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' Rachel Heng 'Found 260 Related Products
By Arushi Avachat
Save the Date meets Never Have I Ever in this sparkling debut rom-com about a high school senior whose life suddenly gets a Bollywood spin when her sister gets engaged. Shaadi preparations are in full swing, which means lehenga shopping, taste testing, dance rehearsals, and best of all, Arya’s sister Alina is home. The Khannas are together again, finally, and Arya wants to enjoy it. So she stifles her lingering resentment towards Alina, plays mediator during her sister’s Learn More
USUAL: RM75.90

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By 李承澳
一位平凡的十五岁少女,李芷宁突然被奇怪生物盯上,遭受袭击。 危难之际,同学郑飞然和吴天亮使用超出常人认知的神秘力量解救了她,并自称为“世界术”的使用者。随着他们为李芷宁进行保护工作,一场以李芷宁为中心的攻防战正式打响。与此同时,奇怪生物与动机不良的人类勾结,势要将李芷宁抢夺到手,各怀鬼胎的两股势力也为事情带来更多不可测 Learn More
USUAL: RM25.00

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By 吳睿政
成功的祕密,就在眼前的3公尺中! 成功人士都在經營你想不到的人脈! 「貴人」不用上山下海去挖掘, 從原本的朋友開始、從身邊的路人著手, 「貴人」遠在天邊近在眼前, 別人眼中的路人就是你的貴人!   ■ 3公尺內找到你的貴人!   根據「六度分隔理論(six degrees of separation)」的社會學理論,世界上互不相識的兩個人,只需要大約六個人的中間 Learn More
USUAL: RM46.05

NOW: RM 46.05 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.45 (-10%)

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By Farr David
Rachel and Robert live a gray, dreary life under the rule of cruel and calculating Charles Malstain. That is, until one night, when their librarian father enlists their help to steal a forbidden book. Before their father is captured, Rachel and Robert are given one mission: find the missing final page. But to uncover the secrets of The Book of Stolen Dreams, the siblings must face darkness and combat many evils to be rewarded with the astonishing, magical truth about the bo Learn More
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· 课本单元 · 简明笔记 · 贴切例句 · 实用练习 · 含有注释 · 汉语拼音 · 附加典故 · 精美图画 Learn More
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By Jack Cheng
Andy Zhou is used to being what people need him to be: the good kid for his parents and, now, his grandparents in from Shanghai, or the helpful sidekick for his best friend Cindy’s plans and schemes. So when Cindy decides they should try out for Movement on the first day of sixth grade, how can Andy say no? But between feeling out of place with the dancers after school, being hassled by his new science partner Jameel in class, and sensing tension between his dad and gra Learn More
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By Andy Darcy Theo
Legendborn meets Percy Jackson in this dark and thrilling debut fantasy romance. When consumed by shadow, even the faintest light can be blinding... After a childhood haunted by disturbing hallucinations of the Shadow Man, Alexis Michaels’s only comfort is the blue amulet he’s had since before he can remember. Now, the visions have gone, and Alexis craves a normal life. But when a trip to Stonehenge unites him with three other teens carrying similar gems, normality is Learn More
USUAL: RM75.90

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By Holly Jackson
From the author of the multimillion-copy bestselling A Good Girl's Guide to Murder series and Five Survive comes a new true-crime fueled mystery thriller about a girl determined to uncover the shocking truth about her mother?s disappearance while filming a documentary on the unsolved case. Lights. Camera. Lies. 18-year-old Bel has lived her whole life in the shadow of her mom?s mysterious disappearance. Sixteen years ago, Rachel Price vanished and young Bel was the Learn More
USUAL: RM69.90

NOW: RM 55.90 (-20%)

