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在戰火中認識烏克蘭的豐厚文藝歷史與精彩當下 烏克蘭文藝近況引介文章 × 當代詩歌 × 港台詩人創作回應   《戳穿黑色的寂靜蹤跡——烏克蘭戰爭、文藝歷史與當下》以文藝角度聚焦2022年烏克蘭戰爭,編作者雲集台港著名作家、譯者、記者、學者、導演、詩人、Web3工作者,助讀者深入了解烏克蘭文藝史及當代演變。   以多角度切入烏克蘭文藝近況 Learn More
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By 法蘭克·韋伯
藝術,就是成為自己 繪畫不僅要畫出表象,還要畫出感覺。 11個繪畫心法主題 X上百張水彩畫作展示X 隨心所欲的創意修練 ──用水彩表現自我的必備寶典──   ★全球唯一繁體中文版首度發行!   ★美國水彩畫協會公開致敬:「法蘭克‧韋伯是當代活生生的水彩傳奇!」   ★「沒有比法蘭克‧韋伯更棒的水彩老師了!」──亞馬遜讀者真誠好評   Learn More
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By Mojang AB
Book two in the new OFFICIAL Minecraft fiction series for readers age 7+ – the Stonesword Saga Something has turned the Evoker King to stone, and elements of his code have turned into new and terrible bosses that threaten the digital world of Minecraft. Now Po, Harper and their friends must travel deep into underground and into a web of danger to face the one of them. But that's the easy part, because in the real world, Po decides to run for class president and before he k Learn More
USUAL: RM52.50

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By Cassandra Clare
The Shadowhunters must catch a killer in Edwardian London in this dangerous and romantic sequel to the #1 New York Times bestselling novel Chain of Gold. Cordelia Carstairs seems to have everything she ever wanted. She’s engaged to marry James Herondale, the boy she has loved since childhood. She has a new life in London with her best friend Lucie Herondale and James’s charming companions, the Merry Thieves. She is about to be reunited with her beloved father. And she bea Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

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By sing N song
  一個世界已然毀滅,全新的世界正在誕生,   至於我,則是知曉這個世界結局的唯一讀者──   --   為了應對即將到來的第五個主線任務,   我正式成為申流承的背後星,   與我理念不合的韓秀英,也就此分道揚鑣。   孰料,來自第四十一次回歸時間線的災禍申流承轉眼孵化,   以壓倒性的力量橫掃整個首爾!   城市化為煉獄, Learn More
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By 長月達平
  「咱們即將活出最頂級的人生──!」   為了攻克沙海之塔,發誓要全員活著回去的菜月・昴重複以「死亡」試錯。面對橫亙眼前的五大障礙,「死亡」次數不斷增加的昴心神逐漸消磨殆盡,但以碧翠絲為首的同伴們支撐著孤軍奮鬥的他。「菜月・昴絕對不是超人。」緊抓著他們給的這句話,拚命尋找可以開闢局面的新策略時,昴的面前出現一本書―― Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

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By 長月達平
  「咱們即將活出最頂級的人生──!」   為了攻克沙海之塔,發誓要全員活著回去的菜月・昴重複以「死亡」試錯。面對橫亙眼前的五大障礙,「死亡」次數不斷增加的昴心神逐漸消磨殆盡,但以碧翠絲為首的同伴們支撐著孤軍奮鬥的他。「菜月・昴絕對不是超人。」緊抓著他們給的這句話,拚命尋找可以開闢局面的新策略時,昴的面前出現一本書― Learn More
USUAL: RM41.60

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By Bruce Clay
Get search engines to rank your site as the No. 1 result with help from this comprehensive resource What's the best hiding place in the world? The second page of Google's search results! If you want your website to be found, you need to make sure it appears prominently on search engines. In Search Engine Optimization All-in-One For Dummies, you'll find practical and easy-to-follow advice to increase your site's chances of landing that coveted No. 1 spot on Google, Bing, and Learn More
USUAL: RM162.95

