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By 福井晴敏
★深入挖掘宇宙世紀鋼彈背景的「鋼彈UC」系列! ★被譽為「寫給未來年輕人們的『戰爭與和平』」! ★著名軍武作家福井晴敏為宇宙世紀鋼彈開啟搖撼人心的新篇章! 自從人類安排過度增長的人口移民至宇宙以來,已經過了一個世紀。 住在工業殖民衛星的平凡少年──巴納吉.林克斯, 因為與神祕少女──奧黛莉.伯恩的意外相逢, 而被捲入一連串圍繞著 Learn More
USUAL: RM30.80

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By Katherine Center
The glorious novel from the beloved author whose bright, hopelessly romantic New York Times bestsellers have been called “My perfect 10 of a book” (Emily Henry) and cheered for their “speedy pacing and sexual tension for miles” (People). Love may be blind. But what if . . . what you see isn't what you get? It’s all starting to come together for struggling artist Sadie Montgomery. She was just named a finalist in the national portrait competition of her dreams. But Learn More
USUAL: RM69.90

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MEMBER: RM 55.92 (-20%)

By 阿諾.史瓦辛格
 從身無分文的美國移民到眾望所歸,   卸下健美之神、傳奇巨星、政治人物光輝,   阿諾.史瓦辛格將 78 年奮鬥淬鍊為 7 大原則,   帶領迷茫之人站穩腳跟、挺過風浪,實現有意義的人生!   ★《紐約時報》NO. 1 暢銷書   ★ 英國亞馬遜「2023 年度百大暢銷書」   ★ 誠品外文館「編輯推薦選書」   ★ 出版前,火速售出 28 國版權 Learn More
USUAL: RM80.10

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Akta 234 - Suatu Akta bagi membuat peruntukan selanjutnya yang lebih baik untuk mengawal pengimportan, pengeksportan, pengilangan, penjualan, dan penggunaan candu dan beberapa bahan dan dadah berbahaya tertentu yang lain, membuat peruntukan khas berhubung dengan bidangkuasa mahkamah terhadap kesalahan-kesalahan yang tertakluk di bawahnya dan perbicaraan mahkamah dan bagi maksud-maksud yang berkaitan dengannya. Akta 283 - Suatu Akta bagi membuat peruntukan mengenai rawa Learn More
USUAL: RM25.00

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Akta 333 – Suatu Akta bagi membuat peruntukan mengenai pengawalseliaan kenderaan-kenderaan motor dan lalu lintas di jalan-jalan dan perkara lain yang berkenaan dengan jalan-jalan dan kenderaan-kenderaan di atasnya; bagi membuat peruntukan mengenai perlindungan pihak ketiga terhadap risiko yang berbangkit daripada penggunaan kenderaan-kenderaan motor; bagi membuat peruntukan mengenai penyelarasan dan pengawalan cara-cara dan kemudahan bagi pengangkutan; bagi membuat peruntuk Learn More
USUAL: RM29.50

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KERTAS UJIAN KSSM TING. 1,2,3 (2024) Siri Kertas Ujian KSSM ini diterbitkan khusus untuk membantu murid membuat persediaan awal bagi menghadapi peperiksaan 3 ujian utama, iaitu Ujian Awal Tahun, Ujian Pertengahan Sesi Akademik, dan Ujian Akhir Sesi Akademik. Untuk menepati keperluan yang ditetapkan, maka keseluruhan kandungan kertas ujian ini digubal berdasarkan Format Instrumen Pentaksiran dan Kertas Ujian Akhir Sesi Akademik terkini yang dikeluarkan oleh Lembaga Peperiksaa Learn More

NOW: RM 7.90 (-0%)

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KERTAS UJIAN KSSM TING. 1,2,3 (2024) Siri Kertas Ujian KSSM ini diterbitkan khusus untuk membantu murid membuat persediaan awal bagi menghadapi peperiksaan 3 ujian utama, iaitu Ujian Awal Tahun, Ujian Pertengahan Sesi Akademik, dan Ujian Akhir Sesi Akademik. Untuk menepati keperluan yang ditetapkan, maka keseluruhan kandungan kertas ujian ini digubal berdasarkan Format Instrumen Pentaksiran dan Kertas Ujian Akhir Sesi Akademik terkini yang dikeluarkan oleh Lembaga Peperiksaa Learn More

NOW: RM 6.90 (-0%)

