9th Birthday Sale
9th Birthday Sale

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POPCLUB Online Exclusive (NO.67)

Popular Choice

    By Geronimo Stilton Publisher:SCHOLASTIC Publication Date:2020-03-01
    USUAL: RM23.90

    NOW: RM 23.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 21.51 (-10%)

  2. Geronimo Stilton Special Edition: The Strange Case of the Dragon Dance
    By Geronimo Stilton Publisher:Sholastic Publication Date:2019-12-05
    It was the month of cold January, when New Mouse City mayor announced the celebration of Chinese New Year! What started out as a fabumouse idea of spring cleaning and some gathering involving lucky food, I suddenly found myself muddling with the Nian monster and even a strange Dragon Costume… Learn More
    USUAL: RM21.90

    NOW: RM 21.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 19.71 (-10%)

  3. Letters to God
    By Norhafsah Hamid Publisher:LANDMARK BOOKS Publication Date:2018-07-11
    Letters to God is about a journey of a young girl named Sarah in trying to find her footing in a challenging world. An introvert by nature, Sarah struggles to balance her work, life and her spiritual longing while trying to adapt to her new surroundings. She found friendship along the way and also experienced hostility and heartache. Not knowing who to turn to, she decided to rant and rave to her Creator. This is a story of how a young girl, who made a decision to write lette Learn More
    USUAL: RM30.00

    NOW: RM 30.00 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 27.00 (-10%)

    By Ernest Ng Publisher:KEROPOK COMICS Publication Date:2019-11-18
    "Brofessionals" - a term normally used to describe someone who is a professional at being a Bro, or a Bro who is a professional. To be honest, I am not entirely sure what that word actually means. Who comes up with these kinds of terms anyway? In this chapter of the Bro comic book series, we turn back the clock a bit bit to the early days when I decided to dive into drawing comics as a full time career! Little did I know that it was not as easy as it seemed and it wa Learn More
    USUAL: RM29.90

    NOW: RM 26.91 (-10%)

    MEMBER: RM 23.92 (-20%)

    By Haemin Sunim Publisher:PENGUIN LIFE Publication Date:2019-04-12
    Many of us respond to the pressures of life by turning inwards and ignoring problems, sometimes resulting in anxiety or depression. Others react by working harder at work, at school or at home, hoping that this will make ourselves and the people we love happier. But what if being yourself is enough? Just as we are advised on airplanes to take our own oxygen first before helping others, we must first be at peace with ourselves before we can be at peace with the world around Learn More
    USUAL: RM69.95

    NOW: RM 62.96 (-10%)

    MEMBER: RM 55.96 (-20%)

  6. HAURA
    By Ramlee Awang Murshid Publisher:BUKU PRIMA Publication Date:2020-01-22
    TRAGEDI berdarah di New Zealand telah merubah hidup pegawai polis Australia bernama Jessica. Serangan ke atas umat Islam di dua buah masjid di bandar Chrischurch telah menyebabkan Jessica turut menerima bahana apabila diserang penjenayah sehari selepas insiden itu. Rakan setugasnya terbunuh dan Jessica terlantar di hospital. Setelah sembuh, Jessica diarahkan ke Swan Hill untuk melaksanakan tugasan undercover. Dia harus memburu Adam – penjenayah rakyat Malaysia yang diyak Learn More
    USUAL: RM26.00

    NOW: RM 26.00 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 23.40 (-10%)

    By Publisher:Armoni Gold Mind Publication Date:2020-01-13
    Ali kembali dalam Ejen Ali The Movie, Misi: Neo! Setelah terikat secara tidak sengaja dengan gadget merisik terhebat iaitu IRIS, Ali telah membuktikan yang dia layak untuk menggunakannya. Walau bagaimanapun, dia rasa terpinggir apabila M.A.T.A mendedahkan IRIS NEO; IRIS versi baru dan lagi canggih! Lantas Ali tersasar dari misi-misi yang diberi. Bersama seorang gadis misteri bernama Niki, mereka berdua membongkar rahsia sebenar tentang M.A.T.A dan bandar Cybera Learn More
    USUAL: RM21.90

    NOW: RM 21.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 19.71 (-10%)