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By 瑞秋.安妮.里奇
 人生是一座礦場,不是高速競爭的賽場!   擁抱內心的驢子,找到屬於你的金礦,就能活出美好!   ★Amazon讀者4.9顆星推薦,從驢子身上學到的幸福之道   ★全書搭配美麗、原創的版畫藝術呈現   ──這本書用充滿愛的拍撫和驢踢,助你走出困境──   在這個歌頌賽馬競逐的世界,看到別人光鮮亮麗的成功故事,有時會讓人質疑自己的價值和 Learn More
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Heaven Official's Blessing 天官賜福 Season 1+2 MAN/ENG/JAP(S1+SP) MAN/ENG(S2) E / C The heavens shake, the thunder rumbles, and Xie Lian appears with an apologetic smile—again! Eight hundred years prior, he was a beloved martial god, known as the Crown Prince of Xianle. Now, he ascends to the heavenly realm for the third time, but simply as a pitiful scrap-collecting god with no followers behind him. On his first mission, Xie Lian finds himself alone in the dark moonl Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

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MEMBER: RM 40.00 (-20%)

作曲的保研大学生顾声(周也饰),即便默默无闻仍旧努力创作,她最大的心愿就是和知名配音演员莫青成(檀健次饰)合作。没想到一次意外的“声音”偶遇,莫青成给她念了一段食谱,挑动了顾声心弦。莫青成十年前和好友一起创办了完美配音社团,为配音献出了热情,而他同时也是一名心外科医生,专注于治病救人。顾声受邀参加闺蜜庚晓幸(杨肸子饰) Learn More
USUAL: RM129.90

NOW: RM 129.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 110.00 (-15%)

乾国“畏寒”女捕快苏玖儿(李一桐饰)与祺族“内热”少主寒狰(毕雯珺饰),因关乎两族关系的离奇凶案而相遇,为求快速破奇案,苏玖儿与寒狰两人从剑拔弩张走向互利合作。机缘下组成“温差搭档”的两人,在童谣案、画师案等一系列接踵而至的谜案中,一边默契追凶一边插科打诨,携手穿破阴谋迷雾,寻找案件背后真相的同时,也化解了家国危机,并 Learn More
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20世纪70年代末的北京城,5个年轻人在什刹海冰场不期而遇。大院子弟肖春生痞气聪慧、潇洒不羁,叶国华慷慨仗义,陈宏军木讷好学,贺红玲美丽傲娇,佟晓梅温柔娴 静。不久后,陈宏军考上大学,其余四人则在军营重聚, 他们都憧憬着能在部队建功立业、报效国家。一次执行特殊任务时,肖春生替叶国华排雷导致受伤,不得不提前退伍回京治疗。在佟晓梅 Learn More
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十年前四顾门门主李相夷以相夷太剑冠绝天下,为正道武林之光,却因与金鸳盟盟主笛飞声约战东海,两大高手就此消失在万顷碧波之上。四顾门与金鸳盟也两败俱伤渐渐消失于江湖。十年后乡间游医李莲花拖着一座莲花楼行走世间,误打误撞得了个名医的头衔,本不想涉足江湖的他就这样卷入江湖。梦想行侠仗义安天下的热血少爷方多病则察觉李莲花不简单, Learn More
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MEMBER: RM 68.00 (-15%)

努力打拼的新人设计师盛阳(肖战 饰)和业内知名的广告导演简冰(白百何 饰)偶遇结缘,从此展开了一段彼此照耀、相互治愈的“充电式爱情”故事。盛阳在简冰的启发和鼓励下不断成长,并在行业中崭露锋芒,而简冰则在盛阳的关心与陪伴下,重拾对生活与爱情的信心。 Jian Bing, a well-known advertising director, and Sheng Yang, a newcomer in the industry, randomly crossed paths inside a Learn More
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NOW: RM 129.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 110.00 (-15%)

