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' UTM LOGO 'Dijumpai 93 Produk Berkaitan
教你「平面創新風格」第一課 幾何設計,近5年最新趨勢 比照片更簡潔,比插畫更有設計感   精確+專業+結構=極致之美   主視覺+品牌識別&周邊,幾何設計最給力   圖像不求人,有效放大商品獨特性   無限延伸,更能發展獨家周邊商品!   KIEHL’S禮盒∣日本黑白和服∣手工巧克力∣歐洲爵士音樂節∣北歐居家博覽會∣   電音專輯∣資訊IT Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM76.85

SEKARANG: RM 76.85 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 69.17 (-10%)

Oleh 伍衛·波薛麥爾
  「有些真相不該說出來,有些沒必要說,有些絕對要說。」──德國作家威廉.布緒(Wilhelm Busch)   「為什麼不早說?」   受著傷的人,不只被人這樣問,也這樣問著自己;   但在內心深處,渴望有人能夠了解當時的顧慮與委屈──   「因為我當時無法告訴你。」   常常我們有些想法、感覺及恐懼想要告訴他人──卻一個字也說不出來。 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM46.20

SEKARANG: RM 46.20 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 41.58 (-10%)

Oleh Pittacus Lore
Return to Zero is the electrifying end to a story ten years in the making, bringing together the Legacies, Loric, Earth Garde and even the Mogadorians for a final, deadly showdown. After the battle in Switzerland, the Fugitive Six find their loyalties torn, splitting them into two factions. Taylor, Nigel and Kopano join Nine to return to the Academy, but nothing is the same. Fear and resentment of the Human Garde has been growing and the Academy is under siege. The Unit Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM54.95

SEKARANG: RM 54.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 49.46 (-10%)

  《网店美工》共有10个项目、23个任务,根据网店美工发展趋势和行业设计特点,通过美工岗位认知、店铺装修、产品主辅图设计、LOGO设计、店招及导航栏设计与制作、Banner广告及侧栏广告设计与制作、详情页及首焦海报设计、页尾设计及综合实战等10个项目,详细讲述了网店美工岗位的重要性和工作流程,通过实际案例讲述了如何利用Photoshop进行商品图片 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM49.80

SEKARANG: RM 49.80 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 44.82 (-10%)

Oleh 陳冠鈞 , 出色編輯部
空間中有香香的就好了? 或許喜歡香氛的妳(你),家裡早就設置了不只一個香氛道具 但是,你真的知道正確的使用方法嗎!   嗅覺,與我們的情緒、健康和生活有什麼關係?   我家適合什麼樣的香氛道具?又該如何挑選?   水氧機適合多大坪數的室內空間?   香氛道具要擺哪裡最好?擺放的位置會影響擴香效果嗎?   密閉的房間,適合使用需要 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM55.45

SEKARANG: RM 55.45 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 49.91 (-10%)

最長銷的配色設計工具書 讓設計工作者輕鬆跳脫框架的思考模式, 擴充自己的靈感!   如何運用多樣的色彩,創意出不同的氛圍?   如何因應客戶的需求,變化出多元的風格?   「有了這本書,從此靈感一直來!   讓1000種設計即戰力,打破創意有限的瓶頸。」   身為設計師的你,是否經常深陷靈感匱乏的困境:   狀況1:業主的配色要求, Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM55.45

SEKARANG: RM 55.45 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 49.91 (-10%)

• Model No : KL-HD1 • Label Printer • Operates on 6 x AA size Batteries (not included) • Dimensions (L x W x H) : 202mm x 112mm x 60mm • Weight : 340g • Accepts 18,12,9,6mm tape widths • 12mm print head/200 dpi resolution • Sure-grip body for excellent usability • 8-language message switching (English / Spanish / German / French / Italian / Portuguese / Swedish / Indonesian) • 60 Designed Logo printing • ABCD keyboard Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM355.00

SEKARANG: RM 355.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 319.50 (-10%)

Oleh POP Kids
Popular house brand ergonomic light weight school backpack: 1. Lightweight 2. Breathable foam backing – reduce perspiration. 3. Ergonomic S-shaped shoulder strap – for a better fit 4. Padded side & lumbar support panels – to improve distribution of load & comfort 5. Reflective logo – to enhance road safety 6. Large inner compartment with organizers 7. Large side pockets to keep water bottles and other essentials at hand 8. Quality tested by TUV SUD PSB Cor Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM249.00

SEKARANG: RM 249.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 224.10 (-10%)

