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USUAL: RM206.90

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MEMBER: RM 186.21 (-10%)

By Becka Mac
Garrett Andersen knows that playing professional hockey requires absolute dedication to the rules. There’s just one rule he’s finding very difficult to follow: stay away from the captain’s younger sister. As a professional dancer, Jennie Beckett knows what it takes to excel. She prides herself on being every bit as confident and bold as her brother, sassy as hell, and the only person in charge of her pleasure. No wonder Garrett can’t stay away from her – even if h Learn More
USUAL: RM65.90

NOW: RM 65.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 59.31 (-10%)

By Becka Mac
arter Beckett is the NHL’s best player – both on and off the ice. His career is at its peak, his team is performing better than ever, and there’s no shortage of women to spend the night with. What more could he want? Olivia Parker isn’t new to professional hockey players, thanks to her best friend’s boyfriend, but she has no interest in dating one herself – no matter how hot he is. And anyway, she loves working as a teacher and hanging out with her best friend, d Learn More
USUAL: RM65.90

NOW: RM 65.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 59.31 (-10%)

By Becka Mac
Garrett Andersen knows that playing professional hockey requires absolute dedication to the rules. There’s just one rule he’s finding very difficult to follow: stay away from the captain’s younger sister. As a professional dancer, Jennie Beckett knows what it takes to excel. She prides herself on being every bit as confident and bold as her brother, sassy as hell, and the only person in charge of her pleasure. No wonder Garrett can’t stay away from her – even if h Learn More
USUAL: RM65.90

NOW: RM 65.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 59.31 (-10%)

By Becky Smethurst
The Moon goes around the Earth, the Earth goes around the Sun, the Sun goes around the centre of the Milky a supermassive black hole. As you read this you are currently orbiting a black hole. Money might make the world go round, but black holes make the universe go round. Black holes are not just a curiosity; they are some of the most important objects for understanding how our universe works and how it came to be. And yet they are incredibly misunderstood; take everything y Learn More
USUAL: RM72.90

NOW: RM 72.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 65.61 (-10%)

By 彼得·李 , 凱莉·戈柏 , 艾薩克·柯漢 , 塞巴斯汀·布貝克
匯聚科學、醫學、人文三大領域權威 一場全人類、全臺灣 都應參與的關鍵對話 比爾.蓋茲 重磅推薦 山姆.奧特曼 專文盛讚   就在幾個月前,數以百萬計的人被ChatGPT的驚人能力——以及它詭異的幻覺所震驚。但那是2022年。GPT-4現在已經來了:更聰明、更準確、有更深層的技術知識。GPT-4及其競爭者和追隨者正處於改變醫學的邊緣。但由於生命受到威 Learn More
USUAL: RM73.90

NOW: RM 73.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 66.51 (-10%)

By 貝琪·霍爾
  你是否對生活感到不堪負荷,希望從內心獲得力量?   即便非常努力了,卻仍無法擺脫失敗與不足所帶來的內疚感?   你認真工作、努力處理好生活中每一件事,卻難免感到沮喪又疲憊?   想要自在生活、想要進入心流卻不知道怎麼做?   要突破困境、改變生活其實並不難   你唯一須要做的,就是善待自己,告訴自己:   「我已做得足夠 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By 歐內斯特·貝克爾
──── 從歷史的角度來看,現代人都是孤兒 ──── 當宗教已然衰落,而取代宗教的科學 又無法提供令人滿意的生命意義 作者為現代人碎片化的心靈找出重新整合之道── 練習直面死亡,在畏懼死亡的陣痛中 讓生命不斷更新 ◇◇ 普立茲獎「文化人類學」獲獎作品 ◇◇ ◇◇ 一部跨時代的經典 ◇◇   對生的渴求,以及對死的恐懼,乃人性之必然。可 Learn More
USUAL: RM80.10

NOW: RM 80.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 72.09 (-10%)