津海市国安局侦察科科长高天阳(韩庚 饰)发现境外情报组织“夜雾”开发了一款名叫“特工任务”的游戏,他们利用玩家在未知情况下暗中开展间谍活动,甚至与高天阳一起长大的弟弟黄子诚(魏大勋 饰)竟也深陷特工游戏之中。黄子诚在游戏的过程中,邂逅了搭档姚瑶(李一桐 饰),两人共同度过一段游戏之旅。正当黄子诚情愫渐生之时,意外发现自己和 Learn More
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事业得意的财经记者郑书意(白鹿饰)为拿下头版,几经努力争取到铭豫云创总裁时宴(王鹤棣饰)的专访,两人互相留下了深刻印象。郑书意(通过对各行各业的深入调研,写下了多篇客观精炼的报道,时宴也不断寻找有潜质和社会责任感的初创企业进行投资,希望尽己所能回馈社会。时宴发现郑书意通过报道传达出的观点总与自己不谋而合,接受了郑书意对 Learn More
USUAL: RM129.90

NOW: RM 129.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 110.00 (-15%)

By Rachel Greenlaw
Get ready to be swept away. An irresistible YA romantasy – perfect for fans of Alexandra Christo, Sarah Underwood and Shelby Mahurin Romance. Betrayal. Magic. The YA debut of 2024. Mira is a wrecker, one of the seven chosen to swim out and plunder the wrecked ships beyond the Isle of Rosevear. The waves sing to her soul, the call of the sea beckoning her into deeper waters. But Rosevear needs her, and she could never abandon her home. Until one evening when lightning spli Learn More
USUAL: RM59.95

NOW: RM 59.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.96 (-10%)

By Daisy Meadows
The perfect stocking filler for Rainbow Magic fans! Join Rachel and Kirsty on six Christmas adventures with Gabriella the Snow Kingdom Fairy and Alyssa the Snow Queen Fairy! Gabriella the Snow Kingdom Fairy makes Christmas sparkly and cosy. But when Jack frost steals her magical items, fairies everywhere lose their Christmas spirit. If they don't get it back, Christmas will be cancelled! Next, the friends must help Alyssa the Snow Queen Fairy find her magical objects that J Learn More
USUAL: RM54.90

NOW: RM 54.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.41 (-10%)

By Dr. Bonnie Hayden Cheng
The foundation of great leadership is kindness The world needs leaders who have the strength to be kind. The Return on Kindness challenges companies to set a higher bar and reimagine what great leadership looks like. Kindness isn’t what you think it is. Kind leaders, far from being soft or weak, are caring and tough. The Return on Kindness makes a compelling, evidence-based case for why kind leadership is good for business and how kind leaders create value through prioritiz Learn More
USUAL: RM101.50

NOW: RM 101.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 91.35 (-10%)

Discover the freedom of the open road with Lonely Planet's Great Britain's Best Road Trips. This trusted travel companion features 36 amazing drives, from 3-day escapes to 3-week adventures. Explore the majestic Welsh mountains, gaze at the mysterious Stonehenge and cruise grand Scottish moors . Get to Great Britain, rent a car, and hit the road! Inside Lonely Planet's Great Britain's Best Road Trips: Itineraries for classic road trips plus other lesser-known drives with ex Learn More
USUAL: RM108.95

NOW: RM 108.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 98.06 (-10%)

By Leong Sheng Ying , Tan Bee Lim , Choy Thor Yin , Zi Kang
Complies with the NEW SINGAPORE MOE Primary Science Syllabus themes of Diversity, Cycles, Energy, Systems and Interactions with added PSLE practice worksheets. Questions are designed and formulated by experienced Science teachers. Learn More
USUAL: RM15.00

NOW: RM 15.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 13.50 (-10%)

By Leong Sheng Ying , Cheah Shu Wen , Hon Yuan Teng
Complies with the NEW SINGAPORE MOE Primary Science Syllabus themes of Diversity, Cycles, Energy, Systems and Interactions with added PSLE practice worksheets. Questions are designed and formulated by experienced Science teachers. Learn More
USUAL: RM17.00

