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By Vanessa Le
When Nhika is caught using her bloodcarving abilities during a sham medical appointment, she's captured by underground thugs and sold to an aristocratic family to heal the last witness of their father's murder. But as Nhika delves deeper into their investigation amidst the glitz of Theumas' wealthiest district, she begins to notice parallels between this job and her own dark past. And when she meets an alluring yet entitled physician's aide, Ven Kochin, she's forced to questi Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

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DORAEMON MOVIE COLLECTIONS 哆啦A夢電影集 VARIOUS (E / C / M) 1 1980 Doraemon: Nobita's Dinosaur 大雄的恐龍 JAP / MAN / CAN 2 1981 Doraemon: The Records of Nobita, Spaceblazer 大雄的宇宙開拓史 JAP / MAN 3 1982 Doraemon: Nobita and the Haunts of Evil 大雄的大魔境 JAP / MAN / CAN 4 1983 Doraemon: Nobita and the Castle of the Undersea Devil 大雄的海底鬼岩城 JAP / MAN / CAN 5 1984 Doraemon: Nobita's Great Adventure into the Underworld 大雄的 Learn More
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By Fujiko F Fujio
Cuaca panas terus berlarutan! Nobita dan Doraemon gelisah tetapi tak mampu buat apa-apa. Jadi tercetus idea untuk buat ketulan ais guna aisberg. Lalu mereka terbang ke Kutub Selatan. Tapi entah macam mana Nobita terjumpa cincin di sana dan…?!! Learn More
USUAL: RM12.00

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By 菅原洋平
習慣不會背叛你! 從微小改變做起,養成100種全新原子習慣,人生更順遂!   ◎做事老是拖拖拉拉、忘東忘西、丟三落四,成天犯低級錯誤……真沮喪。   ◎工作搞得亂七八糟,每次開會就是等著被主管釘……超不想上班。   ◎每天晚上都在漏夜追劇,連隔天起床都會失敗了,還談什麼掌握人生?   ◎下班後仍無法切斷工作模式,永遠都在焦慮、深 Learn More
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By Richard Koch
How do people of seemingly ordinary talent go on to achieve unexpected results? What can we learn from them? What are the ingredients for unreasonable success and how is it achieved? In this ground-breaking book, bestselling author Richard Koch charts a map of success, identifying the nine key attitudes and strategies can propel anyone to new heights of accomplishment. The pattern of success is fractal. It is endlessly varied but endlessly similar. Success does not requ Learn More
USUAL: RM86.90

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By Richard Koch
READ THIS BOOK AND USE IT." TIM FERRISS Millions of highly effective people have become more successful by understanding the simple fact that 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. All you have to do is identify the 20 percent that leads to 80 percent. The 80/20 Principle shows you how. Richard Koch's million-copy-selling global bestseller is now completely revised and updated, and more powerful and essential than ever. He reveals how the principle works and sho Learn More
USUAL: RM86.90

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By Richard Koch
"How do people of seemingly ordinary talent go on to achieve unexpected results? What can we learn from them? What are the ingredients for unreasonable success and how is it achieved? In this ground-breaking book, bestselling author Richard Koch charts a map of success, identifying the nine key attitudes and strategies can propel anyone to new heights of accomplishment. The pattern of success is fractal. It is endlessly varied but endlessly similar. Success does not req Learn More
USUAL: RM99.90

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By Richard Koch
In a brand new Preface, bestselling author Richard Koch describes a paradigm shift in business, whereby intuition is more important than analysis, ideas and product trump strategy, and influence is superior to control. In this essential companion to his bestselling The 80/20 Principle - the radical power law that helped thousands of people achieve more by doing less - Koch illuminates 92 other universal principles and laws to promote the science of success in an increasing Learn More
USUAL: RM79.90

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By 理查·柯克 , 葛雷格·洛克伍德
能讓你獲得最多的,往往是你意想不到的人 |突破同溫層、踏出舒適圈| 創業家、知識網紅、品牌訓練專家、斜槓教練、活動策展人一致推薦   《80/20法則》作者教你以少得多   21世紀超效率——掌握職場、家庭與人際的弱連結法則   「個人」時代崛起,你可以是網紅,可以經營自媒體,   你也可以投入訂閱經濟、零工經濟的營運模式;   Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

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By 博報堂買物研究所
  低價、大量選項、豐富的商品資訊,這些都是無用的行銷方式,   當你的商品沒有進入減輕消費者選擇疲勞的框架中,就差不多可以說再見了!   「想要卻選不出來,所以無法購買」的消費者已占了全體的八成,   改善商品、降低價格等傳統手段不再是熱賣的保證!   數位時代的消費者每天面對大量、無法確認真偽的資訊轟炸,購物時容易感 Learn More
USUAL: RM52.35

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By 費迪南·馮·席拉赫
  ★德國最受矚目的法律作家席拉赫首部劇本力作,對恐怖攻擊的具體反思,正義與人權的精彩辯證   ★一場人性尊嚴與國家安全的法庭交戰,當遭逢恐攻之後,你的選擇為何?   ★單在德國一地便有43個劇場上演800多場,美日皆已搬上舞台。Goodread、德國Amazon讀者4.5顆星好評。   一名恐怖份子劫持客機強迫機長改變航道撞向滿座的足球場,空軍戰鬥 Learn More
USUAL: RM40.05

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By 查爾斯·科克
什麼是「好利潤」? 不是高獲利或高報酬率,也不是普遍認為的豐厚利潤, 而是來自於「有原則的企業家精神」: 運用更少資源,為顧客創造卓越價值, 而且遵守法規、誠實正直,對社會有所貢獻。   ◆《富比士》全球十大億萬富豪、百大最有影響力人物撰寫   ◆美國頂尖企業助人利己的經營心法   ◆亞馬遜網路商店商業理財百大暢銷書   Learn More
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By 木浩子
《木浩子的插畫日記1》 HIROKOCHI的快樂簡單插畫練習簿 大家在還是小學生的時候,都曾經在課堂上 在課本的角落上畫畫塗鴉吧? 不過隨著長大成人之後,應該有許人會覺得 「畫圖」成為一件困難的事情, 或者不知道應該怎麼畫才好吧。 不過,畫插畫只要隨著自己「心情」去畫就可以。 像是一定要用鉛筆或其他工具 才能畫畫之類的規矩完全不必在意! 就 Learn More
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By Arundhati Roy
They all broke the rules. They all crossed into forbidden territory. They all tampered with the laws that lay down who should be loved, and how. And how much.' This is the story of Rahel and Estha, twins growing up among the banana vats and peppercorns of their blind grandmother's factory, and amid scenes of political turbulence in Kerala. Armed only with the innocence of youth, they fashion a childhood in the shade of the wreck that is their family: their lonely, lovely mo Learn More
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