9th Birthday Sale
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By 洛克菲勒 , 林郁
從一個小小的簿記員到全球石油業的霸主,約翰‧D‧洛克菲勒成就了一個傳奇。洛克菲勒的創業史在美國早期富豪中頗具代表性,是美國夢的典型代表。他精明而富有遠見、冷靜而又具備膽略,他的成功絕不是偶然,正如他自己所說:「如果把我剝得一文不剩並丟在沙漠裡,只要一行駱駝商隊經過,我就可以重建整個王朝。」   洛克菲勒生前是一個備受爭 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.30

NOW: RM 49.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.37 (-10%)

By Simon Sebag Montefiore
From the master storyteller and internationally bestselling author - the story of humanity from prehistory to the present day, told through the one thing all humans have in common: family. We begin with the footsteps of a family walking along a beach 950,000 years ago. From here, Montefiore takes us on an exhilarating epic journey through the families that have shaped our world: the Caesars, Medicis and Incas, Ottomans and Mughals, Bonapartes, Habsburgs and Zulus, Rothschild Learn More
USUAL: RM99.90

NOW: RM 99.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 89.91 (-10%)

By 約翰·戴維森·洛克斐勒
本書初版為好人出版《巨富思維》 世界第一位億萬富豪 傳承百年的致富與教養理念 留給子孫超越金錢的資產   熱中經商致富的人具備什麼特質?從洛克斐勒身上找答案。   從週薪五美元的簿記學徒到成為人類史上第一位億萬富豪,洛克斐勒財富顛峰的總值佔美國GDP百分之二點四,現值約四千億美元,是比爾蓋茲和巴菲特的八到十倍。   一八 Learn More
USUAL: RM55.45

NOW: RM 55.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.91 (-10%)

By 約翰·D·洛克菲勒
  《洛克菲勒自傳》將帶領我們走入洛克菲勒家族所締造的神話,這是一部深入挖掘洛克菲勒內心世界和完整展現其人生經歷與豐富商戰閱歷的作品,將洛克菲勒的經歷與他的人生理念相結合,生動揭示出令洛克菲勒受益一生的人生觀和價值觀,並解密其成功之道。 Learn More
USUAL: RM46.20

NOW: RM 46.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.58 (-10%)

  這是一部關於洛克菲勒豐富的人生經歷和商戰閱歷的作品,令其受益一生的人生觀和價值觀,是財富智慧和投資邏輯的總結,以及為人處世的智慧,揭露一代巨富創造財富的謀略與秘密,展示洛克菲勒身上的優良品德及經商才能。   洛克菲勒簡介:   洛克菲勒(John Davison Rockefeller,1839.7.8~1937.5.23),美國實業家,是十九世紀第一位億萬富豪與全球首富, Learn More
USUAL: RM46.20

NOW: RM 46.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.58 (-10%)

By 約翰·D·洛克菲勒
一窺傳奇巨富的名言與家書原文 學習撼動美國財富和權力的傳奇家族 百年傳承的成功法則   我們喜歡閱讀典範人物,是因為如果沒有他們的引導,容易不小心陷入災難;我們喜歡閱讀語錄,是因為原汁原味、濃縮智慧的隻字片語,更能在心中烙下深刻印記。所以,我們渴求收藏典範人物的語錄,希望得到在茫茫大海中尋找正確方向的指南針。   在商業 Learn More
USUAL: RM46.20

NOW: RM 46.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.58 (-10%)

By 約翰·戴維森·洛克斐勒
商業運作的智慧與資本的祕密盡在本書中! 熱中經商致富的人具備什麼特質?從洛克斐勒身上找答案。   從週薪5美元的簿記學徒到成為人類史上第一位億萬富豪,   洛克斐勒財富顛峰的總值佔美國GDP百分之 2.4,現值4000億美元,   是比爾•蓋茲和華倫•巴斐特資產的八到十倍。   一八七○年洛克斐勒創立標準石油公司,二十年後就擁有了十萬名 Learn More
USUAL: RM55.45

NOW: RM 55.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.91 (-10%)

By Rosie Andrew
Outstanding... a seething, haunting delight' Beth Underdown, award-winning author of THE WITCHFINDER'S SISTER 'Darkly compelling and dripping with atmosphere... bewitching' Stacey Halls, Sunday Times bestselling author of THE FAMILIARS A beguiling tale of superstition, myth and murder, perfect for fans of The Binding, The Essex Serpent and Once Upon a River. SHE IS AWAKE... Norfolk, 1643. With civil war tearing England apart, reluctant soldier Thomas Treadwater is summoned h Learn More
USUAL: RM89.90

NOW: RM 89.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 80.91 (-10%)

By Rockefeller
USUAL: RM112.30

NOW: RM 112.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 101.07 (-10%)

By 多明妮可·傅菲
  伏特加,彼得大帝醉心鍾情的酒款,   雞尾酒的完美絕配基酒,   也是男兒痛快乾杯、燃燒喉頭,吸引全球一年喝掉45億公升的烈酒!   這本設計簡潔、畫面豐富的實用圖文指南,   帶領你以多角度進入伏特加的世界,   知曉軼事、發掘經典酒款、自調雞尾酒、將伏特加入菜……   法國AMAZON★★★★★推薦,入門者、老酒鬼都著迷!    Learn More
USUAL: RM43.10

NOW: RM 43.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.79 (-10%)

By Duncan Clark
In just a decade and half Jack Ma, a man who rose from humble beginnings and started his career as an English teacher, founded and built Alibaba into the second largest Internet company in the world. The company's $25 billion IPO in 2014 was the world's largest, valuing the company more than Facebook or Coca Cola. Alibaba today runs the e-commerce services that hundreds of millions of Chinese consumers depend on every day, providing employment and income for tens of millio Learn More
USUAL: RM79.95

NOW: RM 79.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 71.96 (-10%)

By Niall Ferguson
'Riveting ... this will be his masterpiece' - Andrew Roberts, The New York Times 'For big, bold and compelling, it is impossible to ignore Kissinger' - John Bew, New Statesman, Books of the Year 'This is a superb history of the modern world as well as a biography of Kissinger ... a tour de force' William Shawcross, The Times No American statesman has been as revered and as reviled as Henry Kissinger. Hailed by some as the "indispensable man", whose advice has been Learn More
USUAL: RM99.95

NOW: RM 99.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 89.96 (-10%)

By Duncan Clark
An engrossing, insider's account of how a teacher built one of the world's most valuable companies-rivaling Walmart & Amazon-and forever reshaped the global economy.In just a decade and half Jack Ma, a man from modest beginnings who started out as an English teacher, founded and built Alibaba into one of the world's largest companies, an e-commerce empire on which hundreds of millions of Chinese consumers depend. Alibaba's $25 billion IPO in 2014 was the largest glo Learn More
USUAL: RM89.90

NOW: RM 89.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 80.91 (-10%)

By Gary Allen
kenapa Rockefeller tidak pernah tercatat sebagai orang terkaya di dunia? Seakan menutupi kebohongan tentang keluarga yang mengendalikan perekonomian dunia itu. Dengan menikmati kemewahan beratus bangunan mewah, beribu pelayan, barangan bernilai jutaan dollar dan pelbagai harta lain yang tidak terhitung, meletakkan Rockefeller sebagai pengaruh tertinggi Pengaruh dalam PBB, industri minyak, kewangan dunia, pendidikan, siri peperangan dunia, pembangunan Israel, permainan ekon Learn More
USUAL: RM37.90

NOW: RM 37.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 34.11 (-10%)

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