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By 麥可.坎普
立下尤利西斯之約,投資路上不再做蠢事!   ★下定決心不選股、不擇時,為什麼看到「飆股」還是心癢癢?   ★「分散投資、持續買進」這些道理我都懂,但「穩賺」的誘惑實在太強烈。   ★一心想著靠「被動收入」財富自由,卻常常腦衝「主動賠錢」。   ★看新聞、聽解盤、讀財報……我到底要信誰?   尤利西斯是古希臘史詩《奧德賽》的 Learn More
USUAL: RM73.90

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MEMBER: RM 66.51 (-10%)

By Stephanie Archer
He's the hot, grumpy goalie I had a crush on in high school... and now I'm his live-in assistant. After my ex crushed my dreams in the music industry, I'm done with getting my heart broken. Working as an assistant for an NHL player was supposed to be a breeze, but nothing about Jamie Streicher is easy. He's an intimidatingly hot, grouchy jerk who can't stand me. The guy has a massive ego. Keeping things professional will be no problem, even when he demands I move in with him Learn More
USUAL: RM69.90

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USUAL: RM84.90

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USUAL: RM123.90

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MEMBER: RM 111.51 (-10%)

USUAL: RM123.90

NOW: RM 123.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 111.51 (-10%)

青苗KSSR单元练习是根据最新华文和课标(DSKP)编写的笔记与练习本。多样化的练习由浅入深,适合用作随堂练习以评估学生对所学技能的掌握能力。 Learn More

NOW: RM 6.60 (-0%)

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By 西尾元
貧困的屍體 / 孤獨的屍體 / 衰老的屍體 / 自殺與被害的屍體 / 幸福的屍體 / …… 生前不平等,死後也有階級差異。 無法以「病死」一言蔽之的遺體, 訴說著殘酷的階級問題。   「法醫尋求的不是「案件的真相」,而是『死亡的真相』。   我們的工作就是在解剖台前和遺體面對面,傾聽他們的無聲之言。」   ▍貧困之死、孤獨死、凍死、老老照顧、酒 Learn More
USUAL: RM53.90

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MEMBER: RM 48.51 (-10%)

By 白瑨
 1957年,馬來亞聯合邦宣布獨立,先前在大英帝國體制下所組建的多族群且多元社會,轉變成為現代國族國家。一如許多後殖民國家的處境,族群認同成為這個新國家賴以建構政治體系的主要原則;也如同許多大英帝國的殖民地,殖民時期的馬來西亞的族群意識是「其中各個群體相遇且相處」的結果,「他們會藉由文化手段,刻意標示彼此在權力、經濟地位、 Learn More
USUAL: RM100.10

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By 查理‧蒙格
華倫‧巴菲特:「查理教會我很多與企業價值和人性有關的知識。」   蒙格說:「卓越的人很少,如果有機會追隨他們,或許值得付出溢價,未來可能會讓你獲得豐厚的回報。」   他縱橫市場半世紀以來的無窮智慧,將是身為投資人的你我在應對未知世界中,找出屬於自己投資風格的最佳指南。   在波克夏股東會現場,查理‧蒙格經常在巴菲特 Learn More
USUAL: RM123.20

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By 查理‧蒙格
  華倫‧巴菲特:「查理教會我很多與企業價值和人性有關的知識。」   蒙格說:「卓越的人很少,如果有機會追隨他們,或許值得付出溢價,未來可能會讓你獲得豐厚的回報。」   他縱橫市場半世紀以來的無窮智慧,將是身為投資人的你我在應對未知世界中,找出屬於自己投資風格的最佳指南。   在波克夏股東會現場,查理‧蒙格經常在巴菲特 Learn More
USUAL: RM123.20

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By 川口俊和
☆在咖啡冷掉之前 5☆ 暢銷台、日、美、英、義等41國、 誠品•博客來•金石堂年度百大、 銷售突破400萬冊之本屋賞入圍作品、 有村架純主演電影原著小說、 《在咖啡冷掉之前》作者之催淚新作! 早知道不要等到某一天的到來, 應該立刻就去見你── 人生很難毫無悔恨,但至少盡力活得不後悔。 就算回到過去,現實也不會改變,只要心能改變, Learn More
USUAL: RM55.45

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By Malcolm Mejin
Once you enter Mount Hantu, you may never leave ... When Robin’s school organizes a glamping trip at Mount Hantu, not everyone is thrilled. But the campers are soon dazzled by the luxurious tents, cozy beds and even a giant flatscreen TV at the campsite! Before long, terrifying things begin to unravel. From a brush with death to the disappearance of a fellow camper, Mount Hantu seems more forbidding than ever. Robin soon discovers that they’re not alone—something ... o Learn More
USUAL: RM49.95

