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' Sony Vegas 'Found 61 Related Products
By Liz Tomforde
Kennedy I’m the only woman on staff for the Windy City Warriors, and after years of putting up with a sexist lead doctor, I’m desperate to land my dream job with a new team next year. All I have to do is maintain my professional reputation for my final season in Chicago. But a Las Vegas run-in with the team’s shortstop threatens it all, leaving me with a fuzzy memory and a ring on my left hand. Now, not only am I legally bound to the most persistent man I’ve ever m Learn More
USUAL: RM69.90

NOW: RM 69.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.91 (-10%)

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SONY WF-C700N ANC TRUE WIRELESS EARBUDS A more personal music experience Turn off your surroundings with Noise Sensor Technology and enjoy the immersive music experience. More natural and adjustable ambient sound In Ambient Sound mode, the WF-C700N headphones capture more of the ambient sound around you, thanks to the feedforward mics, so you can enjoy a natural listening experience while staying connected to your environment. Plus, the Sony , Headphones Connect Learn More
USUAL: RM549.00

NOW: RM 549.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 494.10 (-10%)

SONY WF-C700N ANC TRUE WIRELESS EARBUDS A more personal music experience Turn off your surroundings with Noise Sensor Technology and enjoy the immersive music experience. More natural and adjustable ambient sound In Ambient Sound mode, the WF-C700N headphones capture more of the ambient sound around you, thanks to the feedforward mics, so you can enjoy a natural listening experience while staying connected to your environment. Plus, the Sony , Headphones Connect Learn More
USUAL: RM549.00

NOW: RM 549.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 494.10 (-10%)

SONY WF-C700N ANC TRUE WIRELESS EARBUDS A more personal music experience Turn off your surroundings with Noise Sensor Technology and enjoy the immersive music experience. More natural and adjustable ambient sound In Ambient Sound mode, the WF-C700N headphones capture more of the ambient sound around you, thanks to the feedforward mics, so you can enjoy a natural listening experience while staying connected to your environment. Plus, the Sony , Headphones Connect Learn More
USUAL: RM549.00

NOW: RM 549.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 494.10 (-10%)

SONY WF-C700N ANC TRUE WIRELESS EARBUDS A more personal music experience Turn off your surroundings with Noise Sensor Technology and enjoy the immersive music experience. More natural and adjustable ambient sound In Ambient Sound mode, the WF-C700N headphones capture more of the ambient sound around you, thanks to the feedforward mics, so you can enjoy a natural listening experience while staying connected to your environment. Plus, the Sony , Headphones Connect Learn More
USUAL: RM549.00

NOW: RM 549.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 494.10 (-10%)

By Sarah Adams 
College exes break all the rules when they reunite years later in this enemies to lovers, second-chance romance, the highly anticipated companion novel to the TikTok sensation The Cheat Sheet—from the New York Times bestselling author of Practice Makes Perfect. “A really fun, chemistry-filled sports romance you don’t want to miss!”—Hannah Grace, author of Icebreaker Nora Mackenzie’s entire career lies in the hands of famous NFL tight end Derek Pender, who also h Learn More
USUAL: RM72.50

NOW: RM 72.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 65.25 (-10%)

USUAL: RM206.90

NOW: RM 206.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 186.21 (-10%)

By 平井一夫
★暢銷熱賣超過50,000本,日本亞馬遜書評超過1,600則,網評4.5顆星!★ ★市場唯一!SONY領導階層的內部解密★ ★三度帶領SONY轉虧為盈、只說真話的「異端經營學」!★   首位打破傳統「日本模式」,說出真心話的非典型CEO‧平井一夫。   從音樂和電玩產業的子公司到索尼集團的社長,   眾人不看好的平井一夫憑著「非主流」的軟性傾聽和剛性衝勁, Learn More
USUAL: RM64.70

NOW: RM 64.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.23 (-10%)

By Angel Au-Yeung
Wonder Boy is a riveting investigation into the turbulent life of Silicon Valley visionary Tony Hsieh, whose radical business strategies revolutionized both the tech world and corporate culture, based on rigorous research and reporting by Wall Street Journal reporter Angel Au-Yeung and Forbes journalist David Jeans. Wonder Boy is a riveting investigation into the turbulent life of Zappos visionary Tony Hsieh, whose radical business strategies revolutionized both the tech wor Learn More
USUAL: RM105.00

