9th Birthday Sale
9th Birthday Sale

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作者 Ng Kam Siew
Preparing your own boxed lunch for work is an act of self-love from both a hygienic and nutritional perspective. From an economic standpoint, it can certainly help you save a lot of money on meals and control monthly expenses. This cookbook is written by Kam Siew, a well-known food blogger on Xiaohongshu. She has been consistently bringing her own boxed lunch to work for 8 years, accumulating rich experience in creating delicious and nutritionally balanced boxed lunches. In 了解更多
原价 RM 28.50

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会员 RM 25.65 (-10%)

作者 Livia Blackburne
Clementine Chan believes in the power of the written word. Under the pseudonym Hibiscus, she runs a popular blog reviewing tea shops and discussing larger issues within her Chinatown community. She has a loyal, kind following, save for this one sour grape named Bobaboy888. Danny Mok is allergic to change, and the gentrification seeping into Chinatown breaks his heart. He channels his frustration into his internet alter ego, Bobaboy888, bickering with local blogger Hibiscus 了解更多
原价 RM 65.95

现售 RM 59.36 (-10%)

会员 RM 52.76 (-20%)

作者 The Woke Salaryman
Crash Course on Capitalism and Money: Lessons from the World's Most Expensive City is not your typical personal finance guide. Written by the founders of the top personal finance blog in Singapore, this book acknowledges the frustrations many young people feel as they enter the world of money, and it shows you how to develop the mindset necessary to thrive for the rest of your life. Through visual storytelling, Crash Course on Capitalism and Money melds personal finance, econ 了解更多
原价 RM 110.15

现售 RM 99.14 (-10%)

会员 RM 88.12 (-20%)


讲述一起长大的四个女孩,成年散落天南海北,但各自人生的一次转折让她们再度重聚成都。面对阔别多年的故乡,她们经历着从不适应到再熟悉的过程,在挫折中找到了事业的新方向,收获了友谊、亲人的抚慰和爱情的美好,最终她们发现,在故乡也能找到人生的无限可能的故事。 Zhang Pei, Gou Dan Dan, Dong Jia Xi and Wu Yun are four girls who grew up together. Zhang Pei is a stri 了解更多
原价 RM 129.90

现售 RM 116.91 (-10%)

会员 RM 103.92 (-20%)

Success Plus is a series of comprehensive, effective revision guides based on the new Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Menengah (KSSM). Success Science Form 2 provides in-depth coverage of the learning standards outlined in the Form 2 Dokumen Standard Kurikulum dan Pentaksiran (DSKP) and contains special features which have been carefully designed to enhance students’ understanding of each topic. Elements of the Summative Assessment (Ujian Akhir Sesi Akademik) are integrated in t 了解更多
原价 RM 19.90

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会员 RM 19.90 (-0%)

Success Plus is a series of comprehensive, effective revision guides based on the new Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Menengah (KSSM). Success Science Form 2 provides in-depth coverage of the learning standards outlined in the Form 3 Dokumen Standard Kurikulum dan Pentaksiran (DSKP) and contains special features which have been carefully designed to enhance students’ understanding of each topic. Elements of the Summative Assessment (Ujian Akhir Sesi Akademik) are integrated in t 了解更多
原价 RM 19.90

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会员 RM 19.90 (-0%)

作者 黑貓老師
\只是想當個KOL怎麼會遇到這麼多鬼故事o_O???/ 經營多種網路自媒體超過二十年, 千萬人氣「黑貓老師」血淚分享(?) 在歡樂的筆觸中,閱讀作者各種光怪陸離的親身經歷, 噴淚,笑爛,傻爆眼……各種不可思議, 無端被炎上、演算法惡搞、莫名被BAN……如何預防處理? 想知道KOL在幹嘛、想成為KOL的新手、正在做KOL的人,或只想看熱鬧…… 不看很 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

现售 RM 69.30 (-0%)

会员 RM 62.37 (-10%)

作者 Neil Dagger
This is the definitive guide on how to make money quickly and easily with ChatGPT (Updated for GPT-4) By following this step-by-step guide you will be able to: ✔ Create passive income sources that keep on giving - in minutes. ✔ Impress your customers by getting their projects finished extremely fast with high quality (with zero effort!) ✔ Research, create and promote engaging content effortlessly. ✔ Get time back to focus on what really matters. We currently live 了解更多
原价 RM 45.00

