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' 古天乐 'Found 2 Related Products
Hong Kong action-star Louis Koo returns as William Luk, an investigator with the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), in this action-thriller directed by David Lam. In this fifth and final film in the "Storm" series, William will investigate a case in the Immigration Department which links it to a Thai human trafficking ring. ICAC首席调查主任陆志廉(古天乐饰)与总调查主任程德明(郑嘉颖饰)共同调查走私贪污案,却意外发 Learn More
USUAL: RM21.90

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By 沈西城
《金庸往事》是一部回忆金庸先生的随笔集。作为一名铁杆金迷,沈西城可谓是人生赢家。他不仅先后三次见过偶像金庸、与之交谈,还收到了金庸的亲笔书信(书内含图)。此外,沈西城与倪匡、胡菊人等金庸交际圈的朋友们,私交甚笃。得此天时地利人和,他以曲笔描述金庸事迹便顺理成章。《金庸往事》从创作、事业、爱情、朋友四点落笔,侧面描写金庸 Learn More
USUAL: RM45.00

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