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' Zoe Huang 'Found 119 Related Products
By 黃仁宇
影響深遠、跨時代的大歷史啟蒙 一代歷史學者黃仁宇經典之作 萬曆十五年,西元1587年,一個無關緊要的年分, 卻呈現帝國走向喪敗的癥結,也是黃仁宇旋風的起點。   兼具文學性與大歷史觀的經典之作   《萬曆十五年》是史家黃仁宇最著名、流傳最廣的著作,也是他大歷史觀主張的宏觀展現,一面探討歷史,一面檢討近代中國的處境,見微知著,從零 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

NOW: RM 69.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.37 (-10%)

By Ana Huang
Meet the Kings of Sin . . . The must-read billionaire romance from the bestselling author of the Twisted series. 'Get ready for all the spice, all the build-up and all the sizzling tension' GLAMOUR Read King of Sloth now for a steamy reverse grumpy sunshine romance. He'd never wanted anyone enough to chase them . . . until he met her. Charming, easy-going, and rich beyond belief, Xavier Castillo has the world at his fingertips. He also has no interest i Learn More
USUAL: RM65.90

NOW: RM 65.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 59.31 (-10%)

By Melissa Welliver
A high-concept enemies-to-lovers romance – sure to be a BookTok hit! Good news: we all have a soulmate somewhere. Bad news: it’s caused by a deadly virus. If you feel pain, your KinTwin does too. If you die – they die too. Control-freak Zoe is determined to stay alive. And single. She carries a survival kit for every eventuality, except for when her phone lights up with a blood match to Milo Spencer, a boy who lives for recreational danger. Time to find a cure before Learn More
USUAL: RM65.90

NOW: RM 65.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 59.31 (-10%)

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By Mohd Nadzri Kamsin
Empayar China telah melakar sejarah sebagai salah satu empayar agung yang wujud pada masa lampau dan kini terus hidup melalui fasa revolusi dan transformasi, sesuai dengan peredaran zaman. Banyak khazanah yang telah ditinggalkan baik dalam bentuk arkeologi mahupun pengajaran yang berguna untuk umat manusia. Buku ini menampilkan kisah perkembangan empayar China dari zaman penubuhan hingga ke zaman moden. Babak permulaan mengisahkan tentang bagaimana empayar ini terbentuk dan m Learn More
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NOW: RM 37.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 34.11 (-10%)

By 喬宜思
全球第一位中文人類圖分析師 喬宜思(Joyce Huang) 睽違8年最新力作 「真正重要的其實是你所體悟的,這就是『自私的覺悟』。身而為人,最深的制約來自於從小到大,我們被迫服從權威,放棄自我。如果要活出自己,就得脫離這些制約。」 ——拉.烏盧.胡(Ra Uru Hu),人類圖祖師爺 請自私。 請活出自己的燦爛, 這世界會因為有你,變得更美麗! Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 46.00 (-21%)

By 喬宜思
全球第一位中文人類圖分析師 喬宜思(Joyce Huang) 睽違8年最新力作 「真正重要的其實是你所體悟的,這就是『自私的覺悟』。身而為人,最深的制約來自於從小到大,我們被迫服從權威,放棄自我。如果要活出自己,就得脫離這些制約。」 ——拉.烏盧.胡(Ra Uru Hu),人類圖祖師爺 請自私。 請活出自己的燦爛, 這世界會因為有你,變得更美麗! Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 46.00 (-21%)

大荒内,人、神、妖混居,西炎、辰荣、皓翎三国鼎立。 流落大荒的皓翎国王姬玖瑶(小夭)(杨紫饰)历经百年颠沛之苦,不但失去了身份,也失去了容貌,在清水镇落脚,成为了“无处可去、无人可依、无力自保”的玟小六。他悬壶为生恣意不羁。 曾与小夭青梅竹马的西炎国王孙玱玹(张晚意饰)去了皓翎国做质子,即使寄人篱下、隐忍蛰伏,为了寻找小 Learn More
USUAL: RM149.90

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MEMBER: RM 134.91 (-10%)