现售 RM 40.50 (-10%)

会员 RM 36.00 (-20%)

Success Plus merupakan buku rujukan komprehensif dan efektif yang ditulis berdasarkan Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Menengah (KSSM) terkini. Success Plus Sains Tingkatan 1 menepati standard pembelajaran yang digariskan dalam Dokumen Standard Kurikulum dan Pentaksiran (DSKP) Tingkatan 1 secara menyeluruh. Ciri-ciri istimewa yang terdapat dalam buku ini dirancang dengan teliti untuk meningkatkan pemahaman murid bagi setiap topik yang dipelajari. Elemen yang berkaitan dengan Ujian 了解更多
原价 RM 18.90

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作者 Joe Pulizzi , Brian Piper
From the “godfather of content marketing”―this completely revised and expanded edition brings marketers fully up to date on the newest content marketing methods and tools, including Web3 When Epic Content Marketing was first published eight years ago, content marketing was just starting to pick up speed in the marketing world. Now, this approach―which includes everything from blogging to YouTube videos to social media―is the core of most organizations’ marketing 了解更多
原价 RM 93.00

现售 RM 93.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 83.70 (-10%)


Success Plus merupakan buku rujukan komprehensif dan efektif yang ditulis berdasarkan Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Menengah (KSSM) terkini. Success Plus Geografi Tingkatan 1 menepati standard pembelajaran yang digariskan dalam Dokumen Standard Kurikulum dan Pentaksiran (DSKP) Tingkatan 1 secara menyeluruh. Ciri-ciri istimewa yang terdapat dalam buku ini dirancang dengan teliti untuk meningkatkan pemahaman murid bagi setiap topik yang dipelajari. Elemen yang berkaitan dengan Uji 了解更多
原价 RM 16.90

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会员 RM 16.90 (-0%)

Success Plus merupakan buku rujukan komprehensif dan efektif yang ditulis berdasarkan Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Menengah (KSSM) terkini. Success Plus Sejarah Tingkatan 1 menepati standard pembelajaran yang digariskan dalam Dokumen Standard Kurikulum dan Pentaksiran (DSKP) Tingkatan 1 secara menyeluruh. Ciri-ciri istimewa yang terdapat dalam buku ini dirancang dengan teliti untuk meningkatkan pemahaman murid bagi setiap topik yang dipelajari. Elemen yang berkaitan dengan Ujia 了解更多
原价 RM 18.90

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作者  Stephen Guise
Lasting Change for Early Quitters, Burnouts, the Unmotivated, and Everyone Else Too When I decided to start exercising consistently 10 years ago, this is what actually happened: I tried "getting motivated." It worked sometimes. I tried setting audacious big goals. I almost always failed them. I tried to make changes last. They didn't. Like most people who try to change and fail, I assumed that I was the problem. Then one afternoon—after another failed attempt to get motiv 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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会员 RM 44.91 (-10%)

作者  Olivia Yallop
In the attention economy, online influencers are an emerging class of power brokers. How can you harness their potential? Break the Internet takes a deep dive into the influencer industry, tracing its evolution from blogging and legacy social media such as Tumblr to today's world in which YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok dominate. Digital strategist Olivia Yallop goes undercover amongst content creators to understand how online personas are built, uncovering what it is really 了解更多
原价 RM 64.90

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会员 RM 58.41 (-10%)

作者 Vivy Yusof
At the age of thirty-four, I’ve built a nine-figure fashion company, garnered 1.8 million followers on Instagram and managed to squeeze in time to get married and give birth to not one, but four children. And it all started from a blog. Perfect for young entrepreneurs, this book shares the secrets of my entrepreneurial journey so far – from starting a business with my boyfriend (telling my dad sure was fun), to writing a business plan on a piece of tissue paper, to fun 了解更多
原价 RM 87.50

现售 RM 78.75 (-10%)

会员 RM 70.00 (-20%)

