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By Sakura
Elizabeth · The Queen Who Led England To Glory · QUEEN OF HER PEOPLE'S HEARTS Even though she was the daughter of a king, she had an unhappy childhood. Her mother was executed, and her own sister locked her up in the Tower of London. Nevertheless, she persisted in her studies and refused to lose hope, growing up to become a strong and intelligent woman. As Queen, Elizabeth dedicated her life to her country and people, and led England to emerge as a world power... T Learn More
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By Elsie Silver
Small-town, big characters, four addictive love stories . . . meet the single dads of Rose Hill's recreational bowling team. Perfect for fans of steamy TikTok romance, Lucy Score, and Elsie's smash hit Chestnut Springs series. ____ She's been driving him wild for years . . . the good kind of wild. The kind of wild that comes with wanting your best friend's little sister and knowing you can't have her. Forbes may have labeled Ford Grant the World's Hottest Billionaire, but Learn More
USUAL: RM69.90

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By B.K. Borison
Nova Porter isn’t looking for love, and she certainly has no explanation for her attraction to buttoned-up, three-piece-suit-wearing investment banker Charlie Milford. Maybe it’s his charm? Or maybe it’s his determination to help her fledgling business however he can. Either way, she’s distracted every time he’s around. With her new tattoo studio set to open in her hometown of Inglewild, she doesn’t have time for frivolous flirtations. In an effort to get Charli Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

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By Peter Hollins
Stop self-defeating behaviors and act with intention. You'll thank yourself later. What you receive in life is dictated by your self-discipline. The more you have, the more you get. Will you settle for less than you desire? How to make willpower automatic, second nature, and habitual. The Power of Self-Discipline is not a textbook on self-discipline, nor is it a gentle and drawn-out discussion. It is a toolbox to keep you in motion and in action towards your goals. It Learn More
USUAL: RM55.00

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By Giovanni Dienstmann
If you want to live a life of purpose, build good habits and achieve your goals, there is one skill that is more important than anything else: Self-Discipline. Self-discipline is not about punishment, it’s about self-respect. It is not about being inflexible, but about living your best life. It is the superpower of focus in a world of distractions — allowing you to overcome procrastination, excuses, bad habits, low motivation, failures, and self-doubt. With it, you can s Learn More
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By 金景一, 智人工作室
★★★★★累積3億觀看數!★★★★★ 引爆韓國人民學習心理學,探究他人的心理,研究行為模式的人氣節目集結出書! ★由認知心理學家金景一及 tvN 電視台《 讀懂他人的心理》 製作組CJ ENM 數位知識平台 「智人工作室」攜手打造的心理學課程,現在你也學得到。 ★解析煤氣燈效應、網路酸民、愛提當年勇的人……這些人心裡在想什麼?   認知心理學 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

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By 十日草輔
  ✦網路點擊次數超過5000萬次!系列銷售突破200萬冊!   ✧廣大讀者好評推薦!日本AMAZON平均4.7星超高評價!   ✦獲獎不斷!「2020這本漫畫真厲害!」男性部門第7名、「2020漫畫新聞大獎」第5名、「2019蔦屋書店讀者票選活動」第6名   ✧《進擊的巨人》、《詐騙之王》動畫工作室 WIT STUDIO十週年紀念作品!!!   同盟國遇到巨大危機──   在格斯 Learn More
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By  Thomas Hertog
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Stephen Hawking’s closest collaborator offers the intellectual superstar’s final thoughts on the cosmos—a dramatic revision of the theory he put forward in A Brief History of Time. “This superbly written book offers insight into an extraordinary individual, the creative process, and the scope and limits of our current understanding of the cosmos.”—Lord Martin Rees Perhaps the biggest question Stephen Hawking tried to answer in his e Learn More
USUAL: RM72.95

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By Dr Louise Newson
Your complete, expert, evidence-based guide to the perimenopause and menopause. Dr Louise Newson is fast becoming the leading medical expert on hormone health. This revised and expanded edition of her bestselling book has all the information and advice you need to understand the impact of low hormone levels on your perimenopause symptoms as well as on your future health post-menopause. There's an up-to-date guide to HRT doses, how to deal with HRT availability fluctuations, Learn More
USUAL: RM88.90