By 蓋文·德·貝克
「相信直覺,超前部署,只有你才能救你自己!」 在不安定的年代,獻給每一個曾遭遇危險威脅、擔驚受怕的你。 「本書敲響了一個時代的焦慮」 三任美國總統安全顧問傳世之作 911事件後引發現象級討論  《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜盤踞長達4個月 《歐普拉秀》為本書製作10周年指定訪談 18種語言全球熱銷20餘年 危險年代的必備護身寶典 Learn More
USUAL: RM90.85

NOW: RM 90.85 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 81.77 (-10%)

By 亞倫·T·貝克
「認知療法之父」亞倫.貝克教授經典之作 探究最具破壞性的人性陰暗面,看見重新點燃善意的可能 暢銷超過20年,授權7大語言版本   ★婚前幽默風趣,婚後輕浮花心?從佳偶到怨偶的心理轉變,如何發生?   ★為什麼政治光譜愈是極端的人,就愈是認為自己是正義的?   ★納粹德國、紅色高棉與其他種族/政治迫害暴行,都從「貼標籤」開始? Learn More
USUAL: RM80.10

NOW: RM 80.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 72.09 (-10%)

By 白桂思
從青銅時代至今日局勢,理解中亞史重磅經典之作 顛覆游牧民族=野蠻人的刻板印象 中亞的璀璨文明,照亮了整條路上絲綢之路 絲路上帝國的歷史,就是中亞各民族的歷史   ★ 榮獲美國出版協會專業與學術傑出出版獎(PROSE Award) ★   「文明的十字路口」——中亞,位居歐亞大陸的中心,   曾在經濟、科學和藝術上領先世界,卻長期遭到誤解與 Learn More
USUAL: RM104.70

NOW: RM 104.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 94.23 (-10%)

By 霍格爾·丹貝克
繼《三個邏輯學家去酒吧》後, 讓數十萬德國人想破腦袋的解謎大挑戰, 再次歡樂登場! 挑戰性更高,還收錄了一些讀者的漂亮解法! 你將在思索與尋覓解答的過程中, 獲得滿滿樂趣與「什麼!竟然這麼簡單!」的驚喜, 痛快來場頭腦體操,伸展創意、活絡思路!   數字戀愛學院舉辦了一場盲目約會,   男生有X人,女生有Y人。   已知X3–Y3=721, Learn More
USUAL: RM61.60

NOW: RM 61.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 55.44 (-10%)

By 貝卡·克胡拉
台灣禪繞認證教師-----蘿拉老師、戴安老師推薦 蘿拉老師審定與導讀 美國與英國亞馬遜網路書店藝術類第一名   ● 不需具備任何繪畫技巧   ● 不需要很多用具   ● 200個圖樣與範例 + 步驟式教學   ● 輕鬆學會構圖配搭與風格   ● 還有各種藝術延伸應用   禪繞畫不需要用到很多畫具、空間或專業能力。每個人隨時隨地都可以創 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.30

NOW: RM 49.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.37 (-10%)

By Tobias Beck
Develop Better Communication Techniques for Successful Relationships "Insightful, funny at times, and creative, this book is a must-read for anyone who wants to live their best life..." Scott Miller, Wall Street Journal bestselling author and former Chief Marketing Officer at FranklinCovey We are all connected with more people than ever before. Without guidance, it can be easy to get burdened by a bad relationship. In the follow-up to his international best seller Unbox You Learn More
USUAL: RM79.95

NOW: RM 79.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 71.96 (-10%)

By 史帝夫·錢德勒 , 山姆·貝克福
  想要財富自由、不為錢財煩惱?   要成為有錢人,不要只是想,要勇敢行動!   100種超有效致富養成術,帶你打造有錢有閒的好生活!   ★暢銷逾10年,全球公認「現代致富聖經」   ★亞馬遜網路書店讀者好評 Learn More
USUAL: RM61.45

NOW: RM 61.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 55.31 (-10%)

