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' UBBL 1984 'Dijumpai 213 Produk Berkaitan
ASAL: RM12.50

SEKARANG: RM 12.50 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 11.25 (-10%)

*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM69.90

SEKARANG: RM 19.90 (-72%)

AHLI: RM 19.90 (-72%)

Get ready to roll - and create - with the PAW Patrol™! Little makers everywhere will love this imaginative, hands-on, soft construction kit. After reading the all-new book, Pups Save the Camping Trip, kids can use the included pom-poms and punch-out pieces to craft the six pups from the story: Chase, Skye, Rubble, Zuma, Marshall, and Rocky-plus their chicken pal Chickaletta! Combined with scouting sticker badges and mini camping accessories, readers are brought right into th Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM65.90

SEKARANG: RM 65.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 59.31 (-10%)

Oleh NA
● Great for Storing Clothes, Toys, Blankets, Books, Magazines and More. ● Soft Cushion for comfortable seating. ● Can be folded away when not in use. Maklumat lanjut

ASAL: RM59.99

SEKARANG: RM 40.00 (-33%)

AHLI: RM 38.00 (-37%)

Oleh NA
● Great for Storing Clothes, Toys, Blankets, Books, Magazines and More. ● Soft Cushion for comfortable seating. ● Can be folded away when not in use. Maklumat lanjut

ASAL: RM59.99

SEKARANG: RM 40.00 (-33%)

AHLI: RM 38.00 (-37%)

Oleh NA
● Great for Storing Clothes, Toys, Blankets, Books, Magazines and More. ● Soft Cushion for comfortable seating. ● Can be folded away when not in use. Maklumat lanjut

ASAL: RM59.99

SEKARANG: RM 40.00 (-33%)

AHLI: RM 38.00 (-37%)

Oleh NA
● Great for Storing Clothes, Toys, Blankets, Books, Magazines and More. ● Soft Cushion for comfortable seating. ● Can be folded away when not in use. Maklumat lanjut

ASAL: RM59.99

SEKARANG: RM 40.00 (-33%)

AHLI: RM 38.00 (-37%)

Oleh NA
● Great for Storing Clothes, Toys, Blankets, Books, Magazines and More. ● Soft Cushion for comfortable seating. ● Can be folded away when not in use. Maklumat lanjut

ASAL: RM59.99

SEKARANG: RM 40.00 (-33%)

AHLI: RM 38.00 (-37%)

Oleh NA
● Great for Storing Clothes, Toys, Blankets, Books, Magazines and More. ● Soft Cushion for comfortable seating. ● Can be folded away when not in use. Maklumat lanjut

ASAL: RM59.99

SEKARANG: RM 40.00 (-33%)

AHLI: RM 38.00 (-37%)

AKTA PERHUTANAN NEGARA 1984 (AKTA 313) Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM19.00

SEKARANG: RM 19.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 17.10 (-10%)

AKTA TMN ASUHAN KANAK-KANAK 1984 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM25.00

SEKARANG: RM 25.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 22.50 (-10%)

PAW PATROL name badge with lanyard set . 3 designs available for selection. Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM14.90

SEKARANG: RM 14.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 14.90 (-0%)

PAW PATROL name badge with lanyard set . 3 designs available for selection. Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM14.90

SEKARANG: RM 14.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 14.90 (-0%)

PAW PATROL name badge with lanyard set . 3 designs available for selection. Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM14.90

SEKARANG: RM 14.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 14.90 (-0%)

《1966年社團法令》為一項有關社團註冊的法令,全文分三部共72條文及2附錄,包括《1984年社團條例》,為所有社團人士的必備法律參考工具書。 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM50.00

SEKARANG: RM 50.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 45.00 (-10%)

Oleh 黛莉·伍德 , 唐·伍德
 1984年美国图书馆协会杰出童书奖。1984年纽约时报最佳儿童图画书奖。1984年美国童书作家协会金风筝奖。1984年美国全国英语教师协会最佳选书。人选纽约公共图书馆“每个人都应该知道的100本图画书” Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM39.80

