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〈北國人的大時代小時光──札幌黑與白〉 生活在副熱帶地區的你我,若非特意追「雪」,可能一生都不會有機會望見最極致對比的黑白世界。但札幌人卻天天處在極凍環境中,這座雪原形塑出他們觀看世界的方式。踏入札幌,將能尋找到人與自然共生的理想樣貌。 ◎黑與白中孵出札幌/北海道大事記/札幌在住者真心話 ■雪原上覓跡──黑白の史 短短一百 Learn More
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By Yugo Kobayashi
Ashito's first official match after switching to the fullback position is spent warming the bench, but he doesn't let that get him down, choosing instead to work on mastering the head turning exercises he had seen Kuribayashi doing. As he does, he realizes that he is on the cusp of grasping something that may lead to a brand new way of playing for him. Will he make the breakthrough in time to help his team towards victory?! -- Learn More
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By Yugo Kobayashi
Despite Ashito's stunning performance in the A-team promotion match, Fukuda reveals his real plans for Ashito—to have him permanently switch over to play as a defender! His dream of playing the forward position dashed, Ashito now wavers in his determination to become a professional soccer player. Will the friends and teammates help him overcome this test and stay the course? Learn More
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By 史蒂芬·佛瑞斯特
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Tokyo City Esperion's B-team is struggling in their first regular season match against Seikyo High, as they face the challenge of coming back from a score of 0-3. Change is sparked when Ashito grasps a certain something about his play style, which leads to the team scoring a surprise goal in the midst of a seemingly dire situation! Is this goal mere coincidence, or will it open the floodgates to even more goals to come?! Learn More
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By Yugo Kobayashi
Ashito has lost badly in his first official J-Youth club match, but undeterred by his defeat, he lowers his pride to seek help from the coach who refuses to acknowledge him. Meanwhile, the A-team is back from training camp, and the youth club finally begins training in earnest with everyone present—starting with an A-team versus B-team match! Despite having to face one unexpected obstacle after another, Ashito will not let anything hinder his momentum! Learn More
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This special edition guidebook features never-before-seen concept designs and drafts dating back from the very first issue of this series! Also included are thoughts and comments from Solar Team! Learn More
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By 班·林區
  基因不能決定命運!   28天這樣做,關掉生病的基因!   ★亞馬遜4.8顆星高評價   ★★同時攻占《華爾街日報》、《今日美國》、《華盛頓日報》、亞馬遜暢銷排行榜   ★★★眾重量級醫師給予一致的肯定   過敏、肥胖、憂鬱症、阿茲海默症、癌症等許多重大疾病都是源於遺傳基因,導致長期病痛與用藥,無法有效根治。全美最強的預防醫學 Learn More
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Apabila Taliban menguasai Lembah Swat di Pakistan ,seorang gadis cilik mula bersuara .Malala Yousafzai enggan berdiam diri tetapi berjuang menuntut haknya mendaoatkan pendidikan. Pada Oktober 2012 tatkala usianya mencecah 15 tahun ,nyawa Malala hampir-hampir tergadai.Dia ditembak di kepala semasa perjalanan pulang ke rumah dari sekolah dan harapan untuk hidup tipis.Namun,penyembuhan Malala yang hebat telah membawa dia dari kawasan terpencil di utara Pakistan ke dewan Bangsa- Learn More
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