NOW: RM 105.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 94.50 (-10%)

By 蕾·赫本
風靡全球暢銷10餘年的熱銷牌卡,亞馬遜超過2,590個好評! 起源於歐洲中古世紀的「茶葉占卜術」 茶葉占卜卡讓你立即解讀命運、透視未來!   「茶葉占卜」是「精準解讀未來運勢」的好幫手,可用來預測一年、某個月、某一週,甚至某天會發生什麼事。   「茶葉占卜卡」是資深茶葉占卜師蕾.赫本(Rae Hepburn)根據多年的占卜經驗,將傳統茶葉占卜的茶 Learn More
USUAL: RM166.30

NOW: RM 166.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 149.67 (-10%)

By 她講
  ★人氣Youtuber「她講Channel」首次出書!   ★來自日本行銷廣告業界第一線的深度觀察   ★餐飲、文具、家電、電商、動畫、影視、遊樂園;內容涵蓋各種產業,全面分析日本企業的經營策略   ★商戰併購×企業經營成敗×職場物語★   認識商業行為的結構與條理   就能更好地理解世界的運作   SONY、Pentel、KOKUYO、三麗鷗、吉卜力、大戶屋、 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By 西羅·布凱 , 尚-路易·巴梭 , 麥克·韋德
在天才眼裡,怪異是能力,發呆是紀律,浪費時間才有創意!   ►百萬暢銷書《獲利世代》、《思考的藝術》作者聯名推薦。   ►瑞士洛桑管理學院10年研究大公開。分析50多個案例,破解成功祕徑。   ►收錄「外星人思維」檢測表,10種創意練習,讓靈感隨叫隨到。   「大家一起腦力激盪,但爭相提供意見後,問題反而更複雜了!」   「這個點 Learn More
USUAL: RM64.70

NOW: RM 64.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.23 (-10%)

By 布倫特·戴克斯
活用數據,能幫你證明一切; 但懂得說故事,更是說服的關鍵! 全球500大企業御用的資料分析師, 教你掌握「故事力」、「圖表力」, 發揮數據的影響力!   ★不限產業或職位,簡報、提案、演講、溝通都適用   ★亞馬遜、微軟、Sony、Nike、Adobe等企業巨擘都在用   ★免費下載本書的關鍵圖表素材,解決你對繪製圖表的疑問   【翻轉數據經濟, Learn More
USUAL: RM89.30

NOW: RM 89.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 80.37 (-10%)

By 鈴木博毅
地表最強的超級創業家們,集合啦! ★ 7個時代 & 28間全球頂尖企業 & 112幅可愛圖解 ★ 一眼看懂「現象級」成功者的致勝思維!   可愛。輕鬆。必讀。   ✔中學生 ✔大學生 ✔新鮮人   ✔上班族 ✔soho族 ✔中年轉職 ✔創業者   面對人生和事業的難題,超級創業家們從來不怕挑戰。      從鋼鐵大王卡內基,到IT霸主貝佐斯;從風靡全球 Learn More
USUAL: RM77.00

NOW: RM 77.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 69.30 (-10%)

By Steven Phillips and Dana Parish
In this important and timely book, Steven Phillips, MD, and his former patient, Sony singer-songwriter Dana Parish, reveal striking evidence that a range of common infections, from COVID-19 to Lyme, cause a variety of autoimmune, psychiatric, and chronic conditions. Chronic explores the science behind what makes them difficult to diagnose and treat, debunks widely held beliefs, and provides solutions that empower sufferers to reclaim their lives. Learn More
USUAL: RM79.95

NOW: RM 79.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 71.96 (-10%)

By 布蘭登·肯恩
★作者布蘭登曾為泰勒絲、蕾哈娜、傑森.史塔森打造線上平台,贏得數千萬粉絲 ★布蘭登本人曾在30天內,創造了從0到100萬名臉書粉絲追蹤的紀錄 泰勒絲、蕾哈娜等明星社群平台幕後推手, 教你成功打造鉤引點,3秒就能抓住群眾注意力! 善用鉤引點「鉤住」目標客群, 助你創造品牌獨特性、建立個人知名度!   現今的數位和社群媒體將這個世界重塑 Learn More
USUAL: RM61.60