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By 高屋奈月
志岐的周遭改變了,   而他自己也產生了變化。   但是他的心還是會感到一絲不安。   感情漸漸地沉澱…?   以「魔法水果籃」的數十年後為舞台所描繪的,   令人懷念的新故事,   終於完結! Learn More
USUAL: RM16.00

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By 利志达
《十三箭》以武侠世界讲述一个少女的成长故事,李戈自小就得不到父母的爱,一晚村子受袭后,她便开始独自一个游荡世界,学武功,遇见不同的人,然而武侠世界已经慢慢变异,李戈亦要面对一个难题¬——自己的使命是报仇抑或挺身守护武学精神? ------------------ 作者简介 - 利志达 利志达从事漫画创作超过三十年,1984年发表《卫斯理》系列漫画,198 Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

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By 荒川弘
得知阿薩驚人的過去之後,就在尤爾抱持著沈痛的感覺時,戴拉來到影森家。   雖然東村與影森家分別抱持著不同的主張,但宣言要迎戰所有敵人的尤爾,離開影森家,並且前往戴拉的家。   但是他們卻在那裡遇到凶殘的使者「手長腳長」!   左右大人VS手長腳長,開戰!   血緣造成血戰。新王道的使者之戰,第4集!   首刷限定   特典 Learn More
USUAL: RM23.00

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By 澀谷昌三
日本圖解書第一品牌西東社,暢銷圖解心理學系列授權中文版 知名心理學家 澀谷昌三,運用心理學理論與腦神經科學, 讓看似撲朔迷離的愛情化為清晰易懂的歸納分析。 想要大膽告白,戀情加溫,避開危險情人…… 就讓心理學家當你的愛情顧問吧! 【本書特別收錄】 9大外表及行為分析 教你看透對方的心   實用‧易懂‧超有趣   3分鐘讀懂一個概念╳1 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

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MEMBER: RM 62.37 (-10%)

By 北条司
「好溫暖…一切都好令人懷念…」   不斷湧上心頭的思念與回憶引導著少女的行動…   好想見到那個男人──冴羽獠!!   傳說中的殺人兵器「玻璃心」復活歸來、大鬧新宿!!   《城市獵人》作者北条司延續相同世界觀,要帶給粉絲們一場全新的故事體驗♥   被台灣黑社會組織培育成殺人兵器的少女──玻璃心雖然企圖自殺,   卻受人移植 Learn More
USUAL: RM46.00

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DORAEMON MOVIE COLLECTIONS 哆啦A夢電影集 VARIOUS (E / C / M) 1 1980 Doraemon: Nobita's Dinosaur 大雄的恐龍 JAP / MAN / CAN 2 1981 Doraemon: The Records of Nobita, Spaceblazer 大雄的宇宙開拓史 JAP / MAN 3 1982 Doraemon: Nobita and the Haunts of Evil 大雄的大魔境 JAP / MAN / CAN 4 1983 Doraemon: Nobita and the Castle of the Undersea Devil 大雄的海底鬼岩城 JAP / MAN / CAN 5 1984 Doraemon: Nobita's Great Adventure into the Underworld 大雄的 Learn More
USUAL: RM139.90

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By Elise Kova
Perfect for fans of A Court of Thorns and Roses and Uprooted, this standalone fantasy romance about a human girl and her marriage to the Elf King is impossible to put down! The elves come for two things: war and wives. In both cases, they come for death. Three-thousand years ago, humans were hunted by powerful races with wild magic until the treaty was formed. Now, for centuries, the elves have taken a young woman from Luella's village to be their Human Queen. To be chosen i Learn More
USUAL: RM62.90

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By Robyn Silverman
A step-by-step guide to answering your kids' toughest questions "When people die, where do they go?" "Why is her skin darker than mine?" "But how does the baby get in there?" Don't panic. While we know that the first step to connecting deeply with our kids is being able to communicate, empathize, and answer their biggest queries, what do you do when that tricky-to-answer question comes out of the blue? Sometimes we just don't know what to say, so we simply change the subject Learn More
USUAL: RM84.95

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MEMBER: RM 76.46 (-10%)

By Jannatun Nisa
Bercakap benar ialah sifat terpuji yang kerap kali disebut dalam al-Quran.Namun, menyemai nilai ini dalam diri kanak-kanak amat mencabar, terutamanya dengan budaya Asia yang kolektif dan tidak sukakan konflik. kuti kisah Farah: • Mempertahankan pendiriannya • Tetap bercakap benar walaupun berseorangan Learn More
USUAL: RM19.90

