9th Birthday Sale
9th Birthday Sale

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By Terry Bacon , David Pugh
How does a company constantly win more business than its rivals? A key factor is the ability to create proposals that outshine those from even the strongest competitors. Powerful Proposals helps businesses maximize the selling power of their proposals, with proven strategies for going beyond "this is what we do" documents in favor of customer-centered offers that highlight the tangible benefits your company offers. This powerful process offers tools and techniques that will l Learn More
USUAL: RM93.95

NOW: RM 93.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 84.56 (-10%)

By 長月達平
  「這不是閣下嗎,好久不見了。」   在攻陷城郭都市瓜拉爾的最後一刻,拯救了命懸一線的菜月‧昴的,是身著一襲鮮紅的普莉希拉‧跋利耶爾。與緋色赫炎重逢而獲救的昴一行人,請求她協助奪回帝都。對此,普莉希拉提出條件:得到「九神將」的協助。踏上旅途前,雷姆對悔恨自己無能為力的昴的苦苦哀求,正面否定了過去曾振奮菜月‧昴的話語 Learn More
USUAL: RM41.60

NOW: RM 41.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 37.44 (-10%)

By 長月達平
「這不是閣下嗎,好久不見了。」   在攻陷城郭都市瓜拉爾的最後一刻,拯救了命懸一線的菜月‧昴的,是身著一襲鮮紅的普莉希拉‧跋利耶爾。與緋色赫炎重逢而獲救的昴一行人,請求她協助奪回帝都。對此,普莉希拉提出條件:得到「九神將」的協助。踏上旅途前,雷姆對悔恨自己無能為力的昴的苦苦哀求,正面否定了過去曾振奮菜月‧昴的話語── Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

NOW: RM 33.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 30.51 (-10%)

By Nigel P. Daly
數位履歷躍升新時代求職利器 你應具備以下新觀念 --熟悉履歷特有語言 --連結社群拓展人脈 --自我行銷無遠弗屆 本書特色   ★外商企業 ★全球人脈 ★跨國團隊   提高個人優勢能見度,理想職缺自動找上門!   企業人資在篩選面試者時,對應徵者的第一印象取決於其履歷內容是否夠吸睛!   因此想在國際商務領域中找到一份好工作,最重要的 Learn More
USUAL: RM64.70

NOW: RM 64.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.23 (-10%)

By Nathaniel Sario
Welcome to Darat Kumut, Sabah. This is where people go to relax, feast on seafood, and maybe even try their luck at the nearby island's casino resort. Everything about it is perfect - until the bodies start piling up. The first corpse belongs to Tommy Asandu, the town’s notorious bad boy. Given the fact that most people hated him. the news of his death was met with indifference or even outright glee. Newcomer Wesley Lawrence Moysin, a former journalist, is drawn to investi Learn More
USUAL: RM28.00

NOW: RM 22.40 (-20%)

MEMBER: RM 22.40 (-20%)

By Designing the Mind & Ryan A. Bush
The Instant Cult Classic on the Art of Reprogramming Your Own Psychological Software A bold and fascinating dive into the nuts and bolts of psychological evolution, Designing the Mind: The Principles of Psychitecture is part philosophical manifesto, part practical self-development guide, all based on the teachings of legendary thinkers like Marcus Aurelius, Lao Tzu, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Abraham Maslow. The ideas and techniques it offers are all integrated into a vital th Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

Let's swing, Spidey Team!It's time for a team-up. Spidey and His Amazing Friends need your help to solve these web-tastic mazes and save the day! Join Spidey, Spin, Ghost-Spider and their friends as they find their way through 29 mazes! Kids will love these SUPER challenges and boost their problem-solving and fine-motor skills in the process. Learn More
USUAL: RM16.90

NOW: RM 16.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 15.21 (-10%)

By Yaongyi
收到朱靜的加油禮物後,   修豪無法忽視自己的心意,   直接跑到朱靜家樓下和她道謝,   並約好了指考後再相見,   兩人間的氣氛逼近曖昧的最高點!   朱靜與修豪似乎就要修成正果,   修豪卻在這時遭遇了   意想不到的變動──!? 本書特色   ★LINE WEBTOON人氣No.1|同名電視劇漫畫單行本上市!   ★其貌不揚的醜小鴨在上妝後成 Learn More
USUAL: RM57.00