SEKARANG: RM 39.80 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 35.82 (-10%)

Oleh Murakami Haruki
The year is 1984 and the city is Tokyo. A young woman named Aomame follows a taxi driver's enigmatic suggestion and begins to notice puzzling discrepancies in the world around her. She has entered, she realizes, a parallel existence, which she calls 1Q84 --"Q is for 'question mark.' A world that bears a question." Meanwhile, an aspiring writer named Tengo takes on a suspect ghostwriting project. He becomes so wrapped up with the work and its unusual author that, soon, his pr Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM52.90

SEKARANG: RM 52.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 47.61 (-10%)

Oleh Sophie Kinsella
I've lost it. :( The only thing in the world I wasn't supposed to lose. My engagement ring. It's been in Magnus's family for three generations. And now, the very same day his parents are coming, I've lost it. The very same day. Do not hyperventilate, Poppy. Stay positive!! :) A couple of glasses of bubbly with the girls and Poppy's life has gone into meltdown. Not only has she lost her engagement ring, but in the panic that followed, she's lost her phone too. When Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM52.00

SEKARANG: RM 52.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 46.80 (-10%)

Oleh 文彥博
《操縱人心說話術(全集)》 操縱人心說話術全集 ──站在對方的角度,把話說得恰到好處 英國作家吉普林曾說:「語言,是人類所使用的最有效的藥方。」 無論遭遇的情況多麼糟糕,只要妥善運用語言的力量,就一定會出現驚人的「療效」。 擅長操縱人心的人,必定懂得發揮語言的威力,讓自己無往不利。我們不難見到,無論是政界、商場、學界,或是其 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM40.00

SEKARANG: RM 40.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 36.00 (-10%)

Oleh 杨志成
杨志成是一个过气的作家,三年前出版了几部畅销小说,却因为没有灵感而不再写作。他一直处于失业中,没钱交房租而被房东赶出来。就在他拿着行李不知道该往哪里去时,接到一通某出版社编辑的电话。某编辑告诉他,他有一个远方亲戚的亲戚要聘请一个打杂的。 杨志成走投无路,于是买了一张往霹雳的车票,去到这个亲戚家工作。想不到他的工作内容, Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM22.00

SEKARANG: RM 22.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 19.80 (-10%)

Oleh Joan Holub
Red Riding Hood might have a terrible sense of direction, but her grimmtastic friends are always there to help! Once upon a time, in faraway Grimmlandia... Red Riding Hood is thrilled to try out for the school play. Acting is her dream, and she's great at it--too bad she has stage fright! After a grimmiserable audition, Red decides to focus on helping her friends Cinda, Snow, and Rapunzel save Grimm Academy from the E.V.I.L. Society. But when Red gets lost in Neverwood forest Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM21.90

SEKARANG: RM 21.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 19.71 (-10%)

Oleh 米蘭·昆德拉
沒有人會相信,我們生命中的愛情是某種輕飄飄的東西, 是某種沒有任何重量的東西; 我們總是想像我們的愛情是愛情應該有的模樣; 沒有愛情,我們的生命再也不是我們的生命了。   《生命中不能承受之輕》以「布拉格之春」為背景,蘇聯軍隊入侵捷克,知識分子大量逃亡海外,昆德拉透過一男兩女交纏的愛情故事,帶出了對政治、文化、人類生命 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM46.20

SEKARANG: RM 46.20 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 41.58 (-10%)

Oleh Quasar Design
世界各地都发生着科学无法解释的超自然现象。1984年,一个叫梅丽莎的女士声称接到一通来自亡者的电话;因为被诅咒,小孩们消失无踪而永远不再传出儿童笑声的村子;恐怖电影《驱魔师》真人版主角;逝世四年后,投胎其他家庭,寻找前世父母的印度孩子塞南斯格;可以召唤鬼魂的通灵板…… 这本书汇集了世界各地人们亲身经历的鬼魂故事。是真是假,信 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM16.90

SEKARANG: RM 16.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 15.21 (-10%)