作者 大衛·艾瑞
最多設計師推薦的LOGO書 ▌暢銷經典版 ▌ 上萬設計師一致評價:「好實用、好感謝!」 一定要知道的接案血淚經驗 解答15題同業都在敲碗詢問的疑難雜症 百萬瀏覽率,歸納31條見招拆招的「LOGO設計法則」 報價眉角‧知名案例‧溝通技巧‧設計祕訣,一次學 給你歐美一線設計師的超級經驗談!   想從事LOGO設計或學習如何設計的人,會發現這本書是無價之寶 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

现售 RM 69.30 (-0%)

会员 RM 62.37 (-10%)

  \有效傳遞心意!/\觸動對方的心!/   文字傳達不了的心意,就交給火柴人來達成吧!     適用於便條留言、企劃簡報、說明書等各種領域,讓人一看就懂!     大家都畫過火柴人吧?然而,畫火柴人是有訣竅的!   只用圓圈跟線條所組成的火柴人,竟然可以渾身是戲、栩栩如生,   透過本書的介紹,帶領大家學會觀察、抓重點、化繁 了解更多
原价 RM 55.45

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会员 RM 49.91 (-10%)

作者 Surianti Ramli
Surianti Ramli has been cooking professionally for more than 10 years. She starting her career as a blogger, and she is now active on Instagram and Youtube. She has more than 350k followers on Instagram, as well as experience in cooperating with various prestigious companies in Malaysia, proving her credibility in the culinary field. To further expand her credibility in this field, Surianti Ramli came up with the book “Recipes from Surianti’s Kitchen” which presents 40 了解更多
原价 RM 19.90

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会员 RM 17.91 (-10%)

作者 Surianti Ramli
Surianti Ramli berpengalaman lebih 10 tahun dalam bidang masakan professional. Bermula sebagai blogger, kini beliau aktif di Instagram dan Youtube. Mempunyai lebih daripada 350 ribu pengikut di Instagram, serta berpengalaman bekerjasama dengan pelbagai syarikat berprestij di Malaysia, membuktikan kredibiliti beliau dalam bidang masakan. Bagi melebarkan lagi kredibiliti beliau dalam bidang ini, Surianti Ramli tampil dengan buku “Resipi dari Dapur Surianti” yang menyajik 了解更多
原价 RM 19.90

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会员 RM 15.90 (-20%)

作者 Mary Thompson
The Gluten-Free Secret to Enjoying Incredible Sourdough Loaves, Breads & Pastries If you're gluten-free, then you understand the struggle of finding delicious, gluten-free breads and baked goods. But with Mary Thompson, founder of the beloved A Couple of Celiacs food blog, baking scrumptious glutenfree sourdough is not only possible, it's easier than you'd think! Master the art of sourdough baking under the guidance of an expert to whip up wheatless 了解更多
原价 RM 129.90

现售 RM 129.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 116.91 (-10%)

作者 東野圭吾
  只有東野圭吾能顛覆東野圭吾!   天才伽利略的最大反差!   榮獲東野圭吾最大Fan Blog全作品綜合推薦TOP 2、讀者票選全作品TOP 10!   改編電影由福山雅治、吉高由里子主演,締造超過50億日圓驚人票房!   你是我不曾忘記,卻沒有勇氣想起的秘密。   如果殘酷真的都已經被埋葬在過去,   如果我只需要珍惜現在與未來,   為什麼心裡 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

现售 RM 55.00 (-15%)

会员 RM 55.00 (-15%)

作者 海星
沒錢、沒學歷、沒背景、沒關係,也沒關係! 日本人氣KOL教你如何發起微型革命 踏出改變現狀的第一步 開創第二收入,邁向財務自由 你一定也能辦得到! 從小地方開始改變就是屬於平凡人的自我革命   化危機為轉機,   開創第二收入,讓人生有更多可能、活得更自由!   受到COVID-19疫情影響,人們的工作型態大為改變,甚至有許多人被迫減班、放 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

现售 RM 58.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 Alexandra Leigh Young
K-pop gets the Gossip Girl treatment when Alice Choy is catapulted into the life of a manufactured popstar at the elite Top10 Entertainment's Star Academy. When seventeen-year-old Alice Choy moved from San Francisco to Seoul, she left behind her friends - and the regular singing lessons she used to love. Now the only singing she does is karaoke with her little sister in Myeongdong. That is, until she's spotted by a scout for Top10 Entertainment and invited to attend their St 了解更多
原价 RM 51.90