    By Haziah Binti Jaya Publisher:SEASHORE PUBLISHING (M) S/B Publication Date:2019-11-20
    Sinopsis : Sesiapa juga mampu memasak. Namun yang membezakan keenakan sesuatu masakan ialah teknik memasak itu sendiri, yang biasanya kita gelarkan sebagai 'air tangan masakan'. Walau berbeza sekalipun segenggam garam pada setiap orang, 101 Resipi dari Azie Kitchen Oleh Haziah Jaya, pemilik blog Azie Kitchen akan mendekatkan perbezaan tersebut. Resipi dalam buku masakan ini mampu diikuti oleh sesiapa sahaja, bukan sekadar menambah minat malahan meningkatkan keyakinan anak mu Learn More
    USUAL: RM32.90

    NOW: RM 22.90 (-30%)

    MEMBER: RM 22.90 (-30%)

    By Acik Lana Publisher:BOOKU ENTERPRISE Publication Date:2020-01-14
    Keisha Edlina digelar gold digger kerana berbekalkan wajah pan-Asia dan tubuh yang sempurna dia menggoda lelaki kaya dan peras harta mereka habis-habisan. Kemudian dia mencari lelaki lain yang jauh lebih kaya pula. Hubungan selama dua tahun bersama Datuk Eusoff tidak menjadi, dan dia berpaling pula kepada Tan Sri Emran. Belum sempat mencapai angan-angan, satu insiden ngeri telah menimpa Keisha Edlina. Dia berputus asa untuk meneruskan hidup, namun kemunculan Kaef mengubah hal Learn More
    USUAL: RM35.00

    NOW: RM 35.00 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 31.50 (-10%)

    By Acik Lana Publisher:PENERBITAN KAKI NOVEL Publication Date:2019-10-01
    Bergelar isteri sejak berusia sembilan belas tahun, Hayla tak pernah bahagia. Malah cukup terseksa tatkala menjadi mangsa keganasan suaminya sendiri. Perbezaan usia yang ketara membuatkan Zafran begitu keras menjunjung ego. Gila kuasa! Semua mahu diatur suaminya dari A to Z. Lima tahun menadah sepak terajang, Hayla tekad untuk melarikan diri. Beberapa siri pertemuan dengan seorang pemuda ‘tak berperasaan’, perlahan-lahan telah mengubah rentak hidupnya. Dan siapa sangk Learn More
    USUAL: RM29.00

    NOW: RM 23.00 (-21%)

    MEMBER: RM 23.00 (-21%)

  11. KURUS
    By Kevin Zahri Publisher:KZ EVENTS SDN BHD Publication Date:2019-12-24
    "The journey of ''KURUS'' Must Be a Journey That Makes You Smile. Dan Sekiranya Selama Ini Perjuangan ''KURUS'' Anda Hanya Menyeksa Diri, Biar Saya Bimbing Anda Untuk Menjadikannya Lebih Seronok Dan Berpanjangan. ''KURUS'' Bukan Program 6 Minggu. ''KURUS'' Bukan Soal Kurus Ia Komitmen Diri Untuk Sepanjang Hayat. Ia Suka Hati Kau!" Learn More
    USUAL: RM89.90

    NOW: RM 89.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 80.91 (-10%)

    By E-man Sufi Publisher:PENULISAN2U Publication Date:2019-01-03
    Setelah tiga tahun menghilangkan diri, Aira Tihani pulang ke kampung menjelang pernikahan abangnya, Reyhan. Pertemuan semula dengan ahli keluarga serta anak yang telah ditinggalkan merubat segala kerinduan kecuali pertemuan semula dengan bekas suaminya, Andika Iman! Kepulangannya itu menggamit semula kenangan yang cuba dilupakan. Sakitnya luka lama masih terasa! “ Kau ni memang kejam kan? Kau tinggalkan dia tanpa tanya khabar. Hilang macam ditelan bumi dan sekarang kau ter Learn More
    USUAL: RM22.00

    NOW: RM 22.00 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 19.80 (-10%)

    By Publisher:YOYO BOOKS Publication Date:2019-11-26
    Eksklusif di Popular Learn More
    USUAL: RM16.90

    NOW: RM 13.90 (-18%)

    MEMBER: RM 13.90 (-18%)