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By Gosho Aoyama
Conan jumps at the chance to visit the sunny island of Singapore when he and Ran are invited to a karate tournament held there! The problem? He’s actually high school detective Shinichi Kudo, and doesn’t have a passport his shrunken form can use! Fortunately, he has friends in high (and questionable?) places, and Conan’s vacation proceeds without a hitch! Or does it? It seems that crime-sleuthing is now part of the itinerary, as Conan finds himself drawn into a web of i Learn More
USUAL: RM43.70

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By 月夜涙
  盧各一行人受到妖豔的蛇魔族米娜邀請,被迫面臨新的契約與選擇。   而且,盧各在撐過賭命之戰與談判以後又回到學園上學,   就從高一個年級的洛馬林家千金妮曼那裡接到了驚人的委託。   據說貴為世界最大宗教的雅蘭教教皇,竟是由魔族假扮而成!   要暗殺屬於頂級權貴人物之一的教皇,其真面目還是超乎常理的「魔族」。   賭上 Learn More
USUAL: RM30.80

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By 長月達平
  「來,我們談談吧。──因為要請妳負起殺死我的責任。」   為了拾回失去的記憶,菜月・昴決心再次面對異世界生活。為了拯救重要同伴、避免之後的悲劇發生,昴將希望寄託於「泰潔塔」書庫:專注在可以知道死人的過去的「死者之書」,從意味結束的「死亡」記憶中尋求未來,打開書本的昴投身於白色世界──在那邊等待他的,是委身於可怖欲望 Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

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By 長月達平
  「來,我們談談吧。──因為要請妳負起殺死我的責任。」   為了拾回失去的記憶,菜月・昴決心再次面對異世界生活。為了拯救重要同伴、避免之後的悲劇發生,昴將希望寄託於「泰潔塔」書庫:專注在可以知道死人的過去的「死者之書」,從意味結束的「死亡」記憶中尋求未來,打開書本的昴投身於白色世界──在那邊等待他的,是委身於可怖欲 Learn More
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By Brad Stone
From the bestselling author of The Everything Store, an unvarnished picture of Amazon's unprecedented growth and its billionaire founder, Jeff Bezos, revealing the most important business story of our time. With the publication of The Everything Store in 2013, Bloomberg journalist Brad Stone revealed how the unlikely Seattle start-up Amazon became an unexpected king of ecommerce. Since then, its founder has led Amazon to explosive growth in both size and wealth. In less th Learn More
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By Rino Park
  畫好了漂亮的線稿,卻對上色束手無策?   只要了解光與顏色的基本規則,就能掌握上色的訣竅!   跟著韓國名師學習,你也能透過色彩畫出充滿立體感的人物!   「明明草圖或線稿畫得還不錯,怎麼一上色就變得怪怪的⋯⋯」   「不知道該用什麼顏色上色⋯⋯」   你也有這樣的煩惱嗎?   在學習繪製人物時,有許多諸如人體解剖學之類 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

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Spoken Idioms in Action Through Pictures Book is not for reading online or for free download in PDF or eBook format. Table of Contents, Index, Syllabus, summary and image of Spoken Idioms in Action Through Pictures 3 book may be of a different edition or of the same title. The Price of this product may change due to the reprinting of the book or by the publisher. For imported books, the price may change frequently due to exchange rates. Spoken Idioms in Action Through Pictur Learn More
USUAL: RM24.60