津海市国安局侦察科科长高天阳(韩庚 饰)发现境外情报组织“夜雾”开发了一款名叫“特工任务”的游戏,他们利用玩家在未知情况下暗中开展间谍活动,甚至与高天阳一起长大的弟弟黄子诚(魏大勋 饰)竟也深陷特工游戏之中。黄子诚在游戏的过程中,邂逅了搭档姚瑶(李一桐 饰),两人共同度过一段游戏之旅。正当黄子诚情愫渐生之时,意外发现自己和 Learn More
USUAL: RM129.90

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MEMBER: RM 116.91 (-10%)

1940年的上海,代号梅花四的中共地下党员陈家平执行任务时,在险些暴露的紧急关头,与曾经的未婚妻左双桃偶遇。此时的左双桃已经是国民党军统特工,执行刺杀任务失败,也在寻找脱困办法。彼此不知道对方特工身份的陈家平和左双桃凭借当年的默契应对日本人的严密盘查,最终以情侣身份惊险过关。日本人出于对伪装情侣的怀疑,随即逼迫陈家平和左双 Learn More
USUAL: RM129.90

NOW: RM 129.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 116.91 (-10%)

By Chloe Gong
From #1 New York Times bestselling author Chloe Gong comes two captivating new novellas surrounding the events of Foul Lady Fortune and following a familiar cast of characters from the These Violent Delights Duet! In A Foul Thing, Roma and Juliette have established themselves as the heads of an underground weapons ring in Zhouzhuang, making a living the way they do best while remaining anonymous in their peaceful, quiet life. But when they hear about several Russian girls sh Learn More
USUAL: RM65.90

NOW: RM 65.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 59.31 (-10%)

By 黃詩澐
★ 台灣首本音頻舒眠禪繞畫 ★ ★ 套組:禪繞畫圖樣書+控筆練習本+圖樣提示卡+音頻導引+專用筆組 ★ 從音頻導引開始,簡單線條的一筆一畫,讓身心一同減壓更好眠   身心經常處於緊張與壓力的人,要在日常生活中經常練習喚起安定波(α波/阿爾法波),使肌肉和頭腦能得到放鬆。   靜坐冥想、氣功、瑜珈等能幫助進入α波狀態,但都需要較多的 Learn More
USUAL: RM97.00

NOW: RM 97.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 87.30 (-10%)

By Jin Yong
THE CHINESE "LORD OF THE RINGS" - NOW IN ENGLISH FOR THE FIRST TIME. THE SERIES EVERY CHINESE READER HAS BEEN ENJOYING FOR DECADES - 300 MILLION COPIES SOLD. "Western fantasy has JRR Tolkien, but we Asian fantasy authors have Jin Yong's stories in our DNA. The debt we owe him is immeasurable" SHELLEY PARKER-CHAN "If you haven't read Jin Yong's work, you haven't yet fully experienced the fantasy genre" FONDA LEE CHINA , 1237 A.D. Genghis Khan is dead, but the Mongolians, Learn More
USUAL: RM89.90

NOW: RM 89.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 80.91 (-10%)

By Ana Huang
A brand-new steamy billionaire romance from the bestselling author of the Twisted series He had her, he lost her . . . and he'll do anything to win her back. Powerful, brilliant, and ambitious, Dominic Davenport clawed his way up from nothing to become the King of Wall Street. He has everything - a beautiful home, a beautiful wife and more money than he could spend in a lifetime. But no matter how much he accumulates, he's never satisfied. In his endless quest for Learn More
USUAL: RM62.90

NOW: RM 62.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 56.61 (-10%)

By 莊祖欣
作家 莊祖宜美味推薦   走過世界各地,吃遍五湖四海,Cindy最想念的還是自己做的菜。家,就是她盡情揮灑創意、大玩料理的地方,一解長年在異鄉生活的濃濃鄉愁。   全書收錄30道Cindy用想像力調味的非典型食譜與飲食文化觀察筆記,充滿匠心獨具的巧思,也蘊含了對食物滿滿的熱情與愛意。   「我想做一本只有插畫家畫得出來的食譜書。不要去 Learn More
USUAL: RM73.90

NOW: RM 73.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 66.51 (-10%)