涂色练习对儿童成长发展有很多好处,是孩子从线条的认知学习发展到画出完整作品的必经之路。在涂色过程中,孩子需要排除外界干扰,集中注意力,坚持完整地完成一幅作品。另外,漂亮的画面能吸引孩子的眼球,激发他们的兴趣,孩子们会倍加认真发挥想象力进行颜色搭配,提升孩子的审美能力。这种练习,十分有助于孩子的专注力、坚持性、认真细心、 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM19.80

SEKARANG: RM 19.80 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 17.82 (-10%)

創刊於1984年11月,允為當代華文刊物中最具影響力的人文雜誌 困惑的時刻,歡迎體驗文學世界的深刻感覺 創刊於1984年11月的《聯合文學》雜誌,允為當代華文刊物中最具影響力的人文雜誌,走過四分之一世紀,依然秉持「文學不應只是少數文學人口的奢侈品,而應是全民生活的必需品」的理念而努力未懈。 ◎在創作意念上:提供海內外中文創作者一個自由、 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM28.00

SEKARANG: RM 28.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 28.00 (-0%)

Oleh 李祥文
  飯水分離陰陽飲食法   〔增訂二版〕   全球無數見證、海內外讀者熱烈分享的終極養生之道   啟動活化細胞密碼,從飯水分離開始   (隨書附贈全彩版「飯水分離健康手冊」,讓我們一起把健康傳出去!)   飯水分離   打破營養學說的侷限,超越醫學理論的視野   是重新啟動細胞自癒力的全新飲食修煉   飯水分離   依循生命法則 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM60.10

SEKARANG: RM 60.10 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 54.09 (-10%)

Oleh 王文興 , 余光中 , 陳映真 , 楊牧等
台灣文學史上第一本完整記錄 《現代文學》雜誌創刊、休刊、復刊、停刊、重刊的故事與因緣 38位作家娓娓道出各自與雜誌之間的因緣互動   增收1959年白先勇致夏濟安信件   及從未公開發表的夏濟安〈祝辭〉專文等10篇文章   由行政院文化獎得獎人董陽孜女士題寫書名   經典重現,為時代做一註解。   現在沒有什麼「派」什麼「體」可供模仿, Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM50.05

SEKARANG: RM 50.05 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 45.05 (-10%)

Oleh 亨德里克·威廉·房龍 , 約翰·梅里曼 , 羅勃·蘇利文
1921年初版問世以來,全球銷量超過 10,000,000本 歷史上最成功、最多人閱讀過的世界通史 九千年人類史詩故事 傳承一世紀的歷久彌新   1922年第一屆紐伯瑞文學獎經典巨著   全球銷量超過一千萬冊,有史以來最多人讀過的世界通史   最新90章增訂版,從開天闢地到茉莉花革命   最完整、最易讀、適合所有年齡層的人類大歷史   歷史是一座經驗的巨 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM95.50

SEKARANG: RM 95.50 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 85.95 (-10%)

Oleh John Berger
'Language is a body, a living creature ... and this creature's home is the inarticulate as well as the articulate'. John Berger's work has revolutionized the way we understand visual language. In this new book he writes about language itself, and how it relates to thought, art, song, storytelling and political discourse today. Also containing Berger's own drawings, notes, memories and reflections on everything from Albert Camus to global capitalism, Confabulations take Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM46.50

SEKARANG: RM 46.50 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 41.85 (-10%)

Oleh 李祥文
隨書附贈全彩版「飯水分離健康手冊2」(內附蒸飯實作說明),讓我們一起把健康、幸福傳出      飯水分離   顛覆東西方營養概念   創造自然療癒的奇蹟   啟動活化細胞密碼   從飯水分離開始      繼全球銷售逾百萬的《飯水分離陰陽飲食法》後   五十年來反覆親身實驗此養生法   協助過近萬名癌症病的作者李祥文   再一石破天驚、 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM64.70

SEKARANG: RM 64.70 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 58.23 (-10%)

