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Oleh Stephen Hawking
Was there a beginning of time? Could time run backwards? Is the universe infinite or does it have boundaries? These are just some of the questions considered in an internationally acclaimed masterpiece which begins by reviewing the great theories of the cosmos from Newton to Einstein, before delving into the secrets which still lie at the heart of space and time. Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM63.95

SEKARANG: RM 63.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 57.56 (-10%)

Oleh 菲利普‧羅斯(PhilipRoth)
諾貝爾文學獎呼聲最高、唯一被美國國家圖書館編入「美國經典文庫」的在世作家 :菲利普‧羅斯短篇小說力作 本書榮獲 2007年美國筆會/福克納獎得獎作品 2007年美國筆會/索爾貝羅獎(美國小說成就獎) 2008年IMPAC最後決選 這是一個關於失落與悔憾、病痛與死亡的故事,敘述一個男人終其一生與死亡的抗爭,直白又深沈。 本書主角從童年時在海邊第一次 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM35.75

SEKARANG: RM 35.75 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 32.18 (-10%)

Oleh E. Lockhart
A Zoella Bookclub title 2016 1. Read this book. 2. On reaching the final page, you may experience an urgent need to read it all over again. 3. Check your friends have read it. 4. NOW YOU ARE FREE TO TALK TO THEM ABOUT IT ENDLESSLY Winner of Goodreads Best Young Adult Fiction Book 2014 'E. Lockhart is one of our most important novelists, and she has given us her best book yet. Thrilling, beautiful, and blisteringly smart, We Were Liars is utterly unforgettable.' Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM43.90

SEKARANG: RM 43.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 39.51 (-10%)

Oleh 鮑里斯.列昂尼多維奇.帕斯捷爾納克
1958年諾貝爾文學獎得主帕斯捷爾納克經典名著 / 2014年俄文完整正體中文譯本首次出版 諾貝爾文學獎:「在現代抒情詩和偉大的俄羅斯敘事文學領域中所取得的傑出成就。」 帕斯捷爾納克在一個如今已經難以想像的年代,透過文學寫出他對於人性殘忍、專制統治的控訴。他明知《齊瓦哥醫生》會為他帶來蘇俄當局的批鬥、會為他的晚年帶來許多苦難,但他還是 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM71.40

SEKARANG: RM 71.40 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 64.26 (-10%)

Oleh 莉莎‧潔諾娃
繼《我想念我自己》後, 再一次牽動你我靈魂深處的動人作品 我來到這世界,不是要去做你在我出生前夢想我會做的事, 不是要去打小聯盟、上大學, 不是要成為醫生、律師或數學家, 也不是要變成老人、結婚生子。 我來到這世界是為了…… 【國內名家真愛推薦】(依姓名筆劃排序) 花媽卓惠珠 「幫助高功能自閉與亞斯柏格」部落格版主 林正盛 導 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM47.20

SEKARANG: RM 47.20 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 42.48 (-10%)

Oleh Harriet Evans
'The day Martha Winter decided to tear apart her family began like any other day ...''A brilliantly written story that will stay with you long after the last page' Fabulous Magazine, Sun on SundayThe Sunday Times Top Five Bestseller A Place For Us by Harriet Evans is a book you'll dive into, featuring a family you'll fall in love with . . . and never want to leave. If you devour Rosamunde Pilc Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM49.90

SEKARANG: RM 49.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 44.91 (-10%)

Oleh 郝景芳
  「我跟你討論這些東西,其實不是想解決世界的問題,而是想解決我自己的問題。」   《生於1984》是郝景芳尋找自我的紀錄,也是初次對於純文學的嘗試。內容講述三十年裡兩代人的心路歷程和人生選擇。   1984年,正是中國經濟狂飆的時代;經歷文革、上山下鄉的父親,本應重享天倫之樂,卻捲入一場黑市外匯交易的危機,在內心負疚的驅使下,前 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM46.20

SEKARANG: RM 46.20 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 41.58 (-10%)

Oleh DK
Explore the world of astronomy with key quotes and bold graphics to illustrate over 100 of the universe's biggest ideas.The Astronomy Book is an exciting voyage of discovery through the cosmos. Venture from ancient speculations about the nature of the universe, to the mind-boggling theories of recent science, including those of Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking. Learn about the incredible histories of Halley's comet, Hubble's telescope, a Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM110.50

SEKARANG: RM 110.50 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 99.45 (-10%)