By 伍忠賢
從遊戲、通用運算,到成就AI霸業, 破解人工智慧晶片之王 輝達黃仁勳致霸之道   全球企業超級巨星每十年出一位   2001~2011年蘋果公司史蒂夫.賈伯斯;   2013~2022年電動汽車業霸主特斯拉的伊隆.馬斯克;   2023年5月24曰,輝達公司股票市值破1兆美元,是全球2萬家上市公司第七家!橫空出世人工智慧晶片霸主的輝達黃仁勳!   AI熱潮影響了 Learn More
USUAL: RM61.60

NOW: RM 61.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 55.44 (-10%)

By 30節約男子
用精確到個位數的收支實況,為無數月光族帶來希望的曙光!   從29歲的負債人生,3年內靠著各種斷捨離與金錢整理,告別低薪焦慮。   30節約男子用自己的親身實證,帶你找回生活選擇權,邁向理想人生!   勇敢面對低薪現狀,端平心態,但拒絕躺平!   「30歲的我,淨資產 -69,374元」。30節約男子兩年多前創立IG帳號,不同於滿滿的炫富風潮 Learn More
USUAL: RM52.35

NOW: RM 52.35 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 47.12 (-10%)

By 宋曉陽
默默做事,也要懂說話; 善用表達,展現高價值! 4種表達模式,26堂說話課 建立邏輯思維,開口就講重點, 即刻提升你的職場溝通力!   *總是想到哪說到哪,常被問:「所以你想說什麼?」   *明明準備很久,但一上臺腦袋就一片空白,關鍵時刻總是發揮失常   *經常需要對方重複幾次才有辦法完全理解,導致常被懷疑沒在聽或不專心   Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By Katie Tsang ,  Kevin Tsang
Get ready to join DRAGON FORCE! From the authors of the bestselling DRAGON MOUNTAIN comes the first in a brand-new, action-packed, dragon-obsessed series for 8+ readers. ‘Impossible to put down – a dynamic, dragon-filled, delight of an adventure.’ – A. F. Steadman, author of SKANDAR AND THE UNICORN THIEF Twelve-year-old Lance Lo, his younger sister Zoe and new friends haven enrolled at Camp Claw to learn all the skills they need to become protectors of the new worl Learn More
USUAL: RM59.50

NOW: RM 59.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.55 (-10%)

By Ruowen Huang
唯有當你採取行動, 你才能讓自己成為一個活生生的證據   ●○限量附贈:作家親繪LIFE筆記本一本●○   Ruowen Huang親繪封面翱翔天際的熱氣球,內頁以心靈金句結合充足的記事版面,願你在靈魂的地球旅程中,創造出生命的各種可能性。共兩款顏色,隨機贈送,送完為止。   人生至今之所以還沒有發生任何自己想要的事,   往往是因為自己不 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By Ruowen Huang
唯有當你採取行動, 你才能讓自己成為一個活生生的證據   人生至今之所以還沒有發生任何自己想要的事,   往往是因為自己不敢也不願意面對未來可能會失敗的結果──不是不想做,而是不敢做。   The middle word of life is if.   Ruowen Huang第五部靈性之書──跨出舒適圈,擁抱生命中的「如果」   如果離職去做那份工作會怎樣?   如果我要 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By Rachel Renee Russell
Nikki's school is holding a talent competition and Nikki can't wait to start practising dance moves with her BFFs, Chloe and Zoey, and impressing Brandon, her crush, with her singing skills! But then Nikki finds out that her arch-nemesis, MacKenzie, is entering the contest too, and she's determined to steal the limelight from Nikki and her friends. Can a dork like Nikki take on the most popular girl in school and win? With a HUGE global fanbase, Dork Diaries is the perfect s Learn More
USUAL: RM59.50

NOW: RM 59.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.55 (-10%)

By Rachel Renee Russell
Nikki finds out that her crush Brandon volunteers at a local animal shelter. He's such a sweet guy – of course he wants to help those adorable puppies! Then Brandon tells her that the shelter is in danger of closing, and Nikki knows she can't let that happen. So Nikki and her friends Chloe and Zoey enter an ice skating competition to help raise money for the shelter, but skating is harder than Nikki imagined, and of course MacKenzie is stirring trouble too. Can Nikki tran Learn More
USUAL: RM59.50

NOW: RM 59.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.55 (-10%)