Oleh 郝景芳
  「我跟你討論這些東西,其實不是想解決世界的問題,而是想解決我自己的問題。」   《生於1984》是郝景芳尋找自我的紀錄,也是初次對於純文學的嘗試。內容講述三十年裡兩代人的心路歷程和人生選擇。   1984年,正是中國經濟狂飆的時代;經歷文革、上山下鄉的父親,本應重享天倫之樂,卻捲入一場黑市外匯交易的危機,在內心負疚的驅使下,前 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM46.20

SEKARANG: RM 46.20 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 41.58 (-10%)

  如果你是一位细心的读者,就会越来越清晰地发现,全世界的儿童图书,正在悄悄发生着一些变化。例如,许多作家在为孩子们写书的时候,首先考虑的就是这本书能够帮助孩子解决一些什么实际问题?又如,有越来越多的儿童图书,从孩子们在现实生活中可能遭遇的烦恼、迷茫与困境人手,告诉他们应该怎样去面对和解决这些问题,应该怎样调整自己的情 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM128.00

SEKARANG: RM 128.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 115.20 (-10%)

Oleh DK
Explore the world of astronomy with key quotes and bold graphics to illustrate over 100 of the universe's biggest ideas.The Astronomy Book is an exciting voyage of discovery through the cosmos. Venture from ancient speculations about the nature of the universe, to the mind-boggling theories of recent science, including those of Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking. Learn about the incredible histories of Halley's comet, Hubble's telescope, a Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM110.50

SEKARANG: RM 110.50 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 99.45 (-10%)

Oleh Chris Burniske , Jack Tatar
The innovative investor’s guide to an entirely new asset class—from two experts on the cutting edge With the rise of bitcoin and blockchain technology, investors can capitalize on the greatest investment opportunity since the Internet. Bitcoin was the first cryptoasset, but today there are over 800 and counting, including ether, ripple, litecoin, monero, and more. This clear, concise, and accessible guide from two industry insiders shows you how to navig Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM130.00

SEKARANG: RM 130.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 117.00 (-10%)

Oleh 村上春樹
2009-2010年 1Q84 村上春樹睽違七年長篇大作《1Q84》 日本上市一個月銷售破200萬冊 30年來從不讓我們失望的村上春樹真正代表作   距上一部長篇《海邊的卡夫卡》推出至今已經過了七年,村上春樹在今年五月底於日本推出他寫作三十年生涯的第11部長篇代表作《1Q84》,在日本媒體及書店都造成前所未有的熱烈迴響,並破天荒創下一個月就狂賣兩百萬冊的歷史性 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM166.30

SEKARANG: RM 166.30 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 149.67 (-10%)

Oleh George Orwell
"Eric Arthur Blair, Better Known By The Pen Name George Orwell, Was An English Novelist, Essayist, Journalist, And Critic. His Work Marked By Lucid Prose, Awareness Of Social Injustice, Opposition To Totalitarianism And Outspoken Support Of Democratic Socialism. Orwell Wrote Literary Criticism, Poetry, Fiction And Polemical Journalism. In 2008, The Times Ranked Him Second On A List Of "The 50 Greatest British Writers Since 1945". Orwell's Work Continues To Influence Popular A Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM69.90

SEKARANG: RM 24.90 (-64%)

AHLI: RM 19.90 (-72%)

Oleh Christina Lauren
An uplifting and unforgettable read that will make you fall in love with life again . . . 'You can never go wrong with Christina Lauren!' Paige Toon 'A true joy from start to finish' Kristin Harmel Macy is settling into an ambitious if emotionally tepid routine: work hard as a new paediatrics resident, plan her wedding to an older, financially secure man, keep her head down and heart tucked away. But when she runs into Elliot - the first and only love of her life - the ca Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM59.90

SEKARANG: RM 59.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 53.91 (-10%)

Out of stock

Oleh Tara Westover
1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • An unforgettable memoir about a young girl who, kept out of school, leaves her survivalist family and goes on to earn a PhD from Cambridge University Book Club Pick for Now Read This, from PBS NewsHour and The New York Times “A coming-of-age memoir reminiscent of The Glass Castle.”—O: The Oprah Magazine Tara Westover was seventeen the first time she set foot in a classroom. Born to survivalists in the mountains of Idaho, she prepared for Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM59.95