NOW: RM 57.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 57.00 (-0%)

By Yaongyi
修豪在與朱靜心意相通後   離開了韓國,卻在那之後   音訊全無,彷彿人間蒸發,   使得朱靜的心也因此搖擺不定,   在與書竣的那場「意外」過後,   她發現自己似乎對於書竣   越來越在意,三年的純友誼   是否會因此產生變化……? 本書特色   ★LINE WEBTOON人氣No.1|同名電視劇漫畫單行本上市!   ★其貌不揚的醜小鴨在上妝後成 Learn More
USUAL: RM57.00

NOW: RM 57.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 57.00 (-0%)

By Tripp Mickle
From the Wall Street Journal's Tripp Mickle, the dramatic, untold story inside Apple after the passing of Steve Jobs by following his top lieutenants-Jony Ive, the Chief Design Officer, and Tim Cook, the COO-turned-CEO-and how the fading of the former and the rise of the latter led to Apple losing its soul. Steve Jobs called Jony Ive his "spiritual partner at Apple." The London-born genius was the second-most powerful person at Apple and the creative force who most embodie Learn More
USUAL: RM99.95

NOW: RM 99.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 89.96 (-10%)

By 經緯文化
闊別3年 繼續東京食買玩 【東京最新玩樂地標】 涉谷:SHIBUYA SCRAMBLE SQUARE、宮下公園;新宿:MUJI 新宿、Alpen TOKYO;池袋:Q-plaza;秋葉原:秋葉原HOBBY 天國2、TAMASHII NATIONS TOKYO;東京車站:GRANSTA八重北 【話題街頭美食】 涉谷橫町、阿美橫丁、淺草橫町、仲見世通、竹下通小吃街、鎌倉小町通,由街頭食到街尾 【怒買手信土產】 N.Y.C. SAND焦糖朱古力曲奇、烤 Learn More
USUAL: RM83.20

NOW: RM 83.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 74.88 (-10%)

By 長月達平
  「很久很久以前,有個既美麗又楚楚動人的女孩。」   「佛拉基亞帝國」是信奉弱肉強食定律,四大國中最大的國家。在敬強欺弱的帝國鐵律下,即使是身為帝國頂點的皇帝也不例外。   身為佛拉基亞皇室一員,普莉絲卡・班奈狄克雖然年幼,但天資聰穎的她被迫參加決定下任皇帝的「選帝之儀」。在美麗寶劍的烈焰照耀下,這場兄弟姊妹互相 Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

NOW: RM 33.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 30.51 (-10%)

By Maria Ressa
WINNER OF THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE 2021 What will you sacrifice for the truth? Maria Ressa has spent decades speaking truth to power. But her work tracking disinformation networks seeded by her own government, spreading lies to its own citizens laced with anger and hate, has landed her in trouble with the most powerful man in the country: President Duterte. Now, hounded by the state, she has multiple arrest warrants against her name, and a potential 100+ years behind bars to Learn More
USUAL: RM86.95

NOW: RM 86.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 78.26 (-10%)

Out of stock

By Ajay Agrawal 
Disruption resulting from the proliferation of AI is coming. The authors of the bestselling Prediction Machines can help you prepare. Artificial intelligence (AI) has impacted many industries around the world-banking and finance, pharmaceuticals, automotive, medical technology, manufacturing, and retail. But it has only just begun its odyssey toward cheaper, better, and faster predictions that drive strategic business decisions. When prediction is taken to the max, industrie Learn More
USUAL: RM141.00

NOW: RM 141.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 126.90 (-10%)

By 盧希鵬
看懂Web 3.0浪潮下 穿越結構洞 → 連結不同社群 → 取得社會資本優勢的底層邏輯 跳脫現有商業模式,掌握下一波網路新經濟的指數型成長 入選史丹佛大學「全球前 2% 頂尖科學家」的EMBA名師 結合社會學、經濟學、資訊科學、生物學、未來學 從亂而無序中,還原出7個面對超連結世界的簡單規則 帶領你和你的企業預見元宇宙、Web 3.0,未來次世代的市場和商機所 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