By Rachel Renee Russell
When Nikki discovers that her arch-nemesis, MacKenzie, has started writing a gossip column for the school newspaper, she's worried that she will share info on Nikki's crush, Brandon to the whole school. To keep an eye on MacKenzie (and bonus: spend time with Brandon!) Nikki joins the newspaper and somehow ends up working as the advice columnist, Miss Know-It-All. At first it's fun to answer all the letters from the kids at school, but when her inbox is suddenly overflowing, Learn More
USUAL: RM59.50

NOW: RM 59.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.55 (-10%)

By Rachel Renee Russell
After a bump on the head, Nikki has a dream in which she, her BFF's Chloe and Zoey, her crush Brandon, and mean girl MacKenzie are playing the roles of some familiar classic fairy tale characters... with a very special dorky twist! Will Nikki find her happily ever after, or will it be an epic fairy fail for this dorkarella? With a HUGE global fanbase, Dork Diaries is the perfect series for fans of Lottie Brooks, Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Tom Gates. Learn More
USUAL: RM59.50

NOW: RM 59.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.55 (-10%)

By Ana Huang
A steamy strangers to friends to lovers romance from Ana Huang, the New York Times bestselling author of the Kings of Sin and Twisted series One year, two opposites, and a love that will blindside and, ultimately, shatter them. She's an aspiring interior designer who dreams of falling in love. He's an ex-football star who thinks love is a con. She's a virgin, and he doesn't do virgins. He's cocky, infuriating, and not her type. She wants the fairytale. He wants freedom. Learn More
USUAL: RM62.90

NOW: RM 62.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 56.61 (-10%)

By Ana Huang
A steamy second chance romance from Ana Huang, the New York Times bestselling author of the Kings of Sin and Twisted series Five years ago, he broke her heart. Now, he'll do anything to win her back. When Farrah walked into her lunch meeting, she didn't expect to see him. Blake Ryan. Her first love, her first heartbreak, and now, her first client as a freelance interior designer. It's been five years, but she'll never forget the way he shattered her. He whispers pretty wo Learn More
USUAL: RM62.90

NOW: RM 62.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 56.61 (-10%)

By Ana Huang
A steamy opposites attract romance from Ana Huang, the New York Times bestselling author of the Kings of Sin and Twisted series Every heart has a price. She offered him $10,000 to seduce her father's gold-digging fiancée. He countered with $15,000 and a kiss - from her. At any time he chose. Kris should've said no, but she was desperate to get rid of her stepmother-to-be, and the gorgeous actor with the wicked grin was perfect for the job. So she agreed to his terms - n Learn More
USUAL: RM62.90

NOW: RM 62.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 56.61 (-10%)

By Ana Huang
A steamy second chance/roommate romance from Ana Huang, the New York Times bestselling author of the Kings of Sin and Twisted series Two exes, one house. What could go wrong? Olivia had a plan: MBA, Wall Street VP by thirty-two, marriage and two children (preferably twins because #efficiency). Not in her plan? Losing half her belongings in an apartment flood and being forced to turn to her ex for help. Definitely not in her plan? Moving into said ex's house and watching h Learn More
USUAL: RM62.90

NOW: RM 62.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 56.61 (-10%)

Tired of being locked in a reptile house where humans gawk at them like they're monsters, a ragtag group of Australia's deadliest creatures plot a daring escape from their zoo to the Outback, a place where they'll fit in without being judged for their sacles and fangs. Leading the group is Maddie (Isla Fisher), a poisonous snake with a heart of gold, who bands together with a self- assured Thorny Devil lizard Zoe (Miranda Tapsell)... 故事以澳大利亚本土的野生动 Learn More
USUAL: RM19.90

NOW: RM 19.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 17.91 (-10%)

By Zoe Chance
Get what you want without compromising who you are: the new rules of persuasion to influence others for good We're all nice. In fact, we're told we're too nice and we have to change to succeed: 'Play the game!'; 'Beat them down!'; 'Toughen up!'. Do we have to choose between betraying our own values and being left behind without a voice? Absolutely not. We can naturally be persuasive and successful every day without making enemies of ourselves or other people. Influence is a Learn More
USUAL: RM88.90

NOW: RM 88.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 80.01 (-10%)

