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By Hannah Bonam-Young 
A hot one-night stand—and an unexpected pregnancy—lead a young woman to someone she can depend on, from the viral TikTok author of Next of Kin and Next to You. “A beautiful love story, full of joy from beginning to end!”—New York Times bestselling author Sarah Adams Winnifred “Win” McNulty has always been wildly independent and not one to be coddled for her limb difference. Win has spent most of her life trying to prove that she can do it all on her own. With Learn More
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By Lily Bailey
An uplifting middle-grade story with a charming dyspraxic main character that celebrates individuality and finding your place in the world. Perfect for fans of Elle McNicoll. 'I feel like I'm always ... last. Like I'm running to try and keep up with everyone but it's no good.' April has always marched to the beat of her own drum, but would life be easier if she learned to fit in? Now that she's in Year 8, things have got even worse. She's much more likely to be trying to re Learn More
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By Breanne Randall
Revelare witches are cursed. As long as they use their magic, they are doomed to four heartbreaks. So far, Sadie Revelare has experienced three - the devastating departure of her mother and the loss of her brother. And the most painful heartbreak of all: Jake McNealy, her first love. Ever since, Sadie has done everything she can to protect herself from more pain. But now Sadie's beloved grandmother is sick. And without her, Sadie isn't sure she will have the strength to kee Learn More
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By 克里斯‧麥可納布Chris McNab
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By  Tessa Bailey
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of It Happened One Summer and Hook, Line, and Sinker comes a sexy and hilarious rom-com trilogy about three broke and beautiful strangers who share an apartment in NYC... College drop-out Roxy Cumberland moved to New York with dreams of becoming an actress, but her dwindling bank account is quickly putting the kibosh on that fantasy. To make some quick cash, she signs up to perform singing telegrams. Her first customer is a gorge Learn More
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By 凱文·達頓
  ★★★ 「英國心理學界的特種部隊」凱文.達頓最新著作 ★★★   全球影響力教父羅伯特.席爾迪尼(Robert Cialdini)盛讚:   「閱讀本書後,你將重新定義『思考』這件事。」   藍營vs綠營、黑vs白、好vs壞、喜歡vs討厭、男vs女、認同vs不認同……   新聞、媒體、社群上充斥巨量資訊,讚後不理成為新一代文明病   ──────你也被二元思 Learn More
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By Chris McNab
What was the key to Jeff Bezos's success? This biography takes a deep-dive into his career and the decisions he made to become the world's most successful business magnate. Entrepreneur and e-commerce pioneer Jeff Bezos is a success story of the business world. The executive chairman of Amazon and founder of Blue Origin, he became the first centibillionaire on the Forbes wealth index and one of the world's most recognisable names in modern history. This book explores his emp Learn More
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By Rachel Lynn Solomon
The Hating Game meets Booksmart by way of Morgan Matson in this unforgettable romantic comedy about two rival overachievers whose relationship completely transforms over the course of twenty-four hours. Today, she hates him. It’s the last day of senior year. Rowan Roth and Neil McNair have been bitter rivals for all of high school, clashing on test scores, student council elections, and even gym class pull-up contests. While Rowan, who secretly wants to write romance nove Learn More
USUAL: RM72.50

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By Carrie Hope Fletcher
The BRAND NEW NOVEL from Sunday Times bestselling author Carrie Hope Fletcher 'Our go-to for spellbinding stories with a magical edge' HEAT 'Enchanting' MIRANDA DICKINSON 'A beautiful writer' HARRIET EVANS 'Reminded me so much of Cecelia Ahern' ALI MCNAMARA HOW MANY TIMES WOULD YOU FALL IN LOVE? Luna Lark used to love her name, but that was before people started saying it differently. I'm so sorry, Luna. Are you alright, Luna? Everything will be okay, Luna. Luna doesn Learn More
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  傳染病與人類文明交融史 經典中的經典   世界史奠基巨擘─麥克尼爾 史詩級代表作   瘟疫,是人類最深的恐懼,   病菌,是塑造人類歷史的推手,   槍砲、鋼鐵也擋不住這股力量!   人類實踐了太空旅行 卻擺脫不了傳染病的威脅   全球化消弭了疾病散播的界線 社群加深了恐懼   歷史不斷證明 政經情勢極有可能一夕劇變 人性面 Learn More
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By Anne McNulty , Eriko Sato
A great story can lead a reader on a journey of discovery—especially if it's presented in two languages! Beautifully illustrated in a traditional style, Japanese Stories for Language Learners offers five compelling stories with English and Japanese language versions appearing on facing pages. Taking learners on an exciting cultural and linguistic journey, each story is followed by detailed translator's notes, Japanese vocabulary lists, and grammar points al Learn More
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By Michelle McNamara
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By 麥克尼爾
  傳染病與人類文明交融史 經典中的經典   世界史奠基巨擘─麥克尼爾 史詩級代表作   瘟疫,是人類最深的恐懼,   病菌,是塑造人類歷史的推手,   槍砲、鋼鐵也擋不住這股力量!   人類實踐了太空旅行 卻擺脫不了傳染病的威脅   全球化消弭了疾病散播的界線 社群加深了恐懼   歷史不斷證明 政經情勢極有可能一夕劇變 Learn More
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By 吉兒‧貝瑞 , 琳頓‧邁奈麗
亞馬遜網路書店地理類第二名、繪畫類第三名、地球科學類第八名 地圖不是只有引導方向 透過畫地圖,我們爬梳外在與內在的世界, 分享經驗、探索自我、建立更深的連結, 還可以述說故事、記錄夢想, 讓我們在這個世界上找到自己的定位! 從古至今,地圖就是想像力與創意的具體化身:中古世紀的地圖經常會畫出海怪,當代的衛星地圖則可以即時帶你 Learn More
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By 蘇珊‧麥尼 , 珊蒂‧史汀‧巴叟勒繆 , 瑪莉‧布朗妮
{禪繞畫,現代人最需要的 靜‧心‧劑}   ★風靡英美各國的禪繞畫(Zentangle®),不需要特殊技巧,只要會握筆,就可以畫!   ★由3位禪繞藝術領域中的頂尖作家──蘇珊‧麥尼、珊蒂‧史汀‧巴叟勒繆和瑪莉‧布朗妮(全都是禪繞認證教師),將會引導你進入這個領域。   ★還有其他來自世界各地的禪繞認證教師,也會在書中分享他們的藝術作品 Learn More
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By 麥可.羅區格西 , 克莉絲蒂.麥娜麗喇嘛 , 胡瑞伯
古老智慧+成功之道+成功故事=美夢成真 業力管理法則教你美夢成真之道,要做什麼夢,由你決定! 本書是《當和尚遇見鑽石》作者麥可.羅區格西最新力作!   《當和尚遇到鑽石》講的是紐約市史上最成功的一家公司的成功故事,現在《業力管理法則》將告訴你成功之道。   作者麥可.羅區格西與事業伙伴一起建立的安鼎國際鑽石公司,受到投 Learn More
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