SEKARANG: RM 59.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 53.96 (-10%)

Oleh Kiyohiko Azuma
Udon! Pizza! Chestnuts! Bubbles! But wait... Duralumin, are you okay?!! Say something! Oh NOOO!!! ♦ Grand Prize Winner 20th Osamu Tezuka Cultural Awards. ♦ Excellence Award 2006 Japan Media Awards Festival Manga Division. ♦ 2008 Manga Taisho Awards Runner-Up. Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM12.00

SEKARANG: RM 12.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 10.80 (-10%)

Oleh John Grisham
"A murder mystery, a courtroom drama, a family saga . . . The Reckoning is Grisham's argument that he's not just a boilerplate thriller writer. Most jurors will think the counselor has made his case."-USA Today October 1946, Clanton, Mississippi Pete Banning was Clanton, Mississippi's favorite son-a decorated World War II hero, the patriarch of a prominent family, a farmer, father, neighbor, and a faithful member of the Methodist church. Then one cool October morning he ros Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM42.50

SEKARANG: RM 42.50 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 38.25 (-10%)

Oleh 小林誠
賣萌可恥但有用! 日本最經典的貓咪漫畫,網友譽為「貓咪漫畫之王」 史上最蠢萌的跳舞橘貓「麥可」登場~ 本書特色 日本累計發行量破5,000,000冊 售出法、德、義、美等九國版權 暢銷35年經典貓咪漫畫 榮獲講談社漫畫獎 改編動畫、電視劇、電視廣告,家喻戶曉的國民偶像! 五冊精緻愛藏版 社團法人貓咪也瘋狂公益協會理事長/Davis Liao、 肚臍是 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM117.00

SEKARANG: RM 117.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 117.00 (-0%)

Oleh 劉若瑀
  三十年前,她是一個才華洋溢的年輕女子,   是「蘭陵劇坊」的當家花旦,   是台灣金鐘獎的「最佳兒童節目主持人」。   有一天,她拋下這些身分,   在皮箱裡裝了六雙高跟鞋,遠渡重洋,到美國去學戲劇。   加州的牧場上,她遇見了「老先生」,   老先生是個戲劇大師,更是個智者,   他的訓練觸動了她所有的觀念與靈感……    Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM58.50

SEKARANG: RM 58.50 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 52.65 (-10%)

Oleh 相泽纪子
与鲜花相比,永生花、干花、人造花具有轻盈、能长久保存等优点,非常适合制作空间装饰花与新娘手捧花。本书讲述这三种不调花材在装饰花艺中的使用技法。包括瓶插和手捧花束两大内容。 瓶插部分,作者总结了12种花器形状和5种常见花型,系统讲述不同形状的花器应该搭配哪种花型。不同的形状的花器配合适合的花型,才能使插花作品和谐美观。手捧花 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM58.00

SEKARANG: RM 58.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 52.20 (-10%)

Oleh Trevor Noah
A New York Times Bestseller The host of The Daily Show, Trevor Noah, tells the story of growing up half black, half white in South Africa under and after apartheid in this young readers' adaptation of his bestselling adult memoir Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood. BORN A CRIME IS SOON TO BE A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE STARRING OSCAR WINNER LUPITA NYONG'O! Trevor Noah, the funny guy who hosts The Daily Show on Comedy Central, shares his remarkable story of growin Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM51.95

SEKARANG: RM 51.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 46.76 (-10%)

Oleh Jonathan Fenske
Check out this hilarious early reader series from Geisel Award Honoree Jonathan Fenske! Pick a book. Grow a Reader! This series is part of Scholastic's early reader line, Acorn, aimed at children who are learning to read. With easy-to-read text, a short-story format, plenty of humor, and full-color artwork on every page, these books will boost reading confidence and fluency. Acorn books plant a love of reading and help readers grow! Crabby is NOT happy. Sun is in Crabby's eye Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM21.90

