9th Birthday Sale
9th Birthday Sale

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By A.K. Mulford
From bestselling author and TikTok sensation A.K. Mulford comes the fourth book in the Five Crowns of Okrith fantasy series, following a bookish heir's fight to save their mother and kingdom when an unexpected romance blossoms. The crown is calling their name, yet can their head bear the weight when passion sets hearts racing? Perfect for fans of Sarah J. Maas, Sue Lynn Tan, and Jennifer L Armentrout. A court of revelry. A bookish heir. An impending marriage. And a dark new Learn More
USUAL: RM62.95

NOW: RM 62.95 (-0%)

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By Malachi Edwin Vethamani
These short poems pulse with tensions between "I and You," bodies and minds. Opening with rejoicing union in Being, they play complications of non-binary love in tolling, as Donne wrote, that "no man is an island." Becoming his "own man," the poet claims variations of loneliness, I without You, wryly, with self-conscious humour, "sipping gin, having run out of tonic." Read these poems for their tonic effect on your spirits! Shirley Geok-lin Lim, Professor Emerita, University Learn More
USUAL: RM20.00

NOW: RM 18.00 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 16.00 (-20%)

By 克里斯·布尼斯克 , 傑克·塔塔爾
想踏入NFT的世界前,你必須先從加密貨幣起步。 連伊隆.馬斯克也加入投資的未來貨幣趨勢── 關於「它」──加密貨幣的一切細節,你不能啥都不知道! 諾貝爾經濟學獎得主哈利.馬可維茲力推!   ●亞馬遜百則盛讚──關於加密貨幣前世今生、一路走來的所有風波與辛勞的「幣生」之書。   ●最完善,最簡要,一本讀通區塊鏈與加密貨幣種類 Learn More
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NOW: RM 78.55 (-0%)

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By 傑克·阿德爾斯坦 , 娜塔莉·斯塔基
消失的85萬枚比特幣,現值超過330億美元 揭發加密貨幣史上最惡名昭彰事件的真相!   2014年,Mt.Gox交易所離奇丟失85萬枚比特幣,當時市值近5億美元;以一枚現價約3萬9600美元計算,總損失超過330億美元,是史上最大宗的貨幣類網路竊案。   Mt. Gox執行長馬克.卡佩雷斯宣稱公司遭到駭客入侵盜竊,但仍被視為主要嫌疑犯,成為日本警方和FBI的調查對象, Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

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By 蔕安娜·勞倫斯 , 金瑞榮
進入NFT世界的必備指南! 從交易、發行到獲利, 透過STEP BY STEP教學 都在這本書裡! • NFT到底紅什麼!? 各領域專家、明星藝人、商業龍頭,甚至博物館都在玩! 不只是藝術品和遊戲商品, 連素人自拍、鹹酥雞都可以是NFT⋯⋯ 它們交易金額簡直高得嚇人!! ✦ 史上首個NFT數位畫作:Beeple的《每一天:最初的5000天》以69,346,250美元成交 ✦ 目前史上最貴NFT:Pa Learn More
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NOW: RM 76.85 (-0%)

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