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By 林夏薩摩
你走太快了,容易迷路, 要等靈魂跟上來,才能走更遠的路。 那些你想要做成的事情,你做成了的事情,你處理問題的方式,你對待他人的方式, 才真正定義了你是誰。   不向人生說抱歉,你要和自己有約定   25 Promises You Should Make to Yourself.   約定是一種限制,更是一種守護,   它提醒你別忘了明天早上要出發,去更遠的地方,看更美的風景。 Learn More
USUAL: RM53.90

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MEMBER: RM 48.51 (-10%)

USUAL: RM69.00

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MEMBER: RM 62.10 (-10%)

By 伏瀬
失控與覺醒的最終章──   利姆路雖然制伏了因緣之敵米迦勒,   各地的戰爭依然激烈地持續著。   蜜莉姆陣營與蟲型魔人的戰鬥也呈現兩個陣營混戰的狀態。   就在蜜莉姆以不講理的力量發揮真本事,   以為即將分出勝負時──   一名冰雪美女出現在戰場上,使得戰況改變──   那名美女是世界上僅存三名龍種之一的大姊「維爾薩澤」, Learn More
USUAL: RM43.10

NOW: RM 43.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.79 (-10%)

BTS POP! KEYCHAIN J-HOPE (PROOF) Score front row seats with Pop! Keychain J Hope! This member of K-pop sensation BTS is here to take the stage in your Pop! Rocks collection! Reunite him with the rest of the group in your music set as he rocks his outfit from hit album Proof. Vinyl keychain is approximately 4-inches long. More Details Item Number: 72569 Category: Music License: BTS Product Type: Pop! Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 29.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 29.90 (-0%)

BTS POP! KEYCHAIN JIMIN (PROOF) Score front row seats with Pop! Keychain Jimin! This member of K-pop sensation BTS is here to take the stage in your Pop! Rocks collection! Reunite him with the rest of the group in your music set as he rocks his outfit from hit album Proof. Vinyl keychain is approximately 4-inches long. More Details Item Number: 72570 Category: Music License: BTS Product Type: Pop! Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 29.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 29.90 (-0%)

BTS POP! KEYCHAIN JIN (PROOF) Score front row seats with Pop! Keychain Jin! This member of K-pop sensation BTS is here to take the stage in your Pop! Rocks collection! Reunite him with the rest of the group in your music set as he rocks his outfit from hit album Proof. Vinyl keychain is approximately 4-inches long. More Details Item Number: 72571 Category: Music License: BTS Product Type: Pop! Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 29.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 29.90 (-0%)

BTS POP! KEYCHAIN JUNG KOOK (PROOF) Score front row seats with Pop! Keychain Jung Kook! This member of K-pop sensation BTS is here to take the stage in your Pop! Rocks collection! Reunite him with the rest of the group in your music set as he rocks his outfit from hit album Proof. Vinyl keychain is approximately 4-inches long. More Details Item Number: 72572 Category: Music License: BTS Product Type: Pop! Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 29.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 29.90 (-0%)

BTS POP! KEYCHAIN RM (PROOF) Score front row seats with Pop! Keychain RM! This member of K-pop sensation BTS is here to take the stage in your Pop! Rocks collection! Reunite him with the rest of the group in your music set as he rocks his outfit from hit album Proof. Vinyl keychain is approximately 4-inches long. More Details Item Number: 72573 Category: Music License: BTS Product Type: Pop! Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 29.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 29.90 (-0%)

BTS POP! KEYCHAIN SUGA (PROOF) Score front row seats with Pop! Keychain Suga! This member of K-pop sensation BTS is here to take the stage in your Pop! Rocks collection! Reunite him with the rest of the group in your music set as he rocks his outfit from hit album Proof. Vinyl keychain is approximately 4-inches long. More Details Item Number: 72574 Category: Music License: BTS Product Type: Pop! Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 29.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 29.90 (-0%)

BTS POP! KEYCHAIN V (PROOF) Score front row seats with Pop! Keychain V! This member of K-pop sensation BTS is here to take the stage in your Pop! Rocks collection! Reunite him with the rest of the group in your music set as he rocks his outfit from hit album Proof. Vinyl keychain is approximately 4-inches long. More Details Item Number: 72575 Category: Music License: BTS Product Type: Pop! Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 29.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 29.90 (-0%)