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By Yun Seung-ki
“I love lying?!” No, things aren’t like that! It’s just that my ability to adapt quickly is better than others. Whenever there’s a crisis, I can easily extricate myself. However, over time, these repeated “excuses” make the problems grow bigger and bigger. The kitten I secretly kept from my mum is now sick. What should I do? Learn More
USUAL: RM18.90

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By Zabalang Studio
Learn Rare Interesting Facts! Animals · Plants Anatomy · Geography Culture · Art Life · Weather And Many More Wow, New Data! Why Do Judges And Barristers Wear Wigs? Do People Drool While Sleeping? Can A Butterfly Flapping Its Wings Cause A Tornado? What Is The Purpose Of The Holes In Lotus Roots? Over 100 Facts! Do Fallen Leaves Pile Up In The Forest? Are Van Gogh's Sunflowers Withering? Is It Better To Buy Shoes In The Morning? Why Do Durians Smell B Learn More
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By Zabalang Studio
Wow! Ilmu baharu! Belajar Fakta Baharu & Menarik! Haiwan · Tumbuhan Anatomi · Geografi Budaya · Seni Kehidupan · Cuaca Dan Banyak Lagi Lebih 100 Trivia! Adakah Air Liur Meleleh Semasa Tidur? Apakah Kepentingan Hakim Dan Peguam Pakai Rambut Palsu? Apakah Fungsi Lubang Pada Akar Teratai? Betulkah Kupu-Kupu Mengepakkan Sayap Tanda Tornado? Adakah Daun Gugur Menimbun Di Dalam Hutan? Adakah Lukisan Sunflowers Van Gogh 'Layu'? Betulkah Lebih Baik Membeli Kasut Pad Learn More
USUAL: RM16.00

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By Kim Min-hee
In front of the school, there's a tall flourishing rainbow tree. Eating its fruits leads to magical occurrences. One day, under unexpected circumstances, I ate the fruit and my body started changing colours with my emotions. The most magical part was that I could communicate with an elf and even became good friends with it. Only by honestly speaking my true feelings could my skin return to its original appearance. So, what is my current mood? Learn More
USUAL: RM18.90

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Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou desu 圣女魔力无所不能 Season 1 + 2 JAP/ENG (E / C) 稍微有点工作狂的20几岁的职员•圣,在加班回家的一个夜里突然被光芒包围,被召唤到了异世界成了“圣女”。而且同时被召唤的还是两个人。王子却只搭理另一位女高中生,对圣完全无视。“既然如此那我也就随心所欲了哦?”于是圣跑出王宫,活用对植物的热爱,在药用植物研究所中作为 Learn More
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By 杂八人工作室
刷新知识盲区! 动物·植物·人体·地理·文化·艺术·生活·气象·天文 全收录! 我们的口腔中有700多种细菌? 星鼻鼹的鼻子不是用来嗅的? 奥林匹克圣火采集自阳光? 竹子开花就代表要死亡了? “度蜜月”的由来原来跟蜂蜜有关? 喝果汁其实并不健康? 《百家姓》中只有100个姓氏? 空气是没有重量的? 珠穆朗玛峰不是地球上最高的山? 超 Learn More
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USUAL: RM19.90

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答應渣男的求婚、激起綠茶的好勝心,   一切都依照期望發展,智媛卻忍不住悲傷,   即使重來一世,兩人依舊死性不改地背叛她,   綠茶竟還設計讓人糾纏智媛並邀請她接捧花。   部長心疼地提出:不談戀愛,利用我吧!   智媛只好請求部長假扮自己的男朋友,   他既霸氣又貼心的守護讓她無比安心,   精心的復仇能否加上甜甜的戀愛調 Learn More
USUAL: RM57.00

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By Kaoru Osada
Alfred Nobel Prizes for Peace and the Future A Noble Legacy As a child, Alfred Nobel longed to be someone who could be useful, even just a little, to his poor family. With that in mind, he studied hard and worked hard, and succeeded in inventing dynamite. As he continued to invent after that, Nobel decided to pledge his vast fortune to improve the future of the world. The Great Minds Comics series depicts the childhood and early years of the world's grea Learn More
USUAL: RM17.00