NOW: RM 69.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.37 (-10%)

By Yaongyi
靜和高芸成了好朋友,   也在因緣際會之下和書竣越來越親近,   他似乎不像原先表現出的那樣,   冷酷的外表之下其實藏著單純的心……?   朱靜意外發現修豪和書竣之間的過去,   一場突如其來的意外又將會在看似平靜的   三人之間掀起什麼樣的波瀾──!? 本書特色   ★LINE WEBTOON人氣No.1|同名電視劇漫畫單行本上市!   ★其貌不 Learn More
USUAL: RM57.00

NOW: RM 57.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 57.00 (-0%)

By Yaongyi
  朱靜迎來高中生涯的最後一個暑假,   除了要面對彩妝師考試與指考的雙重壓力外,   她與修豪、書竣之間的關係   似乎也漸漸產生變化……?   一方是給予她無限關心的好朋友,   一方是相處起來輕鬆自在的哥兒們,   面臨終極二選一的朱靜   究竟會如何抉擇呢──? 本書特色   ★LINE WEBTOON人氣No.1|同名電視劇漫畫單行本上市 Learn More
USUAL: RM57.00

NOW: RM 57.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 57.00 (-0%)

By Lynette Noni 
Kiva Meridan is a survivor. She survived not only Zalindov prison, but also the deadly Trial by Ordeal. Now Kiva's purpose goes beyond survival to vengeance. For the past ten years, her only goal has been to reunite with her family and destroy the people responsible for ruining their lives. But now that she has escaped Zalindov, her mission has become more complicated than ever. As Kiva settles into her new life in the capital, she disc Learn More
USUAL: RM69.90

NOW: RM 69.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.91 (-10%)

Lonely Planet's Pocket Dubaiis your guide to the city's best experiences and local life - neighbourhood by neighbourhood. Browse the labyrinthine souks, immerse yourself in the historic Al Fahidi District and peer down at Dubai from the Burj Khalifa; all with your trusted travel companion. Uncover the best of Dubai and make the most of your trip! Inside Lonely Planet's Pocket Dubai: Up-to-date information - all businesses were rechecked before publication to ensure they are Learn More
USUAL: RM54.50

NOW: RM 54.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.05 (-10%)

By Olivia Brook
Poppy Merrymoss is going on a school trip to the Magic Mountains with her best friends Ninad Cleardrop and Rose Seedpip. But evil Lady Nightshade (disguised as her teacher Ms Webcap) is coming too, and when the Snow Fairies magical Snowflake Charm is stolen, Poppy knows just who’s taken it. Without the charm, the snowflake fairies can’t use their magic to help the local Artic Foxes and the school trip is ruined! Can Poppy, Ninad and Rose find the Snowflake Charm and reve Learn More
USUAL: RM35.90

NOW: RM 35.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 32.31 (-10%)

By ネコ光一
  ★點閱破5000萬,系列小說累計突破20萬冊!全系列連續再版暢銷作!   ★投稿網站「成為小說家吧」年間排名‧『第1名』 ※截至2015年7月25日 第二屆 OVERLAP文庫WEB小說大獎‧『金獎』   ★《東雲侑子》《這份戀情,與其未來。》系列唯美清新繪師Nardeck,傾力繪製!   和獸王約好要在§國際會議(Legendia)§重逢後,天狼星一行人離開獸國亞比 Learn More
USUAL: RM36.95

NOW: RM 36.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 33.26 (-10%)

By Rajesh Sinha
Build your company's next-generation growth strategy by using emerging technologies to disrupt your field and energize your business In Digital Operating Model: The Future of Business, digital strategist and execution expert Rajesh Sinha delivers a robust and practical operating blueprint for digital transformation. Applicable to any industry, any size company, this playbook helps executives, professionals, managers, founders, owners, and other business leaders understand th Learn More
USUAL: RM107.78

NOW: RM 107.78 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 97.00 (-10%)

