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' monolith a4 laminator 'Found 485 Related Products
USUAL: RM95.00

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CANON E410 Ink Efficient All-in-one Printer (Print,Scan,Copy) The Ink Efficient E410 is designed to give you an affordable printing experience at low running cost of up to 400 pages with the high-capacity ink cartridge. •Print, Scan, Copy •ISO Standard print speed (A4): up to 8.0ipm black / 4.0ipm colour •Hi-speed USB 2.0 •Recommended print volume: 50 - 200 pages Learn More
USUAL: RM209.00

NOW: RM 209.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 188.10 (-10%)

USUAL: RM80.00

NOW: RM 63.90 (-20%)

MEMBER: RM 63.90 (-20%)

USUAL: RM80.00

NOW: RM 80.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 72.00 (-10%)

• Model No : INSPIRE PLUS-A4 • Size : A4 hot laminator • Laminating Pouch Range : Cold / 75/ 100 micron • Maximum Pouch width : A4 (Max. 230mm) • Preheating Time : 5 min • Laminating Speed : 230 mm/min • Machines Size (L x W x H) : 331mm x 103mm x 75 mm • Machines Weight (kg) : 1kg • 2 years warranty Learn More
USUAL: RM199.00

NOW: RM 199.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 179.10 (-10%)

• Model No : INSPIRE PLUS-A3 • Size : A3 hot laminator • Laminating Pouch Range : Cold / 75/ 100 micron • Maximum Pouch width : A3 (Max. 330mm) • Preheating Time : 6 min • Laminating Speed : 230 mm/min • Machines Size (L x W x H) : 440mm x 147mm x 65mm • Machines Weight (kg) : 1.6kg • 2 years warranty Learn More
USUAL: RM299.00

NOW: RM 299.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 269.10 (-10%)

• Model No : PRLTC-402 • Features: A4 Laminating, Trimmer, Corner Cutter, Two Hole Puncher • Ideal for use in a small to midsize office environment - Protection and refinement for documents, photos and much more. • Preheating Time : About 2 - 3 min • Operating speed : 300 mm/min. • Maximum Pouch width : A4 • 2 heated rollers technology • Pouch Thickness : 75micron up to A4 size / 125micron up to 54*85mm • Paper Trimmer with a capacity of 5 sheets (80gsm), s Learn More
USUAL: RM229.00

NOW: RM 229.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 229.00 (-0%)

By 楊棋茵
送禮要送到心坎裡,不需昂貴只要誠意,親手巧摺創意小禮,令人珍惜感動不已。   送一份小禮,聊表一點心意,增進一下情誼,不需昂貴大禮,只要生活實用小物,外加親手摺精美小禮盒,用心表達自己的真心,禮雖輕薄,則情義深濃....   書中教您如何利用一張A4美術卡紙,摺出精巧多樣化之小物盒,除當小飾品、小飾物、小玩具....之收納與珍藏盒外 Learn More
USUAL: RM40.00

NOW: RM 40.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 36.00 (-10%)

By 何權峰
 熱銷八年不墜,全新增訂版!新增序言及《愛,錯在哪裡》Q & A十四則   每一個人、每一本書都在談愛,但愛卻逐漸在消逝。   人們一再錯失愛,為什麼?   因為一直以來大家都沒有搞懂──愛,錯在哪裡?   你真的愛著那個人嗎?如果是,你就不會問:「你到底愛不愛我?」   在愛情裡,男人沒有那麼無賴,女人也沒有那麼無辜;男人女人 Learn More
USUAL: RM35.75

NOW: RM 35.75 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 32.18 (-10%)

By 王信明
 風靡全亞洲,來勢洶洶嘟嘴小娃MOLLY,推出第一本商品企劃書了!   這嘟嘴小娃到底是誰?居然造成2013-2014年超商集點活動出現全台大缺貨現象!(WHO?!   【親親Molly】超療癒、超收藏、超大心的二合一組合   ★內附【1號必蒐商品】→ Molly&大耳牛「好友.愛」兩用帆布包   ※全球獨家限定授權! 日本ROOTOTE × MOLLY跨界合作   ★內 Learn More
USUAL: RM125.80

NOW: RM 125.80 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 113.22 (-10%)