NOW: RM 61.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 55.44 (-10%)

By 馬克·蘇利文
  「戰爭快結束了。只剩幾星期,頂多幾個月。   撐下去,活下去。」   改編自真實歷史事件,   《外科醫生》作者泰絲‧格里森盛讚:「絕對令人滿意的二戰小說!」   ★翻譯超過36國語言,英文版全球暢銷超過200萬冊!   ★SONY影業著手拍攝影劇,由「蜘蛛人」湯姆‧荷蘭Tom Holland主演   ★榮登亞馬遜小說總榜冠軍,並連續上榜超過兩年 Learn More
USUAL: RM92.40

NOW: RM 92.40 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 83.16 (-10%)

By Adele
Adele - 30 (CD) - Import Version Learn More
USUAL: RM65.90

NOW: RM 59.31 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 52.72 (-20%)

By Adele
Adele - 30 (2LP) - Import Version Learn More
USUAL: RM167.90

NOW: RM 167.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 151.11 (-10%)

By 索妮雅·哈特奈特
!!!本書入選【2022希望閱讀百本好書】!!! ★林格倫紀念獎得主——索妮雅.哈特奈特溫暖之作 ★倫敦書展「世界最佳書店」瑞丁思(Readings)盛讚推薦 ★澳洲獨立書店Great Escape Books評選2021最佳圖畫書 ★一本陪伴孩子認識自己、接納自我的勇氣之書!   小女孩不想去學校。她害怕跑得沒有別人快、說話不夠幽默,對交朋友感到害羞。她想舉手回答問 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.30

NOW: RM 49.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.37 (-10%)

Smartphone-compatible with in-line remote mic EXTRA BASS for club-like sound Lightweight for ultimate music mobility Choice of colours to suit your style 12mm neodymium drivers for powerful, balanced sound Learn More

USUAL: RM179.00

NOW: RM 139.90 (-22%)

MEMBER: RM 139.90 (-22%)

Smartphone-compatible with in-line remote mic EXTRA BASS for club-like sound Lightweight for ultimate music mobility Choice of colours to suit your style 12mm neodymium drivers for powerful, balanced sound Learn More

USUAL: RM179.00

NOW: RM 139.90 (-22%)

MEMBER: RM 139.90 (-22%)

Smartphone-compatible with in-line remote mic EXTRA BASS for club-like sound Lightweight for ultimate music mobility Choice of colours to suit your style 12mm neodymium drivers for powerful, balanced sound Learn More

USUAL: RM179.00

NOW: RM 139.90 (-22%)

MEMBER: RM 139.90 (-22%)

Smartphone-compatible with in-line remote mic EXTRA BASS for club-like sound Lightweight for ultimate music mobility Choice of colours to suit your style 12mm neodymium drivers for powerful, balanced sound Learn More

USUAL: RM179.00

NOW: RM 139.90 (-22%)

MEMBER: RM 139.90 (-22%)

Smartphone-compatible with in-line remote mic EXTRA BASS for club-like sound Lightweight for ultimate music mobility Choice of colours to suit your style 12mm neodymium drivers for powerful, balanced sound Learn More

USUAL: RM179.00

NOW: RM 139.90 (-22%)

MEMBER: RM 139.90 (-22%)

Bluetooth® wireless technology for unrestricted movement Up to 35 hours battery life for all day power and quick charging Easy hands-free calling and voice assistant commands with microphone Compact and lightweight, swivel ear cups allow easy portability Hear more detail with 3 Learn More
USUAL: RM199.00

NOW: RM 199.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 199.00 (-0%)

Bluetooth® wireless technology for unrestricted movement Up to 35 hours battery life for all day power and quick charging Easy hands-free calling and voice assistant commands with microphone Compact and lightweight, swivel ear cups allow easy portability Hear more detail with 4 Learn More
USUAL: RM199.00

NOW: RM 199.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 199.00 (-0%)