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By Bjorn Billhardt , Nathan Kracklauer
Do you feel demotivated and aimless? Are you running on empty? Is it hard to pinpoint what's wrong? Then you're languishing, according to Corey Keyes, the sociologist who coined the term. Here he shows you how to flourish. 'With his pioneering research, Corey Keyes put languishing on the map. In this powerful book, he brings it to life. Rethink your understanding of mental health, update your views on happiness and come closer to realizing your potential.' Adam Grant, #1 New Learn More
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智媛想起前世被綠茶騙去參加同學會,   只能無助地面對痛苦的回憶和同學們的排擠。   重生的智媛決定勇敢改變悲慘的人生!   精心打扮驚豔眾人,並讓霸凌者知曉真相、唾棄綠茶,   更與昔日暗戀的學生會長白恩浩解開誤會、重歸於好。   帥氣的部長劉志赫也總在她陷入困境時及時出手幫助,   生活逐漸變好的同時,她不忘利用渣男和綠茶 Learn More
USUAL: RM57.00

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身患癌症、壽命僅剩幾個月的姜智媛,   意外撞見深愛的老公和閨密背叛自己,   甚至接近自己只是為了騙取保險金!   可憐的智媛連生命最後的時光都沒能過完,   就被心虛的渣男打死,草草結束慘澹的一生。   幸好上天垂憐讓她重生回到十年前,   智媛決定把握來之不易的機會,   手撕渣男、將綠茶推向悲慘婚姻的深淵── 本書 Learn More
USUAL: RM57.00

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16bit Sensation: Another Layer 16bit 的感動 ANOTHER LAYER JAP (E / C) Konoha Akisato is an illustrator who loves beautiful girls and bishoujo games. She works at a video game studio and aspires to become a super famous illustrator. However, reality did not work out as well as she had hoped. In the present, where mobile games are all the rage, Konoha spent her days as a sub-illustrator just coloring the back of background characters. One day, after some happenings, Konoha Learn More
USUAL: RM25.90

NOW: RM 25.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 23.31 (-10%)

By Kim Mi-young
The story of how a mischievous troublemaker takes up the challenge to be a polite person   “No running around in crowded places!” “Stop jumping around at home!” “Show some manners!” My parents have been reminding me to behave myself in public almost every day. One day, I obtained two magical wish capsules by luck and wished for “politeness” to disappear from the world. Will a world without “politeness” be more interesting? Learn More
USUAL: RM18.90

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By Kim Mi-young
The thrilling story of how a young man gets rid of his smartphone addiction   Tyler finds the various apps in his smartphone such as games and social networks quite fascinating. He cannot put down his smartphone every day and gradually neglects his family and friends. One day, out of the blue, a future version of Harvey from 10 years later shows up to warn him that his future self is in danger due to smartphone addiction. Learn More
USUAL: RM18.90

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By Becca Anderson , Brenda Knight
Positive Affirmations and Motivational Quotes for a Badass “No matter how you use it, there can be benefits for you and your daily life.”—Nerdy Girl Express #1 Best Seller in Popular Culture, Quotations, Women’s Studies, Love & Marriage Humor, Self-Esteem, LGBT, Trivia, and Psychology Humor Badass Affirmations is full of positive affirmations, profiles of powerful real-life heroines, and inspirational quotes for women. Packed with just the right amount of sass, this Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

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Misi menjejak pemilik asal Kuasa Elemenyal telah membawa BoBoiboy dan rakan – rakan ke Planet Baraju, sebuah planet yang terbahgai kepada dua bahagian dengan iklim yang berlawanan. Namun mereka secara tak sengaja terperangkap di dalam peperangan di antara puak Bara dan Salj yang berlanjutan sejak ratusan tahun lamanya. Dan di dalam kekecohan peperangan tersebut, BoBoiboy dan rakan terpisah kepada tiga Kumpulan. Ketiga – tiga pihak mempunyai perspektif yang berbeza tentan Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 22.90 (-23%)

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By MJ DeMarco
Build A Business That Goes Beyond Paying Bills—It Changes Your Life. Life. Liberty. And the Pursuit of Entrepreneurship. It is waking up in the morning and pinching yourself black-and-blue that OMG, this is my life, and it is freaking awesome. You live in your dream house, but there's no mortgage. No alarm clock, no boss, no bills. No claims on the day's time other than what you choose. It is making more money before breakfast than you made for an entire week at your last Learn More
USUAL: RM79.90