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Spoken Idioms in Action Through Pictures Book is not for reading online or for free download in PDF or eBook format. Table of Contents, Index, Syllabus, summary and image of Spoken Idioms in Action Through Pictures 3 book may be of a different edition or of the same title. The Price of this product may change due to the reprinting of the book or by the publisher. For imported books, the price may change frequently due to exchange rates. Spoken Idioms in Action Through Pictur Learn More
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Spoken Idioms in Action Through Pictures Book is not for reading online or for free download in PDF or eBook format. Table of Contents, Index, Syllabus, summary and image of Spoken Idioms in Action Through Pictures 3 book may be of a different edition or of the same title. The Price of this product may change due to the reprinting of the book or by the publisher. For imported books, the price may change frequently due to exchange rates. Spoken Idioms in Action Through Pictur Learn More
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By 長月達平
  「──重新自我介紹一次。我的名字是菜月・昴!」   「這個該不會是,所謂的異世界召喚──!?」   我的名字是菜月・昴!無知無能、無力無謀,欠缺四大才能、隨處可見的現代日本高中生!這樣的我突然被邀請到沒見過的奇幻異世界!還有超級美少女和美幼女來接我,一起譜寫異世界冒險故事!本來以為一定是這樣,但事情似乎沒那麼單 Learn More
USUAL: RM41.60

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By 長月達平
  「──重新自我介紹一次。我的名字是菜月・昴!」   「這個該不會是,所謂的異世界召喚──!?」   我的名字是菜月・昴!無知無能、無力無謀,欠缺四大才能、隨處可見的現代日本高中生!這樣的我突然被邀請到沒見過的奇幻異世界!還有超級美少女和美幼女來接我,一起譜寫異世界冒險故事!本來以為一定是這樣,但事情似乎沒那麼單純。 Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

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By Agatha Christie
一套書有 2箱   首創童話式謀殺奇案、古典與現代融為一爐   結構佈局之精妙、邏輯衍展之縝密,心理描繪之生動,以及突破殺人動機之謎和不在場證明之精心傑作,使克莉絲蒂之每一部作品都深受讀者的喜愛。   克莉絲蒂首創童話世界式的謀殺奇案,她的小說裡幾乎沒有「壞人」,只有「謀殺」;沒有「邪惡」,只有「謎題」。她不僅擅長營造懸疑 Learn More
USUAL: RM3,080.00

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With a selection of mystery content, this is a great gift for any web-slinging Spider-Man fan Learn More
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By 朴宝英 , 徐仁国
Tak Dong-kyung (Park Bo-young), an editor for a web novel company, lives a fairly ordinary life until she stumbles into an unexpected fate. All in a single day, she finds out she is dying from glioblastoma and has only three months to live, learns that her boyfriend is a father-to-be and has a wife, gets scolded by her superior at work, and is spied on by a pervert before the pervert falls into a sinkhole. Drinking her problems away, she happens to see a shooting star from he Learn More
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Cambridge International GCSE Physics Complete Revision & Practice Includes full set of practice papers New Product code: PISI42 ISBN: 9781789087048 ☆☆☆☆☆★★★★★ 5 (3) Write a review In stock £13.99 1 Add to Basket Add to Book List Also available on Amazon Kindle Cambridge International Examination GCSE Physics is sorted with this brilliant all-in-one guide! All the Core and Extended material is covered with clear study notes and examples. To put studen Learn More
USUAL: RM89.90

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By Colour Bubbles Workshop
Amanda is a famous webcaster nicknamed 'Grinning Bear'. She is very popular with her sharp tongue. However, in real life, she is an introvert with only a good friend. The Dark General deliberately plans a plot and makes her commit an umrepentant mistake. The long-manipulating Dark Wizard finally appears! Who will be the final winner? Learn More
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By 月夜涙
★超人氣WEB小說大幅修改添寫後出版實體書! ★重生後的「傳奇暗殺者」更上巔峰!突破極限的刺客奇幻作品! ★改編漫畫,由皇ハマオ作畫。 ★日本改編TV動畫預計於2021年10月播映。 盧各等人成功討伐第三頭魔族,與入魔的諾伊修分道揚鑣後回到圖哈德領。 顯赫戰功使得王室對盧各信賴有加,另一方面卻有嫉妒其活躍的貴族正在對圖哈德家暗施毒計。 Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