By Ana Huang
She's his opposite in every way . . . and the greatest temptation he's ever known. Reserved, controlled, and proper to a fault, Kai Young has neither the time nor inclination for chaos - and Isabella, with her purple hair and inappropriate jokes, is chaos personified. With a crucial CEO vote looming and a media empire at stake, the billionaire heir can't afford the distraction she brings. Isabella is everything he shouldn't want, but with every look and every touch, Learn More
USUAL: RM62.90

NOW: RM 62.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 56.61 (-10%)

By Paige Toon
Heartwarming and heartbreaking' Giovanna Fletcher 'Deep, emotional, powerful' Milly Johnson 'It swept me away!' Beth O'Leary ___________________________ Neither of them expected to fall in love. But sometimes life has other plans. When Wren realises her fiance is in love with someone else, she thinks her heart will never recover. On the other side of the world, Anders lost his wife four years ago and is still struggling to move on. Wren hopes that spending the summer with Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

By Chloe Gong
From #1 New York Times bestselling author Chloe Gong comes two captivating new novellas surrounding the events of Foul Lady Fortune and following a familiar cast of characters from the These Violent Delights Duet! In A Foul Thing, Roma and Juliette have established themselves as the heads of an underground weapons ring in Zhouzhuang, making a living the way they do best while remaining anonymous in their peaceful, quiet life. But when they hear about several Russian girls sh Learn More
USUAL: RM85.90

NOW: RM 85.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 77.31 (-10%)

By 黃小柔
不用害怕一個人, 跌過、痛過, 才懂得,唯有愛, 讓人成長、讓人自在! 黃小柔走過20、30,到40, 莾莾撞撞不知自己做錯什麼, 被排擠、被誤解、失意、失志、 受委屈又迷惘的荒蓎歲月…… 初生之犢的新創品牌,忙錄於工作中…… 一路走來,還好遇到真朋友、好前輩, 謝謝你們的忠言、相伴和支持! 怎麼也沒想到,自己竟真的終結了單身。 遇 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.30

NOW: RM 49.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.37 (-10%)

By 喬宜思
時隔七年,再次蛻變,《圖解人類圖》進化版首次大公開! 新增人類圖「三角形圖解法」與「四大區域解讀技法」 全新內容首次大公開,讓你在通曉人類圖知識之外, 能以更直觀也更簡易的方式,貼近生活運用。 人類圖,第一眼要看哪裡,怎麼看? 中文世界第一位人類圖分析師、亞洲人類圖學院負責人 帶你按圖索驥,一步一步發現你自己 了解人類圖的第 Learn More
USUAL: RM80.10

NOW: RM 80.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 72.09 (-10%)

By Ana Huang
A brand new steamy billionaire romance from the bestselling author of the Twisted series. She's the wife he never wanted . . . and the weakness he never saw coming. Ruthless. Meticulous. Arrogant. Dante Russo thrives on control, both personally and professionally. The billionaire CEO never planned to marry - until the threat of blackmail forces him into an engagement with a woman he barely knows: Vivian Lau, jewellery heiress and daughter of his newest enemy. It doesn't m Learn More
USUAL: RM62.90

NOW: RM 62.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 56.61 (-10%)

By 拉·烏盧·胡 , 安娜·查里科娃 , 尼奇塔·潘克維奇
★★★限量珍藏套組,錯過絕不再版★★★ 2023年全新改版,分上下兩冊,更方便攜帶與書寫! =超值附贈= 精緻典藏書盒、油性奇異筆紅黑各1枝、 1個人類圖金屬書籤夾、2張個人化人類圖PVC霧透卡 \專為人類圖初學者與專業分析師設計/ 不需要網路、不必下載軟體,只要一枝筆, 隨時隨地,記錄宇宙星辰帶來的影響, 覺察自己的感受、體驗與心情 Learn More
USUAL: RM198.65

NOW: RM 198.65 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 178.79 (-10%)

By 拉·烏盧·胡 , 鈴達·布乃爾
人類圖國際總部 Jovian Archive 唯一官方授權定本 認識人類圖最權威、最完整的一本書 人類圖祖師爺& 和國際人類圖學院(IHDS)院長合著 亞洲人類圖學院負責人喬宜思(Joyce Huang)翻譯、審定 解開你的基因密碼圖, 理解自己的設計,活出獨一無二的人生   「人類圖系統不是一個信仰體系。它不會要求你信奉什麼。它既不是故事,也不是哲學。它是具體 Learn More
USUAL: RM135.50

