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' Gretchen Mcculloch 'Found 7 Related Products
By 葛瑞琴·魯賓
向達賴喇嘛、歐普拉、梭羅學習快樂,為自己寫一份Happiness Project! 一場喚醒百萬人的生活實驗! 《紐約時報》暢銷榜第一名!年度10大影響力好書 活得很悶?一成不變? 日子一團糟,老是疲於奔命? 幸福快樂,好像都沒有降臨在你身上?   她沒有憂鬱症,也沒有中年危機,   只是覺得自己老是處於人生週期性的不滿足感。   她想改變自己,卻也想接 Learn More
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By Norah Olson
Haunting photographs and dark family secrets make this second spine-tingling novel from Norah Olson the perfect read for fans of creepy, suspenseful teen fiction.A love of photography, an old camera, and countless questions-these are all that sixteen-year-old Gretchen has left of her mother, who mysteriously disappeared years ago.Now she must return to the place where her mom vanished-a decaying mansion that Gretchen has suddenly inherited fr Learn More
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A LOT OF US WOULD LIKE A RUBIN IN OUR LIVES' The Times 'EXTRAORDINARY' Viv Groskop 'FASCINATING, PERSUASIVE' Guardian 'A LIFE-CHANGER' The Pool HABITS ARE THE INVISIBLE ARCHITECTURE OF EVERYDAY LIFE. Most of us have a habit we'd like to change, and there's no shortage of expert advice. But as we all know from tough experience, there is no magic 'one-size-fits-all' solution for everything from weight loss to personal organisation. In Better Than Before, Gretchen Rubin explor Learn More
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By Gretchen Rubin
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. "This book made me happy in the first five pages." -AJ Jacobs, author of The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible Award-winning author Gretchen Rubin is Learn More
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By 葛瑞琴‧魯賓
你停駐之處,便是我心愛的家! 快樂回家小秘訣: 壞掉的傘千萬別留、學會自己開車、回家跳一跳、出門前抱一抱…… 自從第一個「快樂生活提案」實驗之後,葛瑞琴知道自己真的變得更快樂了。 沒錯,她的生活還是一樣:同樣的老公、女兒、工作,住同一棟公寓,日常作息也一樣。但是一年的實驗下來,她不需要數字化的衡量表,就知道自己改變了多少。 Learn More
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By 末永 卓
  早上10分鐘的奇蹟!   筆記女王Ada不藏私推薦 風靡日本上班族的最強時間管理術   ◆特別加贈時間管理新神器!◆   .便利貼時間管理隨身卡(隨書附贈)   立即體驗日本上班族最愛,執行度100%便利貼時間管理術!   越是講求速度、效率的時代,越要懂得時間管理……   這道理誰不懂?   但偏偏就是腦子了解時間管理的重要性,卻怎 Learn More
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*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Gretchen Reynolds' New York Times bestseller is an innovative guide to getting fit using cutting-edge science. Discover the amazing restorative powers of chocolate milk on tired muscles, the pros and cons of barefoot running (and why running can Learn More
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