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' Jeffery Gitomer 'Found 6 Related Products
By Kathy Reichs
Kathy Reichs has written her masterpiece' MICHAEL CONNELLY 'This page-turning series never lets the reader down' HARLAN COBEN In a profession like this, you're bound to make enemies . . . It all starts when Dr Temperance Brennan finds a box on her porch. Inside is a fresh human eyeball with GPS coordinates etched into it. They lead her to a macabre discovery in a Benedictine Monastery, and soon after she discovers a mummified corpse in a state park. There seems to be no p Learn More
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By 傑弗瑞·賈頓
全球化的10個關鍵人物,你能猜中幾個? 耶魯大學教授從世界經濟的角度,帶你認識八百年來全球化的歷史!   他們是「先行者」,引領了全球化的關鍵時刻;   更是「實踐者」,對世界發揮重大深遠的影響。   課堂上學的都是無關緊要的世界史?   過去的歷史課,告訴我們政治決定一切,教科書裡充斥著政治人物和戰爭。   我們認識拿破崙和 Learn More
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By 傑佛瑞·基特瑪
  ☆ 公司雜誌(Inc.)最佳銷售書籍   ☆《華爾街日報》暢銷書、《富比士雜誌》專文推薦   ☆ 亞馬遜網路書店讀者4.5顆星推薦   低價競爭、勤奮聯絡不保證順利成交,   透過社群超前部署,成為價值提供者,讓顧客帶來更多顧客!   新時代業務員必備銷售實戰手冊   利用社群經濟,輕鬆締造亮眼業績   有些同事不常主動聯絡客戶,業 Learn More
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By Laydee Amarfi
Bagi Leanna, mengahwini Daniyal bukan hanya sekadar memenuhi kehendak daddynya. Tapi dia memang jatuh cinta dengan lelaki itu. Polosnya Leanna kerana menganggap Daniyal juga sama sepertinya, melamar kerana cinta. Dinginnya Daniyal tidak pernah membuat hatinya curiga. Malah dia sentiasa berusaha menjadi isteri terbaik buat lelaki itu. "Malam ni boleh tak you berlakon gentleman sekejap? " - Leanna "I kacak di mata you, tapi masih tak cukup gentleman?" - Daniyal Hidu Learn More
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By Nuharu Yachi
"TUP!" Tiba-tiba lampu kelas terpadam. Tidak sampai seminit, ia menyala semula. “Hantu!!!” Puan Sonia menjerit bagai mahu tercabut anak tekak. Lintang pukang semua berlari keluar kelas. “Kelas ni berhantu!” Sekolah Jeffery Anderson gempar dengan gangguan hantu dan menyebabkan pelajar dan guru panik. Dalam masa sama, Abell mendapati dirinya bertukar halimunan. Perkara terakhir yang diingatnya adalah perlanggaran dengan seorang pak cik tua selepas dikejar si pembul Learn More
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By Jeffrey Gitomer
The Sales Bible softbound NEW EDITION WITH SOCIAL MEDIA ANSWERS Global sales authority Jeffrey Gitomer's bestselling classic, The Sales Bible, has been updated and appended in this new edition, offering you the ultimate sales methods and strategies that really work every day, in real-world selling situations. With over 200,000 copies of the previous editions sold, The Sales Bible was listed as one of "The Ten Books Every Salesperson Should Own and Read" by the Dale Carnegie S Learn More
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