SEKARANG: RM 21.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 19.71 (-10%)

Oleh Helena Fox
A deeply hopeful YA novel about living with mental illness that's perfect for fans of Girl in Pieces "Profoundly moving . . . Will take your breath away." --Kathleen Glasgow, author of Girl in Pieces Biz knows how to float. She has her people, her posse, her mom and the twins. She has Grace. And she has her dad, who tells her about the little kid she was, and who shouldn't be here but is. So Biz doesn't tell anyone anything. Not about her dark, runaway thoughts, not about k Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM54.50

SEKARANG: RM 54.50 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 49.05 (-10%)

Oleh Max Brallier
See if you have what it takes to survive the monster-zombie apocalypse in this interactive guided journal from the New York Times bestselling Last Kids on Earth series, soon to be a Netflix original animated series! You've read all about the Last Kids on Earth's adventures in the post-zombie-monster-apocalypse, and now it's time to get in on the action! In this interactive journal, readers will feel like they're part of the Last Kids world by taking part in creative exercises Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM47.90

SEKARANG: RM 47.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 43.11 (-10%)

Oleh Besson , Philippe
THE NO.1 FRENCH BESTSELLER AND WINNER OF THE MAISON DE LA PRESSE PRIZE 'Stunning and heart-gripping' Andre Aciman, author of Call Me by Your Name 'A beautiful, shattering novel about desire and shame, about passionate youth and the regrets of age' Olivia Laing, bestselling author of Crudo Just outside a hotel in Bordeaux, Philippe, a famous writer, chances upon a young man who bears a striking resemblance to his first love. What follows is a look back to Philippe's teenage Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM52.50

SEKARANG: RM 52.50 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 47.25 (-10%)

Oleh Carl Zimmer
Celebrated New York Times columnist and science writer Carl Zimmer presents a profoundly original perspective on what we pass along from generation to generation. Charles Darwin played a crucial part in turning heredity into a scientific question, and yet he failed spectacularly to answer it. The birth of genetics in the early 1900s seemed to do precisely that. Gradually, people translated their old notions about heredity into a language of genes. As the technology for studyi Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM59.95

SEKARANG: RM 59.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 53.96 (-10%)

Oleh Kat Cho
No one in modern-day Seoul believes in the old fables anymore, which makes it the perfect place to for Gu Miyoung and her mother to hide in plain sight. Mihoung is a Gumiho, a nine-tailed fox, who must eat the souls of men to survive. She feeds every full moon--eating the souls of men who have committed crimes, but have evaded justice. Her life is upended when she kills a dokkaebi, a murderous goblin, in the forest just to save the life of a stupid boy. But after Miyoung save Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM56.50

SEKARANG: RM 56.50 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 50.85 (-10%)

Oleh 今敏
◎《千年女優》《東京教父》《盜夢偵探》傳奇動畫導演今敏唯一短篇漫畫全集!   ◎台灣首次出版今敏漫畫,動漫畫迷、影迷行家必須珍藏,一窺大師原初創作心靈!   ◎書衣出自今敏武藏野美術大學時期的珍貴作品,五色印刷,忠於原作完美呈現!   ◎日方授權台版獨家收錄《千年女優》《盜夢偵探》的配樂平澤進談今敏「帶著愛的不親切」 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM68.00

SEKARANG: RM 68.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 68.00 (-0%)

Oleh Mur Lafferty
The brand-new official Minecraft novel is a journey into the unknown! Max and Alison are proof that differences don't stand in the way of friendship. Max is always on the lookout for a new adventure—even if it means getting into trouble—while Alison prefers to follow the rules. But both of them are fascinated by the beat-up old journal Max finds and the strange gate its secretive author, the Enchanter, describes: a portal to an otherworldly realm of danger called the Ne Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM46.95

SEKARANG: RM 46.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 42.26 (-10%)