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会员 RM 46.71 (-10%)

作者 Francesca Specter
How to be alone and absolutely own it, by founder of the Alonement blog and podcast, Francesca Specter. Being alone has a serious branding issue. We've only ever had negative language to talk about flying solo - but what about when time spent alone is restorative and joyful? What if it's something you crave? What if it's even just an hour you've carved out for yourself in the middle of a hectic week? Enter: Alonement, Francesca Specter's empowering new word to express valui 了解更多
原价 RM 72.90

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会员 RM 65.61 (-10%)

作者 Bruce Clay
Get search engines to rank your site as the No. 1 result with help from this comprehensive resource What's the best hiding place in the world? The second page of Google's search results! If you want your website to be found, you need to make sure it appears prominently on search engines. In Search Engine Optimization All-in-One For Dummies, you'll find practical and easy-to-follow advice to increase your site's chances of landing that coveted No. 1 spot on Google, Bing, and 了解更多
原价 RM 162.95

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会员 RM 146.66 (-10%)

作者 Kristina Cho
In Mooncakes & Milk Bread, food blogger Kristina Cho (eatchofood.com) introduces readers to Chinese bakery cooking with fresh, uncomplicated interpretations of classic recipes for the modern baker. Inside you’ll find sweet and savory baked buns, steamed buns, Chinese breads, unique cookies, whimsical cakes, juicy dumplings, Chinese breakfast dishes, and drinks. Recipes for steamed BBQ pork buns, pineapple buns with a thick slice of butter, silky smooth milk t 了解更多
原价 RM 140.95

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会员 RM 126.86 (-10%)


作者 Yasmin Rahman
Your friend or your secret - which one will you keep? A powerful book tackling two important subjects, domestic violence and living in foster care, particularly in the Muslim community, by the author of ALL THE THINGS WE NEVER SAID, nominated for the Carnegie Medal, and YA runner-up in the inaugural Diverse Book Awards 2020. Best friends Amani and Huda are getting nervous about their GCSEs - and their future beyond school, which they're both wildly unprepared for. Shy, quie 了解更多
原价 RM 51.90

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会员 RM 46.71 (-10%)

作者 Annabel Streets , Susan Saunders
An essential handbook for making the second half of your life happy, healthy and disease-free. Diseases of older age take root decades before symptoms appear. For a longer, happier life, we need to plan ahead - but what exactly should we do? For five years, Annabel Streets and Susan Saunders immersed themselves in the latest science of longevity, radically overhauling their lives and documenting their findings on their popular 了解更多
原价 RM 64.90

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会员 RM 58.41 (-10%)

作者 Kristin Harmel
Throughout the 1940s, forgers helped thousands of children escape Nazi France. In this instant New York Times bestseller, Kristin Harmel reimagines their story... Perfect for readers of The Tattooist of Auschwitz, The Librarian of Auschwitz and The Book Thief. In 1942, Eva is forced to flee Paris after the arrest of her father, a Polish Jew. Finding refuge in a small mountain town, she begins forging identity documents for Jewish children escaping to neutral Switzerland. But 了解更多
原价 RM 54.90

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会员 RM 49.41 (-10%)

作者 Frank Lipman , Neil Parikh
If you are like most people, the odds are you aren't getting enough sleep. Thanks to shifts in our culture, we are in the midst of an epidemic of sleeplessness, and unfortunately, sleep deprivation has bigger consequences than one might think, ranging from irritability, brain fog, and weight gain to serious conditions like hormone dysregulation, heart disease, memory impairment, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease. Better Sleep, Better You offers a one-stop resource to help yo 了解更多
原价 RM 57.95

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会员 RM 52.16 (-10%)

作者 KC Lau
"KCLau is the founder of KCLau.com, one of the leading financial blogs in Malaysia with more than 1,388 articles. With more than 20 years of experience in the personal finance arena, he has authored 6 books and has created over a dozen online financial courses to impart greater awareness on the subject. He has also hosted more than 500 online webinars and has contributed regularly to various media including New Straits Times, Smart Investor, etc. This book is the culminat 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