By Yaongyi
不懂打扮、沒有異性緣的醜小鴨任朱靜,   因為不起眼的長相在學校受到同學欺負,   原以為是兩情相悅的學餐哥哥最後也和別人開始交往。   備受打擊的朱靜痛下決心改變,   開始接觸化妝的她成為高中裡最亮眼的一顆星,   卻不小心被長得帥卻個性差的同學李修豪看見了素顏,   還被以此要脅當他的打雜小妹……!? 本書特色   ★LIN Learn More
USUAL: RM57.00

NOW: RM 57.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 57.00 (-0%)

By Yaongyi
透過同學姜秀貞介紹而認識的哥哥   與朱靜越來越親近,   原以為終於脫離母胎單身的日子,   正要開始享受青春戀愛的朱靜   卻感受到了一絲不對勁……?   不僅如此,修豪還在學校裡和一位   看起來像不良少年的生面孔起了衝突,   高中校園生活面臨大危機……!? 本書特色   ★LINE WEBTOON人氣No.1|同名電視劇漫畫單行本上市!   Learn More
USUAL: RM57.00

NOW: RM 57.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 57.00 (-0%)

By 長月達平
  「──頭家,不可以皺著眉頭啦。」   在毫無預警的情況下被扔到佛拉基亞帝國的菜月‧昴,終於在當地親眼見證雷姆醒轉。但歡喜沒多久。兩人就被捲入席捲整個帝國的巨大內亂之中。與被趕下王位的皇帝文森‧亞伯克斯對峙,昴發誓要帶著雷姆回到露格尼卡王國。但在進入城郭都市後,昴卻面臨了無法預測的「死亡」螺旋,以及自己被迫做出的選擇 Learn More
USUAL: RM41.60

NOW: RM 41.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 37.44 (-10%)

By 長月達平
 「──頭家,不可以皺著眉頭啦。」   在毫無預警的情況下被扔到佛拉基亞帝國的菜月‧昴,終於在當地親眼見證雷姆醒轉。但歡喜沒多久。兩人就被捲入席捲整個帝國的巨大內亂之中。與被趕下王位的皇帝文森‧亞伯克斯對峙,昴發誓要帶著雷姆回到露格尼卡王國。但在進入城郭都市後,昴卻面臨了無法預測的「死亡」螺旋,以及自己被迫做出的選擇, Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

NOW: RM 33.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 30.51 (-10%)

By Winston Ma
An in-depth and authoritative treatment of one of the most pressing topics of our time In Blockchain and Web3: Building the Cryptocurrency, Privacy, and Security Foundations of the Metaverse, two tech and finance experts deliver a comprehensive and accessible guide to the present and future of blockchain technology and how it will form the foundation of a new, better internet. To support a concept as bold as the Metaverse, we need several orders of magnitude more powerful c Learn More
USUAL: RM148.45

NOW: RM 148.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 133.61 (-10%)

Out of stock

By Jeremy Gibson Bond
Learn All the Design & Development Skills You Need to Make Great Games with Unity, the World's Most Popular Professional Game Engine If you want to design and develop games, there is no substitute for strong, hands-on experience with modern techniques and tools. That is exactly what this book provides. Leading instructor and indie game developer Jeremy Gibson Bond covers all three disciplines that you need to succeed: game design theory, rapid iterative prototyping, and prac Learn More
USUAL: RM368.63

NOW: RM 368.63 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 331.77 (-10%)

By 震電みひろ
  「燈子學姐!跟我劈腿吧!」   「冷靜點,一色……那兩個劈腿的人一定要悽慘得有如下地獄!」   由於女朋友劈腿而大受打擊的一色優,   對NTR男的女朋友,也就是他過往思慕的櫻島燈子學姐提議劈腿。   燈子計畫縝密地提出了更強烈的「報復」手段,   卻開始把優打理成大受女生歡迎的好男人?   不僅幫忙挑衣服,還教他和女生聊天 Learn More
USUAL: RM38.50

NOW: RM 38.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 34.65 (-10%)

By Nicholas Sparks
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A twist you won’t see coming. A love story you’ll never forget. From the acclaimed author of The Notebook comes a powerful novel about risking everything for a dream—and whether it’s possible to leave the past behind. We don’t always get to choose our paths in life; sometimes they choose us. ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR: PopSugar After fleeing an abusive husband with her six-year-old son, Tommie, Beverly is attempting to cre Learn More
USUAL: RM49.95

