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By Amir Sabri
Suatu hari, Pulau Permata Putih gempar apabila orang ramai nampak lembaga putih di sebuah rumah usang di hujung kampung! Semua penduduk berasa takut. Tetapi Amir, Raziq dan Zaty berasa teruja! Mereka mahu tahu apa yang berlaku sebenarnya! Ayuh! Kita ikuti penyiasatan mereka! Jom kita siasat! Learn More

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By Amir Sabri
Suatu hari, ketika Amir dan Raziq pulang dari sekolah, Raziq ternampak sebuah objek. Rupa-rupanya, objek itu adalah sebuah kotak. Tiba-tiba muncul seorang lelaki berjubah hitam. Lelaki berjubah hitam itu berkata, kotak itu untuk Amir! Lalu dia terus menghilangkan diri. Ayuh, kawan-kawan! Kita mesti bantu Amir! Jom kita siasat! Learn More

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By Amir Sabri
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By NJ Humphreys
When Sabrina and Charlie accidentally stop a crime outside an ice-cream parlour, it becomes the worst day ever for the undercover princess. Being a crime-stopper in a small town makes her the local hero, and Sabrina and Uncle Ernie have to come up with one ingenious scheme after another to protect their true identities. But then, the Man in Black with the Long, Deep Scar shows up, recognises Sabrina, and things take a darker turn. For Sabrina, it’s one lucky escape after an Learn More
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By N.J. Humphreys
A school trip to the big city promised to be a welcome escape from Sabrina's big fat lie of a life. But when the museum guide hands the students a map, Sabrina's most terrifying fears are realized. There's an exhibition on her home country, Mulakating, and it's royal family - her family! Her deepest, darkest secret could be revealed! Learn More
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By Dr. Ahmad Zaharuddin Sani Ahmad Sabri
Managing a nation is the highest form of achievement that any leader can possess. Tun Dr. Mahathir who has vast experience and calibre of managing Malaysia fro twenty-three years as Prime Minister over two terms certainly is one-of-a-kind world leader. What are the challenges and hardship managing Malaysia over the years? In this book, Dr. Zaharuddin has diligently put forth interesting insights on how Tun Dr. Mahathir has become one of the most respected leader while bringi Learn More
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By Eric Zielinski , Sabrina Ann Zielinski
Soothing practices, healing rituals, and 150+ practical recipes for applying essential oils to the treatment and symptom management of 25 chronic illnesses, including insomnia, libido, fibromyalgia, COPD, anxiety, depression, diabetes. dementia. and more—by the bestselling author of The Healing Power of Essential Oils. “The most comprehensive essential oils resource I know . . . I highly recommend it!”—Amy Myers, MD, New Y Learn More
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By 史蒂芬妮·梅爾
▲▼超過十年的等待,終能一窺愛德華的內心世界……▲▼   我看得出來愛上貝拉多麼容易,那會像墜入愛河般毫不費力。不允許自己愛上她,則是墜入的相反,就像以凡人之力費勁地爬上峭壁。——愛德華‧庫倫   《暮光之城》系列作品創造了以下成就:   ☆史上最佳青少年讀物──時代雜誌   ☆史上最佳青少年讀物──全國公共廣播電臺    Learn More
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By Eric Zielinski
The first diet program that harnesses essential oils and bioactive foods for weight loss and disease prevention, from the nation's trusted authority in essential oils and natural remedies. The runaway success of The Healing Power of Essential Oils showed that there is a growing interest in using essential oils to heal the body. Now, in The Essential Oils Diet, Dr. Eric Zielinski teams up with Sabrina Ann Zielinski ("Mama Z") to teach readers how bioactive plant compounds--tho Learn More
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By Fadli Salleh , Shahidan Shuib , Firdauz Abdullah , Reyna Ibrahim , Nurain Sabrina
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By Ramlee Awang Murshid
Ryu-Watanabe berasa tidak dirahmati; dilahirkan di penjara dan membesar di rumah kebajikan. Sepanjang hidupnya tidak pernah tenteram lalu membawa diri ke Jepun. Dia menyertai satu kumpulan yakuza dan menjadi samurai yang mahir bermain pedang. Jenaya adalah gelanggang permainannya dan penamat permainan itu adalah maut. Dalam kumpulan itu, dia jatuh cinta dengan Noriko. Kisah mereka dan kumpulan yakuza menjadi tarikan kepada Sabrina untuk mengetahui dengan lebih lanjut. Dia Learn More
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NOW: RM 25.00 (-0%)