  14. 智慧書:300則一生受用的處世箴言(精裝版)
    By 巴爾塔沙·葛拉西安 Publisher:時報 Publication Date:2019-12-24
      《智慧書》、《君王論》、《孫子兵法》   人類思想史上具有永恆價值的三大智慧奇書   人生在世,很多事情明白要趁早,   你當善良,也必須有點心機,   跟著西班牙哲學家這樣做,   就能明哲保身、趨吉避凶,永保安康!   暢銷四百年的智慧之書,   教你當做鴿子,又如蛇蠍。   本書包含三百則處世箴言,自一六四七年出版以� Learn More
    USUAL: RM55.45

    NOW: RM 55.45 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 49.91 (-10%)

  15. 原子習慣:細微改變帶來巨大成就的實證法則
    By 詹姆斯·克利爾 Publisher:方智 Publication Date:2019-06-01
      每天都進步1%,一年後,你會進步37倍;   每天都退步1%,一年後,你會弱化到趨近於0!   你的一點小改變、一個好習慣,將會產生複利效應,   如滾雪球般,為你帶來豐碩的人生成果!   一出版立刻風行全球,   企業界、運動界、教育界、瘦身界都在用的習慣養成實作指南!   ★Amazon、《紐約時報》《華爾街日報》《今日美國報》� Learn More
    USUAL: RM50.80

    NOW: RM 46.00 (-9%)

    MEMBER: RM 42.00 (-17%)

  16. 提高專注力的最高整理術:不費力、不雜亂的斷捨離,建立超強工作效率
    By 菅原洋平 Publisher:智富 Publication Date:2019-12-04
     根據腦科學知識提出整理方法   既使你是懶人也完全沒問題   擺脫無序、雜亂、拖延的泥潭   工作快速有進展、靈感源源不斷   ◎如果你「直覺敏銳、擁有超高執行力,可是不太會整理」,你更該看這本書   ◎菁英都在用,讓大腦清晰、提升效率,打造靈感源源不斷的環境!   ◎讓你養成不需整理的習慣,擁有更多屬於自己的時間   Learn More
    USUAL: RM49.30

    NOW: RM 49.30 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 44.37 (-10%)

  17. 失落的成功經典:發揮正面思考的威力(修訂版)
    By 華勒思·華特斯 Publisher:久石 Publication Date:2019-12-26
      《失落的致富經典》的姊妹作   策劃&審訂/周介偉(光中心主持人)   真摯推薦/王 琄(金鐘影后)、何妤玟(明星藝人)、李宜靜(心靈導師)   賴佩霞(心靈導師)、謝明憲(《秘密》譯者)   繼《失落的致富經典》之後,   華勒思另一激勵人心的傑作!   本書內容化繁為簡,為讀者制訂易於實踐的方法!   運用吸引力法則、 Learn More
    USUAL: RM40.05

    NOW: RM 40.05 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 36.05 (-10%)

  18. 我還是會繼續釀梅子酒
    By 張西 Publisher:三采 Publication Date:2020-01-03
    ★博客來、誠品、金石堂年度暢銷作家★ ★蟬聯各大暢銷榜超過50週★ ★逾30萬粉絲追蹤、數十家海內外媒體爭相採訪★   新生代最具影響力作家之一──張西,   首度挖開最深層的自己,讓愛和傷害赤誠地短兵相接。   「成長在沒有落地處以後,我們成了沉默的飛鳥,   以為能叼走整片天空,其實只是學會墜落無常,聚散有時。」    Learn More
    USUAL: RM55.45

    NOW: RM 55.45 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 49.91 (-10%)

  19. 82年生的金智英
    By 趙南柱 Publisher:漫遊者 Publication Date:2018-05-03
    你們可以對一切都覺得理所當然, 我卻再也沒辦法繼續忍氣吞聲。 可是我只有變成別人,才能為自己說話。 我是金智英,1982年生。   ★「BTS防彈少年團」團長南俊 網路直播推薦書籍   ★最值得買來送給男性友人讀的一本書!   ★韓國國會議員、政策立案者必讀的轟動之作!   ★韓國正義黨黨鞭大聲呼籲:   文在寅總統,   盼您擁抱這本《82� Learn More
    USUAL: RM47.75

