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  1. 九尾狐传第一季-第二季 Tale Of The Nine Tailed Season 1-2 (8 DVD)
    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2024-02-01
    九尾狐传 第一季 Tale of the Nine Tailed Season 1 作为一只千岁九尾狐,白头大干山神李砚(李栋旭饰),为了让自己的初恋重生,自愿放弃了山神这种看起来权力不小的铁饭碗,跑去出入亡者理事局打工,在人世间降妖除魔;而他的初恋对象,在重生后变成了电视台《寻找都市传说》节目制作人南智雅(曹宝儿饰),日常工作是拿着一台摄像机,报道各类奇奇怪怪的� Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM79.90

    SEKARANG: RM 79.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 71.91 (-10%)

    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2023-06-15
    ASAL: RM59.90

    SEKARANG: RM 59.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 53.91 (-10%)

  3. 别叫我 "赌神" One More Chance (DVD)
    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2024-02-01
    故事讲述赌徒吹水辉(周润发饰)与好友花叔(廖启智饰)、肥狗(白只饰)在澳门经营理发店,因嗜赌挥霍而身无分文。辉的前度女友李夕(袁咏仪饰)突然出现,拜托他照顾从未见面的儿子李阳(柯炜林饰)一个月,并奉上酬金。过程中,辉发现儿子尽管是自闭症患者,却展现出跑步的天赋。于是辉透过跑步帮助儿子,也找回自己! Fai, a compulsive gambler and an Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM23.90

    SEKARANG: RM 23.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 21.51 (-10%)

  4. 无名 Hidden Blade (DVD)
    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2024-02-01
    1941年12月7日,日本偷袭珍珠港。次日,汪伪政府跟随日本对英美宣战,日本象征性占领上海全境。随着太平洋战争全面爆发,中国抗战形势也因此完全改变。中共地下党员冒险送出情报,破坏日蒋媾和,维护祖国。 Follows the story of underground workers who risked their lives to send intelligence and defend the mother-land, set after Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor when the Wang Jingwei regime declared war Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM23.90

    SEKARANG: RM 23.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 21.51 (-10%)

  5. 失衡凶间第一季-第三季 TALES FROM THE OCCULT SEASON 1-3 (DVD)
    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2024-01-17
    该片以“不同空间发生的心理故事”为主线,讲述三个关于空间的诡异故事。 《死场》喧器名利场,手机面前,眼镜男子张牙舞爪,夸张宣传着一家即将开门营业的卖场,然而却是用谎言掩盖真相,用浮夸驱逐破 落。直播结束,尘归尘土归土,男子准备离开,却不曾想自己正被困在面向世人直播的生死场。 《唐楼》老旧公寓,住户寥寥。他们固守原地,殊不知 Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM29.90

    SEKARANG: RM 29.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 26.91 (-10%)

  6. 世上只有爸爸好 FATE (DVD)
    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2024-01-17
    梁先生(廖启智饰)在妻子去世后,和儿子(赵善恒饰)的关系迅速恶化。儿子追求自己的事业,却得不到父亲的认可,最后只能一次次离家出走。终于儿子在一次离家的过程中车祸身亡,梁先生发现儿子竟然瞒着自己,偷偷签了器官捐赠协议。梁先生只好含泪照办。但是法律不允许家属知晓受捐人的情况,于是梁先生踏上了艰难的寻“子”旅程…... Truck driver Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM23.90

    SEKARANG: RM 23.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 21.51 (-10%)

  7. Hui Brothers 许氏兄弟经典电影系列 + 最佳拍档 (3DVD)
    Oleh 许冠杰,许冠英,许冠文 Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2022-03-31
    Language-Cantonese粤语对白 Subtitle-Chinese/English 中/英 字幕 DISC1 最佳拍档 Aces Go Places 最佳拍档之大显神通 Aces Go Places II 最佳拍档之女皇密令 Aces Go Places III 最佳拍档之千里救差婆 Aces Go Places IV 新最佳拍档 Aces Go Places V DISC2 鬼马双星 Games Gamblers Play 天才与白痴 The Last Message 卖身契 The Contract 摩登保镖 Security Unlimited DISC3 合家欢 Mr. Coconut 半斤八两 The Private Eyes 新半斤� Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM79.90

