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' Khaled hussein 'Found 14 Related Products
By Alex Hay 
A grand storyteller' - KHALED HOSSEINI 'A new novel by Isabel Allende is always a treat' -DAILY MAIL 'What a joy it must be to come upon Allende for the first time' - COLUM MCCANN No, we're not lost. The wind knows my name. And yours too. Vienna, 1938. Samuel Adler is five years old when his father disappears during Kristallnacht - the night their family loses everything. As her child's safety seems ever harder to guarantee, Samuel's mother secures a spot for him on Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

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By 卡勒德.胡賽尼
暢銷21週年! 胡賽尼初心不變紀念版 收錄作者6000字動人新序 附贈「風箏在手,便有希望」燙金藏書票 動蕩時代 一個讀了讓心安定的故事 也是關於辨認傷害後 讓心釋然的故事 當生命顛沛流離,該如何保持信念?   昔日的阿富汗,人們過著溫馨安逸的生活。一對小兄弟──阿米爾與哈山,在山坡上互相玩耍,盼望長大後的日子。身為僕人孩子的哈山,總 Learn More
USUAL: RM61.60

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By Masturah Alatas
USUAL: RM50.00

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By Ariffin Omar
The years immediately after the Second World War were critical in the remaking of Southeast Asian societies. 'Bangsa Melayu' is an innovative study of political ideology in two related but distinct Malay communities in peninsular Malaya and East Sumatra at this time of tremendous political ferment. Prior to this period the kerajaan – monarchies headed by the sultans – had been central to Malay political culture and identity. With the rise of nationalism, contestation over Learn More
USUAL: RM45.00

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By DJ Khaled
USUAL: RM86.90

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By 賽胡先·阿拉塔斯
不賣命工作,就是懶惰? 懶惰的究竟是不屈服於殖民資本主義的土著,還是一旁坐享其成的西方殖民侵略者?   《懶惰土著的迷思》是已故馬來西亞社會學家及思想家賽胡先・阿拉塔斯討論去殖民東南亞研究和亞際研究的經典社會科學著作。該書探討16世紀至20世紀間,西方殖民者將殖民地土著視為懶惰民族的意識形態建構。在卡爾・曼海姆和知識社會學的 Learn More
USUAL: RM95.00

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By Syed Hussein Alatas  
Originally published in 1977, The Myth of the Lazy Native is an early example of a systematic critique of colonial knowledge. Syed Hussein Alatas analyses the origins of the myth of the ‘lazy native’ from the 16th to the 20th century in Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia, and how it functions within colonial capitalism, a type of transformed feudal order with racial undertones. The ‘indolence’ that the native population was accused of was not just linked to labo Learn More
USUAL: RM68.00

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By 卡勒德·胡赛尼
“许多年过去了,人们说陈年旧事可以被埋葬,然而我终于明白这是错的,因为往事会自行爬上来。回首前尘,我意识到在过去二十六年里,自己始终在窥视着那荒芜的巷子。” 12岁的阿富汗富家少爷阿米尔与仆人哈桑情同手足。然而,在一场风筝比赛后,发生了一件悲惨不堪的事,阿米尔为自己的懦弱感到自责和痛苦,逼走了哈桑,不久,自己也跟随父亲逃 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.00

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By Rissa Ahdiya
Ada rindu yang tak terlafaz, ada kenangan yang tak pernah hilang. WIYA. Separuh hatinya mati bila Reza memilih untuk pergi. Kata Reza, kerana sayang, Wiya terpaksa dia tinggalkan. KHALED. Perginya Wardah ketika bahagia sedang melimpah. Pergi yang tak mungkin akan kembali lagi. Jiwanya mati, hidupnya terasa punah. Tapi dikuatkan hati demi anak-anak yang ditinggalkan Wardah. Wiya didesak untuk melupakan Reza, Khaled dipaksa untuk mencari pengganti Wardah. Akhirnya jodoh mere Learn More
USUAL: RM26.00

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By Khaled Hosseini
USUAL: RM70.50

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By 卡勒德‧胡賽尼
2013年11月30日下午,美國總統歐巴馬帶女兒買了這本書。 出版後十年,把我們當年一起追的那只風箏,繼續分享給下一代的孩子。 卡勒德‧胡賽尼Khaled Hosseini的這個故事從一對小男孩的親密友誼開始。12歲的富家少爺阿米爾與僕人哈山,從小一塊長大,年齡相仿的兩人情同兄弟,總是一起玩耍,一起分享有趣的故事。然而,在一場風箏比賽後,發生了一件悲慘不 Learn More
USUAL: RM46.20

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By Khaled Hosseini
USUAL: RM42.50

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MEMBER: RM 38.25 (-10%)

By Khaled Hoseini
haled Hosseini, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns, has written a new novel about how we love, how we take care of one another, and how the choices we make resonate through generations. In this tale revolving around not just parents and children but brothers and sisters, cousins and caretakers, Hosseini explores the many ways in which families nurture, wound, betray, honor, and sacrifice for one another; and how often we a Learn More
USUAL: RM42.50

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By Paulo Coelho
The Winner Stands Alone is the enthralling new novel by the incomparable Paulo Coelho. The story is set during the Cannes International Film Festival and the entire action plays out over 24 hours. Igor is a wealthy Russian businessman. His wife Ewa left him two years ago and Igor has never really come to terms with their break up, especially as Ewa is now remarried to a famous fashion designer, Hamid Hussein. Igor is insanely jealous and when Ewa left him Learn More
USUAL: RM34.90

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MEMBER: RM 31.41 (-10%)

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