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By Medina Haura
Your eyes tell me the truth when all the things become a lie. Takdir adalah sebuah kenyataan yang menjadi rahsia semesta. Takdir jua mempertemukan dua insan bukan secara sengaja dan mengikat kenyatan yang belum pasti. Adakah mereka berada di tempat yang salah pada waktu yang salah? Entah… Kun fa yakun. “Sesuka hati nak baling batu dekat aku lepas tu blah macam orang tak bersalah! Memang jenis playboy Malaya ke? He's nothing!” — Irdina Safiya Zariff Arrazin nama di Learn More
USUAL: RM28.00

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By Peter Hollins
Your best intentions are not enough. Learn how to scientifically engineer a disciplined existence, become relentless, and never give up.Whatever you want in your life, self-discipline is the missing piece. Goals will remain dreams if you make the mistake of relying on motivation and your best drawn plans.The Science of Self-Discipline is a deep look into what allows us to resist our worst impulses and simply execute, achieve, produce, and focus. Every principle is scientifica Learn More
USUAL: RM55.00

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By Xiao Jiangnan
In the vast universe, space robots possess extraordinary skills. Suddenly, a distress video comes from Sparkle the space probe. What is happening in space? What secrets are hidden in the electronic ball left by the mechanical Mother Planet for Super Brainz? Can Impfinity crack it? Can the alien robots and the Earth’s Plants Heroes join hands to fight against the enemy? And why do Solar Flare and Penelopea scramble to enter the horrible No Man’s Land?   Let’s open th Learn More
USUAL: RM17.50

NOW: RM 17.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 15.75 (-10%)

By Him
繼疫後新版《京阪神關西》全書重新編排、大幅改版並新增了大量關西深度遊的景點之後,24-25年版收錄了更多近年全新熱點,包括:童書之森 神戶、átoa藝術水族館、心齋橋PARCO、天王寺MIO翻新、三井Outlet Park大阪門真、奈良Coconimo SAIDAIJI和Nature Studio港山水族館等等。交通上亦做了更新,讓大家方便暢玩關西! 關西,是日本一處獨特、多元化的區域。那裏有數 Learn More
USUAL: RM76.70

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MEMBER: RM 69.03 (-10%)

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By Harvard Business Review
A year of HBR's essential thinking on tech—all in one place. Generative AI, Web3, neurotech, reusable rockets to power the space economy—new technologies like these are reshaping organizations at the hybrid office, on factory floors, and in the C-suite. What should you and your company be doing now to take advantage of the new opportunities these technologies are creating—and avoid falling victim to disruption? The Year in Tech 2024: The Insights You Need from Harvard Learn More
USUAL: RM124.95

NOW: RM 112.46 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 99.96 (-20%)

By Aznur Aisyah Abdullah & Normalis Amzah
Pn. AZNUR AISYAH merupakan guru bahasa Jepun di Pusat Kajian Bahasa dan Linguistik, Fakulti Sains Soisal dan Kemanusiaan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Beliau memiliki ijazah sarjana (Linguistik) dari UKM dan ijazah sarjana muda (Kejuruteraan) dari Universiti Gunma, Jepun. Beliau telah berkhidmat di UKM selama 11 tahun dan pernah dilantik sebagai pensyarah pelawat di Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), Jepun. Bidang kajian beliau adalah pengajaran dan pembelaj Learn More
USUAL: RM65.00

NOW: RM 65.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.50 (-10%)

Issue #223 to Issue #232 (10 magazines) The Level 1 Collection Set aims to open up the world of Science to curious little minds and prepare both P1 and P2 students for a fascinating journey into the studies of various Science subjects in the Lower Block and Upper Block syllabus in P3 and beyond. The stories and characters are creatively crafted to keep the young ones engaged and interested in the magazines. Learn More
USUAL: RM150.00

NOW: RM 150.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 135.00 (-10%)

Setelas krisis di Windara berakhir, Boboiboy berikan pelepasa untuk berehat sementara rakan – rakanya lain mengambil alih misi - misi TAPOPS yang sedia ada. Namun begitu, Komander Kokoci mengarahkan Boboiboy, Gopal, Qually dan Ochobot untuk menyiasat kesemasan yang dipancarkan dari Fasiliti Nubo, sebuah kilang robot berautonomi. Dibantu oleh JoBot, sebuah robot perkhidmatyan pelanggan, Boboiboy dan rakan – rakan mula menyiasat sumber isyarat berkenaan. Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 22.90 (-23%)