    SEKARANG: RM 79.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 71.91 (-10%)

    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2020-12-04
    Movie 1: 唐山大兄 The Big Boss(1971) Movie 2: 精武门Fist Of Fury(1972) Movie 3: 猛龙过江The Way Of The Dragon(1972) Movie 4: 龙争虎斗Enter The Dragon(1973) Movie 5: 死亡游戏Game Of Death(1978) Movie 6: 死亡塔Tower Of Death(1981) Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM59.90

    SEKARANG: RM 59.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 53.91 (-10%)

  9. 成龙 警察故事电影系列 POLICE STORY MOVIE COL(3DVD)
    Oleh 成龙 Penerbit:VBG Tarikh Terbit:2020-08-03
    成龙 警察故事电影系列 POLICE STORY MOVIE COL(3DVD) Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM59.90

    SEKARANG: RM 59.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 53.91 (-10%)

  10. 李连杰 黄飞鸿电影系列WONG FEI HUNG MOVIE COL(3DVD)
    Oleh 李连杰 Penerbit:VBG Tarikh Terbit:2020-08-03
    李连杰 黄飞鸿电影系列WONG FEI HUNG MOVIE COL(3DVD) Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM59.90

    SEKARANG: RM 59.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 53.91 (-10%)

  11. 黄子华栋笃笑系列 WONG TZE WAH TALK SHOW (7DVD)
    Oleh 黄子华 Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2020-08-03
    黄子华栋笃笑系列 WONG TZE WAH TALK SHOW (7DVD) Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM79.90

    SEKARANG: RM 79.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 71.91 (-10%)

  12. 甜蜜家园第二季 SWEET HOME SEASON 2 (DVD)
    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2023-12-18
    Season 2. The remaining residents of the Green Home apartment need to move out of their houses, which were the scene of their previous monster battles, and venture out into the outside world. The survivors have established a community at what remains of the stadium, but they still cannot let their guard down. Sweet Home Season 2 akan megisahkan keadaan setelah berada di luar apartemen. Hyun Soo ditangkap militer, sedangkan Sang Wook (Lee Jin Wook) muncul dengan bekas luka ba Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM29.90

    SEKARANG: RM 29.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 26.91 (-10%)

    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2023-12-18
    Seoul is devasted by a powerful earthquake. Hwanggoong Apartment is the only place still standing after the earthquake. Survivors make their way to Hwanggoong Apartment. Young-Tak (Lee Byung-Hun) temporarily leads the residents of Hwanggoong apartment. As the crisis unfolds, Young-Tak tries to protect the residents from outsiders. Min-Sung (Park Seo-Joon) was a public officer. He is picked by Young-Tak and becomes his helper. Myeong-Hwa (Park Bo-Young) is Min-Sung's wife and Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM23.90

    SEKARANG: RM 23.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 21.51 (-10%)

  14. 满江红 Full River Red (DVD)
    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2023-11-08
    南宋绍兴年间,岳飞死后四年,秦桧率兵与金国会谈。会谈前夜,金国使者死在宰相驻地,所携密信也不翼而飞。小兵张大(沈腾饰)与亲兵营副统领孙均(易烊千玺饰)机缘巧合被裹挟进这巨大阴谋之中,宰相秦桧(雷佳音饰)命两人限一个时辰之内找到凶手。伴随危机四伏的深入调查,宰相府总管何立(张译饰)、副总管武义淳(岳云鹏饰)、舞姬瑶琴(王 Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM23.90

    SEKARANG: RM 23.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 21.51 (-10%)

  15. 世间有她 Hero (DVD)
    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2023-11-08
    2020年初疫情侵袭武汉时,一对相继染疫的婆媳---沈玥(周迅饰)和婆婆李菊(许娣饰)不得不生活在同一屋檐下并只有彼此,她们面临着如何处理亘古的婆媳难题。疫情之初,一对热恋中的情侣分隔两地,李昭华(易烊千玺饰)在武汉不幸感染,女友周晓璐(黄米依饰)则在北京,因为武汉封城以及疫情防控,无法回去照顾男友。他们只能通过每天频繁的视频� Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM23.90

