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By Jennifer Reed
Amp up your collaboration skills and rock the modern workplace by harnessing the power of Microsoft 365 with this one-stop guide to the world's leading productivity platform The Microsoft 365 productivity solution for the workplace is a cloud-based service with many features for effective and secure collaboration virtually or in person. Whether you start your day with meetings in Teams, respond to Outlook emails, create documents with Office apps, or even automate your work Learn More
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By Peter Weverka
Say hello to Office productivity with this one-stop reference With Office 2021 All-in-One For Dummies, you can get up and running with Microsoft's legendary software suite. This update covers all the tweaks you can find in the latest version of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Teams. You'll also learn how to make these apps work harder for you, because we dig deep into the tips and features that casual Office users might not know about. This edition also offers expanded Learn More
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Make PowerPoint the most "power"ful weapon in your Office arsenal and captivate your audience Presentations are your opportunity to stand out from the crowd, impress your colleagues, and be the smartest person in the room. And upping your PowerPoint game is the key to making your next talk one to remember. But where do you start? Luckily, the trusted For Dummies series is here to help you put the umph back in your PowerPoint decks, one compelling slide at a time. Don't worr Learn More
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By 史考特·貝里納托
掌握圖表的能力,決定你的競爭力   數位時代,掌握圖表意謂看懂數據、分析趨勢、布局未來。這樣的人懂得簡報第一眼必須是吸引目光、有衝擊性、表達你真正想傳達的,進而改變結果。   《哈佛商業評論》資料視覺化專家史考特.貝里托納(Scott Berinato)在《哈佛教你做出好圖表》提出資料視覺化的思考技術,但他發現人們被一個問題卡住:第一步要從 Learn More
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By AND股份有限公司
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By AND股份有限公司
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By 山田進一
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