Armstrong is an armoured car guard. He joins Charlotte Smith's armoured company after giving in to her charm. Noah serves as the chief guard as a newcomer, which dissatisfies the senior staff. After some heated arguments, their relationship gradually improves and they work in harmony. At this point, the company receives a very important transit mission. Besides being watched by the whole city, the guards must be on the alert for robbers from all walks of life w 了解更多
原价 RM 13.50

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会员 RM 12.15 (-10%)

作者 Earth Defence Squad
Aiden Crenshaw, the lead character, is a successful fashion designer who owns a large, well-established fashion house. He is also a well-known fashion industry guru, despite being bullied as a teenager. When the female lead, Ella Klein, comes for a job interview at his company, Aiden recognises her from his troubled past and hires her to make her life miserable. After a series of events, however, they become good friends again. Along the way, a plagirism issue crops up. How w 了解更多
原价 RM 13.50

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会员 RM 12.15 (-10%)

作者 Earth Defence Squad
The main lead, Dr Carl Young, is a psychiatrist and also the creator of Dreamwalker. A psychiatric patient who tries to jump to his death leads Dr Chrissie Floyd, another psychiatrist, to Carl. Both of them solve many critical cases together with their medical expertise. However, when a patient with a dangerous obsession abducts several children, they are left feeling helpless. How will they get into his mind and outwit him in order to save the children? 了解更多
原价 RM 13.50

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会员 RM 12.15 (-10%)

作者 Earth Defence Squad
Ray Chuffs, a pastry chef meets Skye Tanner, a wealthy girl who literally falls from the sky. Skye begins to work in Ray’s pastry shop quite by accident. As Ray lacks funds, he can only open a shop in a remote alley. Even with his marvellous skills, the shop remains unnoticed. The enthusiastic Skye constantly thinks of ways to help him. Although she constantly gets herself into hilarious messes, Ray is deeply moved by her. Little does Skye know that she might lead to the en 了解更多
原价 RM 13.50

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会员 RM 12.15 (-10%)

作者 Jonathan Fenske
This series is part of Scholastic's early reader line, Acorn, aimed at children who are learning to read. With easy-to-read text, a short-story format, plenty of humor, and full-color artwork on every page, these books will boost reading confidence and fluency. Acorn books plant a love of reading and help readers grow! It's bedtime for Plankton and Crabby! Crabby just wants to go to sleep, but Plankton has other ideas. Plankton wants Crabby to take a bath. Plankton wants 了解更多
原价 RM 21.90

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会员 RM 19.71 (-10%)

作者 Jonathan Fenske
The second book in Geisel Award Honoree Jonathan Fenske's hilarious underwater early reader series! Pick a book. Grow a Reader! This series is part of Scholastic's early reader line, Acorn, aimed at children who are learning to read. With easy-to-read text, a short-story format, plenty of humor, and full-color artwork on every page, these books will boost reading confidence and fluency. Acorn books plant a love of reading and help readers grow! Plankton wants Crabby to play a 了解更多
原价 RM 21.90

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会员 RM 19.71 (-10%)

作者 Jonathan Fenske
Check out this hilarious early reader series from Geisel Award Honoree Jonathan Fenske! Pick a book. Grow a Reader! This series is part of Scholastic's early reader line, Acorn, aimed at children who are learning to read. With easy-to-read text, a short-story format, plenty of humor, and full-color artwork on every page, these books will boost reading confidence and fluency. Acorn books plant a love of reading and help readers grow! Crabby is NOT happy. Sun is in Crabby's eye 了解更多
原价 RM 21.90

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会员 RM 19.71 (-10%)

Ayah; orang kata tak kahwin tak boleh jadi ayah. Ingat kalau kahwin tu lesen layak jadi ayah? Ada ayah watak putih. Ada ayah watak hitam. Umpama musang berbulu ayam, harapkan pegar, pegar makan padi. Utamanya kita dengar, ayahlah pemimpin kita sedari kecil. Sebatan ayah yang menjadikan kita manusia pada hari ini. Ada ke ayah yang jadi ibu? Siapa ayah? Selami hati 21 penulis yang menyulam 21 kisah ayah. ——— Muhammad Faizal Ramizah Ramli Muhammad F 了解更多
原价 RM 22.00

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会员 RM 19.80 (-10%)

作者 杰伊·瑞芬博瑞
“没有任何借口”是美国西点军校200年来奉行的最重要的行为准则,它强化每一位学员想尽办法去完成任何一项任务,而不是为没有完成任务去寻找借口,哪怕是看似合理的借口。   “没有任何借口”是完整的、没有国界的获得个人、企业和组织成功的方法;它是建立在自我责任、目标、服从、正直、宽容、自尊稳固基础上的简单可操作的核心价值观和行动 了解更多
原价 RM 39.80

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会员 RM 35.82 (-10%)

作者 Fen
人氣blogger Fen,其facebook fan page有逾萬個like,今個書展她將推出首本實體書食譜,介紹四十多個用平常材料做成的精緻家常菜,全書step by step 圖示,務求讀者可以跟著做得到。 本書分四大章節 前菜及湯羹:香辣蜜汁豬肉乾、藥膳花雕醉拼盤、醬油燜鮑魚、冬瓜雞絲魚唇羹等 主菜及飯麵:黃金缽仔蛋焗蠔、金華火腿開屏魚、麻辣大盤雞、紅燒番茄牛肉麵等 一菜 了解更多
原价 RM 39.00

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会员 RM 35.10 (-10%)

作者 保羅.凡頓-史密斯
長久以來,塔羅牌一直籠罩一層神祕的氛圍。它自十四世紀開始就以目前的形式存在著,而且由於它的準確性,早已為自己贏得許多的追隨者。 塔羅牌反映出類似生命探索的本質。在我們以純真換取智慧的過程中,當我們在生活面對感情或經驗上的改變時,它有助於解釋這些變化的各個階段有什麼意義。幾世紀以來它就一直被用來闡明這些變化,塔羅牌不只被 了解更多
原价 RM 45.80

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会员 RM 41.22 (-10%)

作者 保羅‧凡頓—史密斯
假如你想要得到最可靠的塔羅指引,就是這本書了! 《其實你已經很塔羅了》作者又一最新力作!讓你能完全掌握塔羅牌的奧義! 你對塔羅牌的瞭解越深刻,牌對你所揭露的就越多。不論是初學者或是對塔羅有造詣的讀者,擁有22年實務經驗的保羅‧凡頓-史密斯在塔羅牌分析上,皆能給你大師級的精闢觀點。《你可以再塔羅一點》這本書可提供您: 了解更多
原价 RM 51.50

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会员 RM 46.35 (-10%)



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