NOW: RM 49.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.96 (-10%)

By Chua Soon Yong
The Simple Town phenomenon has infected the whole country. This ridiculously popular webcomic has more than 141,000 followers on Facebook and is taking over the nation by storm. The pendemic might have turned the world upside down but you can bet that Simple Town will take insanity to the next level. So put on your boots and ride the Simple Town rocket all the way to the moon as we are back with another crazy collection of comics that will bring the house down! Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 26.91 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 23.92 (-20%)

’-Mudah dipelajari '-Pantas dan efektif '-Menjana pekerjaan bergaji tinggi '-Mempunyai komuniti yang besar dan popular '-Mempunyai pustaka yang besar (Large Library) '-Kepelbagaian dan fleksibiliti (Diversity & Flexibility) '-Digunakan dalam Sains Data (Data Science) '-Digunakan dalam Pembangunan Web (Web Development) '-Digunakan dalam Kecerdasan Buatan (Artificial Intelligence) Learn More
USUAL: RM12.95

NOW: RM 12.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 11.66 (-10%)

Out of stock

By 長月達平
  「混帳東西。誰允許你說話了。可別忘了你的命是在這邊……在我的手中。」   菜月・昴體驗了悲傷離別,並攻克了沙海之塔。可是命運卻宛如風暴翻攪,拆散他與同伴。在陌生的地方,昴終於迎來期盼已久的重逢。但是才歡喜一下子,就發現醒過來的少女失去了「記憶」,朝渾身充滿魔女瘴氣的昴投以敵意。與不信任自己而逃跑的少女開始了「鬼捉 Learn More
USUAL: RM41.60

NOW: RM 41.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 37.44 (-10%)

By sing N song
  一個世界已然毀滅,全新的世界正在誕生,   至於我,則是知曉這個世界結局的唯一讀者──   隨著劉衆赫與涅巴納的決戰劃下句點,   肆虐首爾全境的獸潮,終以最強化身的犧牲落下帷幕。   就在此時,我收到了星座盛宴的邀請通知,   憑藉過往累積的傳說,   我在眾星的見證下,正式躋身星座之列。   成為星座,不代表能逃離星星 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

NOW: RM 69.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.37 (-10%)

By sing N song
  一個世界已然毀滅,全新的世界正在誕生,   至於我,則是知曉這個世界結局的唯一讀者──   在大型星雲縝密的謀劃下,我陷入了進退維谷的死局。   正因明白想要保護一切,就必須失去一切,   我帶著微笑,讓珍愛的人們將我放逐到任務之外。   肉體崩潰分解,傳說流逝四散,   一無所有的虛空之中,唯有撕裂靈魂的痛楚無窮無盡。 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

NOW: RM 69.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.37 (-10%)

By 長月達平
「混帳東西。誰允許你說話了。可別忘了你的命是在這邊……在我的手中。」   菜月・昴體驗了悲傷離別,並攻克了沙海之塔。可是命運卻宛如風暴翻攪,拆散他與同伴。在陌生的地方,昴終於迎來期盼已久的重逢。但是才歡喜一下子,就發現醒過來的少女失去了「記憶」,朝渾身充滿魔女瘴氣的昴投以敵意。與不信任自己而逃跑的少女開始了「鬼捉人」之 Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

NOW: RM 33.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 30.51 (-10%)

By Sarah Henning
The breathtaking sequel to Sarah Henning's The Princess Will Save You—a brilliantly-executed YA fantasy homage to The Princess Bride KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE CROWN… After a thousand years of political stability, the realm of The Sand and Sky is up for grabs. Four kingdoms, four rulers vying for the ultimate prize, sovereignty over the entire continent: A ruthless old king spinning webs, whose schemes encompass generations. A widowed queen whose only credo is all kings must Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

By 姚前 , 陈永伟
互联网是人类通信技术的重大革命,已经且正在全方位地影响人类社会。随着信息技术的迭代创新,互联网呈现向下一代演进的趋势,这势必引发新一轮的信息革命。经过30年的发展,互联网正在从Web2.0到Web3.0的方向演进。 从经济的角度看,与Web2.0 相比,Web 3.0最显著的特征是:它是分布式互联网基础设施,以用户为中心,强调用户拥有数字身份、个人数据、算 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.00