NOW: RM 135.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 121.95 (-10%)

By Ruowen Huang
想與內在真實的自己對齊, 學會相信自己的情緒與體驗   ●○限量附贈:2023與自己對齊月曆卡●○   一個月一張,卡片上有月曆,也書寫著來自Ruowen Huang的鼓勵與提醒,希望做為您未來一整年的心靈陪伴。   明明難過卻告訴自己沒事、明明覺得很重要卻老是說沒有關係、明明在乎卻故作冷漠、明明不想做卻老是回答「我可以」……你也因為相信 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By 李白
  ◎頂尖創作者都在用的心法!   IG超人氣似顏繪畫家「街頭故事 李白」以自己的經驗為基礎,   教你如何將自己的興趣以對的方式讓對的人看見,   讓你不只「將興趣當成工作」,更能進一步「讓興趣為你工作」!   ◎零基礎也能輕鬆上手!   親身經歷+詳細解析+範例分享→深入淺出教你打造超人氣社群!   品牌價值設定+故事體 Learn More
USUAL: RM66.20

NOW: RM 66.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 59.58 (-10%)

By 雅思敏·伯蘭
與月亮同步顯化,從未如此簡單! 喚醒你與生俱來實現夢想的力量,以驚人的方式改變你的生活!   ★暢銷書《新月許願》、《月相神諭卡》作者──國際占星權威雅思敏‧伯蘭全新神諭卡!   數千年來,月亮一直陪伴在我們身邊,鼓勵我們抓住向我們敞開的機會,幫助釋放阻礙我們前進的一切。   使用這副帶著宇宙能量的絕美神諭卡,增強你 Learn More
USUAL: RM110.90

NOW: RM 110.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 99.81 (-10%)

By Ana Huang
Discover the addictive world of the Twisted series from TikTok sensation, Ana Huang! He'll do anything to have her . . . including lie. Charming, deadly and smart enough to hide it, Christian Harper is a monster dressed in the perfectly tailored suits of a gentleman. He has little use for morals and even less use for love, but he can't deny the strange pull he feels toward the woman living just one floor below him. She's the object of his darkest desires, the only Learn More
USUAL: RM62.90

NOW: RM 62.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 56.61 (-10%)

By 我愛Staub鑄鐵鍋敘事大師群
超人氣料理社團「我愛Staub鑄鐵鍋」8萬 多社員敲鍋期待! 中式、西式、韓式、和風、南洋滋味, 和鑄鐵鍋達人群一同學習如何善用鍋具特性, 一起做出「好吃」得停不下筷子的開胃料理吧!   忙碌了一天之後,最期待的時刻,就是坐下來,用百嘗不厭的美味料理,治癒被日常繁瑣干擾導致的食慾不振。不論是一鍋到底的美味燒排骨、吮指回味的塔香胡椒蝦 Learn More
USUAL: RM89.30

NOW: RM 89.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 80.37 (-10%)

By Ana Huang
Discover the addictive world of the Twisted series from TikTok sensation, Ana Huang! Read Twisted Love now for a brother's best friend romance. He has a heart of ice . . . but for her, he'd burn the world. Alex Volkov is a devil blessed with the face of an angel and cursed with a past he can't escape. Driven by a tragedy that has haunted him for most of his life, his ruthless pursuits for success and vengeance leave little room for matters of the heart. But when Learn More
USUAL: RM62.90

NOW: RM 62.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 56.61 (-10%)

By Ana Huang
Discover the addictive world of the Twisted series from TikTok sensation, Ana Huang! Read Twisted Games now for a steamy, angsty forbidden romance. She can never be his . . . but he's taking her anyway. Stoic, broody, and arrogant, elite bodyguard Rhys Larsen has two rules: protect his clients at all costs and not become emotionally involved. Ever. He has never once been tempted to break those rules . . . until her. Bridget von Ascheberg. A princess with a stubbo Learn More
USUAL: RM62.90

NOW: RM 62.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 56.61 (-10%)