NOW: RM 17.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 15.30 (-10%)

By Leong Sheng Ying , Tan Bee Lim , Cheah Shu Wen , Lu Mei Kei
Complies with the NEW SINGAPORE MOE Primary Science Syllabus themes of Diversity, Cycles, Energy, Systems and Interactions with added PSLE practice worksheets. Questions are designed and formulated by experienced Science teachers. Learn More
USUAL: RM15.00

NOW: RM 15.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 13.50 (-10%)

By Leong Sheng Ying , Tan Bee Lim , Cheah Shu Wen , Lu Mei Kei
Complies with the NEW SINGAPORE MOE Primary Science Syllabus themes of Diversity, Cycles, Energy, Systems and Interactions with added PSLE practice worksheets. Questions are designed and formulated by experienced Science teachers. Learn More
USUAL: RM15.00

NOW: RM 15.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 13.50 (-10%)

By Leong Sheng Ying , Tan Bee Lim , Choy Thor Yin , Zi Kang
Complies with the NEW SINGAPORE MOE Primary Science Syllabus themes of Diversity, Cycles, Energy, Systems and Interactions with added PSLE practice worksheets. Questions are designed and formulated by experienced Science teachers. Learn More
USUAL: RM15.00

NOW: RM 15.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 13.50 (-10%)

By Leong Sheng Ying , Cheah Shu Wen , Hon Yuan Teng
Complies with the NEW SINGAPORE MOE Primary Science Syllabus themes of Diversity, Cycles, Energy, Systems and Interactions with added PSLE practice worksheets. Questions are designed and formulated by experienced Science teachers. Learn More
USUAL: RM17.00

NOW: RM 17.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 15.30 (-10%)

By Tarah DeWitt
A swoony story about friendship, love, and looking for the laugh in life, from the popular TikTok author, perfect for fans of B.K. Borison and Sarah Adams. 'Fake dating perfection . . . It's everything I look for in a romance, deftly blending heart, humour, and the perfect amount of angst' AMY LEA 'Pure romance catnip and a master class in yearning. Tarah DeWitt's writing simply wraps you up in joy. Cozy, tender, sexy, hilarious - I adored every word' RACHEL LYNN SOLOMON ' Learn More
USUAL: RM65.90

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MEMBER: RM 59.31 (-10%)

By Rachel Gillig
In the New York Times bestselling sequel to One Dark Window, Elspeth must confront the weight of her actions as she and Ravyn embark on a perilous quest to save the kingdom--perfect for readers of Hannah Whitten's For the Wolf and Alexis Henderson's The Year of the Witching. Gripped by a tyrant king and in the thrall of dark magic, the kingdom is in peril. Elspeth and Ravyn have gathered most of the twelve Providence Cards, but the last--and most important--one remains to be Learn More
USUAL: RM99.95

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By Rachel Renée Russell
Nikki Maxwell deals with the trials and triumphs of middle school in this fifteenth installment of the #1 New York Times bestselling Dork Diaries series! Ooh la la! Nikki Maxwell and her band are on their way to Paris, but they run into some roadblocks on the way… And Nikki’s French skills may not be as reliable as she hoped! Can she get them moving again in time to reach their destination? *Estimate stock to arrive: End of September Learn More
USUAL: RM60.90

NOW: RM 60.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 54.81 (-10%)

By 木星齋主
 1、 這是一本最容易上手的玄空陽宅風水入門書籍。對入門新手而言輕鬆易懂,進階讀者讀了更能功力倍增。   2、 九運玄空挨星大卦傾囊相授,您也可以學會自己來佈局。   3、 配合YouTube搜尋【玄空大卦cheng jenifer】相關影片解說,更能讓您心領神會。   4、 玄空四賦典籍彙整,白話文深入淺說,案例說明內容全面,讓您很快就能一窺堂奧,掌握要領 Learn More
USUAL: RM135.50

