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By Rahul Jandial
Dreams are a source of mystery. They have changed the course of individual lives and the world, spurring business deals, inspiring art and scientific breakthroughs, triggering military invasions and mental breakdowns. Yet the source of dreams is not mysterious. They are the product of an extraordinary transformation that occurs in the brain each night when we sleep. In this pioneering book, bestselling neurosurgeon Rahul Jandial delves into the dreaming brain and shares stor Learn More
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By 托尼·卡邁恩·薩萊諾
全球Youtube網紅、占卜師最愛用的愛情神諭卡! 45張特殊心型牌卡簡單療癒訊息溫暖藝術畫風 化解所有感情問題,為你揭示全方位身、心、靈的愛情指引!   ★享譽國際長銷14年以上,正式獨家授權繁體中文版   ★Amazon網路書店超過3,200則評分,近九成讀者給予滿分好評!   ★廣受全球粉絲喜愛的特殊愛心形狀牌卡!   無論你是在尋找穩定感情的 Learn More
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By 貝卡·克胡拉
台灣禪繞認證教師-----蘿拉老師、戴安老師推薦 蘿拉老師審定與導讀 美國與英國亞馬遜網路書店藝術類第一名   ● 不需具備任何繪畫技巧   ● 不需要很多用具   ● 200個圖樣與範例 + 步驟式教學   ● 輕鬆學會構圖配搭與風格   ● 還有各種藝術延伸應用   禪繞畫不需要用到很多畫具、空間或專業能力。每個人隨時隨地都可以創 Learn More
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By Sandhya Menon
From the New York Times bestselling author of When Dimple Met Rishi comes the second instalment in a brand-new series set in St Rosetta's Academy. Caterina LaValle is determined to show she's still the queen of St. Rosetta's Academy. Sure, her crown may be slightly askew after her ex-boyfriend, Alaric, cheated on her, but she's a LaValle. She'll find a way to march right back in there, her hands clutching the strings to the whole puppet show. This time, she's going to be unt Learn More
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By 貝卡.克胡拉
禪繞畫不需要用到很多畫具、空間或專業能力。每個人隨時隨地都可以創作禪繞畫,不需任何藝術創作背景就能勝任。禪繞畫適合每一個人。 本書以步驟的方式,從最基礎的畫法開始介紹,循序漸進教讀者如何畫禪繞圖樣、創作禪繞作品,並且提供各種有趣的練習,輕鬆學會構圖、陰影、色調、單色與彩色禪繞畫法。 禪繞畫是目前最受歡迎的繪畫方式,在世 Learn More
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