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' Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche 'Found 7 Related Products
By 丹增.普里亞達爾仁波切
 洞悉不變的本質   才能成就恆常不迷惘的心   MIT達賴喇嘛倫理與轉化價值中心執行長   丹增.普里亞達爾仁波切   袈裟下的實踐與思考   勇氣、學習與臣服   從古老的東方古國,進入西方學術殿堂   他橫跨哲學與科學,為日新月異的時代奉獻己力   丹增.普里亞達爾,獨生子,出生於印度的婆羅門望族。   6歲開始,他一再 Learn More
USUAL: RM81.50

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MEMBER: RM 65.00 (-20%)

By 索甲仁波切
當代最偉大的生死學鉅著,最實用的臨終關懷手冊|《西藏生死書》是一本字字珠璣的心靈鉅著,引導我們認識生死,直驅西藏佛教的智慧泉源。|本次更新本覺會介紹及更新副書名。||誠摯推薦||本書提供給讀者的,不僅是有關死亡和臨終的理論描述,還有實際的方法,可以用來了解死亡的真相,並幫助自己和別人死得寧靜而充實。─ 達賴喇嘛十四世||終究我們還 Learn More
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NOW: RM 80.10 (-0%)

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By 丹尼爾·高曼 , 措尼仁波切
當正念無法使你平靜又專注, 就要與不堪其擾的念頭交朋友。 《EQ》、《專注的力量》情商心理專家 × 達賴喇嘛盛讚的冥想大師 教你治癒內心裡的美麗怪物, 遇見更快樂且更強大的自己。   ──你所不知道的正念──   許多人操持正念,後來放棄,因為對無法克制思緒感到挫敗。被譽為近25年最優秀冥想導師的措尼仁波切提出解方:「放下 Learn More
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By Daniel Goleman  ,  Tsoknyi Rinpoche
Put yourself back in control of your mind and your life with these meditation practices proven by neuroscientific research. In this modern digital age, many of us feel overwhelmed, panicked and short on time. The practice of meditation is an ancient and scientifically proven antidote to that frenzied feeling. Combining scientific expertise and spiritual wisdom, this is a practical guide on how it can help you feel calm and in control. With chapters on Breathing, Compass Learn More
USUAL: RM103.50

NOW: RM 103.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 93.15 (-10%)

By 索甲仁波切
  本次更新三十週年精裝修訂版介紹、更新本覺會據點及數量、作者介紹等。   當代最偉大的生死學鉅著,最實用的臨終關懷手冊   《西藏生死書》是一本字字珠璣的心靈鉅著,它引導我們認識生死,直驅西藏佛教的智慧泉源。索甲仁波切深入淺出地闡釋禪修靜坐、因果叢報、轉世和臨終關懷的方法,以及心靈之路上的種種考驗和報償。西藏佛教的經 Learn More
USUAL: RM80.10

NOW: RM 80.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 72.09 (-10%)

By Lama Yeshe Losal Rinpoche
The perfect manual for the mind, bringing deep insight to today's world and offering practical tools for transformation' Gelong Thubten, author of A Monk's Guide to Happiness _______________________________________________________________________________ In this hectic, modern world, the practice of meditation is the greatest way to find peace. Originally written over thirteen years ago, the teachings in this book have transformed the lives of people across the world and, d Learn More
USUAL: RM68.95

NOW: RM 68.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.06 (-10%)

By Sogyal Rinpoche
25th Anniversary Edition Over 3 Million Copies Sold 'I couldn't give this book a higher recommendation' BILLY CONNOLLY Written by the Buddhist meditation master and popular international speaker Sogyal Rinpoche, this highly acclaimed book clarifies the majestic vision of life and death that underlies the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. It includes not only a lucid, inspiring and complete introduction to the practice of meditation, but also advice on how to care for the Learn More
USUAL: RM112.90

NOW: RM 112.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 101.61 (-10%)

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