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' vtuber 'Found 8 Related Products
By カバー株式会社 , 合同会社オムカレー , おかだアンミツ
  ★「吾等乃伊甸之星的統治者,祕密結社•••holoX!! 是也~」   ★中文版特化!!完全收錄連載彩⾴+訪談資料全彩化!!   全球最火熱VTuber事務所「hololive」,擁有超⾼⼈氣的六期⽣──祕密結社holoX⾸本官⽅漫畫登場!!   劇情描述五位超有個性的可愛⾓⾊,為了達成「總帥」拉普拉斯.暗⿊征服世界的宿願⽽東奔⻄⾛,   最後加入VT Learn More
USUAL: RM33.00

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By 恵比須清司
 雪菜望美,又稱「小雪」的她是無人不知的頂尖偶像團體成員,也是我推的偶像。   但是沒想到她的推居然是我!   我是個遊戲直播主,原本追蹤者只有個位數的直播頻道因為小雪公開支持瞬間爆紅!   而且小雪知道我們是的同班同學之後,一改平常冷酷的態度化身迷妹!   不僅如此,就連超人氣VTuber(其實是青梅竹馬),   還有現在暫停活動 Learn More
USUAL: RM36.95

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By 黑貓老師
\只是想當個KOL怎麼會遇到這麼多鬼故事o_O???/ 經營多種網路自媒體超過二十年, 千萬人氣「黑貓老師」血淚分享(?) 在歡樂的筆觸中,閱讀作者各種光怪陸離的親身經歷, 噴淚,笑爛,傻爆眼……各種不可思議, 無端被炎上、演算法惡搞、莫名被BAN……如何預防處理? 想知道KOL在幹嘛、想成為KOL的新手、正在做KOL的人,或只想看熱鬧…… 不看很 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

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By Yuu Yabuuchi
Airi Nijigahara is the popular VTuber ‘Blue Iris’, and she’s fallen in love with ‘Batsu’, whom she met in the virtual world! But Batsu already has someone he likes in the real world! Before Airi could even sort out her feelings, she is scouted by a big agency and will have to transfer schools?! Would she ever find out Batsu’s real identity? Real life and virtual world collide in the dramatic finale of this love story!! Learn More
USUAL: RM43.70

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MEMBER: RM 39.33 (-10%)

By Yuu Yabuuchi
Airi’s secret identity as Blue Iris has been discovered by Batsu, the mysterious VTuber she has a crush on! While Airi frets over it, Batsu soon reveals himself to be… Tsubaki?! However, the more she interacts with Batsu, the more she suspects that Batsu may not be Tsubaki after all! But if Batsu isn’t Tsubaki, then who could it be…? Learn More
USUAL: RM43.70

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MEMBER: RM 39.33 (-10%)

By Yuu Yabuuchi
Airi Nijigahara has a secret that no one else knows about. At school, she’s known as ‘The Monster Knight’ for her crazy athletic abilities, but in the virtual world, she’s the sweet and girly VTuber ‘Blue Iris’! Love is complicated enough when she’s self-conscious in real life, but what will happen when her virtual self encounters another mysterious VTuber that makes her heart race?! Learn More
USUAL: RM43.70

NOW: RM 43.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 39.33 (-10%)

By 啞鳴
  ★ 人氣新生代臺V:No.Fifteen Ch. 十五號、Lutralutra Ch. 露恰露恰、Obear Ch. 歐貝爾,原生創團史!   ★ 台灣輕小說天王啞鳴 ✖ 迷子燒,IP改寫回歸力作   ★ 新聞頭版專題報導Taipei Zoo臺北市立動物園合作、XBOX GAME PASS指定合作Vtuber十五號   「我開始害怕。就算是上了舞臺,就算讓所有的人類喜歡我了,依然要面對滅絕……」   過去,我們是石虎、 Learn More
USUAL: RM36.95

NOW: RM 36.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 33.26 (-10%)

By 五十嵐正邦
  前名偵探──名雲桂一郎因為身體老化,在旁人的眼裡看來就是個形跡可疑的三十多歲大叔。   擔任助手的女高中生──真白一天一天進化,逐漸超越人類。   在不斷解決困難(?)事件的兩人面前,   出現了散播電子毒品的「VTuber」夜靄光,   而操控她的幕後黑手正是駭客團體「ANONE鱒」──!? 本書特色   ★當名偵探高中生變成大叔, Learn More
USUAL: RM20.00

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