9th Birthday Sale
9th Birthday Sale

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' Anita 'Dijumpai 11 Produk Berkaitan
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Oleh Anita
《一學就會!用鋼筆畫可愛生活插畫》 一筆一畫怎麼畫都可愛! 運用鋼筆手繪筆觸,搭配創意字型, 畫出俏皮又繽紛的插畫,為生活加點甜甜的小樂趣!   ★重點快速抓,零基礎也能輕鬆畫   一畫輪廓、二上色,只要會畫直線和圓圈,並透過鋼筆特殊的筆尖呈現出不同的手感線條,就能輕鬆享受塗鴉的樂趣。   本書以圖解的重點式說明各種運用鋼筆 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM43.10

SEKARANG: RM 43.10 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 38.79 (-10%)

Oleh Anita
一學就會!用鋼筆畫可愛生活插畫 × 附【幻彩鋼筆組-黎黑】 隨手一畫超療癒,為生活解壓的日常好用插畫教學集囊! 運用鋼筆特質變化粗細,畫出可愛手繪線條, 抓住重點,一下筆就傳神的繪畫技能!   只要會畫直線和圓圈,人人都能成為隨筆插畫家。    ◆一畫輪廓、二上色,簡單、快速好可愛   先用鋼筆畫出主題輪廓,運筆增減力道就能讓線 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM57.05

SEKARANG: RM 57.05 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 51.35 (-10%)

Oleh 艾妮塔·穆札尼
再活一次才知道,我的敏感竟然如此強大 立足於愛而非恐懼,才是真正的靈修   ★暢銷書《死過一次才學會愛》作者,2021年最新力作   ★TED演說點閱超過360萬人次   ★劃定人際能量界線的經典書   守護自己的能量場,不意味著刻意跟人劃清界線,或把自己藏起來。   我們需要的是健康的連結,正確的伸出觸角,而不是縮回觸角。   你也是不 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM58.50

SEKARANG: RM 58.50 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 52.65 (-10%)

Oleh 艾妮塔·穆札尼
當我放棄對抗,順應生命時,我取得生命最強大的力量。 為了把過去的自己愛回來,我選擇回到人間……   ★「紐約時報」暢銷書,全球超過31種語文譯本   ★Ted演說點閱超過360萬人次   ★一生必讀的自我療癒經典著作   二○○六年二月二日,這個日期將永遠烙印在我腦海,因為這一天我「死」了……   我的痊癒不是來自正面思考或信念的力量 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM50.80

SEKARANG: RM 50.80 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 45.72 (-10%)

Oleh Anita Higman , Marian Leslie
God Is Growing You into a Beautiful Woman of Faith How God Grows a Woman of Faith is a devotional designed to enhance your spiritual journey. Featuring more than 200 devotional readings complemented by scripture selections and prayers, this lovely collection offers a powerful blend of inspiration, encouragement, and motivation for every area of your spiritual life. Touching on topics like grace, forgiveness, joy, prayer, relationships, work, and more, you will find yo Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM22.90

SEKARANG: RM 22.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 20.61 (-10%)

Oleh Anita Cleare
You can still work and be a great parent! Most modern parents work. And we have limited time, limited energy, limited patience and too much to do. We are seldom at our best at the end of a long working day when the parenting shift kicks in. We want to do the right thing but, in the thick of it, with no time to think and no energy to spare, it's easy to miss the small changes that could make a big difference to our child's (and our own) well-being. The W Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM99.90

SEKARANG: RM 99.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 89.91 (-10%)

Oleh Anita C.Donihue
Scripture encourages us to "come boldly unto the throne of grace" (Hebrews 4:16)--and this Power Prayers Devotional will help with 180 inspiring prayer starters. By beloved author Anita Corrine Donihue--whose When I'm on My Knees series sold well over a million copies--these powerful meditations encourage women of all ages and backgrounds to approach God in intimate, joyful, confident prayer. Whenever you say, "Here I am, Lord," He is thrilled to listen to your deepest hopes Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM18.90

SEKARANG: RM 18.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 17.01 (-10%)

Oleh 艾妮塔·穆札尼
愛你自己,就是所有受苦的意義。 如何清除心中自我嫌棄的聲音?   ★「紐約時報」暢銷書《死過一次才學會愛》作者,重回人間十週年震撼新作   ★TED演講點閱率破百萬,超過232萬人次觀看   ★全球熱銷31國的自我療癒奇蹟   ★中天電視台「文茜的世界周報」專題報導   在歷經二○○六年原本癌症末期,卻短短三天內完全復元的奇蹟之後,   Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM49.30

SEKARANG: RM 49.30 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 44.37 (-10%)

Oleh Dr. Anita
ASAL: RM16.90

SEKARANG: RM 16.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 15.21 (-10%)

Oleh Anita Ganeri
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM327.90

SEKARANG: RM 99.90 (-70%)

AHLI: RM 99.90 (-70%)

Oleh Dr. Anita
Chinese Made Easy has been compiled keeping in mind the interest of those who want to learn Chinese in an easy and systematic way. The sentence in each text have been arranged in three lines with Chinese characters, Romanization and English Translation. Chinese Phonetics, Tones and Character Writing are explained separately for clear understanding of Chinese language. This book will be very helpful for those who are interested in learning Chinese language in order to keep abr Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM25.00

SEKARANG: RM 25.00 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 22.50 (-10%)

11 Item(s)


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