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  1. 1,2,3 年级步步学国文作文
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2023-04-04
    *Disusun dalam tiga komponen utama, iaitu Penggunaan Perkataan, Pembinaan Ayat dan Penulisan Karangan *Memuatkan latihan yang disusun secara sistematik mengikut tahap bagi mencabar minda dan memantapkan kemahiran menulis murid-murid *Menyediakan latihan yang menarik dan interaktif untuk meningkatkan minat murid-murid menulis karangan *Membantu murid-murid menguasai penggunaan kosa kata bahasa Melayu dan kemahiran menulis karangan Learn More
    USUAL: RM9.90

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  2. 1,2,3 年级步步学英文作文
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2023-04-04
    *Exercises are divided into three main components: Sentence Construction, Story Formation and Story Creation *Systematic progression in difficulty of exercises to stimulate pupils' minds *Various types of interesting exercises to further cultivate pupils' interest in writing *Helps pupils to effectively expand their range of vocabulary, knowledge in grammar and ability to form sentences that will ultimately sharpen their writing skills Learn More
    USUAL: RM9.90

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  3. 1,2,3 年级步步学华文作文
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2023-04-03
    *此书分为三个部分,即习写词语、习写句子与习写作文 *练习由浅入深,循序渐进,帮助加强学生的写作技巧 *每个部分提供多样化及有趣的练习,以提高学生对写作的兴趣 *此书能有效地协助学生扩大华文词汇量,为他们奠下稳固的写作基石 Learn More
    USUAL: RM9.90

    NOW: RM 9.90 (-0%)

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  4. 1,2,3年级 266写作范例国文-华文
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2022-10-03
    *Disusun khas untuk murid tahun 1, 2 dan 3 *Terbahagi kepada dua bahagian, Membina Ayat dan Menulis Karangan *Bahagian Membina Ayat membantu murid membina ayat berdasarkan gambar tunggal dan gambar bersiri *Bahagian Menulis Karangan membimbing murid menulis karangan berdasarkan tema dan rangka karangan *Panduan komprehensif untuk meningkatkan kemahiran murid membina ayat dan menulis karangan Learn More
    USUAL: RM19.90

    NOW: RM 19.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 17.91 (-10%)

  5. 1,2,3年级 266写作范例英文-华文
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2022-10-03
    *Specially written for Year 1, 2 and 3 students *Divided into two sections: Sentence Construction and Essay Writing *The Sentence Construction section helps students to construct sentences based on the given illustrations *The Essay Writing section guides students to write complete essays based on well-organised essay frameworks *A comprehensive guide that aims to equip students with the essential techniques that are crucial in sharpening their writing skills Learn More
    USUAL: RM19.90

    NOW: RM 19.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 17.91 (-10%)

  6. 1,2,3年级 266写作范例华文
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2022-10-03
    *专为小学1至3年级的学生编写 *全书分成模范造句和范文两个部分 *模范造句配有精美的图片,以提升学生对写作的兴趣 *范文涵盖各种主题并备有写作大纲帮助学生掌握写作能力 *简单易懂的写作笔记帮助学生充分了解以及提升写作技巧 Learn More
    USUAL: RM19.90

    NOW: RM 19.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 17.91 (-10%)

  7. 第一阶段古诗诵读理解一本通
    By Publisher:HUP LICK Publication Date:2023-04-01
    古诗诵读理解一本通的特点:适合1至3年级的学生。每首诗都附有注释和白话译文。共有20则与古诗相关的漫画。每个古诗均有趣味故事和理解文。 Learn More
    USUAL: RM14.90

    NOW: RM 11.50 (-23%)

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    By Publisher:合力 Hup Lick Publication Date:2022-12-14
    《乐学双语》以幽默的漫画、日常生活中常用的对话等,让读者快乐阅读,轻松掌握华语与英语。 Learn More
    USUAL: RM14.90

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    By Publisher:合力 Hup Lick Publication Date:2023-05-29
    此书适合于1-3年级的小学生。通过双语对话,让学生掌握语法知识和熟悉词汇的运用。 Learn More
    USUAL: RM14.90

    NOW: RM 14.90 (-0%)

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  10. 第一阶段乐学成语
    By Publisher:合力 Hup Lick Publication Date:2024-01-10
    《乐学成语》适用于小学一、二和三年级的学生,内容包含20篇短文理解,20则成语漫画,以及有趣的练习题,当中涵盖超过100个小学课程必学的成语。 Learn More
    USUAL: RM14.90

    NOW: RM 11.50 (-23%)

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  11. 第一阶段100篇书写范例马来文书写
    By Publisher:Penerbitan Potensi Publication Date:2023-01-08
    Buku karangan ini diterbitkan khas untuk murid-murid tahap 1 yang belajar di S.J.K.(C) dan S.J.K.(T). Objektif buku ini adalah untuk membimbing murid-murid supaya lebih mahir dalam aspek penulisan. Buku ini merangkumi perkara-perkara yang berikut: (1) Penggunaan Bahasa Yang Mudah. (2) Setiap Karangan Diterjemahkan Dalam Bahasa Cina. (3) Setiap Karangan Dilengkapi Gambar. (4) Merangkumi Pelbagai Aspek Kehidupan. Learn More
    USUAL: RM9.50

    NOW: RM 9.50 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 8.55 (-10%)

  12. 第一阶段100篇书写范例英文书写
    By Publisher:Penerbitan Potensi Publication Date:2023-01-08
    100 English Model Compositions is specially written to provide Years 1, 2 & 3 pupils with ideas and materials on how to write better compositions. Compositions are translated into Chinese to enhance pupils' understanding. Difficult words are highlighted in both English and Chinese equivalents so as to help them enrich their vocabulary. This book aims to help pupils acquire competence in English. Pupils will then be expected to use and express in English with greater confidenc Learn More
    USUAL: RM9.50

    NOW: RM 9.50 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 8.55 (-10%)

  13. 第一阶段100篇书写范例 华文书写
    By Publisher:Penerbitan Potensi Publication Date:2023-01-08
    100篇华文书写范例乃根据小学新课程刚要的书写技能,专为小学第一阶段的学生编写。本书范文的范围包括了个人、家庭和学校生活、节日庆祝、游记、参观等等。本书图文并茂,范文用字遣词简练。除了提供范文给学生参考外,范文中的生字新词更附有解释和汉语拼音。此外,本书在每篇范文后都设有类似题与有关提纲,方便学生参考以仿写作文。最后,衷心 Learn More
    USUAL: RM9.50

    NOW: RM 9.50 (-0%)

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  14. 第一阶段嘉阳文字捉迷藏
    By Publisher:嘉阳GEMILANG Publication Date:2024-01-01
    《嘉阳文字捉迷藏》是一款找字游戏书,此书根据新版华文课本顺序排列词汇,由浅入深;附加看图找答案、猜谜语等思维游戏。通过富含挑战性的游戏设计,不仅能考考学生的眼力、培养耐心,还能提高专注力及记忆力。 《嘉阳文字捉迷藏》以轻松有趣的学习方式呈现,让学生边玩边学、减轻压力,同时还能培养学生认字识词的兴趣,轻松掌握华文! Learn More
    USUAL: RM8.90

    NOW: RM 7.00 (-21%)

    MEMBER: RM 7.00 (-21%)

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