EXTRA BASS™ for deep, punchy sound Bluetooth® wireless technology for unrestricted movement Up to 15 hours battery life and quick charging Easy hands-free calling and voice assistant commands with microphone Comfortable neckband style with magnetic buds for easy carrying Driver Unit: 12mm Frequency Response(Bluetooth Communication): 20Hz - 20,000Hz (44.1kHz Sampling) Learn More
USUAL: RM249.00

NOW: RM 249.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 249.00 (-0%)

EXTRA BASS™ for deep, punchy sound Bluetooth® wireless technology for unrestricted movement Up to 15 hours battery life and quick charging Easy hands-free calling and voice assistant commands with microphone Comfortable neckband style with magnetic buds for easy carrying Driver Unit: 12mm Frequency Response(Bluetooth Communication): 20Hz - 20,000Hz (44.1kHz Sampling) Learn More
USUAL: RM249.00

NOW: RM 249.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 249.00 (-0%)

Hanya kerana satu kejadian, telah menarik minat Arlo Russo, ketua mafia Itali yang kejam dan berdarah sejuk itu untuk menjadikan Darwina sebagai tawanan di rumah agamnya. Bagi Darwina pula, perkara itu langsung tidak pernah terlintas di fikirannya. Apa salah dia? “You caught my interest. As I said before, I want you so badly.” - Arlo Russo “Let me go! I’d rather die than being with you. I’m not yours!” - Darwina Kata orang bila dah sebumbung, rasa benci pasti a Learn More
USUAL: RM28.00

NOW: RM 28.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 25.20 (-10%)

By 劉潤
「得到」APP 40+萬學員訂閱 企業戰略顧問劉潤最新商學課程 含金量最高的商戰邏輯思維   本系列第七冊《每個人的商學院・個人基礎》回歸面對自我的視野,強化個人思維,提升自我領導力。50則重點讓你掌握高效率積極習慣與溝通談判技能兩大必備工作力!   ・追求成功的梯子,真的搭對牆了嗎?   →蓋房子前要有施工圖,預想完工樣貌才開始動工 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

Music to Be Murdered By (stylized as MUSIC TO BE MURDERƎD BY) is the eleventh studio album by American rapper Eminem. It was released on January 17, 2020, by Aftermath Entertainment, Interscope Records and Shady Records. It was released with no prior announcement, in a similar fashion to his previous studio album Kamikaze (2018). The album was produced by Eminem and Dr. Dre, amongst other producers. It features guest appearances from Young M.A, Royce da 5'9", White Gold, Ed Learn More
USUAL: RM75.90

NOW: RM 75.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 68.31 (-10%)

"A search for a missing son... and a toxic mystery that threatens the globe. 'Did a 1981 Dean Koontz thriller predict the coronavirus outbreak?' Daily Mail 'Dean Koontz is not just a master of our darkest dreams, but also a literary juggler' The Times From bestselling phenomenon Dean Koontz, The Eyes of Darkness is a gripping thriller following a mother's search for her son - a journey that unlocks the deadliest of secrets. It's a year since Tina Evans lost her litt Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By Dianne Pineda-Kim
Join BTS's ARMY and learn the history of the international K-POP sensation! BTS (aka Bangtan Sonyeondan) has become one of K-POP's most well-known singing groups. The seven-member Korean boy band formed in 2013 and has slowly grown to worldwide fame through their music. Despite slow beginnings, the K-POP group now has millions of listeners around the world. They led the Korean Wave of music into the United States in 2017, and as of 2019, they are the Learn More
USUAL: RM61.90

NOW: RM 61.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 55.71 (-10%)

By Rin Ahmad
Kisah cinta tak kesampaian Ehsan bermula di Las Vegas. Hannah telah meninggalkan satu tekad dalam jiwa lelakinya sehingga membentuk kerjaya dan perniagaannya sekarang. “I’m into a man making a gun, not a man shooting a gun.” - Hannah Scott Tujuh tahun lamanya Ehsan terpisah dengan Hannah tanpa sebarang berita. Selama itu juga, dia menjadi penunggu yang cukup setia. Namun, agenda Tan Sri Abdul Hadi ingin memperkenalkan anak gadisnya menimbulkan tanda tanya. Sejak itu, ha Learn More
USUAL: RM23.00