By 約翰·史坦貝克
像我們這樣的人,不配有真正的生活, 只能擁有一個無法實現的夢…… ★★資本主義社會眼中,最反動的一本小說★★   # 1962年諾貝爾文學獎得主作品   # 極具爭議性,最多人想看,同時也是最多人想禁的書   # 7度改編登上百老匯、歌劇院、電視和大螢幕;2014年再度登上百老匯舞台時,更創下劇場最佳票房,足見其跨時代的不朽魅力   # 真正還原 Learn More
USUAL: RM41.60

NOW: RM 41.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 37.44 (-10%)

By Becky Harling
Good parenting depends on good communication. The problem is, we parents tend to over-talk. Not only is this ineffective, it discourages children from sharing what's on their hearts. In this immensely practical book, communications expert Becky Harling shares the best listening practices to transform your family's relationships and set your children up for success, including how to: · help them express their feelings in healthy ways · listen t Learn More
USUAL: RM55.90

NOW: RM 55.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 50.31 (-10%)

By Becky Albertalli
Contrary to popular belief, best friends Kate and Anderson are not codependent. Carpooling to and from theatre rehearsals? Environmentally sound and efficient. Consulting each other on every single life decision? Basic good judgment. Pining for the same guys from afar? Shared crushes are more fun anyway. But when Kate and Andy's latest long-distance crush shows up at their school, everything goes off-script. Matt is talented and sweet, and Kate likes him. She really likes Learn More
USUAL: RM46.50

NOW: RM 46.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.85 (-10%)

By Becker
The classic international bestseller, updated for the hybrid work world, including a new chapter on virtual communication. Excellent communicating skills have always been crucial to success in leadership and management roles-and that's one of the reasons the first edition of this book, Mastering Communication at Work, has been an international bestseller taught at universities and referred to by leading CEOs. In the years since it was first published, it's been the go-to "co Learn More
USUAL: RM83.00

NOW: RM 83.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 74.70 (-10%)

By 扬·贝克尔
在这个快节奏的时代,人们对事物的判断往往靠直觉或少量信息就迅速做出判断,因而常常会掉进有心人精心设置的套路里,等到反应过来只能感叹自己当时鬼迷心窍了。其实,这些只不过是日常的一些催眠技巧。如果人们能够了解一点催眠,掌握一些催眠技巧,就能够迅速而准确的做出判断,从而避免走弯路。同时,还可以利用催眠,让自己及自己的环境变得 Learn More
USUAL: RM48.00

NOW: RM 48.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 43.20 (-10%)

By Matt Forbeck
Learn the tragic origins of the wicked Arch-Illager in this official Minecraft novel, a prequel to Minecraft Dungeons! Brave heroes have banded together to take a perilous journey through the war-torn Overworld to defeat the Arch-Illager and his formidable army. But how did that army come to be? And just where did the Arch-Illager come from? The terrible truth behind the Arch-Illager is that he never asked for ultimate power. Known as Archie, this little Illager is bullied Learn More
USUAL: RM46.95

NOW: RM 46.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 42.26 (-10%)

By Tobias Beck
Develop Confidence and Self Esteem "Unbox Your Life will take you on an exciting journey of self-discovery and to a fulfilling life of meaning and purpose." -Sean Covey, president of FranklinCovey Education and New York Times bestselling author of The 4 Disciplines of Execution Successfully steer your own life instead of having it determined by others, advises German speaker and consultant Tobias Beck in this international best-seller. The empath's guide to a liberated mi Learn More
USUAL: RM79.90

NOW: RM 79.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 71.91 (-10%)

USUAL: RM215.00

NOW: RM 215.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 193.50 (-10%)

By Becky Albertalli , Adam Silvera
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By Becky Albertalli
USUAL: RM39.90

NOW: RM 39.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 35.91 (-10%)

By Becky Albertalli
USUAL: RM46.90

NOW: RM 46.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 42.21 (-10%)

By Brooklyn Beckham
WHAT I SEE, the first book by Brooklyn Beckham, is a series of snapshots of his life. Each chapter tells a different story through pictures by and of Brooklyn, accompanied by captions and passages of text in his own words. Unique, authentic and stylish, WHAT I SEE is a glimpse behind the lens. Learn More
USUAL: RM89.95