By 赤羽雄二
★ Amazon.jp 5顆星推薦 ★ 2014上半年日本網路書店商業類TOP 1 ★ 一出版即蟬聯數週商業理財暢銷書榜   一個主題、一張A4紙、一分鐘、一天10張   短短三週就能達到95%的腦力開發。   確實鍛練出連麥肯錫都無法實現的瞬間思考力。   只要把浮現於腦海中的想法,逐一寫在A4紙上,   就能夠鍛鍊你的腦力與領導力!   猶疑困惑的時間為零、 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.30

NOW: RM 49.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.37 (-10%)

By 麥可‧米勒
為什麼定價9結尾的商品總是賣得比較好? 到底是什麼樣的數字祕密,連FBI都想知道? 環顧四週,我們的生活數字無所不在。 你是否曾經想過,這些數字「究竟代表了什麼」? 它們是打哪來的?是誰決定要用這些數字組合? 別以為數字只是數字,它們其實都在你我的生活中偷偷耍心機! 你知道黑心食品的代號之一是E102? 撲克牌為什麼是52張? 為什 Learn More
USUAL: RM43.10

NOW: RM 43.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.79 (-10%)

By 馬克.馮.艾克 , 艾倫.林豪茲
★英美亞馬遜讀者評價5顆星 ★荷蘭商管年度暢銷書 ★美國太空總署(NASA)、寶僑、可口可樂……都在用的企劃術 原來,人類史上首次成功登入月球的計畫, 靠的就是這一套企劃術。(這麼厲害!) 協助福斯汽車、海尼根、PayPal……多家國際企業找定位與策略的行銷顧問 馬克.馮.艾克(Marc van Eck)與艾倫.林豪茲(Ellen Leenhouts), 將他們在寶僑公司學到 Learn More
USUAL: RM42.90

NOW: RM 42.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.61 (-10%)

By 淺田卓
  在TOYOTA,只要是業務上的文件,全部都是彙整在一張A3或A4的紙上,這個習慣已經成為TOYOTA根深蒂固的文化。無論是報告書、企劃書、會議資料或會議記錄,以至於討論時需要的文書、提案資料、確認行程的一覽表、考核面試用的文件……不管什麼種類或者多麼複雜的內容,原則上就是製作成「紙一張」。員工們準備的文件不是讓對方慢慢研讀才能理解,而 Learn More
USUAL: RM53.90

NOW: RM 53.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 48.51 (-10%)

By 璟玟
泰國, 是出國旅行的新興聖地! 不管是大學生的畢業旅行, 或者是上班族的偷閒度假, 都能在泰國找到最適合的旅遊方式! 想要享受曬著陽光、吹著海風的愜意, 想要滿足瘋狂購物、恣意吃喝的快感, 那你不能不去泰國! 現在, 正是準備去泰國旅行的好時機, 你,準備好了嗎?   去泰國悠閒度假,   不用學艱深的泰語文法,   不用死記不實用的 Learn More
USUAL: RM42.80

NOW: RM 42.80 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.52 (-10%)

By 赤羽雄二
  1支筆x1張紙x1分鐘,   運用「麥肯錫0秒思考力」消滅惱人負能量。   職場&人生中所有的模糊不清都會豁然開朗!      運用A4紙整理思維碎片,以多層面角度思考,   爬梳問題──命中核心──找到解方。   保證讓你的心情比「向朋友發3小時牢騷」更舒暢!      暢銷書《零秒思考力》作者公開分享的「1分鐘A4筆記術」   保證讓你的 Learn More
USUAL: RM43.10

NOW: RM 43.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.79 (-10%)

By 赤羽雄二
这本书教你的就是把心中想法落实到语言和实践中的具体做法——零秒思考。作者在麦肯锡公司的14年中,参与了企业的经营改革,深知员工的战斗力会很大程度上左右一个公司的未来,所以非常重视一个人的深入思考、制定解决方案,并能够彻底执行的能力。本书讲述的零秒思考就是他从多年实践中总结而来的。简单来说,就是运用A4纸整理思维碎片,集中1分 Learn More
USUAL: RM32.00

NOW: RM 32.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 28.80 (-10%)

By 西田潤子
>>>你的雙腳,是最好的靈丹妙藥<<< 你或許知道健走可以治病, 但你可能不知道原來不同的病症, 健走方法大不同! 高血壓患者走路時一定要保持微笑? 糖尿病一定要在飯後2小時內走才有用? ★ 全圖解!深入淺出,用一個跨頁說明一個健走知識,輕鬆閱讀無負擔。 ★ 最豐富!基本知識、對症方法、常見不適症狀……,第1本適合全年齡的健 Learn More
USUAL: RM43.10