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MEMBER: RM 121.95 (-10%)

By 瑞秋·高史密斯·圖羅
發覺自己總是陷入自我批評嗎?這很可能不是你的錯 心理學家教你用正向對話取代自我批評, 重置內在的聲音,消除內隱偏見,不再被抑鬱、焦慮與恐懼困住   我是不是很沒用?   這樣做別人會怎麼看我?   為什麼我就是什麼都做不好?   ——明明心很累,為什麼就是沒辦法放鬆看待一切?   自我批評是一種長年累積的習慣。我們在無意中產 Learn More
USUAL: RM64.70

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MEMBER: RM 58.23 (-10%)

By Rachel Griffin
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Nature of Witches and Wild is the Witch comes a lush romantic fantasy about forbidden love, the choices we make, and the pull between duty and desire. Tana Fairchild’s fate has never been in question. Her life has been planned out since the moment she was born: she is to marry the governor’s son, Landon, and secure an unprecedented alli Learn More
USUAL: RM59.95

NOW: RM 59.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.96 (-10%)

By Rachel Renee Russell
New school. New Crush. New mean girl. New diary, so Nikki can spill all! Nikki Maxwell has never been popular but now she’s started at a new school, she’s hoping to leave her old dorky ways behind. Follow Nikki's adorkable life through sketches, doodles and diary entries as she shares all the details of her not-so-fabulous life full of BFF drama, hopeless crushes and an extremely cringe-worthy family. With a HUGE global fanbase, Dork Diaries is the perfect series for f Learn More
USUAL: RM59.50

NOW: RM 59.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.55 (-10%)

By Rachel Renee Russell
Nikki is finally adjusting to life at her new school: she's made some real friends and her major crush, Brandon, has even asked to be her science partner! But when Nikki overhears mean girl Mackenzie bragging about going to the Halloween dance with Brandon, she's gutted and decides to go to her little sister's party instead. Then she discovers Mackenzie was lying. Could her dream of going to the party with Brandon still come true? With a HUGE global fanbase, Dork Diaries is Learn More
USUAL: RM59.50

NOW: RM 59.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.55 (-10%)

By Rachel Renee Russell
Nikki's school is holding a talent competition and Nikki can't wait to start practising dance moves with her BFFs, Chloe and Zoey, and impressing Brandon, her crush, with her singing skills! But then Nikki finds out that her arch-nemesis, MacKenzie, is entering the contest too, and she's determined to steal the limelight from Nikki and her friends. Can a dork like Nikki take on the most popular girl in school and win? With a HUGE global fanbase, Dork Diaries is the perfect s Learn More
USUAL: RM59.50

NOW: RM 59.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.55 (-10%)

By Rachel Renee Russell
Nikki finds out that her crush Brandon volunteers at a local animal shelter. He's such a sweet guy – of course he wants to help those adorable puppies! Then Brandon tells her that the shelter is in danger of closing, and Nikki knows she can't let that happen. So Nikki and her friends Chloe and Zoey enter an ice skating competition to help raise money for the shelter, but skating is harder than Nikki imagined, and of course MacKenzie is stirring trouble too. Can Nikki tran Learn More
USUAL: RM59.50

NOW: RM 59.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.55 (-10%)

By Rachel Renee Russell
When Nikki discovers that her arch-nemesis, MacKenzie, has started writing a gossip column for the school newspaper, she's worried that she will share info on Nikki's crush, Brandon to the whole school. To keep an eye on MacKenzie (and bonus: spend time with Brandon!) Nikki joins the newspaper and somehow ends up working as the advice columnist, Miss Know-It-All. At first it's fun to answer all the letters from the kids at school, but when her inbox is suddenly overflowing, Learn More
USUAL: RM59.50

NOW: RM 59.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.55 (-10%)