NOW: RM 89.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 80.96 (-10%)

By Becky Albertalli
I don't entirely understand how anyone gets a boyfriend. Or a girlfriend. It just seems like the most impossible odds. A perfect alignment of feelings and circumstances . . . Molly Peskin-Suso knows all about unrequited love. No matter how many times her twin sister, Cassie, tells her to woman up, Molly is always careful. Better to be careful than be hurt. But when Cassie gets a new girlfriend who comes with a cute hipster-boy sidekick, everyt Learn More
USUAL: RM44.95

NOW: RM 44.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 40.46 (-10%)

By Becky Albertalli
USUAL: RM39.90

NOW: RM 39.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 35.91 (-10%)

By 約書亞·貝克
  ★《華爾街日報》暢銷作家★   ★出版至今雄踞亞馬遜電子書勵志類暢銷榜★   ★每個月部落格點閱人數超過100萬★   ★作者部落格獲選2015年《SUCCESS雜誌》十大個人發展網站★   風靡歐美,被賈伯斯、歐巴馬、馬克‧祖克柏等許多成功人士實踐的極簡主義;   盛行日本,廣受喜愛的無印良品、斷捨離,掀起一股極簡生活風潮。   2008年, Learn More
USUAL: RM38.50

NOW: RM 38.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 34.65 (-10%)

By John Steinbeck
USUAL: RM68.50

NOW: RM 68.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 61.65 (-10%)

By Becky Albertalli
USUAL: RM46.90

NOW: RM 46.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 42.21 (-10%)

USUAL: RM163.65

NOW: RM 163.65 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 147.29 (-10%)

By John Steinbeck
Drifters in search of work, George and his simple-minded friend Lennie, have nothing in the world except each other - and a dream. A dream that one day they will have some land of their own. Eventually they find work on a ranch, but their hopes are doomed as Lennie - struggling against extreme cruelty, misunderstanding and jealousy - becomes a victim of his own strength. Tackling universal themes, friendship and a shared vision, and giving a voice to America's lonely and disp Learn More
USUAL: RM43.95

NOW: RM 43.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 39.56 (-10%)

By 貝卡.克胡拉
禪繞畫不需要用到很多畫具、空間或專業能力。每個人隨時隨地都可以創作禪繞畫,不需任何藝術創作背景就能勝任。禪繞畫適合每一個人。 本書以步驟的方式,從最基礎的畫法開始介紹,循序漸進教讀者如何畫禪繞圖樣、創作禪繞作品,並且提供各種有趣的練習,輕鬆學會構圖、陰影、色調、單色與彩色禪繞畫法。 禪繞畫是目前最受歡迎的繪畫方式,在世 Learn More
USUAL: RM40.00

NOW: RM 40.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 36.00 (-10%)

By 西尔克·兰贝克
  《启发精选世界优秀畅销绘本:小鹦鹉咔咔嘟》就是这样的一本作品。故事中的小鹦鹉咔咔嘟很喜欢演奏小风笛,可是在家得不到爸爸妈妈的支持和鼓励。为了能找到一个练习吹小风笛的地方,咔咔嘟经历了各种拒绝,直到他遇见了啄木鸟,终于得以进行一场让他开心的演奏。最后,他们的坚持也获得了成功——他的爸爸不但再也不制止他吹小风笛,还和他 Learn More
USUAL: RM29.80

NOW: RM 29.80 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 26.82 (-10%)

By J. K. Beck
Sara Constantine is determined that justice is always served. But Sara is no ordinary lawyer - and the criminals she is prosecuting are vampires, werewolves and other creatures of the night. And her latest defendant is Lucius Dragos, the sexy stranger with whom she recently shared a night of ecstasy. Charged with murder, Lucius must convince Sara that he's not a monster - and make the ultimate sacrifice... Book one of J. K. Beck's The Shadow Keepers series. Rouge Rom Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 29.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 26.91 (-10%)

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