NOW: RM 43.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.79 (-10%)

By 諾拉‧蓋朱達斯
美國生酮飲食權威──諾拉.蓋朱達斯營養師 長達15年研究與親身實證, 從人體與大腦演化角度,說明生酮飲食的運作機制, 60道燃脂生酮食譜+21天生酮代謝啟動計畫, 結合理論與實踐,完整公開!   ◎生酮飲食,真的有益身體健康嗎?   ◎為什麼想要更健康、更聰明,人應該要多吃油脂?   ◎吃那麼多油脂,不會造成血管阻塞嗎?   ◎我 Learn More
USUAL: RM61.45

NOW: RM 61.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 55.31 (-10%)

By 王金信 , 李可晴
★各大媒體爭相報導,成功幫助全台2萬5千多人脫離「痠痛人生」★ 比拍打更有效,比刀療更安全、簡易的對位「敲療」! 不用背誦穴名,只要記得「手痛敲腳,胸痛敲背」, 腰痠背痛、頭痛、手麻、膝蓋疼、頻尿、老花眼……,通通「敲」除, 讓身體年齡秒減10歲,重新擁抱暢活人生!   ■ 什麼是對位敲療?   人體有左右對稱的12條經絡,分布於手足 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP display book 20 pockets for 40 sheets, translucent inner pocket 0.35 mm PP material. For filing and presenting documents. Size available - A4 Colour available - black / blue / red / grey / pink / purple / bright green / light blue / light green Learn More
USUAL: RM12.15

NOW: RM 12.15 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.94 (-10%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP display book 20 pockets for 40 sheets, translucent inner pocket 0.35 mm PP material. For filing and presenting documents. Size available - A4 Colour available - black / blue / red / grey / pink / purple / bright green / light blue / light green Learn More
USUAL: RM12.15

NOW: RM 12.15 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.94 (-10%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP display book 20 pockets for 40 sheets, translucent inner pocket 0.35 mm PP material. For filing and presenting documents. Size available - A4 Colour available - black / blue / red / grey / pink / purple / bright green / light blue / light green Learn More
USUAL: RM12.15

NOW: RM 12.15 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.94 (-10%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP display book 20 pockets for 40 sheets, translucent inner pocket 0.35 mm PP material. For filing and presenting documents. Size available - A4 Colour available - black / blue / red / grey / pink / purple / bright green / light blue / light green Learn More
USUAL: RM12.15

NOW: RM 12.15 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.94 (-10%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP display book 20 pockets for 40 sheets, translucent inner pocket 0.35 mm PP material. For filing and presenting documents. Size available - A4 Colour available - black / blue / red / grey / pink / purple / bright green / light blue / light green Learn More
USUAL: RM12.15

NOW: RM 12.15 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.94 (-10%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP display book 20 pockets for 40 sheets, translucent inner pocket 0.35 mm PP material. For filing and presenting documents. Size available - A4 Colour available - black / blue / red / grey / pink / purple / bright green / light blue / light green Learn More
USUAL: RM12.15

NOW: RM 12.15 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.94 (-10%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP display book 20 pockets for 40 sheets, translucent inner pocket 0.35 mm PP material. For filing and presenting documents. Size available - A4 Colour available - black / blue / red / grey / pink / purple / bright green / light blue / light green Learn More
USUAL: RM12.15

NOW: RM 12.15 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.94 (-10%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP display book 20 pockets for 40 sheets, translucent inner pocket 0.35 mm PP material. For filing and presenting documents. Size available - A4 Colour available - black / blue / red / grey / pink / purple / bright green / light blue / light green Learn More
USUAL: RM12.15

NOW: RM 12.15 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.94 (-10%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP display book 20 pockets for 40 sheets, translucent inner pocket 0.35 mm PP material. For filing and presenting documents. Size available - A4 Colour available - black / blue / red / grey / pink / purple / bright green / light blue / light green Learn More
USUAL: RM12.15

NOW: RM 12.15 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.94 (-10%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP clear folder, colour translucent L shape easy for identification. Size available - A4 / 12pieces per pack Colour available - blue / green / red/ yellow / transparent Learn More
USUAL: RM12.59

