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' Malacca 'Found 11 Related Products
By Muhammad Haji Salleh , Tun Seri Lanang
A history of the Malay Peninsula and the islands of the Archipelago In a collector’s edition, The Genealogy of Kings (Malay: Sulalat al-Salatin or Sejarah Melayu), is a literary work that gives a traditional interpretation of the origin, evolution and demise of the great Malay maritime empire, the Malacca Sultanate. The work which was composed sometime between the 15th and 16th centuries, is considered one of the finest literary and historical works in the Malay language. I Learn More
USUAL: RM77.95

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By Ricky Ng
Baba-Nyonyas form a unique ethnic group in Southeast Asia. Over the centuries, they have inherited a number of exquisite dishes known as Nyonya Cuisine. In the past, traditional Nyonya recipes were closely-guarded secrets. These attractive and mouth-watering delicacies bear testimony to the glorious culture and brilliant lifestyle that the Baba-Nyonyas are so well-known for. The Nyonyas in Singapore and Malaysia are differentiated by region, North and South. The Southern re Learn More
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By Rose Gan
In this second volume of Penang Chronicles, the eponymous pearl, Martinha Rozells, embodies the diverse heritages of the Straits of Malacca in the 18th century. From her birth in Phuket to her childhood at the court of Kedah, we enter the fascinating world of a well-born woman of the Indies. Meanwhile her new husband, Francis Light, is still the dragon in search of his elusive pearl: a British settlement on the Straits of Malacca. From the courts of Siam and Kedah, to captur Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

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By Murale Pillai
Life in 16th-century Malacca—as it is in Malaysia today—was centered on power and politics, trade and commerce, rivalry and strife, race and religion, and war and peace. As the leading entrepot of the Nusantara, Malacca grew rich and prosperous. Then things took a familiar turn. The political ethos of the inward-looking and self-serving ruling elite had begun to change for the worse. Bent on enjoying the trappings of wealth and power, they ignored the needs and well-bein Learn More
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As at Date 15 Feb 2022 An Act to amend and consolidation the laws relating to land and land tenure, the registration of title to land and of dealings therewith and the collection of revenue therefrom within the States of Johore, Kedah, Kelantan, Malacca, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Penang, Perak, Perlis, Selangor, Terengganu and the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Labuan and for purposes connected therewith. Learn More
USUAL: RM42.50

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By Rose Gan
Before Raffles, before Rajah Brooke, there was Francis Light, the 18th-century trailblazer in the Malay Archipelago. The 18th-century Straits of Malacca is in crisis, beleaguered by the Dutch, the Bugis, and the clash between Siam and Burma. Enter Francis Light, devious manipulator of the status quo, joined by a cast of real historical figures from the courts of Siam and Kedah and from the East India Company, including Sultan Muhammed Jiwa, King Tak Sin, Warren Hastings an Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

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By Shaun Adam
When British colonists first arrived in Malaya, they considered Naning, a small village about 30 miles from Malacca, to be under their jurisdiction. The incumbent penghulu of Naning, Dol Said, resisted, claiming that Naning was an independent sovereign state with its own traditions and laws. Intending to follow in the footsteps of their Indian conquest, a military campaign was sanctioned by the British East India Company to seize Naning and to arrest its chief in 1831. What o Learn More
USUAL: RM30.00

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By Muhammad Haji Salleh
A history of the Malay Peninsula and the islands of the Archipelago. The Malay Annals (Malay: Sejarah Melayu), originally titled Sulalatus Salatin (Genealogy of Kings), is a literary work that gives a romanticised history of the origin, evolution and demise of the great Malay maritime empire, the Malacca Sultanate. The work which was composed sometime between 15th and 16th centuries, is considered one of the finest literary and historical works in the Malay language. In 2001 Learn More
USUAL: RM77.95

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By Izzuddin Al-Jitrawiy
Sejarah yang diwar-warkan kepada kita sebahagiannya telah diubah malah yang lebih malang lagi apabila sejarah sebenar kita telah disembunyikan maklumatnya. Generasi muda sekarang terpinga-pinga dalam mencari identiti diri kerana tiada satu contoh atau ikutan dari kalangan bangsanya. Sedangkan bangsa kita adalah bangsa yang hebat, bangsa yang pernah menjadi tumpuan dunia. Apakah kekuatan yang menjadi sandaran moyang kita terdahulu sehingga anasir-anasir luar tidak mampu untuk Learn More
USUAL: RM28.90

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By 伍耘兴
马六甲这座被列入世界文化遗產名录的古城,曾是葡萄牙、荷兰和英国殖民地。她除了拥有浓厚的殖民色彩,还有绚丽的峇峇娘惹文化元素。由于马六甲汇集多国文化,从而孕育了各式风味美食。 相信曾到马六甲寻找美食的朋友,都会想把这些美食“占为己有”——希望自己在家也能煮出这些道地美味。为了复制道地原味,伍耘兴师傅亲身到马六甲搜罗街边美 Learn More
USUAL: RM25.90

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By Ricky Ng
Malacca a historical city that has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, was once under the Portugese, Dutch and British colonization. It has a rich culture and background further stimulated by exquisite elements of the Baba Nyonya culture. Malacca is a melting pot of culture from which sprouted a wide variety of delicacies. For those who have had the chance to savour the street food of Malacca, perhaps you may wish to try your hands on some of the popula Learn More
USUAL: RM25.90

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