9th Birthday Sale
9th Birthday Sale

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You don't have to be a scientist to find this beginners biology book fascinating! What is life? Why do bees dance? How do animals know their mothers? Who discovered germs? Discover the living world, how it interacts with the environment, and stand in awe of the most interesting biology facts, theories, and discoveries. The Biology Book is written in plain English making complex biological ideas accessible to everyone! Whether you're a studen Learn More
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By 艾瑪紐埃·皮侯特
戰火間的獵人與獵物,攜手面對人世的偽善。 猶太小女孩和德國大兵,生存直覺勾織出超越常理的羈絆。 2016年法國最佳新人小說‧法國亞馬遜4.7顆星好評‧改編電影拍攝中   換作是其他小孩,他就會冷冷地扣下扳機。   他心裡沒感受到半點同情或善意,他感覺到的是生命。   大家叫這女孩荷妮,沒人清楚她的年紀,包括她自己。這約莫六、七年的人 Learn More
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