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' Jimmy Soni 'Found 196 Related Products
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  「能成交的業務員」和「無法成交的業務員」的差異何在?   「業務員常犯的NG對話」和「引導出YES的對話」究竟是什麼?   具體傳授保險、不動產、化妝品、健身房和牙科等五種行業的成交秘訣   全球No.2超級業務員,告訴你如何讓客戶打從心底說YES的絕妙業務技巧!      每100個人,就有98個人會跟她買!   日產汽車、明治安田壽險、 Learn More
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The Sherlock Holmes Book chronicles every case of the world's greatest detective and his assistant Dr Watson. The game is afoot and now you can discover every detail of Sherlock Holmes' world.From the first novel A Study in Scarlet, through to the masterpiece that is The Hound of the Baskervilles and the detective's last story, The Adventure of Shoscombe Old Place, The Sherlock Holmes Book explores every facet of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Learn More
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By 弘兼憲史
看世界一流的漫畫家,如何以獨特的自我風格, 經營每個人都憧憬的快意人生。   就算被說輕浮,也要堅守紈褲主義,   所以我的人生才能像島耕作一樣一帆風順。──弘兼憲史   他從小熱愛漫畫,但知道漫畫家不是想當就能當得了的職業,   中學時期便早早放棄這個夢想。從早稻田大學畢業時,   誤打誤撞進了松下電器產業(現在的Panasonic Learn More
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By Kingsley , 吉米
初学者不得不知的投资法则! 是否在外汇投资领域里常常碰钉子? 是否常常丢了一大笔钱在没有回报的投资产品上? 本书专为初学者而撰写,作者把自己在外汇领域的精髓,透过简单的“七步交易法”来呈现,绝对是一套容易跟随的交易系统,只要您看懂后并按部就班地把它运用在投资道路上,我相信您能战胜心魔,稳定获利绝不是梦! Learn More
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By Jill Norman
The essential companion for every creative cookWith global herbs, spice and seasonings now widely available, cooking has never been more varied. Add exciting and exotic new flavours to your cooking with flair and creativity with this practical reference book. If you don't know your wasabi from your epazote this is the guide for you.With directions on how to choose, use, store and grow over 200 world herbs and spices, and over 100 recipes for blends, sp Learn More
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The Evergreen Piano-Jimmy Chan 人物经历: 陈占美Jimmy Chan出生于新加坡,钢琴演奏家。自幼学习音乐。 1968年在香港的 The Quests 乐队里负责演奏电子风琴。 1970年加入许冠杰小组乐队“莲花乐队”并担任电子琴演奏。 曾参于叶丽仪、邓丽君、徐小凤等港台巨星的个人录音,担任钢琴伴奏。 1974年11月返回新加坡,受邀加入文华酒店之“钢琴酒廊”并担任钢琴演奏 Learn More
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By Cyndi Marko
Gordon Blue's mom drags him to a night at the opera. The show turns fowl though when its star singer, Honey Comb, is chicknapped! The evil Dr. Screech plans to turn the singer's super-high voice into a supersonic weapon. It's up to Kung Pow Chicken to rescue Honey! Learn More
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NOW: RM 16.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 15.21 (-10%)

By Danielle Trussoni
USUAL: RM38.50

NOW: RM 38.50 (-0%)

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钢琴经典名曲 -陈占美(2CD) 人物经历: 陈占美Jimmy Chan出生于新加坡,钢琴演奏家。自幼学习音乐。 1968年在香港的 The Quests 乐队里负责演奏电子风琴。 1970年加入许冠杰小组乐队“莲花乐队”并担任电子琴演奏。 曾参于叶丽仪、邓丽君、徐小凤等港台巨星的个人录音,担任钢琴伴奏。 1974年11月返回新加坡,受邀加入文华酒店之“钢琴酒廊”并担任钢琴 Learn More
USUAL: RM39.90

NOW: RM 39.90 (-0%)

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By Black Jellyfish
Pada masa dahulu, tinggal seorang pemuda di sebuah pekan yang terpencil. Pemuda ini bernama Jimmy. Jimmy tinggal dengan datuknya. Akan tetapi, datuk Jimmy meninggal dunia sebab penyakit yang serius. Datuknya meninggalkan sepucuk surat kepada Jimmy untuk memberitahunya masih ada seorang pak cik. Maka Jimmy pun memulakan perjalanan untuk mencari pak ciknya. Learn More

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By Jimmy Burns
Diego Maradona, is arguably the greatest and certainly the most widely-known footballer of the modern age. During his tempestuous career he played for top clubs in South America and Europe, and was a central figure in four World Cups. With the fortunes he has earned from sponsorship and transfer deals, he personified football, both as popular sport and big business. Jimmy Burns pursued his research in several countries on both sides of the Atlantic, gaining access to Maradona Learn More
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By Dan Brown
Robert Langdon heads Stateside to deliver a lecture in Washington DC. He’s been invited by his old friend Peter Solomon, but when he arrives, Peter is nowhere to be seen. Instead, Langdon witnesses the discovery of a gruesome artifact, and suddenly he begins to wonder if he’s been lured to Washington under false pretenses. A mysterious phone call confirms his suspicions, and it’s clear that wherever Peter is, he’s in serious trouble. The madman on the phone has som Learn More
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NOW: RM 42.95 (-0%)

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USUAL: RM35.90

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The seeds of the collaboration were planted in 2017 when Anderson .Paak and Bruno Mars toured together on the European leg of his 24K Magic World Tour. One late-night jam session on the road unlocked immediate chemistry. Just before the world slipped into quarantine, Bruno called Anderson: “Remember that idea we had back in 2017? Let’s do it.” One studio session grew into to a months-long collaboration, culminating the “setlist of doom.” Legendary Bootsy Collins chr Learn More
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