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By Ben M. Bensaou , With  Karl Weber
Drive and leverage continuous innovation to meet the challenges of digital disruption, changing markets, evolving customer needs, and increasingly fierce competition A major question on the mind of every business leader today is: What can I do to create extra value for my company and the customers we serve? Built to Innovate takes you through the process of answering this critical question and executing it with skill and precision. It explores the nine essential practices o Learn More
USUAL: RM92.00

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Cambridge International Examination GCSE Chemistry is sorted with this brilliant all-in-one guide! It's bursting with revision and practice and fully up-to-date for the exams in 2023 and beyond. All the Core and Extended material is covered with clear study notes and examples. To put students’ knowledge to the test, there are practice and exam-style questions at the end of every topic, and five practice papers are included (two for Core, two for Extended material and an Alt Learn More
USUAL: RM89.90

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Cambridge International Examination GCSE Biology is sorted with this brilliant all-in-one guide! All the Core and Extended material is covered with clear study notes and examples. To put students’ knowledge to the test, there are practice and exam-style questions at the end of every topic, and five practice papers are included (two for Core, two for Extended material and an Alternative to Practical paper suitable for all students). What’s more, we’ve thrown in a free Learn More
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By Tom Burgis
A WASHINGTON POST NOTABLE BOOK OF THE YEAR 2020 'If you think the UK isn't corrupt, you haven't looked hard enough ... This new and terrifying book follows a global current of dirty money, and the murders and kidnappings required to sustain it' GEORGE MONBIOT, GUARDIAN 'When you pick this book up, you won't be able to put it down' MISHA GLENNY, author of MCMAFIA 'Combines forensic investigative journalism with the narrative propulsion of a literary thriller. Learn More
USUAL: RM69.95

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By 理不尽な孫の手
  與拉普拉斯擁有相同綠髮的第四個孩子,齊格哈爾德出生。   然而,來到他出生現場的佩爾基烏斯使魔之一卻告訴魯迪烏斯等人,   要將這個嬰兒帶到空中要塞!   「萬一這孩子長大成人,真的與人族挑起戰爭,   到時……我會透過為此準備的一切做出對應。」   魯迪烏斯為了家人表達出自己的覺悟。   聽到這句話,佩爾基烏斯所做出 Learn More
USUAL: RM41.60

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By sing N song
 十年來只有我一個人在追的小說,   居然變成了現實?   我是一個平凡的上班族,   唯一的嗜好是看網路小說《在滅亡的世界中存活的三種方法》。   但在我看完最終話時,小說中的場景倏然成真!   彷彿人間煉獄的地鐵車廂,踐踏著城市的巨大怪物,   以及憑空出現在眼前的訊息:   [您收到了主線任務!]   熟悉的小說角色紛 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

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By sing N song
一個世界已然毀滅,全新的世界正在誕生, 至於我,則是知曉這個世界結局的唯一讀者──   由地鐵發端的殊死任務,逐步擴展至整個首都。   為了將這個世界導引到我想要的方向,   我不得不冒用那個混帳主角的身分。   這時,一群自稱得到未來啟示的使徒趁隙介入,   帶來的卻是極端混亂和重重疑竇!   隨著第四個主線任務來到 Learn More
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By 長月達平
  「師父你要找的若是夏烏拉的話,那就是我喲。」   為了求借被喻為全知全能的「賢者」的智慧,菜月・昴一行人勇赴從未有人成功攻略的奧吉拉沙丘。與同伴齊心合力排除諸多苦難,跨越幾次「死亡」後,熱情迎接他們的卻是與傳說相去甚遠的「賢者」。   不但稱昴為師父,還表現出仰慕之情的純真「賢者」夏烏拉,對著困惑的一行人娓娓道來: Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