NOW: RM 12.59 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 12.59 (-0%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP clear folder, colour translucent L shape easy for identification. Size available - A4 / 12pieces per pack Colour available - blue / green / red/ yellow / transparent Learn More
USUAL: RM12.59

NOW: RM 12.59 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 12.59 (-0%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP clear folder, colour translucent L shape easy for identification. Size available - A4 / 12pieces per pack Colour available - blue / green / red/ yellow / transparent Learn More
USUAL: RM12.59

NOW: RM 12.59 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 12.59 (-0%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP clear folder, colour translucent L shape easy for identification. Size available - A4 / 12pieces per pack Colour available - blue / green / red/ yellow / transparent Learn More
USUAL: RM12.59

NOW: RM 12.59 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 12.59 (-0%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP clear folder, colour translucent L shape easy for identification. Size available - A4 / 12pieces per pack Colour available - blue / green / red/ yellow / transparent Learn More
USUAL: RM12.59

NOW: RM 12.59 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 12.59 (-0%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP management file , PVC cover with fastener. Suitable for use with documents up to A4 size. Size available - A4 / 12pieces per pack Colour available - white / black / blue / green / red / yellow / grey / pink / purple / dark blue / mix colours Learn More
USUAL: RM23.99

NOW: RM 23.99 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 23.99 (-0%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP management file , PVC cover with fastener. Suitable for use with documents up to A4 size. Size available - A4 / 12pieces per pack Colour available - white / black / blue / green / red / yellow / grey / pink / purple / dark blue / mix colours Learn More
USUAL: RM23.99

NOW: RM 23.99 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 23.99 (-0%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP management file , PVC cover with fastener. Suitable for use with documents up to A4 size. Size available - A4 / 12pieces per pack Colour available - white / black / blue / green / red / yellow / grey / pink / purple / dark blue / mix colours Learn More
USUAL: RM23.99

NOW: RM 23.99 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 23.99 (-0%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP management file , PVC cover with fastener. Suitable for use with documents up to A4 size. Size available - A4 / 12pieces per pack Colour available - white / black / blue / green / red / yellow / grey / pink / purple / dark blue / mix colours Learn More
USUAL: RM23.99

NOW: RM 23.99 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 23.99 (-0%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP management file , PVC cover with fastener. Suitable for use with documents up to A4 size. Size available - A4 / 12pieces per pack Colour available - white / black / blue / green / red / yellow / grey / pink / purple / dark blue / mix colours Learn More
USUAL: RM23.99

NOW: RM 23.99 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 23.99 (-0%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP management file , PVC cover with fastener. Suitable for use with documents up to A4 size. Size available - A4 / 12pieces per pack Colour available - white / black / blue / green / red / yellow / grey / pink / purple / dark blue / mix colours Learn More
USUAL: RM23.99

NOW: RM 23.99 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 23.99 (-0%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP management file , PVC cover with fastener. Suitable for use with documents up to A4 size. Size available - A4 / 12pieces per pack Colour available - white / black / blue / green / red / yellow / grey / pink / purple / dark blue / mix colours Learn More
USUAL: RM23.99

NOW: RM 23.99 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 23.99 (-0%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP management file , PVC cover with fastener. Suitable for use with documents up to A4 size. Size available - A4 / 12pieces per pack Colour available - white / black / blue / green / red / yellow / grey / pink / purple / dark blue / mix colours Learn More
USUAL: RM23.99

NOW: RM 23.99 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 23.99 (-0%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP management file , PVC cover with fastener. Suitable for use with documents up to A4 size. Size available - A4 / 12pieces per pack Colour available - white / black / blue / green / red / yellow / grey / pink / purple / dark blue / mix colours Learn More
USUAL: RM23.99

NOW: RM 23.99 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 23.99 (-0%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP management file , PVC cover with fastener. Suitable for use with documents up to A4 size. Size available - A4 / 12pieces per pack Colour available - white / black / blue / green / red / yellow / grey / pink / purple / dark blue / mix colours Learn More
USUAL: RM23.99

NOW: RM 23.99 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 23.99 (-0%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP sheet protector, 11 holes punched to fit 2ring, 3ring, and 4ring binders. Protect documents and pictures. Size available - A4 50 sheets / 100 sheets Colour available - clear / emboss Learn More
USUAL: RM25.40

