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' fryer 'Found 8 Related Products
By TK Dong
A warm, nutritious and delicious meal is the best reward after a hard day’s work. However, the thought of a hot kitchen, sweating while cooking, and a greasy kitchen after cooking can discourage many people from cooking. Based on the principles of smoke-free and easy cleanup, this cookbook shows you clever ways of using various small cooking appliances, including rice cooker, oven, steamer, air-fryer, pressure cooker, and electric double-boiler to effortlessly cook a delic Learn More
USUAL: RM28.50

NOW: RM 20.00 (-30%)

MEMBER: RM 20.00 (-30%)

By Aileen Clark
175 quick and easy recipes for all the satisfying, feel-good foods you crave right in your favorite appliance—the Air Fryer! The foods you love made quick and easy in the air fryer! In The “I Love My Air Fryer” Comfort Food Recipe Book, you’ll discover 175 recipes and photos for delicious and satisfying dishes sure to bring a smile to your face. You’ll find savory snacks like cheesy bacon fries and crunch homemade potato chips, sweet treats like chewy chocolate ch Learn More
USUAL: RM95.90

NOW: RM 95.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 86.31 (-10%)

By 丹尼爾·弗瑞爾
每個人都有厭世、焦慮、壓力大、自我懷疑的時候, 但為什麼有人可以處變不驚,有人卻心神不寧? 其實讓人卡關的,不是外在的人事物, 而是毒性想法!   每一天,你的腦海出現過多少負面思考?   「事情發生好多年,可是一想到還是會很難過。」   「我一定要表現得很好,才能證明給大家看。」   「我不管做什麼事情,都會失敗。」   「我 Learn More
USUAL: RM55.45

NOW: RM 55.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.91 (-10%)

By Cook1Cook
Cook1Cook〈Airfryer氣炸鍋分享谷〉擁有二十多萬會員,大家於谷內踴躍分享,藉著氣炸鍋美食的交流,令生活多添樂趣。 群組中的各位高手不藏私地分享各種拿手菜式,因此Cook1Cook決定將谷友熱搜的60大氣炸鍋美食結集成書,從小食、主食到甜品,希望帶給大家更多煮食靈感,創作出更多精彩的氣炸鍋料理! 食譜包括: 小食:雲蛋多士、餐肉包、芝士扭紋條、炸 Learn More
USUAL: RM59.00

NOW: RM 59.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.10 (-10%)

By Chef Marina Mustafa
Sekarang, kesedaran berkenaan kesihatan menjadi semakin ketara. Makanan goreng, gula dan kabohidrat yang banyak tidak digalakkan. Jadi, penggoreng udara telah menjadi peralatan dapur yang sangat penting dalam menyenangkan proses masakan yang sihat. Walaupun penggoreng udara telah menerima sambutan yang hangat, ia masih tidak digunakan setinggi potensinya. Selepas menggunakan penggoreng udara selama beberapa tahun, saya sedar bahawa penggoreng udara bukanlah sahaja boleh me Learn More

NOW: RM 5.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 5.00 (-0%)

By TK Dong
Introduction It is common knowledge that having too much deep-fried food is bad for the health. Not only may it cause obesity, deep-fried food may also induce other diseases. Certain unethical merchants use the same batch of oil repeatedly to deep-fry food just to cut cost. These deep-fried food are unhealthy and unhygienic. But the introduction of the air-fryer is a wonderful news to deep-fried food lovers. Air-fryer have skyrocketed in popularity in the past few years, it Learn More
USUAL: RM25.90

NOW: RM 25.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 23.31 (-10%)

By 陈秉文
健康气炸锅与独家超人气配件的完美结合,“用过的人都说赞!”主菜、小吃、派塔、糕点制作通通网罗其中,减油80%的一锅多用烹调法再进化,让你瞬间爱上烹饪! Learn More
USUAL: RM30.90

NOW: RM 30.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 27.81 (-10%)

By Bingo Chen
Time to upgrade your cooking skills with the Healthy Airfryer! Revealing the most popular and exclusive Airfryer accessories, specially selected dishes, appetisers, European style pies and tarts, all in ONE BOOK! With just one appliance, you can now pan-fry, grill, deep-fry and bake, all in the simplest way! Learn More
USUAL: RM30.90

NOW: RM 30.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 27.81 (-10%)

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