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' Leah Lagos 'Found 14 Related Products
By Stacie Ramey
Allie is devastated when her sister Leah commits suicide—and not just because she misses her. The two teens made a suicide pact so that they’d always be together, and Allie can’t understand why she was left behind. Drugs seem to be the only thing that help Allie with her grief, and it just so happens that her dealer might be the only one who knows why Leah did what she did. As Allie struggles to uncover the truth, she must come to terms with the fact that she wasn’t a Learn More
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By Leah Bodenbach RN , BSN
Boost your baby’s brain health and microbiome with healthy, delicious, homemade first foods! Complete nutrition guide and organic baby food cookbook made explicitly for baby’s gut health. As parents, you possess great powers to help foster the growth of a healthy baby, starting with nourishing foods. In Brain Food for Your Baby, holistic health coach and registered nurse Leah Bodenbach offers a step-by-step nutritional guide to baby’s first foods along with 125 easy, b Learn More
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By Leah Lagos
Stress is not in your head, it's in your heart - this is the key to peak performance that Dr Leah Lagos, an internationally known expert in biofeedback and sport and performance psychology, wants us to know. In this book, she shares with readers for the first time the same program that she uses with top athletes, CEOs, business leaders - anyone who wants and needs to perform at their best. What makes her scientifically proven ten-week programme unlike any other is that she r Learn More
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By Leah Hazard
The womb is the most miraculous organ in the body - with the power to bring life or cause death; to yield joy or pain - yet most of us know almost nothing about it. In this book, midwife and bestselling author Leah Hazard sets out on a journey to explore the rich past, complex present and dynamic future of the uterus. She speaks to the Californian doctor who believes women deserve a period-free life; walks in the footsteps of the Scottish woman whose Caesarean section change Learn More
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By 莉亞
  ★巧妙結合心靈勵志+英語學習的抄寫書   ★高績效行為教練為深愛的人精心挑選的100篇激勵人心的英文文章,全書中•英•韓對照!   ★隨書掃QR Code,邊寫邊聽最純正的英文,還可當睡前學習&療癒音樂!   每天抄寫正能量英文,   小習慣帶來大改變。   100天後,你就是你故事裡的英雄!   作者剛前往美國留學時,由於英語能力不足而 Learn More
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By Meghan Leahy
No-nonsense, sanity-saving insights from the Washington Post on Parenting columnist–for anyone who’s drowning in parental pressure and advice that doesn’t work. Ever feel overwhelmed by the stress and perfectionism of our overparenting culture–and at the same time, still look for solutions to ease the struggles of everyday family life? Parenting coach and Washington Post columnist Meghan Leahy feels your pain. Like her clients and re Learn More
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By Leah Slawson
Forget about the problems of yesterday---start fresh today and harness hope for tomorrow with this encouraging collection! Speaking to the issues women care about most, these stirring meditations, inspiring Scriptures, memorable quotations, and heartfelt prayers will remind you that God is faithful and his mercies are new every morning Learn More
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By 莉亞·古茲曼
★後疫情時代,最撫慰人心的的實用療癒★ 打破傳統單一形式,結合多媒體科技,最符合現代人的情緒修復法。 動動手,把心中的焦慮、不安、恐懼……緩緩卸下, 轉交給「藝術創作」癒合情緒傷口,重掌生命的主導權。   「過往介紹藝術治療的技巧或活動的書籍,大多著眼在排除科技、最為單純與直接創作的方式,但隨著時代日新月異,我期待有整合更 Learn More
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NOW: RM 64.70 (-0%)

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By 莉雅 Leah
超容易! 《一鍋烘焙玩到底》 餅乾、糖果、蛋糕 只要一個攪拌鍋+一個平底鍋 就可以零失敗做出多項超人氣點心!   以烘焙器具為出發,創造出只要有一個平底鍋與一個攪拌鍋就可以做出書中70款甜點,有餅乾、小西點、蛋糕與糖果等。   一個攪拌鍋+一個平底鍋,只需要一個平底鍋就能完成許多小點心,不光是能享用到美味的點心,還能省下大 Learn More
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By Lauren James
What if death is only the beginning? When Harriet Stoker dies after falling from a balcony in a long-abandoned building, she discovers a world of ghosts with magical powers - shape-shifting, hypnosis, even the ability to possess the living. Felix, Kasper, Rima and Leah welcome her into their world, eager to make friends with the new arrival. Yet Harriet is more interested in unleashing her own power, even if it means destroying everyone around her. But when all of eternity i Learn More
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By Becky Albertalli
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By Kerrelyn Sparks
He's out of control Dougal Kincaid has something to prove. After being injured in a battle with the Malcontents, he's ready for active duty protecting unsuspecting mortals from these villainous vampires who want to rule the world. But first he has to get control of himself ...because just the sight of a certain lovely doctor has his injured hand doing some peculiar things, not to mention the sizzling sensation that burns along his dragon tattoo ...Vampires? Vampires?! As a s Learn More
USUAL: RM39.90

NOW: RM 39.90 (-0%)

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By Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
From the Orange Prize-winning author of `Half of a Yellow Sun' come twelve dazzling stories that turn a penetrating eye on the ties that bind men and women, parents and children, Nigeria and the West. In 'A Private Experience', a medical student hides from a violent riot with a poor Muslim woman whose dignity and faith force her to confront the realities and fears she's been pushing away. In 'Tomorrow Is Too Far', a woman unlocks the dev Learn More
USUAL: RM35.90

NOW: RM 35.90 (-0%)

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