9th Birthday Sale
9th Birthday Sale

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By 下等妙人
  ★《史上最強大魔王轉生為村民A》作者 下等妙人最新力作。   「我不是什麼勇者,而是吞噬怪物的,怪物。」   這裡是兇惡魔物漫延、人類逐漸滅亡的混沌世界──在人類最後碉堡的聖都裡,有一個繼承勇者稱號的「魔物」……。   在初次的「迷宮」探索中,新人冒險者愛莉絲被大群犬人﹙kobold﹚襲擊,而救她一命的人正是擁有「魔物」身軀與 Learn More
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By Takahiro Kawamoto
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★2019年Foreword INDIES年度最佳商業財經圖書獎 ★2019年IndieReader年度最佳商業發現獎 ★2019年艾瑞克.霍夫獎   AMAZON網路書店4.9顆星評價   CNBC、Business Insider獨家報導   ★彙整5大研究精華、25個簡報訣竅,成為簡報高手不是夢   無論公司規模或職位高低,職場上要做簡報的時刻難免少不了,究竟該怎麼讓看似枯燥無聊的業務進展報告、專案建議或行銷計 Learn More
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NOW: RM 55.45 (-0%)

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The explosive, emotional, incredible final book in the Artemis Fowl series. IS THIS THE END FOR ARTEMIS FOWL? Opal Koboi is back, and up to no good. A bit of world-domination here, a little light annihilation there. Some power-crazed pixies never change. But now Opal plans to wake the spirits of some very deadly, and very angry, long-dead fairy warriors, before releasing an ancient spell to wipe out all human life. Artemis, Butler, Holly and Mulch must make a Learn More
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By Mariyati Miskon
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