By Ana Huang
Discover the addictive world of the Twisted series from TikTok sensation, Ana Huang! Read Twisted Hate now for a steamy enemies to lovers romance. He hates her . . . almost as much as he wants her. Gorgeous, cocky, and fast on his way to becoming a hotshot doctor, Josh Chen has never met a woman he couldn't charm - except for Jules f**king Ambrose. The beautiful redhead has been a thorn in his side since they met, but she also consumes his thoughts in a way no woman Learn More
USUAL: RM62.90

NOW: RM 62.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 56.61 (-10%)

By Ruowen Huang
話語決定你是誰   「如果想要創造你的實相,就從你說的話開始做起。」──Ruowen Huang   Ruowen Huang第三部靈性之書──重建自我價值   接受深藏在內心最不想被人知道的黑暗面,你就能往光明面慢慢前進,用話語的力量讓改變成真!     我們很常陷入一種矛盾,叫做「其實我想對自己好,可是不敢對自己好」。   很多人希望有錢,卻不覺 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 53.00 (-9%)

MEMBER: RM 47.00 (-20%)

By Michelle Gadsden-Williams
A game-changing guide for women who want to transform the way they work and create their own success-from an award-winning global diversity expert. In today's world, it takes more than ambition to succeed. It takes intention. But intention without clarity, deliberate words, and calculated actions is meaningless. According to Michelle Gadsden-Williams, a global expert in diversity, workplace culture, and career building, intention is more than just setting goals. It's seamles Learn More
USUAL: RM80.00

NOW: RM 80.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 72.00 (-10%)

By 喬宜思
無論在工作或生活, 時時回到內在權威與策略, 即使身在爛泥,也能把自己活成一朵花, 堅定、優雅又芬芳!   ★ 全球第一位中文人類圖分析師喬宜思(Joyce Huang)改版力作   ★ 獨家收錄從未公開11篇人類圖氣象報告   ★ 每一篇新增人類圖覺察關鍵字   ★ 席捲兩岸三地,觸動千萬人接觸人類圖的契機,好評不斷的人類圖氣象報告   ☆ Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By 易柏辰 , 马振桓 , 陈雨成 , 王玥婷 , 孙露鹭 , 赵东昊 , 刘彤 , 韩钟羽
主演: 易柏辰、马振桓、陈雨成、王玥婷、孙露鹭、赵东昊、刘彤、韩钟羽 Language-中文对白 Subtitle-Chinese/English 中/英 字幕 剧情 传说骆武子助秦始皇修成始皇陵,又建九座奇墓藏尽天下奇珍异宝,被秦始皇封为墓王、成立墓派,负责皇家陵墓的修建与守护。为了防止墓派后人监守自盗,骆武子将墓派分为骆家的攻墓派和慕容家的守墓派,相互制衡。千年以来攻 Learn More
USUAL: RM79.90

NOW: RM 79.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 71.91 (-10%)

By 李白
  ★15 萬 IG 粉絲引頸期盼,「街頭故事」李白首部散文作品。   ★曾有超過 2000 名陌生人來到他面前,只為傾訴自己種種難以啟齒的心事;這次,他要對讀者娓娓道來那些不為人知的內在孤獨。   40 篇細膩訴說的溫柔,1 次最深情的告白:陌生感、格格不入、疏離感、被遺忘……即使無法融入這場孤獨的派對,也能在自己的角落盡情起舞!   ★六指 Learn More
USUAL: RM61.60

NOW: RM 61.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 55.44 (-10%)

By 呂明璋
23歲年收百萬, 24歲年收近千萬、美國開公司, 25歲創造9種主動收入+12種被動收入, 【工具王阿璋】靠自媒體與投資理財,打造「多元獲利模式」!   23歲那年,阿璋毅然決然放棄高薪爆肝的工程師一職,轉為網路創業,不到三年的時間便解鎖多項驚人成就!比他早一步投入自媒體事業的《百萬課程學院》創辦人Jerry Huang稱他是「維基百科真人版」;暢 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By 喬許·戴維斯
埋頭苦幹,可能不是最好的辦法! 5個有效策略,創造你自己的最佳狀態,擺脫被工作追趕的窒息感! ◤專門寫給創意工作者、自由接案者、一般上班族、專業人士的工作策略書!◢   ★Amazon.com商業理財/個人成長類百大暢銷書   ★《富比士》、《金融時報》、800-CEO-READ專文報導   ★艾爾文 作家/知識內容創作者、洪仲清 臨床心理師、Zoey 佐編茶水 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.30