现售 RM 44.91 (-10%)

会员 RM 39.92 (-20%)

作者 佐依
把興趣進化成滿意的收入, 讓工作對齊你的理想生活!   ◎拉近專業與熱情的差距   ◎3種帶來穩定金流的變現形式   ◎自媒體打造個人品牌   ◎愛上推銷才能持續獲利   你是否已花費許多時間在無愛錢少的工作上,   而真正想做的事,卻被埋没在腦海中?   熱情與麵包,只能選一個嗎?   我們總認為只要完成學業,接下來的職場生活就 了解更多
原价 RM 53.90

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会员 RM 48.51 (-10%)

作者 鄭文堡
一本令傳統命理師驚訝的八字書 別看,看了你就會批八字了!   踏入這行二十年,不斷地從客戶身上累積實戰經驗,近幾年亦成 功驗證五行八字的心法,它亦是一門時間科學,既然講求科學,絕對 不能故步自封,必須勇於創新而非流於套命,經年累月,我仍不斷思 考修正 Update,從生活中去體悟並發掘更多的十神類象。   假如你願意接受新觀念,並且 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 Kiley Reid
A new literary star' The Times The instant Sunday Times and New York Times Bestseller Longlisted for the 2020 Booker Prize When Emira is apprehended at a supermarket for 'kidnapping' the white child she's actually babysitting, it sets off an explosive chain of events. Her employer Alix, a feminist blogger with the best of intentions, resolves to make things right. But Emira herself is aimless, broke and wary of Alix's desire to help. When a surprising connection eme 了解更多
原价 RM 52.90

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会员 RM 47.61 (-10%)

作者 Ash Ambirge
Do you have an existential crisis every time your alarm goes off? Did you used to be fun/effervescent/happy/less of a bitter old b*tch - and now, let's just say, YOU ARE NOT? Do you want to feel creative, inspired and, well, just ALIVE again? Let Ash Ambirge - one of Huffington Post's 50 Must-Follow Women, and founder of the multi-million-dollar, multi-award-winning website and blog The Middle Finger Project - offer you a spunky new alternative to traditional concepts of 'wo 了解更多
原价 RM 79.90

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会员 RM 71.91 (-10%)

作者 小林世界
女工程師轉行經營一人食堂,掀起日本餐飲界的新風潮。 看似不可思議的經營方式,仔細分析下來卻又超級合理, 獨自一人也可以成功創業的祕訣,不藏私完全公開。   這間只有12個吧檯座位的「未來食堂」,每一個經營環節都令人驚訝。   每天只提供一種定食,坐上座位後最快三秒就可以吃到。這裡除了店主沒有任何員工,只要來光顧過一次的客 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 Haziah Binti Jaya
Sinopsis : Sesiapa juga mampu memasak. Namun yang membezakan keenakan sesuatu masakan ialah teknik memasak itu sendiri, yang biasanya kita gelarkan sebagai 'air tangan masakan'. Walau berbeza sekalipun segenggam garam pada setiap orang, 101 Resipi dari Azie Kitchen Oleh Haziah Jaya, pemilik blog Azie Kitchen akan mendekatkan perbezaan tersebut. Resipi dalam buku masakan ini mampu diikuti oleh sesiapa sahaja, bukan sekadar menambah minat malahan meningkatkan keyakinan anak mu 了解更多
原价 RM 32.90

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会员 RM 22.90 (-30%)

作者 林雅之
  LINE、IG、FB、Blog,   任何社群流量都像「雪球」般越滾越大!   一邊開網店,一邊上班,   兩倍速累積你的第一桶金!   微薪時代,許多上班族都想利用正職工作外的零碎時間發展複業,不僅增加收入,也能為職涯帶來更多彈性與保障。其中,「網路開店」可說是成本相對低廉的創業方式。   想在網路上販售商品,「社群」絕對是你該注意 了解更多
原价 RM 50.80

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会员 RM 45.72 (-10%)

作者 安東尼·伊安納里諾
3個月業績增加10%的實戰手冊 沒有賣不出去的東西,只有不知道怎麼賣東西的業務員 17項超級業務員必備的關鍵要素,讓你跟誰推銷都成交 想要成為超級業務員,該加強什麼技巧?   超級業務員的成功關鍵是什麼?是了解市場、產品、公司品牌、競爭對手?   都不是,成功銷售最關鍵的要素是你!   不論你是菜鳥或是老將,只要改變心態、掌握技巧 了解更多
原价 RM 53.90