    SEKARANG: RM 23.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 21.51 (-10%)

  16. 长空之王 Born To Fly (DVD)
    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2023-11-08
    雷宇(王一博饰)等优秀飞行员经过严苛选拔正式成为飞行员,他们在队长张挺(胡军饰)的带领下,参与到了最新型战机的试飞。高空之上,发动机骤停甚至失火,飞机失去控制。他们一次次与死神过招,只为获取最极限的数据。随着战机交付日期的临近,任务难度逐渐升级,试飞员们面临着更大的挑战。 A special operations team headed by elite pilots are ordered to test n Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM23.90

    SEKARANG: RM 23.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 21.51 (-10%)

  17. LOST IN THE STARS 消失的她 (DVD)
    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2023-11-06
    It sees a woman disappear while on an overseas trip with her husband. Just as mysteriously, she reappears at the moment that the search for her is running out of steam. But the man refuses to accept that she is the same woman and believes that she is an imposter. 何非的妻子李木子在结婚周年旅行中离奇消失,就在何非苦寻无果之时妻子再次现身,何非却坚持眼前的陌生女人并非妻子,妻子拿出了身份证明进行自证,夫妻 Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM23.90

    SEKARANG: RM 23.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 21.51 (-10%)

    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2023-11-07
    Watashi No Shiawase Na Kekkon Live Action The Movie 我的幸福婚約真人剧场版 JAP (E / C) 在帝都的名门异能家族之女斋森美世,却没有继承任何能力,被继母与同父异母的妹妹当作佣人般对待。然而早该谈婚论嫁的她,婚约的对象竟是传说中冷酷无情、拥有异能的久堂家家主——久堂清霞。早已无处可去的美世,却在久堂家寄人篱下的日子中发现清霞其实并不是像传闻中那样� Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM23.90

    SEKARANG: RM 23.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 21.51 (-10%)

  19. CYBER HEIST 断网 (DVD)
    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2023-09-19
    Hackers release a virus onto the web and unleash a large-scale cyber attack. Fortunately, cyber security engineer and IT whiz, Cheuk Ka-Chun, uses a firewall he developed to resolve the crisis. Unbeknownst to Ka-Chun, the mastermind behind this virus is his superior, Chan Ming-Chi. As the two begin to butt heads, Ka-Chun secretly develops a rival virus and Ming-Chi plots to have Ka-Chun's wife and daughter kidnapped. As Ka-Chun panics, his new virus starts to spread across ev Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM23.90

    SEKARANG: RM 23.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 21.51 (-10%)

  20. THE WHITE STORM SEASON 1-3 扫毒第一季-第三季 (DVD)
    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2023-09-19
    Ma Ho-tin, So Kin-chow and Cheung Tsz-wai are good brothers who grew up together. When they grew up, they were stationed in the Narcotics Bureau of the Hong Kong Police Force. Among them, Chow has been undercover for a long time in the drug trafficking group. He can't live a normal life and make him extremely annoyed. Big brother A Tian and his detective brother A Wei often persuade him that he can return to the team after catching the last big drug lord. THe high-level polic Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM29.90

    SEKARANG: RM 29.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 26.91 (-10%)

  21. THE UNCANNY COUNTER 2 : COUNTER PUNCH 驱魔面馆2 : 全面回击 (2 DVD)
    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2023-09-19
    Evil spirits from the afterlife arrive on Earth in search of an immortal existence. The story follows a group of counters who are tasked with catching these malevolent entities. 驱魔面馆凭借着新的力量与新进员工,继续对抗以人类为食的邪灵。 The Uncanny Counter 2 menceritakan tentang para counter yang tinggal di Korea Selatan dan bekerja sebagai pemburu roh jahat. Di musim kedua kali ini bakalan ada pemain baru dan menjadi counter pemula. Para Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM59.90

    SEKARANG: RM 59.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 53.91 (-10%)