Oleh 約翰‧葛里遜
★《紐約時報》、《華爾街日報》、《今日美國》、《美國獨立出版暢銷榜》暢銷書榜NO.1 ★《新聞日報》2017年夏季好書 作品銷量全球超過2億5000萬冊、美國天王級小說家約翰‧葛里遜全新力作 跳脫律政驚悚小說框架的犯罪題材,一樣令人屏氣凝神、心跳加速 我是莫瑟・曼恩 遭逢創作瓶頸、被學校解雇又背負鉅額學貸的女作家 走投無路之際,突然接到 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM49.30

SEKARANG: RM 49.30 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 44.37 (-10%)

Oleh 約翰·葛里遜
1971年美國大聯盟的選秀會上,奧克拉荷馬州第一位被選中的新秀隆恩‧威廉森,和奧克蘭運動家隊簽約,就此告別家鄉小鎮埃達,踏上大聯盟職棒的征途。但6年後,他卻因手傷和嗜酒、嗑藥、女色等惡習而落魄返鄉;職棒夢碎,也開始有了精神疾病的症狀。   1982年,埃達一名21歲的雞尾酒女侍黛博拉‧蘇‧卡特遭到姦殺,案發5年,埃達警方一直未能破案 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM58.50

SEKARANG: RM 58.50 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 52.65 (-10%)

Oleh 齊格飛·藍茨
  在易北河中的一座孤島上,少年西吉被關在感化院的單人囚室裡罰寫作文,題目是〈履行職責 的歡樂〉。這個題目讓西吉回憶起父親(德國最北邊一個偏僻小農村的警察)盡忠職守、履行職守的一段往事。   二次大戰期間,他的父親受命監控一位世界知名畫家的言行,並禁止他作畫。儘管這位畫家是他們親近的好朋友、曾經救過他父親的性命,但他父親 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM69.30

SEKARANG: RM 69.30 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 62.37 (-10%)

Oleh Liu Cixin
NOW A #1 BLOCKBUSTING FILM. The Sun is dying. Earth will perish too, consumed by the star in its final death throes. But rather than abandon their planet, humanity builds 12,000 mountainous fusion engines to propel the Earth out of orbit and onto a centuries-long voyage to Proxima Centaurai... Cixin Liu is one of the most important voices in world Science Fiction. A bestseller in China, his novel, The Three-Body Problem, was the first translated work of SF ever to win the H Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM55.90

SEKARANG: RM 55.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 50.31 (-10%)

Oleh Sun Jung
A time-travelling thriller combining the struggles from before and after. Bukit Brown follows the gripping journey of Ji-won, lonely and lost in modern-day cosmopolitan Singapore, who time travels to nineteenth century British Malaya and finds her true self through experiencing the deplorable lives of migrant workers, the veiled enmity among Chinese secret societies and a lavish Peranakan lifestyle. Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM83.95

SEKARANG: RM 83.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 75.56 (-10%)

Oleh 夏洛蒂·博朗特
  入選BBC百大經典小說   英國票選前三名必看讀物   十九世紀最銘心刻骨、動人情感的文學名著   故事女主角簡愛是個孤女,從小被寄養在舅媽家,飽受欺凌,後來被送進了羅伍德慈善學校,經歷了種種折磨,但她靠著堅強的意志完成了學業,成為一名優秀的家庭教師,受聘於荊原莊,並與男主人相戀,勇敢地追求自己的幸福……   《簡愛》,這 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM49.30

SEKARANG: RM 49.30 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 44.37 (-10%)

Oleh Nicola Chalton
Since ancient times, we have tried to make sense of our universe by observing objects far beyond our abilities to see or touch - from the smallest atom to the farthest star. This book covers, in chronological order, all the key discoveries and remarkable minds in each scientific field, including Aristotle's geocentric model of the cosmos, Darwin's theory of evolution, Newton's theory of gravity and Einstein's theory of relativity. Also included are fascinating anecdotes abou Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM49.90

SEKARANG: RM 49.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 44.91 (-10%)

Oleh Hidenori Kusaka
Sun dreams of money. Moon dreams of scientific discoveries. When their paths cross with Team Skull, both their plans go awry! The mysteries around shy refugee Lillie deepen. What is the connection between her Cosmog and that mysterious rift in the sky…? Meanwhile, as the trial captains search for Team Skull’s headquarters, a Pokémon attack capsized Sun and Moon’s boat! Then, why would someone destroy…a supermarket?! Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM43.70