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By 長月達平
  「師父你要找的若是夏烏拉的話,那就是我喲。」   為了求借被喻為全知全能的「賢者」的智慧,菜月・昴一行人勇赴從未有人成功攻略的奧吉拉沙丘。與同伴齊心合力排除諸多苦難,跨越幾次「死亡」後,熱情迎接他們的卻是與傳說相去甚遠的「賢者」。   不但稱昴為師父,還表現出仰慕之情的純真「賢者」夏烏拉,對著困惑的一行人娓娓道 Learn More
USUAL: RM41.60

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By 長月達平
  以普萊迪斯監視塔為舞台,與「記憶」和「賢者」對峙的新篇章第六章正式開始!   與魔女教之間的戰鬥終於落幕,但水門都市留下了深刻傷痕。為了拯救失去日常生活和被搶走「名字」的眾人,昴一行人決定踏上旅程,前往位在邊陲境地的「賢者」之塔。   但在那之前要想辦法穿越魔獸的巢穴,飄盪著濃密瘴氣的奧吉拉沙丘。而要橫越前人未到、 Learn More
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By 長月達平
  以普萊迪斯監視塔為舞台,與「記憶」和「賢者」對峙的新篇章第六章正式開始!   與魔女教之間的戰鬥終於落幕,但水門都市留下了深刻傷痕。為了拯救失去日常生活和被搶走「名字」的眾人,昴一行人決定踏上旅程,前往位在邊陲境地的「賢者」之塔。   但在那之前要想辦法穿越魔獸的巢穴,飄盪著濃密瘴氣的奧吉拉沙丘。而要橫越前人未到 Learn More
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By Oreco Tachibana
A welcome party for the inn?s staff has gotten everyone in a tizzy! After going through an emotional roller coaster from the party games, Issei finally seizes the chance and asks Hayame on a festival date! However, the bewitching Kikuno is getting more sinister by the minute. While her intentions are still unclear, she is slowly drawing Hayame, Issei and Seigo into her manipulative web, sending them headlong into danger?! Learn More
USUAL: RM50.70