    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2023-02-22
    Based on real events that occurred in 2007 dubbed the "Heuksapa Incident", the story follows a turf war that grows between a local gang that runs Garibong-dong in Guro District, Seoul and the Heuksapa gang from Yanbian, China;[8] the police are called in to attempt to bring peace to the neighborhood. Jang Chen (Yoon Kye-Sang) came from China and now works as a loan shark in a seedy Chinatown area of Seoul. He's backed up by his bloodthirsty henchmen Wei Sung-Rak (Jin Seon-Kyu Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM25.90

    SEKARANG: RM 25.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 23.31 (-10%)

    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2023-09-04
    Seven years after the roundup in Vietnam, Ma Seok-do joins a new squad to investigate a murder case. He soon starts to dig deeper when he finds out the case involves a synthetic drug and a gang of thugs. 抓获越南绑架杀人案罪犯7年后,不可替代的怪物刑警马锡道(马东石 饰)被提拔到首尔地方警察厅广域搜查队任职,与新队员们一起调查杀人案件。在案件调查过程中,马锡道得之此案涉及新型毒品案件,因� Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM23.90

    SEKARANG: RM 23.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 21.51 (-10%)

    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2023-09-04
    Based on real events that occurred in 2007 dubbed the "Heuksapa Incident", the story follows a turf war that grows between a local gang that runs Garibong-dong in Guro District, Seoul and the Heuksapa gang from Yanbian, China; the police are called in to attempt to bring peace to the neighboardhood. Jang Chen (Yoon Kye-Sang) came from China and now works as a loan shark in a seedy Chinatown area of Seoul. He's backed up by his bloodthirsty henchmen Wei Sung-Rak *Jin Seon-Kyu) Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM29.90

    SEKARANG: RM 29.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 26.91 (-10%)

    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2023-08-22
    Lui Lok (Aaron Kwok) became a police officer in order to uphold justice. However, rampant corruption within the police force made it impossible for him to remain independent. As a result, he decides to make a name for himself within the police force by controlling organized crime. Nam Kong (Tony Leung Chiu-wai), who seems like gentleman on the surface, operates with a dagger under his cloak. He is socially active among the police force as well as in social circles, laying the Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM23.90

    SEKARANG: RM 23.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 21.51 (-10%)

    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2023-08-22
    As of February 22, A GUILTY CONSCIENCE has officially become the first Hong Kong film to cross the HK$100 million mark at local box office. Asian Pop-Up Cinema is proud to encore this film specially for a live audience with the director and lead actress on hand to share their insights of making this film. If you’re fans of courtroom dramas and murder mysteries that have touches of sarcastic comedy, you won’t be disappointed. A relatively straightforward child abuse case Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM23.90

    SEKARANG: RM 23.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 21.51 (-10%)

    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2023-08-22
    From the Kong Sang Continent comes the tale of the tumultuous love story of Princess Zhu Yan of the Chi Yi Tribe and Royal Prince Shi Ying. The framing of the Queen results in the Prince being banished to Jiu Yi Mountain to cultivate. Once solely focused on his tasks, he develops romantic feelings for his disciple Zhu Yan. But their student/teacher relationship prevents either from expressing their true feelings. Fate then works against them when they choose opposing sides in Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM79.90

    SEKARANG: RM 79.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 71.91 (-10%)

  28. JEWEL IN THE PALACE 大长今 V1-70END (10DVD)
    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2023-08-06
    ASAL: RM159.90

    SEKARANG: RM 159.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 143.91 (-10%)

  29. THE POINT MEN MOVIE 火线交涉真人剧场版 (DVD)
    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2023-07-06
    ASAL: RM21.90

    SEKARANG: RM 21.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 19.71 (-10%)

  30. TAXI DRIVER 模范出租车 S2 VOL.1-16(DVD)
    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2023-05-08
    ASAL: RM59.90

    SEKARANG: RM 59.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 53.91 (-10%)

  31. 天龙八部之乔峰传 SAKRA (DVD)
    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2023-05-16
    北宋年间, 丐帮帮主乔峰英雄侠义, 受武林拥戴, 却突遭指认为契丹人而众叛亲离。追寻身世,寻找仇人途中, 乔峰与慕容家婢女阿朱相识相知, 情愫互生。二人历经聚贤庄,雁门关,镜湖风波,直至阿朱因马夫人设计被乔峰错杀,乔峰终查出一切皆是慕容复为复辟燕国的阴谋,乔峰手刃慕容复,随后带着阿朱的遗愿孤身前往塞外。 During the Northern Song Dynasty, Qia Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM21.90