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By Erica Keswin
Wall Street Journal Bestseller and Publishers Weekly Bestseller Build a business with relationships at the center, and you will seize the competitive edge in today’s volatile job/or talent market People are quitting their jobs in droves, then coming back. Employees are demanding flexibility, while some leaders insist they return to the physical office. Remote work is incredibly convenient but complicated. The job market is always in flux, but one thing is for sure: the la Learn More
USUAL: RM92.00

NOW: RM 92.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 82.80 (-10%)

By Sinan Ozdemir 
The Practical, Step-by-Step Guide to Using LLMs at Scale in Projects and Products Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT are demonstrating breathtaking capabilities, but their size and complexity have deterred many practitioners from applying them. In Quick Start Guide to Large Language Models, pioneering data scientist and AI entrepreneur Sinan Ozdemir clears away those obstacles and provides a guide to working with, integrating, and deploying LLMs to solve practical pro Learn More
USUAL: RM230.38

NOW: RM 230.38 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 207.34 (-10%)

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By Gabriel Dylan
Welcome to Shiver Point, a hair-raising new horror series! Welcome to SHIVER POINT, home of spooks, screams and small-town horror! Enter if you dare... Shiver Point is boring. Nothing interesting ever happens there and there's never anything fun to do. At least that's what Alex has always thought. Until one night, in the dead dark, he spots what looks like a meteorite plummeting into Howlmoor Forest. Intrigued, Alex goes to investigate. But little does he know, four other Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By Xiao Jiangnam
Botani dan Zombi masing-masing menerima undangan misteri untuk menyertai permainan percubaan di Pulau Kayangan. Namun, ia telah berubah menjadi pertarungan dalam ikhtiar hidup. Hanya dengan mengumpulkan kesemua kad permainan, barulah mereka dapat membebaskan diri. Dalam pertarungan ini, Botani sekalian berjaya melarikan diri daripada pemburuan Euoplocephalus dan Sigilmassasaurus, lalu mengalahkan Pachycephalosaurus yang mengamuk. Mereka berjaya mendapatkan kad terakhir daripa Learn More
USUAL: RM17.50

NOW: RM 17.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 15.75 (-10%)

By Xiao Jiangnam
Di alam semesta yang serba luas, robot angkasa masing-masing memiliki kemahiran yang luar biasa. Namun, sebuah video minta bantuan dihantar dari prob angkasa lepas “Sparkle”. Apa yang terjadi di angkasa? Apakah rahsia yang tersembunyi dalam bola elektronik yang ditinggalkan oleh planet induk mekanikal kepada Zombi Minda Super? Bolehkah Zombi Infiniti memecahkan rahsia tersebut? Pada masa yang sama, mampukah robot alien dan hero Botani bekerjasama untuk melawan musuh? Learn More
USUAL: RM17.50

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MEMBER: RM 15.75 (-10%)

By Xiao Jiangnan
The hacker competition comes to an end and a smokeless data infiltration battle has started quietly. Just as the Plants and Zombies are working hard to obtain more accurate data, a mysterious person called the Prophet appears and provides a lot of accurate data to both parties. Is this Prophet a foe or a friend? What is their true identity? And what changes do big data robots such as the telephone robot, weather robot, navigation robot and volunteer robot bring to our lives? Learn More
USUAL: RM17.50

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By R.F. Kuang
A novel that grapples with student revolutions, colonial resistance, and the use of language and translation as the dominating tool of the British empire. Traduttore, traditore: An act of translation is always an act of betrayal. 1828. Robin Swift, orphaned by cholera in Canton, is brought to London by the mysterious Professor Lovell. There, he trains for years in Latin, Ancient Greek, and Chinese, all in preparation for the day he’ll enroll in Oxford University’s prest Learn More
USUAL: RM64.95

NOW: RM 51.90 (-20%)

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Dua Lipa's Self Titled First Studio Album Pressed onto Black Vinyl. Learn More
USUAL: RM275.90

NOW: RM 275.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 248.31 (-10%)

By Gail Gross
Winner of the 2019 National Parenting Product Award • Ranked #1 by BookAuthority for 2019 Best New Parenting Books Your child’s DNA is not destiny; you are at the helm, guiding their course. With this book, you can learn how to: Harness your power as a parent Use science to guide and nurture your child so they can achieve all of their dreams Shape your child's brain in early years and set a healthy foundation that will enrich the rest of their lives Avoid parenting pi Learn More
USUAL: RM91.90