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By 長月達平
  「嗯,沒錯——我可是個壞魔女喔。」      短篇集第六集,描述過去與未來的故事。在羅茲瓦爾宅邸工作的鬼族姊妹,從長年束縛中獲得解放的兩人,爆發出姊妹愛的『——隱世村落的鬼族姊妹Ex 祝福之日』。夏美・舒瓦茲沒學乖地再度參戰!這次不只是她,還有兩位不曾見過的美女參戰,全新騷動『三傻同行! 被詛咒的女神像篇』揭開序幕!離 Learn More
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By 月夜涙
  盧各成功殺死魔族,諸多權貴盼求見面的委託函陸續寄達他的手邊。   世上最高階的巫女、為改變這個國家而成立新騎士團的諾伊修,   以及亞爾班王國首屈一指的名門公爵家也都希望跟盧各接觸。   在具備突出能力的公爵家中更屬頂尖人傑的知名才女妮曼則向盧各發出了   「麻煩你除去在這個國家已淪為禍害的王子」的請託!   「既然王國 Learn More
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By Isabel Allende
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER 'A powerful love story spanning generations... Full of ambition and humanity' Sunday Times 'One of the strongest and most affecting works in Allende's long career' New York Times Book Review Victor Dalmau is a young doctor when he is caught up in the Spanish Civil War, a tragedy that leaves his life - and the fate of his country - forever changed. Together with his sister-in-law, he is forced out of his beloved Barcelo Learn More
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KEY FEATURES: English Download is an exciting multi-level course. The English Download Grammar series consists of reference and practice books providing students with further practice of grammar. English Download Grammar series contains: • units that start with a grammar presentation in the form of an interesting web-style page. • clear, simple grammar theories. • a wide variety of practice exercises. • a speaking task and a writing task in each unit that encou Learn More
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KEY FEATURES: English Download is an exciting multi-level course. The English Download Grammar series consists of reference and practice books providing students with further practice of grammar. English Download Grammar series contains: • units that start with a grammar presentation in the form of an interesting web-style page. • clear, simple grammar theories. • a wide variety of practice exercises. • a speaking task and a writing task in each unit that encou Learn More
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KEY FEATURES: English Download is an exciting multi-level course. The English Download Grammar series consists of reference and practice books providing students with further practice of grammar. English Download Grammar series contains: • units that start with a grammar presentation in the form of an interesting web-style page. • clear, simple grammar theories. • a wide variety of practice exercises. • a speaking task and a writing task in each unit that encourage st Learn More
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By Cassandra Clare
The Shadowhunters must catch a killer in Edwardian London in this dangerous and romantic sequel to the #1 New York Times bestselling novel Chain of Gold, from New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Cassandra Clare. Chain of Iron is a Shadowhunters novel. Cordelia Carstairs seems to have everything she ever wanted. She’s engaged to marry James Herondale, the boy she has loved since childhood. She has a new life in London with her best friend Lucie Herondale and J Learn More
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By KC Lau
"KCLau is the founder of KCLau.com, one of the leading financial blogs in Malaysia with more than 1,388 articles. With more than 20 years of experience in the personal finance arena, he has authored 6 books and has created over a dozen online financial courses to impart greater awareness on the subject. He has also hosted more than 500 online webinars and has contributed regularly to various media including New Straits Times, Smart Investor, etc. This book is the culminat Learn More
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By 吉兒·P·韋伯
★Amazon書店4.6顆星,讀者紛紛回饋:「超級實用!」 今天的你,被生活壓得喘不過氣來了嗎? 鼓起勇氣,每天練習面對焦慮,無論程度多微小都沒關係。 跟著本書指引的各種技巧,你會發現,原來焦慮並不可怕, 甚至能夠與焦慮和解,走過情緒浪潮,獲得真正的平靜。   當焦慮來襲,總是令人沮喪不已,有時甚至想自我放棄……   而這本書,正是為了 Learn More
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Get your spidey senses tingling in this awesome activity book! With evil Super Villains on the loose in New York City, help our web-slinging hero defeat them by completing exciting activities and puzzles. Plus with posters and stickers, it's time to team up with your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man. Learn More
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THE STUNNING NEW PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER FROM THE AUTHOR OF DEAR AMY AND EVERYTHING IS LIES 'I read it almost in one sitting. It's totally compulsive' SABINE DURRANT 'An edge-of-your-seat, suspense-filled psychological thriller' 5***** READER REVIEW _______ On a cold, windswept night, Fiona arrives on a tiny, isolated island in Orkney. She accepted her old friend's invitation with some trepidation - her relationship with Madison has never been plain sailing. But as she ap Learn More
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By ネコ光一
  ★點閱破5000萬,系列小說累計突破20萬冊!全系列連續再版暢銷作!   ★投稿網站「成為小說家吧」年間排名‧『第1名』 ※截至2015年7月25日 第二屆 OVERLAP文庫WEB小說大獎‧『金獎』   ★《東雲侑子》《這份戀情,與其未來。》系列唯美清新繪師Nardeck,傾力繪製!   與「師父」重逢過了一年,在阿德羅德大陸的旅程告一段落,天狼星一行人 Learn More
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By 長月達平
  「特蕾希雅,妳好美。所以說,妳不能繼續待在這兒。」   打敗了「強欲」與「憤怒」大罪司教,但水門都市的戰鬥還沒停歇。在皎潔銀月的守望下,各地同伴的奮戰激出火花──!「暴食」們無窮盡的食慾、「色欲」無止盡的情慾,「八腕」不滅的鬥爭心,以及「劍聖」無休止的宿業,在在都威脅都市安寧,王選陣營不斷陷入苦境。而扭轉敗色濃厚戰 Learn More
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By 月夜涙
  單單一頭魔族來襲,就導致王國裡應當有最多具備魔力者的魔法學園遭受蹂躪。   暗殺者盧各與勇者艾波納合力克服危機,   這次活躍卻讓圖哈德家得到王都看重而接獲「誅討魔族」的任務。   要對付得由勇者出手才殺得了的魔族想必太魯莽,   但盧各已經靠從艾波納那裡分來的「新力量」與本身的洞察力找出突破口! 本書特色   ★超人 Learn More
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By Scotch Brite
Bottle Cleaner - Delicate Clean without scratching! Zero-Scratch Non-woven web is suitable for Stainless Steel Bottle with coating inside, Plastic Water Bottle, Glass Bottle, Milk bottle Anti-bacterial Sponge - Sanitary and for better hygiene Knife-shape Scrubbing Head - Effective cleaning for hard-to-reach area Learn More