Oleh Scholastic Us
Don't miss the first-ever graphic novel for Five Nights at Freddy's, an adaptation of the #1 New York Times bestselling novel, The Silver Eyes, illustrated by fan-favourite game artist Claudia Schroeder! Ten years after the horrific murders at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzathat ripped their town apart, Charlie - whose father ownedthe restaurant - and her childhood friends reunite on the anniversary of the tragedy and find themselves at the old pizza place which had been locked up a Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM75.90

SEKARANG: RM 75.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 68.31 (-10%)

Oleh Jonathan Fenske
The second book in Geisel Award Honoree Jonathan Fenske's hilarious underwater early reader series! Pick a book. Grow a Reader! This series is part of Scholastic's early reader line, Acorn, aimed at children who are learning to read. With easy-to-read text, a short-story format, plenty of humor, and full-color artwork on every page, these books will boost reading confidence and fluency. Acorn books plant a love of reading and help readers grow! Plankton wants Crabby to play a Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM21.90

SEKARANG: RM 21.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 19.71 (-10%)

Oleh Paul Kalanithi
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • PULITZER PRIZE FINALIST • This inspiring, exquisitely observed memoir finds hope and beauty in the face of insurmountable odds as an idealistic young neurosurgeon attempts to answer the question What makes a life worth living? NAMED ONE OF PASTE’S BEST MEMOIRS OF THE DECADE • NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY The New York Times Book Review • People • NPR • The Washington Post • Slate • Harper’s Bazaar • Time Out N Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM39.90

SEKARANG: RM 39.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 35.91 (-10%)

Oleh 亞當‧巴拉塔
美中貿易戰,股票債市引爆泡沫危機,散戶如何保本!? 七年循環的經濟大衰退,將讓股市崩跌三成!投資人何去何從? 看懂「巴菲特決策公式」,在全球金融危機中掌握獲利關鍵!   榮登《今日美國》暢銷書,美國Amazon五星好評!   卡債纏身、倒債七年的好萊塢窮小子   翻身成全美評價最高的貴金屬投顧公司創辦人   他用親身經驗,揭露 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM58.50

SEKARANG: RM 58.50 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 52.65 (-10%)

Oleh Alan Bradley
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - A finger in a wedding cake is only the beginning in this deliciously shocking mystery featuring Flavia de Luce, "the world's greatest adolescent British chemist/busybody/sleuth" (The Seattle Times). Although it is autumn in the small English town of Bishop's Lacey, the chapel is decked with exotic flowers. Yes, Flavia de Luce's sister Ophelia is at last getting hitched, like a mule to a wagon. "A church is a wonderful place for a wedding," muses F Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM37.95

SEKARANG: RM 37.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 34.16 (-10%)

Oleh 青山剛昌
  柯南×推理×科學×實驗   原來柯南就是孩子最棒的科學老師!   ★全書彩色圖解!   用科學解開忍者的謎團!   宛如疾風般到來、   又如煙霧般消失無蹤,   有時甚至變身成另一個人。    讓所有人都覺得不可思議的忍者之謎,   柯南能順利解開嗎?   享譽世界的日本忍者,   神祕又讓人著迷,   跟著本書一起解開關於 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM53.90

SEKARANG: RM 53.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 48.51 (-10%)

Oleh Matthew J. Gilbert
Will Byers' top-secret binder--based on the Netflix series Stranger Things! Read notes from the Upside Down and uncover secrets from the Hawkins National Laboratory in Will Byers's personal files. Based on Netflix's Stranger Things, this book is designed to look like a vintage school binder from the '80s. Filled with photos, notes, sketches, and diary entries, this book is sure to amaze and entertain fans of all ages. Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM79.95

SEKARANG: RM 79.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 71.96 (-10%)

Oleh American Academy Of Pediatrics
Now in its seventh edition! From the American Academy of Pediatrics, the most up-to-date, expert advice for mothers, fathers, and care providers--all in one guide. All parents want to provide the very best care for their children. This essential resource from the most respected organization in child health is the one guide pediatricians routinely recommend. Parents can safely trust the guidance, which covers everything from preparing for childbirth to toilet training and from Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM112.95

SEKARANG: RM 112.95 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 101.66 (-10%)

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