Oleh POP Kids
Popular house brand ergonomic light weight school backpack: 1. Lightweight 2. Breathable foam backing – reduce perspiration. 3. Ergonomic S-shaped shoulder strap – for a better fit 4. Padded side & lumbar support panels – to improve distribution of load & comfort 5. Reflective logo – to enhance road safety 6. Large inner compartment with organizers 7. Large side pockets to keep water bottles and other essentials at hand 8. Quality tested by TUV SUD PSB Cor Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM249.00

SEKARANG: RM 249.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 224.10 (-10%)

Oleh 川畑杏奈
基本繡法就能繡出這麼美的圖案! 刺繡作家annas為所有人而設計的實用文字刺繡, 英文字母、數字、日語50音搭配立體插畫繡圖, 繡在任何地方都適用,成為專屬的名字標籤。   翻開書就令人一見傾心,質感精緻的圖文繡面設計,來自刺繡作家annas的匠心獨運,以構圖精美、配色優雅的繪本風原創繡圖提案,帶來用途廣泛的文字刺繡用字型。   ˙以常用的 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM53.90

SEKARANG: RM 53.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 48.51 (-10%)

Oleh 蓋比芮·喬伊·柯肯道爾 , 賈克琳·愛斯勒拉
  ★介紹多種英文手寫藝術字風格   ★涵蓋各種多媒材應用方式,包括水彩、壓克力、墨水等   ★步驟式教學,以插圖說明清楚,並有個人客製化教法,包括logo、招牌、文具、壁面等   ★包括電腦數位應用,可以創造出自己的手寫字型   ★附有50個以上的各種小技巧、小訣竅與練習   ★提供各項藝術創作所需之靈感與點子   本書提供美國手 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM46.05

SEKARANG: RM 46.05 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 41.45 (-10%)

Oleh Mejar (B) Mohammad Qayyum A. B
Malaysia, terutama orang melayu perlu berbangga dengan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad yang secara tidak langsung membantu menyatu padukan ahli politik dalam pakatan harapan untuk setuju menggunakan satu logo dan setuju calon PM adalah Tun Dr Mahathir Mohmmad. Itulah kelebihan bapa yang kita sayangi Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Tetapi masyarakat Malaysia tidak menghargai jasanya. Dr Mahathir dinamakan calon PM ke -7 menentang Najib turut dilaporkan media di negara Bosnia, sebuah negara Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM35.00

SEKARANG: RM 35.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 31.50 (-10%)

Oleh 湯瑪士·特洛曼
印度為何能成為稱霸南亞的主宰? 文字、宗教、建築、藝術,又如何影響南亞諸國? 專為入門者量身打造, 人生的第一本印度歷史入門   印度,擁有多元民族與文化的國度,   在歷史洪流中兼容中亞、伊斯蘭與西方的優點,   透過其文字、宗教、政治的影響力,奠定南亞霸權的地位。   在長達五千年的歷史洪流中,印度的社會制度與宗教規範於吠 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM58.50

SEKARANG: RM 58.50 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 52.65 (-10%)

Oleh 松本大洋
  ◎ 首刷限量贈品:台灣限定「PING PONG」球1顆(漫畫Logo、主角Peco、Smile三款圖樣隨機出貨)。   ◎《惡童當街》、《Sunny》作者松本大洋天才之作!台灣首次出版!   ◎ 套書內容:彩色典藏盒裝+《乒乓》1-5全+彩稿卡片3張+作品全介紹海報。松本大洋乒乓彩圖一網打盡!物超所值!   ◎ 贈品乒乓球尺寸:約直徑4CM。   ◎ 每集皆收錄初版卷 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM169.00

SEKARANG: RM 169.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 169.00 (-0%)

前進瑞典,看IKEA如何用設計征服全世界   從瑞典鄉間的一家小雜貨店,到全球最大家具製造與零售商,進軍52個國家,展店超過300家門市,IKEA魅力橫掃全世界。   不過你可能不知道,IKEA設計的,從來不只是家具的外型!   從商品能否達到最多樣化的用途、適用於不同的文化和生活習慣,選用的材質是否耐用、環保,採用的包裝能否減低運輸成本 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM58.50

SEKARANG: RM 58.50 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 52.65 (-10%)

Oleh Prof Madya Dr Shahida
" Buku ini merupakan sumbangan penulis sebagai ahli akademik yang selalu berhadapan dengan masalah penulisan dalam bahasa Inggeris dalam kalangan pelajar di universiti. Ia juga antara aspirasi penulis dalam membantu pelajar luar bandar menguasai asas bahasa Inggeris melalui projek komuniti yang dikenali sebagai Centre for Advancement in Rural Education Informatics (iCARE) di bawah kerjasama Fakulti Komputeran, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) dan agensi luar bandar iaitu L Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM30.00

SEKARANG: RM 30.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 27.00 (-10%)