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By Scotch Brite
Scotch-Brite™ Bottle Cleaner refill is our non-scratch sponge that’s ideal for bottle cleaning. * Zero scratch nonwoven web allows powerful scrubbing by less scratches inside bottle. * Knife-shaped scrubbing head that helps effective cleaning hard-to-reach area. * Engineered stiff handle that is easy to apply force on scrubbing head. * Antibacterial sponge Learn More

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This awesome collection of Super Hero stories features nine action-packed tales starring your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man! Enjoy the thrill of adventure with the web-slinger and his friends. Learn More
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By 月夜涙
  盧各靠著今生習得的暗殺絕技擊退了挾超凡魔力逼戰的男子。   之後他接獲消息,應要殺害的目標「勇者」據稱終於降臨人世。   盧各得知在王國魔法英才群聚的王立騎士學園將見到勇者,   便與蒂雅、塔兒朵一同挑戰入學測驗。   暗殺者縱使不用祕術,仍以他人望塵莫及的雄厚實力與智慧受到矚目,   跟強得無與倫比的「怪物」相見時更是 Learn More
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By Foldermate
Foldermate - Nest series top load attach file with elastic cord and button closure, waterproof gusset, fabric webbing. Suitable to use in backpack. Size available - A4 Colour available - black / white Learn More
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By Foldermate
Foldermate - Nest series top load attach file with elastic cord and button closure, waterproof gusset, fabric webbing. Suitable to use in backpack. Size available - A4 Colour available - black / white Learn More
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By 長月達平
  暗殺佛拉基亞帝國皇帝的計畫,執行人為……萊因哈魯特!?   這是發生在決定露格尼卡王國未來的「王選」開始之前的故事。由於王室血脈斷絕使得露格尼卡王國根基動搖,近衛騎士們為了保護國家而奔走時,接到了護衛外交使節團前往鄰國「神聖佛拉基亞帝國」的任務。   帝國自建國以來,就不斷地與王國發生衝突。在遵從弱肉強食、適者生存 Learn More
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By ネコ光一
  ★點閱破5000萬,系列小說累計突破20萬冊!全系列連續再版暢銷作!   ★投稿網站「成為小說家吧」年間排名‧『第1名』 ※截至2015年7月25日第二屆 OVERLAP文庫WEB小說大獎‧『金獎』   ★《東雲侑子》《這份戀情,與其未來。》系列唯美清新繪師Nardeck,傾力繪製!   天狼星一行人來到菲亞的故鄉──妖精的森林。為了見天狼星而逃出妖精村的菲 Learn More
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By 長月達平
  「妾身要否定妳的一切──俗不可耐的東西。」   為了解救被大罪司教佔據的都市,王選候補者及騎士們終於和大罪司教爆發衝突!為了搶回被「強欲」雷古勒斯擄走的愛蜜莉雅,昴和萊因哈魯特堂堂正正闖進結婚典禮。雷古勒斯激動無比,面對其權能,最強與最弱的騎士組合發起將之打倒的挑戰──!   「劍鬼」與「劍聖」,「八腕」與「大虎」 Learn More
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