By Rachel Renee Russell
It's the biggest dance of the year and it's up to the girls to ask the boys. Nikki really wants to ask her crush, Brandon, but what if he says no? Major cringe! Will Nikki pluck up the courage to ask Brandon, or will she be left at home like a total dork-arella?! With a HUGE global fanbase, Dork Diaries is the perfect series for fans of Lottie Brooks, Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Tom Gates. Learn More
USUAL: RM59.50

NOW: RM 59.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.55 (-10%)

By Rachel Renee Russell
OMG, Nikki Maxwell is getting her own TV show! Nikki and her friends were spotted at their school talent show, and now a reality TV crew is following her as she heads for pop stardom. SQUEEE! But having cameras wherever she goes isn't always fun, especially when it's making things awkward with Brandon and MacKenzie keeps trying to steal the limelight... Is TV star one step too far for Queen of the Dorks? With a HUGE global fanbase, Dork Diaries is the perfect series for fa Learn More
USUAL: RM59.50

NOW: RM 59.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.55 (-10%)

By Rachel Renee Russell
After a bump on the head, Nikki has a dream in which she, her BFF's Chloe and Zoey, her crush Brandon, and mean girl MacKenzie are playing the roles of some familiar classic fairy tale characters... with a very special dorky twist! Will Nikki find her happily ever after, or will it be an epic fairy fail for this dorkarella? With a HUGE global fanbase, Dork Diaries is the perfect series for fans of Lottie Brooks, Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Tom Gates. Learn More
USUAL: RM59.50

NOW: RM 59.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.55 (-10%)

By Rachel Renee Russell
TOTAL DISASTER!!! Mean girl MacKenzie has stolen Nikki's diary! What if she tells everyone Nikki's totally secret thoughts?! But reading Nikki's diary isn't the only thing MacKenzie's interested in. Get ready for Dork Diaries with a twist as MacKenzie takes over and tells all about her GLAMFABULOUS life! What does the queen bee really think about Nikki and her dorky friends? With a HUGE global fanbase, Dork Diaries is the perfect series for fans of Lottie Brooks, Diary of a Learn More
USUAL: RM59.50

NOW: RM 59.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.55 (-10%)

By Rachel Renee Russell
When the animal shelter Brandon volunteers at (how cute is he?) is too full to take a litter of abandoned puppies, Nikki decides to look after them until the shelter has more room. Simple, right? UMMM NO! Her parents won't allow dogs in the house so Nikki has to hide the pups at home and take them to school in secret ... but the dogs are a lot harder work than they look - and messier too! Is Nikki's plan going to end in a pawfully dorky disaster? With a HUGE global fanbase, Learn More
USUAL: RM59.50

NOW: RM 59.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.55 (-10%)

By Rachel Renee Russell
Nikki is spending a week at North Hampton Hills as part of the school transfer programme. The good news is that NHH is super-cool and preppy. The bad news is that Nikki’s nemesis MacKenzie started there two weeks ago! But the NHH queen bee Tiffany takes meanness to a whole new level and Nikki might need to work WITH Mackenzie if she’s going to survive the week! Can Nikki and MacKenzie overcome their differences and become BFFs … Best Frenemies Forever?! With a HUGE glo Learn More
USUAL: RM59.50

NOW: RM 59.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.55 (-10%)

By Rachel Renee Russell
Nikki and her BFFs are all counting down to the end of the school year. Nikki thinks she has her summer all figured out, with lots of fun plans to hang out with her friends and her crush, Brandon. It's going to be perfect! Squeee! But then a new boy turns up at school and shows an interest in Nikki and things become confusing super-quickly! The last thing Nikki wants to do is hurt Brandon... What do you do when you accidentally crush your crush!? With a HUGE global fanbase, Learn More
USUAL: RM59.50

NOW: RM 59.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.55 (-10%)