NOW: RM 23.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 20.70 (-10%)

By Gordon Ramsay
Create chef-quality food without spending hours in the kitchen. With unlimited access to recipes, why does anyone need another cookbook? Because not all recipes are born equal. Not all of them have been created by a global superstar chef who has built his reputation on delivering the very best food - whether that's the ultimate fine dining experience at his 3 Michelin-star Restaurant Gordon Ramsay or the perfectly crafted burger from his Las Vegas burger joint. Over the cou Learn More
USUAL: RM169.90

NOW: RM 169.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 152.91 (-10%)

By 竹本宗一郎
  ※ 各種關於「縮時攝影」的一切know-how,只要這一本就搞懂!   ※ 針對6大品牌的相機,解說縮時攝影的「操作設定」要領   ※ 用各種實例,說明與示範拍攝當下真正需要注意的關鍵   ※ 徹底剖析,銀河、極光、星空、夜景、花卉等各式縮時攝影題材   「縮時攝影」(Time-lapse photography),是一種可以把長時間(數分鐘、數小時、數天、甚至是 Learn More
USUAL: RM80.10

NOW: RM 80.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 72.09 (-10%)

By Clare Rewcastle Brown
When London journalist Clare Rewcastle Brown set up a small website highlighting environmental damage in Borneo, she didn't expect to bring down a government. But she stumbled upon one of the great scoops of all time: a multi-billion dollar heist, on the orders of a prime minister, which - among other things - was splurged on a major Hollywood movie, a $250 million yacht, one of the world's largest diamonds, a supermodel's see-through grand piano - and a whole lot of Cristal Learn More
USUAL: RM45.00

NOW: RM 45.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 40.50 (-10%)

By Becca Wright
BTS and Me is the perfect way to record all of your favourite things about your favourite Korean boyband, Bangtan Sonyeondan. Packed full of fun fill-in activities, from quizzes to find out who would be your best friend, planning your ideal concert setlist and designing outfits for the boys to listing the music videos you watch on repeat, writing letters to each member and imagining a perfect day with them. Beautifully illustrated by real fans, this personalized keepsake h Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

PRODUCTS ORDERED ARE SUBJECTED TO SUPPLIERS STOCK AVAILABILITY. FULL REFUND WILL BE ISSUED SHOULD THE PRODUCTS ARE UNAVAILABLE. ESTIMATE DAY(S) OF DELIVERY: 26-30 WORKING DAYS Different World is the debut studio album by Norwegian record producer Alan Walker. It was released on 14 December 2018 through MER Musikk and Sony Music Entertainment and includes his successful 2015 single "Faded". The album also succeeds a trilogy of releases leading up to the album, ent Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

DNA is the ninth studio album (eighth in the US) by the Backstreet Boys. The album was first released in Japan on January 23, 2019, and everywhere else on January 25, 2019, through a collaboration with the group's own K-BAHN record label and RCA Records. The album features tracks written by Edei, Lauv, Andy Grammer, Stuart Crichton, Ryan Tedder and Shawn Mendes.This is the group's second album, after 2007's Unbreakable, to neglect involvement from longtime producers and frien Learn More
USUAL: RM47.00

NOW: RM 47.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 42.30 (-10%)

By Mejar (B) Mohammad Qayyum
"Nama Khabib Nurmagomedov baru-baru ini terdengar bukan hanya kerana prestasinya yang gemilang di gelanggang UFC, melainkan juga keperibadiannya yang mengagumkan. Khabib yang mengalahkan Connor Mcgregor pada pertandingan UFC 229 di T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas, Sabtu (06/10/2018) berhasil mempertahankan gelar juara kelas ringan UFC yang disandangnya selama ini.Insiden yang melibatkan dirinya dan Tim McGregor telah melonjakkan namanya setelah aksinya melompat pagar oktagon. Ke Learn More
USUAL: RM22.00

NOW: RM 22.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 19.80 (-10%)