BTS POP! J HOPE (PROOF) Score front row seats with Pop! J Hope! This member of K-pop sensation BTS is here to take the stage in your Pop! Rocks collection! Reunite him with the rest of the group in your music set as he rocks his outfit from hit album Proof. Vinyl figure is approximately 4-inches tall. More Details Item Number: 72576 Category: Music License: BTS Product Type: Pop! Learn More
USUAL: RM65.00

NOW: RM 65.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 65.00 (-0%)

BTS POP! JIMIN (PROOF) Score front row seats with Pop! Jimin! This member of K-pop sensation BTS is here to take the stage in your Pop! Rocks collection! Reunite him with the rest of the group in your music set as he rocks his outfit from hit album Proof. Vinyl figure is approximately 4-inches tall. More Details Item Number: 72577 Category: Music License: BTS Product Type: Pop! Learn More
USUAL: RM65.00

NOW: RM 65.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 65.00 (-0%)

BTS POP! JIN (PROOF) Score front row seats with Pop! Jin! This member of K-pop sensation BTS is here to take the stage in your Pop! Rocks collection! Reunite him with the rest of the group in your music set as he rocks his outfit from hit album Proof. Vinyl figure is approximately 4-inches tall. More Details Item Number: 72578 Category: Music License: BTS Product Type: Pop! Learn More
USUAL: RM65.00

NOW: RM 65.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 65.00 (-0%)

BTS POP! JUNG KOOK (PROOF) Score front row seats with Pop! Jung Kook! This member of K-pop sensation BTS is here to take the stage in your Pop! Rocks collection! Reunite him with the rest of the group in your music set as he rocks his outfit from hit album Proof. Vinyl figure is approximately 4.05-inches tall. More Details Item Number: 72579 Category: Music License: BTS Product Type: Pop! Learn More
USUAL: RM65.00

NOW: RM 65.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 65.00 (-0%)

BTS POP! RM (PROOF) Score front row seats with Pop! RM! This member of K-pop sensation BTS is here to take the stage in your Pop! Rocks collection! Reunite him with the rest of the group in your music set as he rocks his outfit from hit album Proof. Vinyl figure is approximately 4-inches tall. More Details Item Number: 72580 Category: Music License: BTS Product Type: Pop! Learn More
USUAL: RM65.00

NOW: RM 65.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 65.00 (-0%)

BTS POP! SUGA (PROOF) Score front row seats with Pop! Suga! This member of K-pop sensation BTS is here to take the stage in your Pop! Rocks collection! Reunite him with the rest of the group in your music set as he rocks his outfit from hit album Proof. Vinyl figure is approximately 3.95-inches tall. More Details Item Number: 72581 Category: Music License: BTS Product Type: Pop! Learn More
USUAL: RM65.00

NOW: RM 65.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 65.00 (-0%)

BTS POP! V (PROOF) Score front row seats with Pop! V! This member of K-pop sensation BTS is here to take the stage in your Pop! Rocks collection! Reunite him with the rest of the group in your music set as he rocks his outfit from hit album Proof. Vinyl figure is approximately 4-inches tall. More Details Item Number: 72582 Category: Music License: BTS Product Type: Pop! Learn More
USUAL: RM65.00

NOW: RM 65.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 65.00 (-0%)

The moment you’ve been waiting for has finally arrived. After months of dreaming and anticipation, Blackpink is in our AREA! Now the K-Pop group’s adoring fans can own the adorable figures of all four members: Jennie, Jisoo, Lisa, and Rose. Blackpink members are about to get the ultimate collectible upgrade! Each member of Blackpink has their own unique style and personality, and these Funko Pops perfectly capture those traits. Whether you’re a fan of Jennie’s edgy Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 29.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 29.90 (-0%)

The moment you’ve been waiting for has finally arrived. After months of dreaming and anticipation, Blackpink is in our AREA! Now the K-Pop group’s adoring fans can own the adorable figures of all four members: Jennie, Jisoo, Lisa, and Rose. Blackpink members are about to get the ultimate collectible upgrade! Each member of Blackpink has their own unique style and personality, and these Funko Pops perfectly capture those traits. Whether you’re a fan of Jennie’s edgy Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 29.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 29.90 (-0%)

The moment you’ve been waiting for has finally arrived. After months of dreaming and anticipation, Blackpink is in our AREA! Now the K-Pop group’s adoring fans can own the adorable figures of all four members: Jennie, Jisoo, Lisa, and Rose. Blackpink members are about to get the ultimate collectible upgrade! Each member of Blackpink has their own unique style and personality, and these Funko Pops perfectly capture those traits. Whether you’re a fan of Jennie’s Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 29.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 29.90 (-0%)

