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By Michael Lewis
From the #1 bestselling author of The Big Short and Flash Boys, the high-octane story of the enigmatic figure at the heart of one of the 21st century's most spectacular financial collapses 'I asked him how much it would take for him to sell FTX and go do something other than make money. He thought the question over. "One hundred and fifty billion dollars," he finally said-though he added that he had use for "infinity dollars"...' Sam Bankman-Fried wasn't just rich. Before h Learn More
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By 黑貓老師
\只是想當個KOL怎麼會遇到這麼多鬼故事o_O???/ 經營多種網路自媒體超過二十年, 千萬人氣「黑貓老師」血淚分享(?) 在歡樂的筆觸中,閱讀作者各種光怪陸離的親身經歷, 噴淚,笑爛,傻爆眼……各種不可思議, 無端被炎上、演算法惡搞、莫名被BAN……如何預防處理? 想知道KOL在幹嘛、想成為KOL的新手、正在做KOL的人,或只想看熱鬧…… 不看很 Learn More
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By 貝莉·理查森 , 黃凱文 , 凱伊·埃爾默·索托
調查顯示,人們做購買決定的時候 →95%憑感覺、靠認同 →80%信賴同溫層的推薦 →50%偏向聆聽自己意見的商家 Web3.0時代,由上而下「面對群眾」已經沒有用, 「身在群眾」才有影響力! -為社團時代而寫的行銷生存法則-   ★亞馬遜書店4.6顆星   ★上百個社團的實戰經驗精華   ★Nike、瑪麗亞凱莉都靠這招壯大   Web3.0時代,誰先走入群眾,誰就贏 Learn More
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