NOW: RM 58.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.20 (-10%)

By 馬修·柏爾
►美國時代雜誌封面故事專題 ►元宇宙理論之父馬修‧柏爾權威力作 ►臉書創辦人祖克柏盛讚: 「馬修‧柏爾談到元宇宙各種面向的文章,每一篇都非常推薦閱讀。」 馬修‧柏爾 - 元宇宙定義者 全球最早、最全面介紹元宇宙的趨勢家 深刻影響科技企業巨擘的下世代技術佈局 揭示元宇宙將如何全面改變我們的工作、生活與思維模式的顛覆性作品 Learn More
USUAL: RM92.40

NOW: RM 92.40 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 83.16 (-10%)

By 貝莉·理查森 , 黃凱文 , 凱伊·埃爾默·索托
調查顯示,人們做購買決定的時候 →95%憑感覺、靠認同 →80%信賴同溫層的推薦 →50%偏向聆聽自己意見的商家 Web3.0時代,由上而下「面對群眾」已經沒有用, 「身在群眾」才有影響力! -為社團時代而寫的行銷生存法則-   ★亞馬遜書店4.6顆星   ★上百個社團的實戰經驗精華   ★Nike、瑪麗亞凱莉都靠這招壯大   Web3.0時代,誰先走入群眾,誰就贏 Learn More
USUAL: RM64.70

NOW: RM 64.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.23 (-10%)

By Gina Chen
“Everything you want from an enemies-to-lovers fantasy starring morally gray characters.”—BuzzFeed Violet is a prophet and a liar, influencing the royal court with her cleverly phrased—and not always true—divinations. Honesty is for suckers, like the oh-so-not charming Prince Cyrus, who plans to strip Violet of her official role once he’s crowned at the end of the summer—unless Violet does something about it. But when the king asks her to falsely prophesy Cyru Learn More
USUAL: RM57.50

NOW: RM 57.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 51.75 (-10%)

By 吳仁麟
蘋果、臉書、微軟等多家企業紛紛宣布全力投入發展元宇宙, 元宇宙早已成為時代的顯學與風口。 到底什麼是元宇宙?什麼是NFT?要怎麼發展元宇宙商機和獲得財富? 社會大眾與企業對元宇宙議題越來越關注,迷思卻越來越多, 本書提供有系統且具可信度的思索來引導。   本書深入淺出的介绍、說明元宇宙浪潮的重要性,以及其過去、現在、與未來 Learn More
USUAL: RM53.90

NOW: RM 53.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 48.51 (-10%)

Functions Print Print speed black (ISO, A4) Up to 20 ppm91 First page out black (A4, ready) As fast as 8.3 sec Duty cycle (monthly, A4) Up to 10,000 pages111 (Duty cycle is defined as the maximum number of pages per month of imaged output. This value provides a comparison of product robustness in relation to other HP LaserJet or HP Color LaserJet devices, and enables appropriate deployment of printers and MFPs to satisfy the demands of connected individuals or groups.)3 Recom Learn More
USUAL: RM497.00

NOW: RM 497.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 497.00 (-0%)

SanDisk Ultra Luxe™ USB 3.1 Flash Drive When you need to store and protect content, and you want a strong, elegant device, the all-metal Ultra Luxe™ USB 3.1 Gen 1 flash drive unites necessity and desire. SanDisk Ultra Luxe USB 3.1 CZ74 Flash Drive Product Specification: Capacities: 32GB - 256GB Dimension: 0.23 x 0.62 x 1.57in ; 5.72 x 15.80 x 40.00 mm Compatibility: USB 3.1 Gen 1 and USB 3.0 enabled (USB 2.0 compatible) Software: SanDisk SecureAccess™ software¹ Learn More
USUAL: RM73.00

NOW: RM 73.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 73.00 (-0%)