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会员 RM 48.51 (-10%)

作者 Julianna Miner
For parents who didn’t grow up with smartphones but can’t let go of them now, expert advice on raising kids in our constantly connected world Most kids get their first smartphone at the same time that they’re experiencing major developmental changes. Making mistakes has always been a part of growing up, but how do parents help their kids navigate childhood and adolescence at a time when social media has the potential to magnify the consequences of those mistakes? Rathe 了解更多
原价 RM 75.50

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会员 RM 67.95 (-10%)

Colette has been selected to plan a student-run fashion show at Mouseford Academy, and her friends the Thea Sisters rally around to help. There's a runway to build, fashion bloggers to invite, and clothes to design. And as usual, diva mouse Ruby Flashyfur has a plan to land herself in the spotlight. Will she succeed, or will Colette and the Thea Sisters come out on top? 了解更多
原价 RM 23.90

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会员 RM 21.51 (-10%)

作者 Joshua George
A magical bedtime story book for children.Bear is ready for bed, but first she wants to say good night to all her animal friends. Insert the magic torch between the pages to find Bear's friends in each night-time scene and watch children glow with delight!Repetitive, rhyming text to help young children learn rhythm and tone.Clever windows throughout reveal hidden animals when the torch is inserted.Includes a handy ribbon to keep the magic torch attached to the book."If you ar 了解更多
原价 RM 29.90

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会员 RM 29.90 (-0%)


作者 伊塔倫倫
  Amazon.jp全員五星評價   日本「recipe-blog」料理網站麵包類人氣No.1   超簡單!即使是第一次做日式麵包,   也保證立刻上手!   日系百貨公司裡的麵包店,總是人氣十足,   不論大人或小孩都很喜愛,   本書教你在家就能輕鬆且成功地   烤出鬆軟可口的日式麵包。   書中採用的日本麵粉,在台灣都能買到,   若讀者使用的麵粉非日 了解更多
原价 RM 46.20

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会员 RM 41.58 (-10%)

Fully updated, flexible resources taking an active-learning approach that encourages students to aim higher in the 0500, 0524 and 0990 syllabuses. With travel writing, magazine articles, blogs and extracts from writers such as Roald Dahl and D. H. Lawrence, this coursebook helps students develop their English Language skills through an active, communicative approach. The first unit in each part covers text analysis, summary writing and note-taking. The second deals with direc 了解更多
原价 RM 262.00

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会员 RM 235.80 (-10%)

作者 吳美玲
★第一本專為中式脾胃設計的低醣生酮食譜★ 不挨餓、超美味、好省時的健康享瘦配方! ★自製健康醬料避開潛藏的醣與糖:塔塔醬、自製美乃滋、健康花生醬、辣味燒烤醬… ★營養健康更美味的牛肉佳餚:打拋牛肉佐粉絲生菜、香蔥炒牛肉、茄汁漢堡肉… ★滋味豐富多變化的豬肉料理:清燉獅子頭、麻婆豆腐、原滋味滷肉、螞蟻上樹… ★百吃不厭最佳 了解更多
原价 RM 52.35

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会员 RM 47.12 (-10%)

作者 吳美玲
不悶熱、少顧爐、零油煙、超省時! 歷時2年10個月小小米桶最新食譜 收錄250個廚房料理關鍵重點 近1000個精準step、每個步驟的注意note、技巧tips、快速索引… 如同小小米桶和你一起下廚,毫無疑惑的快速上桌!   全新內容的零油煙 × 超省時常備菜。教你不悶熱輕鬆下廚   天天外食情非得已,誰不希望回家享受熱騰騰又健康的飯菜呢?考 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

现售 RM 35.00 (-40%)

会员 RM 35.00 (-40%)