NOW: RM 49.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.37 (-10%)

By 刘心武
西门庆如何在商场和官场“摸爬滚打”,一步步获得巨额财富和高官地位? 潘金莲的身世和情爱之路究竟是怎样的?她如何挣扎谋求一个更好的未来? 西门府的仆役丫头,社会上的僧道巫卜、三姑六婆,这些小人物是如何生活的? 明朝有哪些至今还在沿用的节日习俗?吃饭买衣、购房置地到底要花多少钱? 《金瓶梅》中描写的日常餐饮反映出怎样的世道兴衰 Learn More
USUAL: RM88.00

NOW: RM 88.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 79.20 (-10%)

By 佐依
  ★熱愛工作,但不喜歡朝九晚五、坐辦公室;工作效率高卻礙於制度不能隨心所欲地想賞雪、賞櫻說走就走?拒當社畜、爽接世界案源的必修入門課!   ★2020新冠肺炎風暴席捲全球,催化了「遠距工作」進程,「在家工作,在世界生活!」這個未來必然趨勢,你是否能無痛接軌?   ★資深數位牧民分享遠距工作攻略,讓你無須等到財富自由,就 Learn More
USUAL: RM50.80

NOW: RM 50.80 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 45.72 (-10%)

By Ruowen Huang
相隔三千年的穿越,命中注定再相遇時 是否還能激起當時的愛戀?   《被遺忘的埃及》系列是Ruowen Huang第一部進攻外文市場的作品,中文版系列也是由她親手執筆翻譯,故事裡頭許多情節與對話都值得讓人深思與體會。   故事裡每一個角色的扮演和詮釋,都能帶領人們探索生命的生離死亡、愛恨情仇,乃至因果輪迴等種種話題,或許,讀者也將在書中 Learn More
USUAL: RM84.70

NOW: RM 84.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 76.23 (-10%)

By Ruowen Huang
  命運將那法亞媞──一道美麗的曙光帶進埃及王宮,卻從此注定她跌宕情海的一生……   無論她再怎麼藏掩容貌,命運還是將她帶進了埃及王宮;注定捲入王權鬥爭的那法亞媞又將會如何影響埃及王朝?   十八王朝的埃及古國,市井中滿身泥漬的十三歲小女孩兒──那法亞媞,被王后的貼身侍衛傑洛克帶入宮中服侍法老王,她原以為進到王宮裡工作 Learn More
USUAL: RM53.90

NOW: RM 53.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 48.51 (-10%)

By Ruowen Huang
返回三千多年的古埃及王朝 探究阿卡那騰及那法媞媞的緣起緣滅 與一段千古歷史懸謎!   《被遺忘的埃及》系列是Ruowen Huang第一部進攻外文市場的作品,中文版系列也是由她親手執筆翻譯,故事裡頭許多情節與對話都值得讓人深思與體會。   故事裡每一個角色的扮演和詮釋,都能帶領人們探索生命的生離死亡、愛恨情仇,乃至因果輪迴等種種話題,或許 Learn More
USUAL: RM89.30

NOW: RM 89.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 80.37 (-10%)

By Ruowen Huang
那法媞媞知道自己死了 卻還感到心痛,因為她還有太多未完成的事 尤其是關於阿卡那騰……   《被遺忘的埃及》系列是Ruowen Huang第一部進攻外文市場的作品,中文版系列也是由她親手執筆翻譯,故事裡頭許多情節與對話都值得讓人深思與體會。   故事裡每一個角色的扮演和詮釋,都能帶領人們探索生命的生離死亡、愛恨情仇,乃至因果輪迴等種種話題, Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

NOW: RM 69.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.37 (-10%)

By Colour Bubbles Workshop
The beautiful Zoey always receives attention and praise wherever she goes. As a result, she becomes arrogant and her classmates gradually develop a dislike for her. Zoey has a classmate whose name rhymes with hers. The kind-hearted Joey is deeply loved by the others. Zoey regards Joey as her supposed rival out of jealousy. Her face gets hurt and scarred as a result of her arrogance. Thus she is taken advantage by the Dark General to get the magic gemstone. Can Zoey who has lo Learn More
USUAL: RM13.50

NOW: RM 13.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 12.15 (-10%)

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