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' Patrick Alain 'Dijumpai 2 Produk Berkaitan
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Oleh 派屈克·亞倫
從加薪、請假、拒絕到化解尷尬,怎麼說最到位? 中文、英文3秒鐘一句話精準表達。 129種情境,3000句客氣話、機車話通通到位!   面對不苟言笑的老闆、扯你後腿的同事、機車難搞的客戶,   這個時候該怎麼說?才能精準表達立場,不再被會錯意、表錯情、貼標籤,   先搞清楚親疏遠近關係,在關鍵點說對話,從此不再白目演出!   *************** Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM64.70

SEKARANG: RM 64.70 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 58.23 (-10%)

Oleh Patrick Alain
The Complete Phrase Book For Leaders & Managers contains more than 6,000 dynamic phrases that will enable you to prevail in virtually all of life's important situations. You will be in command of your words and always stay ahead of the game. With this passport to success, you will begin a new journey on which you area mong the charismatic, the untouchable.....the elite. This easy-to-use reference book will give you a new image, which can help you quickly reach your full leade Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM64.80

SEKARANG: RM 34.90 (-46%)

AHLI: RM 34.90 (-46%)

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