PRODUCTS ORDERED ARE SUBJECTED TO SUPPLIERS STOCK AVAILABILITY. FULL REFUND WILL BE ISSUED SHOULD THE PRODUCTS ARE UNAVAILABLE. ESTIMATE DAY(S) OF DELIVERY: 26-30 WORKING DAYS Scream is a compilation album by American singer Michael Jackson, released on September 29, 2017. The album compiles songs around a Halloween theme. It is the eleventh release by Sony and/or Motown since Jackson's death on June 25, 2009. Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By Kathryn Purdie
Red Queen meets Shadow and Bone in this #1 New York Times bestselling debut about a girl forced to use her gift for sensing-and absorbing-other people's feelings to protect the empire from assassins.Steeped in intrigue and betrayal, Burning Glass captivates with heartrending romance, dangerous magic, and one girl's quest for redemption. In Riaznin, it's considered an honor for Auraseers like Sonya-girls wit Learn More
USUAL: RM39.90

NOW: RM 39.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 35.91 (-10%)

By Jenna Evans Welch , Sam Brewster
People go to Italy for love & gelato ... but sometimes they discover much more. The dying wish of 16-year-old Lina's mother was for her daughter to live in Tuscany and get to know her father, whom Lina has never met. "Howard is the best man I've ever known," her mother says, "he'll keep you safe." Why did her mother wait so long to tell her about him? Lina has a happy life in Seattle and doesn't want to leave. Shortly after she arrives at Howard's home, Lina meets Sonya, w Learn More
USUAL: RM60.90

NOW: RM 60.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 54.81 (-10%)

By 孫武
【超強圖解+全新解譯】   教你職場、商場和各項人生課題上的致勝關鍵   《孫子兵法》是舉世公認的權威軍事著作,不但是研究戰爭和謀略的必讀經典,而且書中所包含的戰略思想也被今人廣泛應用於商戰領域,如企業管理、市場營銷等諸多方面。   帶你認識   ‧你所不知道的兵法原貌,孫子兵法的現在運用之道   ‧國際知名企業是如何在商戰 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.30

NOW: RM 49.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.37 (-10%)

By 伊藤嘉明
"未來絕不被淘汰的人之中,有你嗎?" 橫掃銷售紀錄的怪胎CEO伊藤嘉明: 未來是「新通才」的世界!   adidas / Coca-Cola / DELL / Lenovo / SAAB / SANYO / SONY   看業界新手如何打破企業僵局,創下驚人業績!   在業績惡化的企業中,經驗豐富的專業老鳥多到滿坑滿谷,   但經營還是走向衰落,到底是為什麼?   往往最後得靠「業界新手」救援再 Learn More
USUAL: RM54.30

NOW: RM 54.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 48.87 (-10%)