作者 Rachel Renee Russell
Nikki Maxwell, Queen of the Dorks, is back in the eleventh instalment of the NYT bestselling series! Nikki is spending a week at North Hampton Hills as part of the school transfer programme. The good news is that NHH is super-cool and preppy. The bad news is that Nikki's nemesis MacKenzie started there two weeks ago! But, faced with NHH queen bee Tiffany, who takes meanness to a whole new level, Nikki might need to work WITH Macke 了解更多
原价 RM 47.90

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会员 RM 43.11 (-10%)

作者 凱瑞依·卓威里
失控的公民課,誰能讓全民放棄按鈕投票、決定他人生死的誘惑? 想像一下: 在這樣的社會裡,被控謀殺者的命運生死權交由公眾來投票表決。 再也沒有比這方法更民主、更公平了,不是嗎? 「在本書的發想階段,我讀到一篇由歷史學家莉茲・賀曼斯(Liz Homans)所寫的文章,標題是〈搖擺的六零年代:死刑的廢除〉,我要感謝她這篇有趣且提供非常多 了解更多
原价 RM 53.90

现售 RM 53.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 48.51 (-10%)

作者 卵山玉子
  ☆☆☆日本Ameba blog貓咪排行榜第1名,萬眾矚目,超人氣貓咪隨筆漫畫登場☆☆☆   【一人兩匹超治癒,三大特色讓貓奴愛不釋手,沒事翻翻確保生活好心情】   ◎特色1:超精彩四格漫畫,有特色又傳神的176P全彩圖文日常隨筆,全力描寫愛貓們的各種神奇怪癖!   ◎特色2:超大量對照寫真,主角貓小尖與雲雲的可愛身姿一覽無遺,隨時對照本尊和 了解更多
原价 RM 39.00

现售 RM 39.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 39.00 (-0%)

作者 monzusu
  長子宗介出生後,   開始有些和其他孩子不一樣的地方。   比同年齡的孩子更愛哭十倍以上,   有時一哭就哭了6小時;   同齡的孩子可以說些短句,   但宗介只會說一個詞,所有動物都是「汪汪」;   其他孩子可以安靜地坐著翻翻書,   但宗介卻永遠坐不住、不停大哭!   在兒子健檢時發現兒子可能是某種類型的情緒障礙,   作 了解更多
原价 RM 38.50

现售 RM 38.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 34.65 (-10%)

作者 GEE HUT (Fauziah Abd. Ghaffar)
Mudah Lazat dan Pasti jad. Sesuai untuk isteri dan wanita yang bekerja. Gee Hut merupakan seorang blogger masakan terkenal di Malaysia. Beliau sangat menggemari dunia masakan dan sering berkongsi resipi resipi beliau di majalah SAJI. Gee Hut atau lebih mesra dengan panggilan Kak Gee, ingin berkongsi resipi beliau melalui buku 101 Resipi Sajian Hati ke Hati. Buku ini mengandungi resepi tradisional dan moden yang di ambil daripada pakar pakar masakan dan di olah mengikut 了解更多
原价 RM 29.90

现售 RM 22.90 (-23%)

会员 RM 22.90 (-23%)

作者 Squall Chin
Breads have become a common staple food on top of rice and noodles. A regular household may purchase a loaf of commercially available bread every other day for breakfast, teatime and sometimes as a quick meal too. Supermarket breads contain additives and preservatives that are unhealthy. If you want a more nutritious option for your family, yet do not have the luxury of time, a bread maker is your timely solution, minus the mess and fuss. Basic bread machines are becoming mor 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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会员 RM 23.31 (-10%)

作者 Adlil Rajiah , Najmi Haniffah
Sejak blog saya menjadi viral, saya sering terima pelbagai soalan daripada ibu bapa. Antaranya, macam mana nak atasi anak tantrum? Kenapa anak orang pandai, anak saya tak pandai? Anak saya ketagih gadget, apa saya nak buat? kenapa anak orang lain baik, anak saya pula degil? Jadi, saya sediakan semua jawapannya berdasarkan pengalaman saya membesarkan anak saya, Ashraf Haikal. Dan antara penyelesaian untuk soalan ini, hanya semudah 3 kertas, 3 krayon dan 3 pensel warna. 了解更多
原价 RM 45.00

现售 RM 45.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 40.50 (-10%)