SanDisk Ultra Luxe™ USB 3.1 Flash Drive When you need to store and protect content, and you want a strong, elegant device, the all-metal Ultra Luxe™ USB 3.1 Gen 1 flash drive unites necessity and desire. SanDisk Ultra Luxe USB 3.1 CZ74 Flash Drive Product Specification: Capacities: 32GB - 256GB Dimension: 0.23 x 0.62 x 1.57in ; 5.72 x 15.80 x 40.00 mm Compatibility: USB 3.1 Gen 1 and USB 3.0 enabled (USB 2.0 compatible) Software: SanDisk SecureAccess™ software¹ Learn More
USUAL: RM49.00

NOW: RM 49.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.00 (-0%)

By 孫大千
  Crazy Penguins 爆走企鵝   代表著一群為了生存而掙扎的企鵝們,他們天真、善良、慵懶,並且具有各式各樣的特色,頭上分別頂著火焰、冰袋、花朵、溫度計,都象徵著全球暖化下的產物:逐漸升高的氣溫、森林大火與乾旱缺糧。   『為什麼企鵝要爆走? NFT 是什麼?』   企鵝和 NFT 又有什麼關係?讀著這本書讓我告訴你。   區塊鏈技術無疑將是本 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

NOW: RM 69.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.37 (-10%)

By Cathy Hackl
Jump into the metaverse to connect with consumers and explore endless opportunities Like the Internet before it, the metaverse is a virtual space bringing people, companies, and products together in both digital and real environments to create new economic opportunities. The groundwork is already laid. People and organizations jumping in are gaining invaluable experience, meeting customers, developing revenue streams, and even shaping metaverse culture. In Navigating the Me Learn More
USUAL: RM105.35

NOW: RM 105.35 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 94.82 (-10%)

By Lauren Ho
An ambitious career woman signs up for a co-parenting website only to find a match she never expected, in this unflinchingly funny and honest novel from the author of Last Tang Standing. Management consultant Lucie Yi is done waiting for Mr. Right. After a harrowing breakup foiled her plans for children--and drove her to a meltdown in a Tribeca baby store--she's ready to take matters into her own hands. She signs up for an elective co-parenting website to find a suitable p Learn More
USUAL: RM57.50

NOW: RM 46.00 (-20%)

MEMBER: RM 46.00 (-20%)

By Mary E. Pearson
Vow of Thieves is the thrilling sequel to Dance of Thieves, set in the same world as Mary E. Pearson's New York Times-bestselling Remnant Chronicles. Kazi and Jase have survived, stronger and more in love than ever. Their new life now lies before them—the Ballengers will be outlaws no longer, Tor's Watch will be a kingdom, and Kazi and Jase will meet all challenges side by side, together at last. But an ominous warning mars their journey back, and they soon find themselve Learn More
USUAL: RM72.50

NOW: RM 72.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 65.25 (-10%)

By QuHarrison Terry
The metaverse is here. Are you ready? In The Metaverse Handbook: Innovating for the Internet's Next Tectonic Shift, a duo of experienced tech and culture experts delivers a can't-miss guide to participating in the most promising new technology since the advent of the web. Through dozens of metaverse creator case studies and concise, actionable insights, you'll walk away from this book understanding how to explore and implement the latest metaverse tech emerging from blockcha Learn More
USUAL: RM125.78

NOW: RM 125.78 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 113.20 (-10%)

By Brian Wood
Build valuable graphic art skills and create digital artwork using Adobe Illustrator Adobe Illustrator Classroom in a Book (2023 release) uses real-world, project-based learning to cover the basics and beyond, providing countless tips and techniques to help you become more productive with the program. For beginners and experienced users alike, you can follow the book from start to finish or choose only those lessons that interest you. Learn to: Create artwork, from precise d Learn More
USUAL: RM299.51

NOW: RM 299.51 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 269.56 (-10%)

By Kelly Anton , Tina DeJarld
Learn graphic design using Adobe InDesign Adobe InDesign Classroom in a Book (2023 release) uses real-world, project-based learning to cover the basics and beyond, providing countless tips and techniques to help you become more productive with the program. For beginners and experienced users alike, you can follow the book from start to finish or choose only those lessons that interest you. Learn to: Build a strong foundation of typographic, page layout, and document-construc Learn More
USUAL: RM299.51

NOW: RM 299.51 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 269.56 (-10%)