Oleh 顧爺
2014藝術榜暢銷作家,歪腰~再出擊! 更深度的內容,更豐富的……八卦,絕對讓你邊笑邊點頭! 破解7位神秘藝術怪客,他們畫中暗藏的玄機 ◎最開心的藝術講堂,沒想到看藝術,也能笑到累 ◎這次出奇招,暢談夠搞怪、夠叛逆、夠神祕的7位藝術家 【用顧爺角度,認識這7位藝術怪客】   杜勒    愛摳細節的畫神〉〉〉把自己畫成神,我保佑我自己 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM54.30

SEKARANG: RM 54.30 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 48.87 (-10%)

Oleh BillGardner
你對LOGO設計是否具有以下盲點? 凹設計師朋友幫忙做一個簡單的logo交差了事 全權交給設計師發想就好,完全沒有溝通 對於什麼才是好的logo設計完全沒有概念 許多企業不明白為什麼要花那麼多錢來製作商業識別,常常都是凹公司內部設計人員或是要網站設計人員半買半相送。其實logo不只是圖像,擴大到企業識別的領域,它就是企業與品牌的外表。若是業主本 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM68.60

SEKARANG: RM 68.60 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 61.74 (-10%)

Oleh Alexander Osterwalder , Yves Pigneur
Business Model Generation is a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers striving to defy outmoded business models and design tomorrow's enterprises. If your organization needs to adapt to harsh new realities, but you don't yet have a strategy that will get you out in front of your competitors, you need Business Model Generation. Co-created by 470 "Business Model Canvas" practitioners from 45 countries, the book features a beautiful, highly visual, 4-color de Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM143.75

SEKARANG: RM 143.75 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 129.38 (-10%)

Oleh POP Kids
Popular house brand ergonomic light weight school backpack: 1. Design based on Singapore's National Technological University/ National Institute of Education Biomechanics Research Study 2. Design field tested in selected Singapore's Ministry Of Education schools 3. Y-shape harness for better load distribution 4. S-shape ergonomic shoulder strap to reduce stress & improve fitting 5. Breathable foam backing to reduce perspiration 6. Padded side & lumbar support panels – to Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM289.00

SEKARANG: RM 289.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 260.10 (-10%)

Oleh POP Kids
Popular house brand ergonomic light weight school backpack: 1. Design based on Singapore's National Technological University/ National Institute of Education Biomechanics Research Study 2. Design field tested in selected Singapore's Ministry Of Education schools 3. Y-shape harness for better load distribution 4. S-shape ergonomic shoulder strap to reduce stress & improve fitting 5. Breathable foam backing to reduce perspiration 6. Padded side & lumbar support panels – to Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM289.00

SEKARANG: RM 289.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 260.10 (-10%)

Oleh POP Kids
Popular house brand ergonomic light weight school backpack: 1. Design based on Singapore's National Technological University/ National Institute of Education Biomechanics Research Study 2. Design field tested in selected Singapore's Ministry Of Education schools 3. Y-shape harness for better load distribution 4. S-shape ergonomic shoulder strap to reduce stress & improve fitting 5. Breathable foam backing to reduce perspiration 6. Padded side & lumbar support panels – to Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM309.00

SEKARANG: RM 309.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 278.10 (-10%)

Oleh POP Kids
Popular house brand ergonomic light weight school backpack: 1. Design based on Singapore's National Technological University/ National Institute of Education Biomechanics Research Study 2. Design field tested in selected Singapore's Ministry Of Education schools 3. Y-shape harness for better load distribution 4. S-shape ergonomic shoulder strap to reduce stress & improve fitting 5. Breathable foam backing to reduce perspiration 6. Padded side & lumbar support panels – to Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM309.00

SEKARANG: RM 309.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 278.10 (-10%)

Oleh POP Kids
Popular house brand ergonomic light weight school backpack: 1. Lightweight 2. Breathable foam backing – reduce perspiration. 3. Ergonomic S-shaped shoulder strap – for a better fit 4. Padded side & lumbar support panels – to improve distribution of load & comfort 5. Reflective logo – to enhance road safety 6. Large inner compartment with organizers 7. Large side pockets to keep water bottles and other essentials at hand 8. Quality tested by TUV SUD PSB Corporation Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM249.00

SEKARANG: RM 249.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 224.10 (-10%)

Oleh POP Kids
Popular house brand ergonomic light weight school backpack: 1. Lightweight 2. Breathable foam backing – reduce perspiration. 3. Ergonomic S-shaped shoulder strap – for a better fit 4. Padded side & lumbar support panels – to improve distribution of load & comfort 5. Reflective logo – to enhance road safety 6. Large inner compartment with organizers 7. Large side pockets to keep water bottles and other essentials at hand 8. Quality tested by TUV SUD PSB Corporation Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM249.00