作者 Mark Manson
In this generation-defining self-help guide, a superstar blogger cuts through the crap to show us how to stop trying to be ""positive"" all the time so that we can truly become better, happier people. For decades, we’ve been told that positive thinking is the key to a happy, rich life. ""F**k positivity,"" Mark Manson says. ""Let’s be honest, shit is f**ked and we have to live with it."" In his wildly popular Internet blog, Mason doesn’t sugarcoat or equivocate. He t 了解更多
原价 RM 89.95

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会员 RM 80.96 (-10%)

作者 Fen
人氣blogger Fen,其facebook fan page有逾萬個like,今個書展她將推出首本實體書食譜,介紹四十多個用平常材料做成的精緻家常菜,全書step by step 圖示,務求讀者可以跟著做得到。 本書分四大章節 前菜及湯羹:香辣蜜汁豬肉乾、藥膳花雕醉拼盤、醬油燜鮑魚、冬瓜雞絲魚唇羹等 主菜及飯麵:黃金缽仔蛋焗蠔、金華火腿開屏魚、麻辣大盤雞、紅燒番茄牛肉麵等 一菜 了解更多
原价 RM 39.00

现售 RM 39.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 35.10 (-10%)

作者 Mohd Zulkifli Shafie
Buku “Wang Emas” berbeza dari buku-buku lain yang ada di pasaran. Hampir kesemua buku-buku emas di pasaran bercakap tentang “beli harga rendah jual harga tinggi”, tetapi buku Wang Emas memberikan penekanan manfaat simpanan emas selain beli harga rendah jual harga tinggi. Buku Wang Emas juga menunjukkan jalan secara praktikal bagaimana simpanan emas untuk mampu membantu meningkatkan kedudukan kewangan setiap orang daripada mendisiplinkan diri menyimpan setiap bulan seh 了解更多
原价 RM 25.00

现售 RM 20.00 (-20%)

会员 RM 20.00 (-20%)

作者 Harriet Evans
'The day Martha Winter decided to tear apart her family began like any other day ...''A brilliantly written story that will stay with you long after the last page' Fabulous Magazine, Sun on SundayThe Sunday Times Top Five Bestseller A Place For Us by Harriet Evans is a book you'll dive into, featuring a family you'll fall in love with . . . and never want to leave. If you devour Rosamunde Pilc 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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会员 RM 44.91 (-10%)

作者 Jeffrey Gitomer
The Sales Bible softbound NEW EDITION WITH SOCIAL MEDIA ANSWERS Global sales authority Jeffrey Gitomer's bestselling classic, The Sales Bible, has been updated and appended in this new edition, offering you the ultimate sales methods and strategies that really work every day, in real-world selling situations. With over 200,000 copies of the previous editions sold, The Sales Bible was listed as one of "The Ten Books Every Salesperson Should Own and Read" by the Dale Carnegie S 了解更多
原价 RM 86.15

现售 RM 86.15 (-0%)

会员 RM 77.54 (-10%)

作者 吴美玲
魔鬼藏在細節裡The devil is in the details。廚房裡的美味更是如此!   廚房總是不夠大,鍋具總是少一咖?有電鍋,可是往往只用來煮飯?一支平底鍋,除了煎蛋、煎肉,想不出還能怎麼用?小小烤箱只能加熱吐司?微波爐、電子鍋,除了熱菜煮飯還能做什麼?…如何用廚房裡最基本的小家電,不需額外的器具,以最省時!省力!省錢!又省空間!的方法,變化 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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会员 RM 58.23 (-10%)

作者 蘇珊‧麥尼 , 珊蒂‧史汀‧巴叟勒繆 , 瑪莉‧布朗妮
{禪繞畫,現代人最需要的 靜‧心‧劑}   ★風靡英美各國的禪繞畫(Zentangle®),不需要特殊技巧,只要會握筆,就可以畫!   ★由3位禪繞藝術領域中的頂尖作家──蘇珊‧麥尼、珊蒂‧史汀‧巴叟勒繆和瑪莉‧布朗妮(全都是禪繞認證教師),將會引導你進入這個領域。   ★還有其他來自世界各地的禪繞認證教師,也會在書中分享他們的藝術作品 了解更多
原价 RM 45.80

现售 RM 45.80 (-0%)

会员 RM 41.22 (-10%)

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