By Conrad Chavez
Learn to create and edit images using Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop Classroom in a Book (2023 release) uses real-world, project-based learning to cover the basics and beyond, providing countless tips and techniques to help you become more productive with the program. For beginners and experienced users alike, you can follow the book from start to finish or choose only those lessons that interest you. Learn to: Correct and improve digital images Seamlessly remove background Learn More
USUAL: RM299.51

NOW: RM 299.51 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 269.56 (-10%)

By 劉呈顥
──【最全方位的NFT策略指南】── 無論你熱愛音樂、漫畫、遊戲、時尚, 或藝術、投資、創業..... 都能用NFT,推廣個人品牌★拓展社群★實現獲利★ 成就自己的價值!   ★收錄臺灣NFT發行案例、交易平台及加密貨幣錢包!   ★獨家〈NFT潛力評估表〉,5大指標+10個輔助工具,帶你找到潛力項目!   ★結合視覺圖表 + 影音QR Code,文組人也能輕易 Learn More
USUAL: RM80.10

NOW: RM 80.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 72.09 (-10%)

Lonely Planet’s Pocket Singapore i is your guide to the city’s best experiences and local life - neighbourhood by neighbourhood. Marvel at Gardens by the Bay, savour the street food and experience vibrant nightlife; all with your trusted travel companion. Uncover the best of Singapore and make the most of your trip! Inside Lonely Planet’s Pocket Singapore: Up-to-date information - all businesses were rechecked before publication to ensure they are still open after Learn More
USUAL: RM54.50

NOW: RM 54.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.05 (-10%)

By 杜雨 , 张孜铭
第三次科技革命以来,互联网的发展一直与人类文明的进步相伴相随。从Web1.0到Web3.0,我们经历了从只能读取信息,到可以读取和写入信息,再到可以拥有互联网本身的转变,而数字经济的形态也经历了从信息经济、平台经济到通证经济的演进。DeFi、NFT、DAO等新兴理念重塑了整个互联网,在推动世界进入Web3.0时代的同时,也将数据的所有权真正还给了用户,全 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.00

NOW: RM 69.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.10 (-10%)

Lonely Planet’s Pocket Hong Kong is your guide to the city’s best experiences and local life - neighbourhood by neighbourhood. Behold Victoria Peak vista, explore the famous night market and feast on dim sum; all with your trusted travel companion. Uncover the best of Hong Kong and make the most of your trip! Inside Lonely Planet’s Pocket Hong Kong: Up-to-date information - all businesses were rechecked before publication to ensure they are still open after 2020 Learn More
USUAL: RM54.50

NOW: RM 54.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.05 (-10%)

Lonely Planet’s Pocket Bali is your guide to the city’s best experiences and local life - neighbourhood by neighbourhood. Surf the world-class breaks, pamper your mind and body, and experience the bustling nightlife; all with your trusted travel companion. Uncover the best of Bali and make the most of your trip! Inside Lonely Planet’s Pocket Bali: Up-to-date information - all businesses were rechecked before publication to ensure they are still open after 2020’s Learn More
USUAL: RM57.95

NOW: RM 57.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.16 (-10%)

By 麥爾荀伯格 , 蘭姆格
  下一代創新者的突圍策略   web3.0時代   每個人都需要具備的「資料素養」(data literacy)   大數據(巨量資料)時代,資料是創新最重要的原物料!   資料增值的關鍵不在蒐集,而在自由使用和深入分析!   我們需要開放資料存取權,讓人人都能享有數位紅利!   我們這個時代,看似電子產品百花齊放,創意構想層出不窮,   但是與一 Learn More
USUAL: RM61.60

NOW: RM 61.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 55.44 (-10%)

By Rino Park
  ~掌握光的法則,玩轉色彩世界~   以光產生的正確顏色為基礎,結合主觀的創意上色,就能呈現出超棒色彩!   我們的周圍環繞著光線與色彩。   陽光和月光以不同的方式照耀同個世界,   隨著時間、場所變化的光創造出五顏六色。   了解創造出色彩的光,觀察世界的視野就會愈加豐富,   而且蘊含五顏六色的繪畫可說是比文字更出色 Learn More
USUAL: RM64.70

NOW: RM 64.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.23 (-10%)

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