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By 克莉絲汀·哈梅爾
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By A. G. Riddle
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. From the author of THE ORIGIN MYSTERY - the trilogy with ONE MILLION COPIES SOLD. En route from London to New York, Flight 305 suddenly loses power and crash-lands in the English countryside, plunging a group of strangers into a mysterious adve Learn More
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A box of possessions.A father with no memory.A daughter with just one day to piece together the past.When Sabrina Boggs stumbles upon a mysterious collection of her father's belongings, her seemingly uneventful life suddenly alters and shifts.In the single day she has to search for answers about the man she thought she knew, a man who can no longer remember his own story, Sabrina uncovers far bigger secrets than she could have imagined. And discov Learn More
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Ayah; orang kata tak kahwin tak boleh jadi ayah. Ingat kalau kahwin tu lesen layak jadi ayah? Ada ayah watak putih. Ada ayah watak hitam. Umpama musang berbulu ayam, harapkan pegar, pegar makan padi. Utamanya kita dengar, ayahlah pemimpin kita sedari kecil. Sebatan ayah yang menjadikan kita manusia pada hari ini. Ada ke ayah yang jadi ibu? Siapa ayah? Selami hati 21 penulis yang menyulam 21 kisah ayah. ——— Muhammad Faizal Ramizah Ramli Muhammad F Learn More
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By Nicole Jordan
An arranged marriage... Shy Sabrina Duncan returns to the Highlands as an adult, only to discover that she's the last descendent of her clan - and must wed the local laird in order to save it. Niall McLaren, the infamous rogue, both intrigues and scandalises her. All powerful, he has much to offer a wife - everything but faithfulness. And though convenience may rule their marriage, a binding love will seal their fate... Rouge Romance - your first stop for romance Learn More
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By Garth Nix
The long-buried secrets of the Old Kingdom and the Ninth Gate are revealed in the sequel to Sabriel and Lirael. Orannis, the Destroyer, has been freed from its subterranean prison and now seeks to unleash its terrible powers. Only Lirael, Abhorsen-in-Waiting, has any chance of stopping this enemy of all Life. As she and her companions - Sameth, the Disreputable Dog and Mogget - set out on their fated journey, Lirael has no idea of what lies ahead.On Learn More
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By Garth Nix
When the future is unclear, who holds the key to destiny? Sequel to the spellbinding, award-winning fantasy adventure, SABRIEL. Lirael has never felt like a true daughter of the Clayr. Abandoned by her mother and ignorant of her father's identity, Lirael resembles no one else in her large, extended family living in the Clayr's Glacier. She doesn't even have the Sight - the ability to See into the present and possible futures - that is the very birthright Learn More
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By Garth Nix
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By Siti Solehah , Sabrina Ismail , Mira Ishak , Cik Puan Fifi
Hasad mengandungi 15 cerita seram yang berkaitan dengan hasad dengki yang menular dalam kalangan masyarakat kita. “Aku nak dia jatuh miskin! Aku nak dia jatuh sakit! Aku nak semua orang benci dia! Aku nak dia tunduk pada aku! Aku nak anak dia mati!” Apabila manusia mula hilang kepercayaan kepada tuhan, apabila hati mulai hitam, apabila kewarasan mula hilang dan apabila ego menguasai diri. Mereka mula menjadikan “aku” sebagai sahabat. Learn More
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MEMBER: RM 22.50 (-10%)

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