NOW: RM 25.40 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 22.86 (-10%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP sheet protector, 11 holes punched to fit 2ring, 3ring, and 4ring binders. Protect documents and pictures. Size available - A4 50 sheets / 100 sheets Colour available - clear / emboss Learn More
USUAL: RM25.40

NOW: RM 25.40 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 22.86 (-10%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP sheet protector, 11 holes punched to fit 2ring, 3ring, and 4ring binders. Protect documents and pictures. Size available - A4 50 sheets / 100 sheets Colour available - clear / emboss Learn More
USUAL: RM13.10

NOW: RM 13.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 11.79 (-10%)

By POP Bazic
Popular house brand PP sheet protector, 11 holes punched to fit 2ring, 3ring, and 4ring binders. Protect documents and pictures. Size available - A4 50 sheets / 100 sheets Colour available - clear / emboss Learn More
USUAL: RM13.10

NOW: RM 13.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 11.79 (-10%)

• Model No: OL 289 • Size: A4 Laminator • Backloader, small to midsize laminating demand • Ideal for frequent use in a small office environment • With innovative Eco-PTC-Technology, giving up to 75% energy consumption saving in comparison to traditional laminators • No need to stop and adjust the temperature when switching to another pouch thickness • ABS-jam-release technology for removing any misfed documents • Preheating Time: 3-5min • Operating Learn More
USUAL: RM184.00

NOW: RM 184.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 165.60 (-10%)

• Model No: OL 389 • Size: A3 Laminator • Backloader, small to midsize laminating demand • Ideal for frequent use in a small office environment • With innovative Eco-PTC-Technology, giving up to 75% energy consumption saving in comparison to traditional laminators • No need to stop and adjust the temperature when switching to another pouch thickness • ABS-jam-release technology for removing any misfed documents • Preheating Time: 4-5min • Operating Learn More
USUAL: RM246.00

NOW: RM 246.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 221.40 (-10%)

For easy and quick destruction of confidential documents. Ideal for home use for the quick shredding of paper • Cutting Type : Strip Cut • Shred Size : 6 mm • Shred Capacity : 6 sheets(80gsm) • Speed (m/min) : 2.2 • Bin Capacity : 7 litres • Safe forward and Reverse function to clear paper jams • Simple and easy to use with automatic start/stop function • Usable also without supplied bin - Portable and versatile to fit most household bins (round hous Learn More
USUAL: RM195.00

NOW: RM 195.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 175.50 (-10%)

• Model No : OC500 (2 in 1 A4 Paper Cutter) • Solid cuts (straight or wavy) or perforation on metal base – easy to select different cutting blades. • Cuts photos, paper, card and foil • Choose from straight cuts, wavy cuts or perforations • Simple to use – with active paper press • Folds for easy storage and carrying • The unit simply separates for use as a guillotine or trimmer allowing two people to work at the same time • Easy-to-change rotary bl Learn More
USUAL: RM252.00

NOW: RM 252.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 226.80 (-10%)

100% Cellulose Cold Pressed Learn More
USUAL: RM10.40

NOW: RM 10.40 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 9.36 (-10%)

100% Cellulose Cold Pressed Learn More
USUAL: RM13.20

NOW: RM 13.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 11.88 (-10%)

100% Cellulose Learn More
USUAL: RM20.70

NOW: RM 20.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 18.63 (-10%)

100% Cotton Cold Pressed Learn More
USUAL: RM19.70

NOW: RM 19.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 17.73 (-10%)

100% Cellulose Learn More
USUAL: RM17.90

NOW: RM 17.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 16.11 (-10%)


NOW: RM 9.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 8.28 (-10%)


NOW: RM 9.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 8.28 (-10%)

By 小林源文
  上次的『Cat Shit One』系列是以越戰作為主題,而現在新推出的『Cat Shit One'80』系列,則是要以1980年代的低強度戰爭(恐怖攻擊)為主題。萊茲被CIA雇用,成為低階的準軍事成員,上級借重他在越戰期間的作戰經驗,把他派到阿富汗去打仗。 故事主角帕奇在越戰結束後,成了特種部隊「三角洲部隊」的交流軍官,被派往英國,加入英軍特種部隊SAS,並親身參 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

1-485 of 485

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