SEKARANG: RM 43.70 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 39.33 (-10%)

Oleh Stephen Hawking
A beautiful little book by a brilliant mind' DAILY TELEGRAPH 'Effortlessly instructive, absorbing, up to the minute and - where it matters - witty' GUARDIAN The world-famous cosmologist and #1 bestselling author of A Brief History of Time leaves us with his final thoughts on the universe's biggest questions in this brilliant posthumous work. Is there a God? How did it all begin? Can we predict the future? What is inside a black hole? Is there other intelligent life in Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM69.90

SEKARANG: RM 69.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 62.91 (-10%)

Amatsuyu "Jouro" Kisaragi is a completely average second-year high school student who has two dates over one weekend⁠—with the student council president Sakura "Cosmos" Akino on Saturday, then with his childhood friend Aoi "Himawari" Hinata on Sunday. Sadly for Jouro, both girls proclaim their love for his best friend Taiyou "Sun-chan" Ooga, the ace of the baseball team. Accepting each of their requests for advice and guidance, he is now responsible for helping the two gi Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM19.90

SEKARANG: RM 19.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 17.91 (-10%)

Set to become the romcom of the year - a Sleepless In Seattle for the 21st century' Sunday Express 'The new Jojo Moyes... This has all the ingredients of Me Before You' Cosmopolitan 'Funny and winning... a Richard Curtis rom-com that also has its feet firmly planted in real life. A real treat' Stylist 'The last book to completely emotionally absorb me in this way was Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine, and I think fans of that will adore this' Daisy Buchanan ********** Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM59.90

SEKARANG: RM 59.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 53.91 (-10%)

Oleh Leonard Mlodinow
An intimate and inspirational exploration of Stephen Hawking—the man, the friend, and the physicist. One of the most influential physicists of our time, Stephen Hawking touched the lives of millions. Recalling his nearly two decades as Hawking’s collaborator and friends, Leonard Mlodinow brings this complex man into focus in a unique and deeply personal portrayal. We meet Hawking the genius, who ours his mind into uncovering the mysteries of the universe—ultimately for Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM89.50

SEKARANG: RM 89.50 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 80.55 (-10%)

Language- Japanese Subtitle-Chinese/English/Malay 中/英/巫 字幕 Synopsis 10 years ago a long war divided the world into two superpowers: the Union of Zirnitra Republics in the east, and the United Kingdom of Arnak in the west. Both of these superpowers now test their ambitions against each other in a space race. In 1960, the Union's Premier Gergiev announces Project Mechtat (Dream), a prestigious plan to launch manned missions into the final frontier. To this end, the U Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM19.90

SEKARANG: RM 19.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 16.00 (-20%)

Oleh Bella Mackie
*Cosmopolitan and Grazia’s best books of 2021* • Kill my family • Make a claim on their fortune • Get away with the above • Adopt a dog Meet Grace Bernard. Daughter, sister, colleague, friend, serial killer… Grace has lost everything. And now she wants revenge. How to Kill Your Family is a fierce and addictive novel about class, family, love… and murder. Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM56.95

SEKARANG: RM 56.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 51.26 (-10%)

Oleh 菊池寬
  大疫時代必讀之「疫病小說」。   ★針對新冠肺炎疫情,文藝春秋出版社以創辦人、芥川賞與直木賞創設者、文學名家菊池寬所撰寫之疫病小說(身與心),集結而成百年小說紀念版。如今讀來,百年前西班牙流感大流行時,人們的想法,與現今並無二致!   ★繁體中文版特邀日本文學翻譯名家劉子倩操刀!   ★文藝春秋百年紀念版書衣(插畫 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM55.45

SEKARANG: RM 55.45 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 49.91 (-10%)

Oleh Ian Ridpath
The clearest, most accessible guide to observing the night sky. Introducing the Handbook of Stars and Planets - the perfect beginner's guide to the night sky! With a highly visual introduction that explains the basic concepts of astronomy and gives advice on the best methods and equipment for observation, including binoculars and telescopes, exploring the cosmos and more has never been easier or more accessible. Each of the planets in the Solar System is described and illust Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM63.95

SEKARANG: RM 57.56 (-10%)

AHLI: RM 51.16 (-20%)