The moment you’ve been waiting for has finally arrived. After months of dreaming and anticipation, Blackpink is in our AREA! Now the K-Pop group’s adoring fans can own the adorable figures of all four members: Jennie, Jisoo, Lisa, and Rose. Blackpink members are about to get the ultimate collectible upgrade! Each member of Blackpink has their own unique style and personality, and these Funko Pops perfectly capture those traits. Whether you’re a fan of Jennie’s edgy Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 29.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 29.90 (-0%)

The moment you’ve been waiting for has finally arrived. After months of dreaming and anticipation, Blackpink is in our AREA! Now the K-Pop group’s adoring fans can own the adorable figures of all four members: Jennie, Jisoo, Lisa, and Rose. Blackpink members are about to get the ultimate collectible upgrade! Each member of Blackpink has their own unique style and personality, and these Funko Pops perfectly capture those traits. Whether you’re a fan of Jennie’s edgy Learn More
USUAL: RM65.00

NOW: RM 65.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 65.00 (-0%)

The moment you’ve been waiting for has finally arrived. After months of dreaming and anticipation, Blackpink is in our AREA! Now the K-Pop group’s adoring fans can own the adorable figures of all four members: Jennie, Jisoo, Lisa, and Rose. Blackpink members are about to get the ultimate collectible upgrade! Each member of Blackpink has their own unique style and personality, and these Funko Pops perfectly capture those traits. Whether you’re a fan of Jennie’s edgy Learn More
USUAL: RM65.00

NOW: RM 65.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 65.00 (-0%)

The moment you’ve been waiting for has finally arrived. After months of dreaming and anticipation, Blackpink is in our AREA! Now the K-Pop group’s adoring fans can own the adorable figures of all four members: Jennie, Jisoo, Lisa, and Rose. Blackpink members are about to get the ultimate collectible upgrade! Each member of Blackpink has their own unique style and personality, and these Funko Pops perfectly capture those traits. Whether you’re a fan of Jennie’s edgy Learn More
USUAL: RM65.00

NOW: RM 65.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 65.00 (-0%)

The moment you’ve been waiting for has finally arrived. After months of dreaming and anticipation, Blackpink is in our AREA! Now the K-Pop group’s adoring fans can own the adorable figures of all four members: Jennie, Jisoo, Lisa, and Rose. Blackpink members are about to get the ultimate collectible upgrade! Each member of Blackpink has their own unique style and personality, and these Funko Pops perfectly capture those traits. Whether you’re a fan of Jennie’s edgy Learn More
USUAL: RM65.00

NOW: RM 65.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 65.00 (-0%)

By Parker S. Huntington , L.J. Shen
From Wall Street Journal bestsellers L.J. Shen and Parker S. Huntington comes an explosive marriage of inconvenience...between a tarnished Romeo and a reluctant Juliet. It was supposed to be a harmless kiss at a lavish debutante ball. A clandestine moment with a handsome stranger. But unlike his namesake, my Romeo isn’t driven by love. He’s fueled by revenge. To him, I’m a chess piece. Leverage. His rival’s betrothed. To me, he is a man deserving of poison. A dark Learn More
USUAL: RM65.90

NOW: RM 65.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 59.31 (-10%)

By Robin Wigglesworth
In Trillions, Financial Times journalist Robin Wigglesworth unveils the vivid secret history of index funds, bringing to life the colourful characters behind their birth, growth and evolution into a world-conquering phenomenon. It is the untold story behind one of the most pressing financial uncertainties of our time. Learn More
USUAL: RM69.95

NOW: RM 69.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.96 (-10%)

* Mengandungi 4 atau 5 set kertas Model * Menepati format terkini Ujian Akhir Sesi Akademik (UASA) * Set kertas model yang boleh dileraikan * Cadangan jawapan untuk jawapan Learn More

NOW: RM 5.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 5.31 (-10%)

Himpunan kisah cerita waktu tidur untuk adik - adik Learn More
USUAL: RM22.90

NOW: RM 22.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 20.61 (-10%)

Himpunan koleksi kisah haiwan untuk adik - adik Learn More
USUAL: RM19.90

NOW: RM 19.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 17.91 (-10%)

Himpunan koleksi kisah haiwan untuk adik - adik Learn More
USUAL: RM19.90

NOW: RM 19.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 17.91 (-10%)

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