NOW: RM 91.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 82.71 (-10%)

The Great Collection of Studio Ghibli - 30 Movie (13 DVD) Version : Multi-Language Subtitles : Multi-Subtitle Movie Contents: Movie 1: Totoro (Japanese / Cantonese / Mandarin Dub) (Chinese / English / Malay Sub) Movie 2: Only Yesterday (Japanese / Cantonese / Mandarin Dub) . (Chinese / English / Malay Sub) Movie 3: Whipser of the Heart (Japanese / Cantonese / Mandarin Dub) . (Chinese / English / Malay Sub) Movie 4: Porco Rosso (English / Japanese / Can Learn More
USUAL: RM149.90

NOW: RM 100.00 (-33%)

MEMBER: RM 100.00 (-33%)

The Great Collection of Studio Ghibli - 30 Movie (13 DVD) Version : Multi-Language Subtitles : Multi-Subtitle Movie Contents: Movie 1: Totoro (Japanese / Cantonese / Mandarin Dub) (Chinese / English / Malay Sub) Movie 2: Only Yesterday (Japanese / Cantonese / Mandarin Dub) . (Chinese / English / Malay Sub) Movie 3: Whipser of the Heart (Japanese / Cantonese / Mandarin Dub) . (Chinese / English / Malay Sub) Movie 4: Porco Rosso (English / Japanese / Can Learn More
USUAL: RM149.90

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MEMBER: RM 100.00 (-33%)

By 李昀蓁
今晚,日本經典建築空間只專屬於你! 讓東京建築女子帶你Check in東京、京都、沖繩、輕井澤⋯⋯到北海道, 入住小資獨特×故事空間×頂級經典的風格旅宿, 與東利恵、隈研吾、安藤忠雄、芦澤啓治⋯⋯等52位大師&設計品牌相遇, 盡情感受非日常的空間體驗,探索風格旅宿的巧思與驚喜!   旅行時,你會挑選怎麼樣的旅宿,作為每日的居所?   身為旅 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

NOW: RM 69.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.37 (-10%)

By Xiao Jiangnan
Suatu perang penerobosan data yang tidak melibatkan pertempuran telah berlaku selepas berakhirnya pertandingan penggodaman. Pada masa ketika Botani dan Zombi sedang berusaha untuk memperoleh data yang lebih tepat, muncullah seorang “pakar ramal” yang misteri. Dia telah menyediakan jumlah data yang besar dan tepat kepada mereka. Apakah identiti sebenar “pakar ramal” tersebut? Adakah dia kawan atau musuh? Apakah perubahan yang telah dibawa oleh robot-robot data raya kep Learn More
USUAL: RM17.50

NOW: RM 17.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 15.75 (-10%)

By Osman Deen
Langit Yang Menipu! Kota Satira, sebuah studio gergasi yang merakam kehidupan dan keperwiraan Surya sebagai adiwira melawan seterunya, Raka. Namun apa yang mereka tidak tahu; seluruh hidup mereka dirakam untuk tontonan umum. Setiap langkah dan pertembungan yang berlaku telah tertulis di dalam skrip mengikut arahan sang Pengarah. Namun apabila langit kota mula runtuh, realiti Surya dan Raka turut meretak. Kebenaran mula merekah masuk. Adakah semuanya pembohongan semata? Learn More
USUAL: RM20.00

NOW: RM 20.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 18.00 (-10%)

By Xiao Jiangnan
Abang Walnat mungkir janji dan tidak hadir ke Hari Sukan sekolah Walnat. Walnat berasa marah dan terus lari dari rumah. Apabila sampai di hujung gua, Walnat mendapati sebuah alam yang indah dan terdapatnya dinosaur yang telah lama pupus hidup di sana. Walnat telah berkenalan dengan sepasang kawan baharu, iaitu Corythosaurus Dio dan Parasaurolophus Mike. Namun, kedua-dua puak dinosaur tersebut berdendam-dendaman. Mereka dilarang untuk bergaul antara satu sama lain. Oleh de Learn More
USUAL: RM17.50

NOW: RM 17.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 15.75 (-10%)