Oleh Olivie Blake
The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake is the runaway TikTok must-read fantasy novel of the year. If you loved Ninth House and A Deadly Education, you'll love this. The book includes gorgeous new illustrations. Secrets. Betrayal. Seduction. Welcome to the Alexandrian Society. When the world's best magicians are offered an extraordinary opportunity, saying yes is easy. Each could join the secretive Alexandrian Society, whose custodians guard lost knowledge from ancient civilizations. Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM69.90

SEKARANG: RM 69.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 62.91 (-10%)

Oleh 高橋留美子
  ★★★全球唯一日本授權☆台灣完全版正式登陸地球★★★   ☆☆☆睽違40年再次動畫化☆☆☆   ★★★性感又可愛的拉姆再度活躍征服你的心★★★   \\搞笑色胚+比基尼外星辣妹=青春奇幻的日常歡樂登場///   ✦日本殿堂級漫畫女王.高橋留美子第一部經典神作   ✧動漫界國民女友.拉姆,俏皮回歸   ✦突破次元的流行指標,橫跨 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM46.00

SEKARANG: RM 46.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 46.00 (-0%)

Oleh 蘇珊·崔
  他認為愛就是宣告,她卻認為愛就是共同的祕密;   然而這初戀,是一場失誤的化學反應。      ★美國國家圖書獎最佳小說!   ★「這本小說終將成為經典。」──《出版家週刊》   ★榮獲《華盛頓郵報》、《紐約雜誌》、《浮華世界》、《美麗佳人》、《柯夢波丹》、《洛衫磯時報》、《ELLE》、《出版情報》、《芝加哥論壇報》、《億萬 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM64.70

SEKARANG: RM 64.70 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 58.23 (-10%)

Discover fun facts as you lift over 50 flaps on an incredible illustrated journey into space! Launch a rocket to the moon. Spacewalk with an astronaut. Float through a space station and rove around on Mars. Buckle in and blast off to uncover the greatest human adventures into the cosmos! Take an interactive trip around and inside the greatest galactic missions and learn the facts. Packed with over 50 fact flaps for interactive learning. Bright, fun and highly detailed illustr Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM39.90

SEKARANG: RM 39.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 35.91 (-10%)

Oleh TadaTada
Becoming the Best! A Major Threat Comes to Earth! Alex and co. head to Taiwan to search for Dr Logue and an Adventurer named Leia who have been missing for several days. There, they stumble upon a map of Shambhala and decide to take a closer look. However, their investigation brings them face to face with a powerful and sinister foe, Who could it be? Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM14.00

SEKARANG: RM 14.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 12.60 (-10%)

Oleh Samantha Shannon
A magnificent, sweeping epic' JENNIFER SAINT, Sunday Times-bestselling author of ARIADNE 'Shannon is simply a master of the genre' C. S. PACAT, New York Times-bestselling author of DARK RISE 'A tremendous triumph' LONDON SHAH, award-winning author of the LIGHT OF THE ABYSS series ____________________ A return to the world of Samantha Shannon's Sunday Times and New York Times-bestselling The Priory of the Orange Tree ____________________ Tunuva Melim is a sister of the Pri Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM79.90

SEKARANG: RM 79.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 71.91 (-10%)

Oleh Samantha Shannon
**THE NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER** 'A magnificent, sweeping epic' JENNIFER SAINT, Sunday Times-bestselling author of ARIADNE 'Shannon is simply a master of the genre' C. S. PACAT, New York Times-bestselling author of DARK RISE 'A tremendous triumph' LONDON SHAH, award-winning author of the LIGHT OF THE ABYSS series 'A gorgeous, glittering epic' DAILY MAIL ____________________ A return to the world of Samantha Shannon's Sunday Times and New York Times-bestselling The Priory of th Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM69.90

SEKARANG: RM 69.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 62.91 (-10%)

Faliq merupakan seorang Kunr yang bertanggungjawab. Pada suatu hari, dia menemui gadis remaja kaum Sianaga dari Kosmos Alexandra,Ain dan Sellah. Pemberontakan di Kosmos Alexandra ingin merampas Kotak Tenaga Api Petir. Justeru, penghulu megarahkan Ain dan Sellah mencari mahaguru Shalini yang menyembunyikan diri di Bunmi demi menentang kuasa jahat. Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM14.00

SEKARANG: RM 14.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 12.60 (-10%)