By 傑洛米·迦奇
全球最大趨勢&創新網站Trend Hunter創辦人 傑洛米.迦奇Jeremy Gutsche 揭開微趨勢下的6大機會模式 適應改變才能做得更好! 尋找機會才能做得更快! 掌握模式,創新可以更有效!   ★美國亞馬遜書店商管書No.1   ★《紐約時報》和《今日美國》暢銷書   ★商業書評網800CEORead.com選書推薦   ★Google、Zara成功的因素是什麼?趨勢專家傑洛米.迦奇 Learn More
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By Rick Yancey
The Last Star is the heart-stopping finale to the bestselling 5th Wave series by award-winning author, Rick Yancey. Perfect for fans of The Hunger Games, Divergent and The Maze Runner. *The 5th WAVE is now a major film by Sony Pictures, starring Chloe Grace Moretz*'Wildly entertaining . . . I couldn't turn the pages fast enough' The New York Times Learn More
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By Sophie Kinsella
To Las Vegas . . . and beyond! Becky Brandon (nee Bloomwood) is on a major rescue mission! Hollywood was full of surprises, and now she's on a road trip to Las Vegas to help her friends and family. She's determined to get to the bottom of why her dad has mysteriously disappeared, help her best friend Suze and even bond with Alicia Bitch Long-legs (maybe...). As Becky discovers just how much her friends and family need help, she comes up with her biggest, boldest, most bril Learn More
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By Gretchen Rubin
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. "This book made me happy in the first five pages." -AJ Jacobs, author of The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible Award-winning author Gretchen Rubin is Learn More
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By Rick Yancey
*NOW A MAJOR FILM by Sony Pictures, starring Chloe Grace Moretz* 'Wildly entertaining . . . I couldn't turn the pages fast enough' The New York Times *The 5th Wave is the first book in the bestselling series from award-winning Rick Yancey. Perfect for fans of The Hunger Games, Divergent and Maze Runner* After the1st wave, only darkness remains. After the 2nd, only the lucky escape. And after the 3rd, only the unlucky survive. After 4th wave, only one rule applies: tr Learn More
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By 桑妮亞·費茲派崔克
  總有一天,你和你的毛小孩要分開   當時候到了,你哀慟、失落、不捨、甚至感到內疚   然而,在天堂的牠想告訴你:   「放心喲,我在這邊一切都好。   你也要好好照顧自己,像從前那樣快樂生活!」      ★享譽國際「教母級」動物溝通大師、「動物星球頻道」人氣節目《寵物溝通師》主持人桑妮亞,書籍首度來台上市!   ★Amazon書 Learn More
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By James Patterson
Showgirls. Millionaires. Murder. Jack Morgan, head of Private Investigations, the global PI agency of the rich and famous, is being pushed to the limit. His car has been firebombed, his ex is dating someone else, and his twin brother is still out to destroy him. But Private doesn't rest, and nor do its clients: not the LAPD who need Private's help catching two scumbags with diplomatic immunity, and not the client who has just confessed to murdering his wife. Add to t Learn More
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By Rick Yancey
The Infinite Sea is the second book in the phenomenal and bestselling 5th Wave series by award-winning author, Rick Yancey. Perfect for fans of The Hunger Games, Divergent and The Maze Runner* *The 5th WAVE is now a major film by Sony Pictures, starring Chloe Grace Moretz* 'Wildly entertaining . . . I couldn't turn the pages fast enough' The New York Times How do you rid the earth of seven billion humans? Rid the humans of their humanity. Cassie Sullivan and her Learn More
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By Lindsey Kelk
After her first standalone novel, The Single Girl's To-Do List, Lindsey returns with a sparkling and romantic new novel in the I Heart series. Angela Clark loves her life in New York. She a Brit who's conquered the Big Apple. Unfortunately, she's also a Brit who's lost her job. And when, just a couple of weeks before Christmas, the immigration department gets wind of this, Angela needs to find a new job urgently. Or a husband. And she doesn't think her bo Learn More
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By Lauren Weisberger
From the author of the million copy bestselling The Devil Wears Prada. Heartbreak, headlines and Hermes - welcome to Brooke's new world... Brooke and Julian live a happy life in New York - she's the breadwinner working two jobs and he's the struggling musician husband. Then Julian is discovered by a Sony exec and becomes an overnight success - and their life changes forever. Soon they are moving in exclusive circles, di Learn More
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By Sonya Hamlin
At a time when it's harder than ever to get and keep people's attention, we could all use some help. Enter Sonya Hamlin, author of the now classic How to Talk So People Listen (1988), and one of the country's leading communication experts. In this revised and updated edition, Sonya Hamlin, arguably America's leading communication expert, shows us how to successfully capture people's attention so that they listen, understand, and are persuaded by your message -- especially Learn More
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By Rick Yancey
*NOW A MAJOR FILM by Sony Pictures, starring Chloe Grace Moretz* 'Wildly entertaining . . . I couldn't turn the pages fast enough' The New York Times *The 5th Wave is the first book in the bestselling series from award-winning Rick Yancey. Perfect for fans of The Hunger Games, Divergent and Maze Runner* After the1st wave, only darkness remains. After the 2nd, only the lucky escape. And after the 3rd, only the unlucky survive. After 4th wave, only one rule applies: tr Learn More
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By John Locke
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. TO SAVE YOUR LIFE, WHAT CRIMES WOULD YOU COMMIT? In order to save his own life, Donovan Creed signs on as bodyguard to the most famous gambler in Las Vegas history, Jim 'Lucky' Peters. Lucky, worth millions, has hit a losing streak and must rais Learn More
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