By Zamri Mohamad
"Adakah aku benar-benar dapat menulis?" Menulis kerap dikaitkan dengan keistimewaan milik seseorang bersandarkan bakat. Disebabkan kepercayaan itu, sesuatu yang mahal dipanggil pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang ada pada diri kita mula dikambus. Kedua-duanya dibiarkan sunyi dan ditekan agar ia tidak timbul ke permukaan kehidupan. Kita cuba menafikan dengan melalui kehidupan bekerja dan mengurus keluarga seperti biasa. Sebaliknya, ada sesuatu yang berlaku. Apa yang cuba dilupa Learn More
USUAL: RM22.00

NOW: RM 22.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 19.80 (-10%)

By Muallim Hazar
Setiap hari kita membuka Al-Quran, membacanya dan mempelajarinya. Namun begitu, adakah kita tahu apakah fakta-fakta tersirat mengenai Al-Quran? Apakah surah yang paling panjang dan surah paling pendek dalam Al-Quran? Kita kata kita cintakan Rasulullah SAW. Adakah kita kenal Baginda? Bagaimanakah wahyu turun kepada Baginda? Apakah warna kegemaran Baginda? Bagaimana kita dapat mencari maklumat mengenai Al-Quran dan Rasulullah SAW? Adakah kita mampu membuka kitab dan buku-buku Learn More
USUAL: RM25.00

NOW: RM 25.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 22.50 (-10%)

Relive Disney's most iconic moments in this colouring celebration of 100 years of the film studio Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

Boku ga Aishita Subete no Kimi e + Kimi wo Aishita Hitori no Boku e The Movie 致我深愛的每個妳+致深愛妳的那個我剧场版 JAP (E / C ) Boku ga Aishita Subete no Kimi e致我深愛的每個妳 A world where it has been established that people routinely swing between slightly different parallel worlds... Koyomi Takasaki, who lives with his mother following his parents' divorce, enrolls in a local university prep school. Due to the atmosphere concentrated on Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 29.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 26.91 (-10%)

By Polina Marinova Pompliano
What distinguishes the truly exceptional from the merely great? After five years of writing The Profile, Polina Marinova Pompliano has studied thousands of the most successful and interesting people in the world and examined how they reason their way through problems, unleash their creativity, and perform under extreme pressure. The highest performers don’t use tricks or hacks to achieve greatness. They use mental frameworks that fundamentally change the way they see the Learn More
USUAL: RM79.90

NOW: RM 79.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 71.91 (-10%)

By Sung-Yoon Lee 
Prices include Singapore GST (if applicable). For eligible deliveries outside Singapore, prices may vary at Checkout based on local taxes and duties.Details Recent years have seen the dramatic rise of a young woman called Kim Yo Jong in North Korea. Stomping the world stage from the shadows of her secretive state, she is creating headlines and fevered speculation about her role and her future. She is the sister of Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un and, as her murderous regime’s ch Learn More
USUAL: RM89.90

NOW: RM 89.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 80.91 (-10%)

By Daisy Meadows
An enchanting new series from the creator of Rainbow Magic, perfect for children who love stories about friendship, magic and craft. Best friends Alice and Leo love making things, and they're never happier than when they're working together in Leo's garden shed, which they've turned into an arts and crafts studio. Then one day they are transported to a miniature world where magical creatures - the Pixies and Glitterbugs - use their creative talents to make special objects fr Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By Genzaburo Yoshino
Pre-order Price Guarantee. Terms The beloved multi-million copy bestselling Japanese classic about finding one's place in the world A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Academy Award-winning anime master Hayao Miyazaki's favourite childhood book and the inspiration behind the Studio Ghibli film 'In How Do You Live?, Copper, our hero, and his uncle are our guides in science, in ethics, in thinking. And on the way they take us, through a school story set in Japan in 1937, to the hear Learn More
USUAL: RM69.90

NOW: RM 69.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.91 (-10%)

By Ben Le Fort
Stop falling for nonsense advice peddled by "#finfluencers" online and start investing successfully. Whether you're an investment veteran or just starting out, this concise, finance-focused guide will unpick risky "get rich quick" myths, explain proven investment strategies using real-life case studies, and grow your confidence in the markets. Learn about: • How to achieve a new investment mindset; one that's analytical, well-informed, and cultivates beneficial qualities Learn More
USUAL: RM75.50

NOW: RM 75.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 67.95 (-10%)

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