By Rachel Renee Russell
OMG! Nikki's birthday party is going to be beyond awesome! Her BFFs are planning a SUPERcool pool party, with a cake, a DJ, and the perfect invitations. Organizing a big party for one hundred people is easy, right? UMMM wrong! When her mum says it's too expensive, soon it's looking like Nikki's dream party will be a total dorky disaster - cringe! Can Nikki and her BFFs come up with a plan to save the day, or will there be major birthday drama?! With a HUGE global fanbase, Do Learn More
USUAL: RM59.50

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By Rachel Renee Russell
Nikki and her bandmates are looking forward to an AWESOME summer on tour as the opening act for the world famous Bad Boyz! The only problem? Nikki's frenemy, MacKenzie, has weaseled her way on to the tour too. And, worse, she's going to be Nikki's roomate! Will Nikki's dream tour turn into a nightmare?! With a HUGE global fanbase, Dork Diaries is the perfect series for fans of Lottie Brooks, Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Tom Gates. Learn More
USUAL: RM59.50

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By Rebecca Yarros
From the INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTELLING author, Rebecca Yarros, comes the eagerly anticipated sequel to TIKTOK SENSATION and RADIO TWO BOOK CLUB pick Fourth Wing . . . Author reviews for Fourth Wing 'Brutal games, grumpy dragons, sizzling sexual tension . . . a fantasy like you've never read before' JENNIFER L. ARMENTROUT, author of FROM BLOOD AND ASH 'Readers of Sarah J. Maas and Leigh Bardugo will flock to this one' BOOKLIST (starred review) 'Fourth Wing hooked Learn More
USUAL: RM99.90

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USUAL: RM145.90

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MEMBER: RM 131.31 (-10%)

By Daisy Meadows
Join Rachel, Kirsty, Gracie and Khadijah on a bubbletastic adventure as they meet Kimi the Bubble Tea Fairy! Kimi the Bubble Tea Fairy helps to keep everyone cool in hot weather with her refreshing bubble teas. She has teas in every flavour, tapioca bubbles in every colour and all sorts of tasty toppings! But when jealous Jack Frost steals her magical bubble tea, people everywhere are struggling in the heat! Kimi needs the help of her fairy friends Rachel, Kirsty, Gracie and Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

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By 莎夏·葛蘭姆
~一年365天,天天為重要人生選擇提供導航~ ★塔羅使用範疇大拓延! ★美國亞馬遜4.8星至高好評!      「塔羅此刻需要的是莎夏‧葛蘭姆。」   ——《78度的智慧》暢銷書作者瑞秋·波拉克(Rachel Pollack)   塔羅占卜能夠為你人生最重大的疑問、最深層的渴望、以及最強烈的需求提供解答。   塔羅的力量就在問題之中。   現在,一年 365 天, Learn More
USUAL: RM104.70

NOW: RM 104.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 94.23 (-10%)

By 謝劍平
實現人生計畫之前,先寫好財務規劃! 不懂理財,賺再多也是月光族。 培養理財力,正是富足一生的能力!   你是否有這樣的疑問?   ● 我只賺22K,錢都不夠花了,怎麼談理財?   ● 好忙啊~沒時間理財!   ● 不會看股票、不會找基金,怎麼理財?   ● 錢都存不多了,賠錢怎麼辦?   理財是對自己的財務運用做規劃,第一步不用 Learn More
USUAL: RM55.45

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MEMBER: RM 49.91 (-10%)

By 范俊奇
《鏤空與浮雕III》分二輯,收入三十篇文章。范俊奇(Fabian Fom)以剔透心眼化作文字,書寫名人的歷程,他們發光和沈寂的時刻。 輯一:最是烟火靜默時,寫二十位演藝界明星、 導演:周星馳 Stephen Chow、尊龍 John Lone、鞏俐 Gong Li、湯唯 Tang Wei、楊惠姍 Loretta Hui-shan Yang、胡因夢 TerryHu、陳昇 Bobby Chen、李宗盛 Jonathan Lee、莫文蔚 Karen Joy Morris、黎明 Leon Lai、陳凱 Learn More
USUAL: RM62.00

