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' anabel karmel 'Found 7 Related Products
By 安娜貝爾·岡薩雷茲
情緒勒索、感情背叛、精神虐待、歧視排擠、童年傷痕…… 原以為都過去了,卻突然點燃引信,摧毀一切! 「藏起來的情緒不會消亡,將會以更難堪的方式出現。」 ──心理大師 西格蒙德.佛洛伊德   「情緒治療」權威醫師,寫給心靈受傷的你   亞馬遜書店4.7星好評推薦!   你是否有以下狀況:   ►易怒、玻璃心?   ►經常會覺得自己不夠好 Learn More
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By 安娜貝爾·岡薩雷茲
★「情緒治療」權威醫師,寫給焦慮時代的療癒處方★ 突破困境的關鍵,不是時時保持樂觀, 而是找出與壞情緒相處的方法,把爛事變好事! 負能量也沒關係,這是大腦在提醒你「多愛自己一點」, 先與自己和解,就能讓壞情緒與你和平共處!   ★面對情緒的方式,決定了你是誰   生活中的問題從沒少過,   各種情緒也隨著大大小小的狀況被 Learn More
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By Crystal Anabella
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NOW: RM 28.00 (-0%)

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By Hidenori Kusaka , Satoshi Yamamoto
Sun dreams of money. Moon dreams of scientific discoveries. When their paths cross with Team Skull, both their plans go awry…International Police officers Looker and Anabel arrive on the scene and hire Sun to help them pursue the mysterious Ultra Beasts—and not a moment too soon, because the Ultra Beasts are attacking one island after another in the Alola region. And then, a group of Crabrawler steals Sun’s special berry! What is the shocking secret of Anabel’s origin Learn More
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By Karmel Kingan
Baby Animals Set 1 Learn More
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By Karmel Kingan
Baby Animals Set 2 Learn More
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