    NOW: RM 47.75 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 42.98 (-10%)

  20. 待我有罪时
    By 丁墨 Publisher:百花文艺 Publication Date:2019-11-01
    ★高口碑作家丁墨全新悬爱力作。 继《他来了,请闭眼》《美人为馅》后,丁墨带来全新突破性悬爱力作《待我有罪时》,再度上演犯罪心理与传统刑侦的激烈碰撞,惊险跌宕,悬念重重。 ★作品连载期间,好评如潮,备受追捧。 该作品在创作平台上,网络收藏量37万+,读者留言3万+,赞赏人数多达275万,评分高达9.6分;超话活跃,阅读量2471.6万。被读者� Learn More
    USUAL: RM39.80

    NOW: RM 39.80 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 35.82 (-10%)

  21. 夜谷宾馆营业中
    By 蓝橘子 Publisher:众阅堂 Publication Date:2020-01-02
    新生代人气网络作家──蓝橘子 最受好评,暗黑、奇幻风格代表大作 【新马简体版正式独家授权】 都市传闻,这间夜谷宾馆──外表古旧、已有百年历史的唐楼, 老板会用宾馆的神奇力量,帮房客实现所有愿望…… 馆内部装潢虽然老旧,却像一座魔法古堡一样, 有一本写不完的帐簿、有无限的房间供给。 入住的房客千奇百怪,百年不死的最后一个� Learn More
    USUAL: RM49.00

    NOW: RM 39.20 (-20%)

    MEMBER: RM 39.20 (-20%)

  22. 妖怪公館的新房客視覺小說SP:緋紅之夜
    By 藍旗左衽 Publisher:三日月 Publication Date:2020-02-12
    ★總銷突破百萬冊!榮登博客來、金石堂年度暢銷作家 ★暢銷作家藍旗左衽《妖怪公館新房客》全新視覺圖文互動小說 ★推特爆紅日本人氣繪者kaa傾力繪製超過40幅精美內頁!   如果我消失了,   你會不會,偶爾想念我?   --   傳說,在冬至的夜裡施展禁咒,   便能召喚出藏於彼岸、最深最深的黑暗──   「不用召喚,冬犽在廚房就做 Learn More
    USUAL: RM33.90

    NOW: RM 33.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 30.51 (-10%)

  23. 特殊傳說Ⅱ 恆遠之晝篇 09
    By 護玄 Publisher:蓋亞 Publication Date:2020-02-05
    當全世界都想你死⋯⋯   我們就用力揮出拳頭吧!   你已經有扛下痛苦的肩膀,就應該跨出一步,去保護他們。   「滾!我的主人要統治世界不用你這東西濫竽充數!」   漾漾切斷與所有人的聯繫,隨黑王重回伏水遺跡,   沒想到,等著他的卻是妖師分支的線索及裂川鬼王的威脅!   「真相揭露那日,他必定會成為吾等一方。」   � Learn More
    USUAL: RM36.95

    NOW: RM 36.95 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 33.26 (-10%)

  24. Primary 5 Complete Practice Book for Grammar,Vocabulary & Comprehension
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2019-11-04
    *Comprises 200 practices on Grammar and Vocabulary, grouped according to grammar items and vocabulary themes *There are also 25 grammar cloze practices, 25 vocabulary cloze practices, 10 comprehension based visual text practices and 10 comprehension based open-ended practices for intensive practice throughout the year *Through repeated practice, pupils will be able to build a sound foundation and grow to be proficient users of the English language Learn More
    USUAL: RM24.90

    NOW: RM 24.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 22.41 (-10%)

    By IU Publisher: Publication Date:2019-11-21
    The album comes with: a. 1 CD b. 1 Photobook (112pgs) c. 1 random photocard d. 1 random bookmark *All images used are for illustrative purposes only Learn More
    USUAL: RM116.90

    NOW: RM 116.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 105.21 (-10%)