SEKARANG: RM 249.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 224.10 (-10%)

Oleh POP Kids
Popular house brand ergonomic light weight school backpack: 1. Lightweight 2. Breathable foam backing – reduce perspiration. 3. Ergonomic S-shaped shoulder strap – for a better fit 4. Padded side & lumbar support panels – to improve distribution of load & comfort 5. Reflective logo – to enhance road safety 6. Large inner compartment with organizers 7. Large side pockets to keep water bottles and other essentials at hand 8. Quality tested by TUV SUD PSB Cor Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM249.00

SEKARANG: RM 249.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 224.10 (-10%)

Inspired by the colorful and lively Lunar New Year festival, the Monopoly Lunar New Year edition board game has players buying shops, collecting gifts, and finding good fortune. Move around the board buying shops such as a Jade Shop, Flower Market, a Firecracker Shop, and more. The more shops a player owns, the more money they'll get when opponents purchase gifts from those shops. Feeling lucky? Fortune Stick and Pinwheel cards can be game changers! At the end of the game pla Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM125.89

SEKARANG: RM 125.89 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 125.89 (-0%)

Get ready for an unpredictable, fast-paced, family-friendly card game that's fun for kids, teens, adults, grandparents…just about everybody! The 5 Alive card game is easy to learn. Players play numbered cards to a running total of 21 but can't go over -- if they do, they lose a life! Do what it takes to survive! Play Wild cards that change the game -- they can save a player's life or zap an opponent's. If a player loses 5 lives they're out. Having 5 lives to win means it's Maklumat lanjut

ASAL: RM29.89

SEKARANG: RM 25.90 (-13%)

AHLI: RM 23.90 (-20%)

Introducing Barbie Extra Mini Minis dolls -- mini dolls in major fashions! These dolls wow with all the bold, trendy looks that we know and love from Barbie Extra, but scaled down into 3.25 inches of fabulous style. Small sizes make these dolls majorly adorable! Plus, their stand-out hairstyles, playful fashions, and included doll stands make them perfect for over-the-top -- yet ultra-minified! -- displays. Each sold separately, subject to availability. Dolls cannot stand alo Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM37.89

SEKARANG: RM 37.89 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 37.89 (-0%)

Cha-ching! This Monopoly Grab and Go game is a compact version of the Monopoly game, featuring the same classic Monopoly gameplay in a travel-size format! Like the classic Monopoly game, it’s all about buying, selling, and trading properties to win. Chance or Community cards can be a game changer. Will they make a player richer—or send someone to Jail? This portable travel game for 2 to 4 players is a great family game for adults, teens, and kids ages 8 and up. Plus, the Maklumat lanjut

ASAL: RM29.89

SEKARANG: RM 25.90 (-13%)

AHLI: RM 23.90 (-20%)

Who thinks they're the ultimate cheater? The Monopoly Cheaters Edition board game for kids and families features a wild twist on classic Monopoly gameplay because only the best cheater will win! With so many ways to cheat, anyone can end up the winner! Use Cheat cards to get ahead fast -- and try to catch others cheating -- while buying properties, collecting rent, and bringing in the cash. Caught cheating? Go to Jail and play ""behind bars"" while wearing the Jail Glasses. G Maklumat lanjut

ASAL: RM125.89

SEKARANG: RM 105.90 (-16%)

AHLI: RM 100.90 (-20%)

Risk it all with the flip of a card! The Monopoly Chance game is the high-stakes, card-flipping version of the Monopoly game—and it only takes about 20 minutes to play! Instead of moving a token around the board, each player receives a token deck with Cash cards (no paper money!) Bankrupt cards, and strategic cards that lend an edge. Roll the die and flip over up to that many cards. Play it safe and flip over just enough cards to ""cash out""—or risk it all for the big bu Maklumat lanjut

ASAL: RM125.89

SEKARANG: RM 105.90 (-16%)

AHLI: RM 100.90 (-20%)

Oleh Nurul Omar
Jiwamu kuseru, khilafku menjemputmu Sepatutnya Hash, Hammad dan Nazim tidak menceroboh ke bilik perpustakaan arwah aki pada malam itu. Sepatutnya Sora juga tidak perlu terlibat dengan mereka bertiga. Sepatutnya mereka tidak memanggil makhluk itu.... “Kuseru namamu tiga kali, datanglah menjemputku.” - HASH Jika mereka tidak menjadi pengacau, sudah tentu gangguan demi gangguan yang penuhdengan misteri itu tidak akan berlaku. Sudah tentu semua keanehan yang menyeramkan dan b Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM26.00

SEKARANG: RM 26.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 23.40 (-10%)

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