    SEKARANG: RM 21.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 19.71 (-10%)

  32. OLA BOLA (DVD)
    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2023-04-13
    ASAL: RM23.90

    SEKARANG: RM 23.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 21.51 (-10%)

  33. THE JOURNEY一路有你(DVD)
    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2023-04-13
    ASAL: RM23.90

    SEKARANG: RM 23.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 21.51 (-10%)

  34. GREAT DAY天天好天(DVD)
    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2023-04-13
    ASAL: RM23.90

    SEKARANG: RM 23.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 21.51 (-10%)

  35. WOOHOO! 大日子(DVD)
    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2023-04-13
    ASAL: RM23.90

    SEKARANG: RM 23.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 21.51 (-10%)

  36. THE GLORY 黑暗荣耀 P1+P2 VOL.1-16 END(4DVD)
    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2023-04-04
    ASAL: RM59.90

    SEKARANG: RM 59.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 53.91 (-10%)

  37. REBORN RICH 财阀家的小儿子 V1-16END (4DVD)
    Oleh 宋仲基 Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2023-01-05
    Yoon Hyun-Woo has worked for Soonyang Conglomerate for more than 10 years. His job mainly consists of taking care of the family that runs the company. His work is similar to that of a servant, but he is falsely accused of embezzlement by the conglomerate family. He is then shot and killed while on a business trip overseas. The next moment, Yoon Hyun-Woo finds himself in the body of the family's youngest son Jin Do-Joon. He decides to take revenge on the Soonyang Conglomerate Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM59.90

    SEKARANG: RM 59.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 53.91 (-10%)

  38. HAPPY GHOST 开心鬼电影系列 [1-5部] (DVD)
    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2022-12-19
    1. 開心鬼 The Happy Ghost 2. 開心鬼放暑假 Happy Ghost II 3. 開心鬼撞鬼 Happy Ghost III 4. 開心鬼救開心鬼 Happy Ghost IV 5. 開心鬼上錯身 Happy Ghost V Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM29.90

    SEKARANG: RM 29.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 26.91 (-10%)

  39. LOVE IN CONTRACT 月水金火木土 V1-16END (4DVD)
    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2022-12-05
    Choi Sang-Eun (Park Min-Young) is an attractive woman, with talent and charm. She works as a contract marriage master. Her job is to help her client have a perfect single life. She transforms herself for each of her clients. Her client Jung Ji-Ho (Ko Gyung-Pyo) has been in a marriage contract with her for 5 years, running on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of the week. Jung Ji-Ho is a mysterious man. Her new client Kang Hae-Jin (Kim Jae-Young) is a popular actor. She has a marr Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM59.90

    SEKARANG: RM 59.90 (-0%)

    AHLI: RM 53.91 (-10%)

    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2022-12-05
    Jun Lee (Lau), a former police inspector and elite detective in OCTB who has been expelled from the police force, after his serious mental breakdown and ensured a chaos happened in police headquarters due to a wrongly conviction of the Butcher case and the Devil Cop case. Years later, a series of high profile murders happens, and a group of culprits who called themselves "The Sleuths" leaving the sneak peeks of their next murders, which connected to the cases which Jun has in Maklumat lanjut
    ASAL: RM21.90

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    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:2022-11-03
    Kim Shin (Gong Yoo), a decorated military general from the Goryeo Dynasty, is framed as a traitor and killed by the young king. Years after his death, he is cursed by the Almighty to stay immortal forever, enduring the pain of seeing his loved ones die as punishment for the soldiers he killed to protect his country. He becomes an immortal goblin, helping people with his powers and being a kind man in spite of his grieving past. The only way to put an end to his immortality is Maklumat lanjut
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  42. 大大哒 THINK BIG BIG (DVD)
    Oleh Penerbit: Tarikh Terbit:1970-01-01
    大大哒 THINK BIG BIG (DVD) Maklumat lanjut
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