  26. 摩天动物园 City Zoo
    By G. E. M. 邓紫棋 Publisher: Publication Date:2020-01-15
    文明在进化 然而我们始终带著原始的兽性 平地上 人们筑起万丈高楼 不过是一座座 摩天动物园 点击破亿全创作天后 G.E.M.邓紫棋 华语歌坛年底震撼大作 首任总监製全新专辑【摩天动物园】 2019年9月5日「再见」在YouTube突破1亿次的观看次数,使邓紫棋成為首位拥有二支MV在YouTube超过一亿点击的华语女歌手。2019年9月10日,「光年之外」在YouTube 上仅用了985� Learn More
    USUAL: RM65.90

    NOW: RM 59.31 (-10%)

    MEMBER: RM 56.02 (-15%)

    By COLLEEN Publisher:COLLEEN Publication Date:2019-01-11
    Colleen is an established brand since 1916 and is a high quality polycolour pencil being made available at affordable price. Made in Thailand based on Japan Technology. • Item Code : 785-SD (24/48) • Type : Double End Tip Colour Pencil (24 Pencils / 48 Colours) • Shape : Round • Lead diameter 3mm,easy to sharpen with highly break-resistant lead • Non-toxic and safe with CE Safety Standard EN 71/3. Suitable for children 3 years and above. Learn More
    USUAL: RM34.80

    NOW: RM 34.80 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 31.32 (-10%)

    By MONOLITH Publisher:MONOLITH Publication Date:2019-01-11
    For easy and quick destruction of confidential documents. Ideal for home use for the quick shredding of paper • Cutting Type : Strip Cut • Shred Size : 6 mm • Shred Capacity : 6 sheets(80gsm) • Speed (m/min) : 2.2 • Bin Capacity : 7 litres • Safe forward and Reverse function to clear paper jams • Simple and easy to use with automatic start/stop function • Usable also without supplied bin - Portable and versatile to fit most household bins (round hous Learn More
    USUAL: RM195.00

    NOW: RM 195.00 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 175.50 (-10%)

  29. STABILO BOSS Highlighter, 70/56 Pink
    By Stabilo Publisher:Stabilo Publication Date:2019-01-11
    STABILO Anti-Dry-Out technology: 4 hours dry-out protection for concentrated work. 2 line widths 2 + 5 mm – from wide marks for blocks of text to thin lines for annotations, underlining and ruled lines. Water-based ink. Learn More
    USUAL: RM4.30

    NOW: RM 4.30 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 3.87 (-10%)

    By STABILO Publisher:STABILO Publication Date:2019-01-11
    •Exam Grade - Specially designed to erase on exam sheet ( minimum gripping on thin exam paper) •Dust - free - eraser bits clump together to avoid messiness •Exam Sheet Scanner Compliant - erases cleanly, leaving minimal traces. Tested with actual machine sheet scanner •Sharpener with stopper to prevent over sharpening the leads! •Superior quality sharpener with anti-rust treatment blade for reliable sharpening and durability. •Razor sharp blade sharpener gives smo Learn More
    USUAL: RM9.99

    NOW: RM 9.99 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 9.99 (-0%)

  31. Pilot G2 Gel Pen 0.5mm Black in Dozen Pack (12 pieces)
    By Pilot Publisher:Pilot Publication Date:2019-01-11
    The Pilot G2 is one of the top selling retractable gel pen in Malaysia. It is popular among users of different age group. It’s super smooth gel ink and it’s comfortable rubber grip makes it stand out from other gel pen. It available in 27 colours including metallic and pastel colours. It is refillable with the BLS-G2 (0.38 mm/ 0.5mm/ 0.7 mm/ 1.0mm). Learn More
    USUAL: RM55.79

    NOW: RM 55.79 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 55.79 (-0%)

    By Monopoly Publisher:Monopoly Publication Date:2020-07-07
    This version of the Monopoly game welcomes the Rubber Ducky, Tyrannosaurus Rex, and Penguin into its family of tokens. Choose your token, place it on GO! and roll the dice to own it all! There can be only one winner in the Monopoly game. Will it be you? • Includes gameboard, 8 Tokens, 28 Title Deed Cards, 16 Chance Cards, 16 Community Chest Cards, 32 Houses, 12 Hotels, 2 Dice, Money Pack and instructions. • Fast-dealing property trading game • Players buy, sell and Learn More
    USUAL: RM99.79

    NOW: RM 99.79 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 99.79 (-0%)

32 Item(s)

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