Oleh 希拉蕊·柯林頓 , 露意絲·佩妮
  恐怖攻擊、核武威脅、外交失利、媒體輿論、   塔利班政府、蓋達組織、阿富汗撤軍……   國務卿艾倫自上任以來,無時不處於戰慄狀態。   她在白宮和霧谷的權謀角力之間、在國際恐攻的威脅逼進之下,   究竟該如何突圍,遏止一場殃及千萬人的巨大災難?   新政府上位,剛就任的國務卿艾倫.亞當斯,結束出訪韓國的外交行程才下飛機 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM104.70

SEKARANG: RM 104.70 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 94.23 (-10%)

Oleh  R. F Kuang 
The No. 1 Sunday Times and New York Times bestselling book from literary sensation R.F. Kuang ‘A riot’ PANDORA SYKES ‘Razor-sharp’ TIME ‘A wild ride’ STYLIST ‘Darkly comic’ GQ ‘Satirical and humorous’ COSMOPOLITAN ‘Unforgettable’ WOMAN & HOME Athena Liu is a literary darling and June Hayward is literally nobody. White lies When Athena dies in a freak accident, June steals her unpublished manuscript and publishes it as her own und Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM94.50

SEKARANG: RM 94.50 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 85.05 (-10%)

Oleh Tadatada
MENJADI YANG TERBAIK! ANCAMAN BESAR MENUJU KE BUMI! Alex bersama rakan-rakan menuju ke Taiwan mencari Dr. Logue dan pengembara bernama Leia yang telah hilang selama beberapa hari. Di sana, mereka terjumpa pintu masuk ke Shambhala dan memutuskan untuk melihat lebih dekat. Namun penyiasatan ini membawa mereka bersemuka dengan musuh yang sangat kuat dan jahat. Siapa agaknya?! Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM14.00

SEKARANG: RM 14.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 12.60 (-10%)

Oleh 內斯托·科里
  與《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》、《小王子》相提並論,   感動更勝《生命咖啡館》   德國亞馬遜網站文學類、哲學類排行榜NO.1   獲譽為「心靈良藥」的心理勵志暢銷書   「觸發內在原力」最佳禮物書   收錄作者寫給台灣讀者的一封信      ◆人生一定要有夢想才能美好嗎?   你是否在盲目追求別人的夢想,而不是你的夢想?   湯姆的 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM55.45

SEKARANG: RM 55.45 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 49.91 (-10%)

Oleh Gloria Mark
Book Overview Author Info and Events facebook sharing buttontwitter sharing buttonpinterest sharing buttonsharethis sharing button About the Book AS SEEN ON ARMCHAIR EXPERT WITH DAX SHEPARD AND IN THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, NEW YORK TIMES AND THE TIMES **A COSMOPOLITAN BEST NEW NON-FICTION BOOK TO ADD TO YOUR TBR IN 2023** **A "NEXT BIG IDEA CLUB" MUST-READ** Rediscover your ability to pay attention with this groundbreaking new approach from ‘the definitive expert on distrac Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM72.00

SEKARANG: RM 72.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 57.60 (-20%)

Oleh  Kennie Ting
The history of Asia can be told through its great port cities: Guangzhou (Canton), Shanghai, Nagasaki, Basra, Aden, Jeddah, Kolkata (Calcutta), Mumbai (Bombay), Colombo, Batavia (Jakarta), Manila, Singapore, and many others. For millennia, port cities have been centres of global trade and the exchange of goods, peoples, cultures and ideas. They developed into cosmopolitan, multicultural societies and evolved distinctive, hybrid styles of art, architecture, material culture an Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM159.90

SEKARANG: RM 159.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 143.91 (-10%)

Oleh  Thomas Hertog
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Stephen Hawking’s closest collaborator offers the intellectual superstar’s final thoughts on the cosmos—a dramatic revision of the theory he put forward in A Brief History of Time. “This superbly written book offers insight into an extraordinary individual, the creative process, and the scope and limits of our current understanding of the cosmos.”—Lord Martin Rees Perhaps the biggest question Stephen Hawking tried to answer in his e Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM72.95

SEKARANG: RM 72.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 65.66 (-10%)

Edens Zero 伊甸星原 JAP/ENG(S1)JAP(S2) (E / C) All his life, Shiki has been surrounded by machines. At Granbell Kingdom, a long-abandoned amusement park, he is the only one of his kind around. That is, until Rebecca Bluegarden and her feline companion Happy arrive, unaware that they are Granbell's first visitors in one hundred years. Their goal is to make fun videos for their B-Cube channel, but what they find instead is a friend in the socially awkward Shiki. When Granbe Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM69.90

SEKARANG: RM 69.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 62.91 (-10%)

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