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By 尊孔独中校讯组
“她依然在那儿,承载着几代人的脚印,封存着几代人的记忆。” 茨厂街社区,位于吉隆坡市的心脏地段,泛指毗邻茨厂街(Jalan Petaling)的苏丹街(Jalan Sultan)、敦李孝式路(Jalan Tun H. S. Lee)、戏院街(Jalan Panggung)、敦陈祯禄路(Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock)等街区。这个拥有百年历史的老社区,见证了吉隆坡历代的兴衰更迭。 尊孔独立中学,紧挨着茨厂街而建, Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 29.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 26.91 (-10%)

By Marian Keyes
THE NO. 1 BESTSELLING BOOK THAT EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT! EVERY GENERATION HAS ONE GREAT LOVE STORY. THIS IS OURS. ______ Losing the love of your life once is tragic. TWICE looks like carelessness... Rachel Walsh is a survivor: she survived rehab and the loss of her greatest love. These days everything in her life is good - good job, good dog, very good boyfriend. Then Luke - her ex of six years - shows up. Suddenly she's fragile and falling. They ended badly and neithe Learn More
USUAL: RM62.95

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MEMBER: RM 56.66 (-10%)

By Rachel Lynn Solomon
ABOUT BUSINESS OR PLEASURE One of Buzzfeed’s Romance Books To Look Out For In 2023! A ghostwriter and a struggling actor help each other on the page and in the bedroom in this steamy romantic comedy from the New York Times bestselling author of The Ex Talk. Chandler Cohen has never felt more like the ghost in “ghostwriter” until she attends a signing for a book she wrote—and the author doesn’t even recognize her. The evening turns more promising when she meets a Learn More
USUAL: RM62.95

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By Mazey Eddings
It started as a fake date for the wedding from hell . . . The next sparkling and swoony enemies-to-lovers rom-com from the author of the TikTok-hit A Brush with Love and Lizzie Blake's Best Mistake. 'Mazey Eddings's writing is authentic, emotional, and intensely romantic! To me, it's like a Taylor Swift song in book form' Ali Hazelwood, New York Times bestselling author Readers gave A Brush with Love FIVE SHINING STARS! 'Swoony, steamy, adorable . . . Read. This. Book. Yo Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

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By Alicia Thompson
Unique, sexy, hilarious, charming... The true crime is NOT reading this novel!' Ali Hazelwood, author of The Love Hypothesis Turns out that reading nothing but true crime isn't exactly conducive to modern dating - and one woman is going to have to learn how to give love a chance when she's used to suspecting the worst. PhD candidate Phoebe Walsh has always been obsessed with true crime. She's even analysing the genre in her dissertation - if she can manage to finish writing Learn More
USUAL: RM57.95

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By  Rachel Heng
NAMED A MOST ANTICIPATED BOOK OF 2023 BY OPRAH DAILY, BUSTLE, AND ELECTRIC LITERATURE Set against a changing Singapore, a sweeping novel about one boy’s unique gifts and the childhood love that will complicate the fate of his community and country Ah Boon is born into a fishing village amid the heat and beauty of twentieth-century coastal Singapore in the waning years of British rule. He is a gentle boy who is not much interested in fishing, preferring to spend his days p Learn More
USUAL: RM79.95

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By 拿督郑博见
享誉国际的玄学权威、预测家、策略家及教育家的拿督郑博见认为, 新冠疫情的世界性肆虐,正是九运的预告和警戒。在大家尚未完全适应 新常态时,九运能量就来势汹汹,涉及的范围可说得上是铺天盖地, 没有人能幸免。 九运在八卦中为离卦, 属火; 火代表着科技大爆发, 不管是人工智能、网络3.0、量子 技术、生物科学、教育科技等,未来进度将是神速的。此外, Learn More
USUAL: RM60.00

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MEMBER: RM 54.00 (-10%)

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