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11.11 / SJKC

Popular Choice

  1. 四年级起步练习国文
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2020-11-02
    *Buku ini disusun khusus sebagai persediaan awal murid untuk melangkah ke tahun empat *Buku ini bertujuan untuk membina dan memperkukuh kemahiran bahasa murid sebelum melangkah ke tahun empat *Berdasarkan KSSR Semakan yang terkini *Merangkumi tiga komponen bahasa, iaitu Pemahaman, Tatabahasa dan Penulisan *Bahagian Uji Minda memuatkan latihan yang dapat membantu murid menguasai topik-topik yang dipelajari dalam tahun 1 - 3 *Bahagian Analisis Uji Minda menyediakan analisis ja Learn More
    USUAL: RM5.90

    NOW: RM 5.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 5.31 (-10%)

  2. 四年级起步练习英文
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2020-11-02
    *This is a preparatory book that is specially designed for Year 3 students who are transitioning to Year 4 *It aims to equip students with the crucial language skills that are needed to build a stronger foundation in the subject and ultimately ease their transitioning process *Written based on the latest CEFR-aligned curriculum *Systematic categorisation of the exercises under three crucial language components: Grammar, Comprehension and Writing *A Mind Test section covering Learn More
    USUAL: RM5.90

    NOW: RM 5.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 5.31 (-10%)

  3. 四年级起步练习华文
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2020-11-02
    *本书专为准备升上四年级的学生而精心编写,旨在帮助学生无缝衔接四年级课程,掌握重要的语文技能,为升上四年级打好稳固的基础 *依据最新的小学KSSR Semakan课程标准 *1至3年级自测练习涵盖了低年级的学习重点,帮助学生进行复习 *答案与解析针对1至3年级自测练习作出了全面且仔细的答案分析 *精简的语法笔记帮助学生掌握四年级重要的语法知识 *4年级进� Learn More
    USUAL: RM5.90

    NOW: RM 5.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 5.31 (-10%)

  4. 四年级起步练习数学
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2020-11-02
    *本书专为准备升上四年级的学生而精心编写,旨在帮助学生无缝衔接四年级课程,掌握重要的数学技能,为升上四年级打好稳固的基础 *依据最新的小学KSSR Semakan课程标准 *1至3年级自测练习涵盖了低年级的学习重点,帮助学生进行复习 *答案与解析针对1至3年级自测练习作出了全面且仔细的答案分析 *精简的重点笔记帮助学生掌握四年级每个单元的要点 *4年级进� Learn More
    USUAL: RM5.90

    NOW: RM 5.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 5.31 (-10%)

  5. 四年级起步练习科学
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2020-11-02
    *本书专为准备升上四年级的学生而精心编写,旨在帮助学生无缝衔接四年级课程,掌握重要的科学技能,为升上四年级打好稳固的基础 *依据最新的小学KSSR Semakan课程标准 *1至3年级自测练习涵盖了低年级的学习重点,帮助学生进行复习 *答案与解析针对1至3年级自测练习作出了全面且仔细的答案分析 *精简的重点笔记帮助学生掌握四年级每一课的要点 *4年级进阶� Learn More
    USUAL: RM5.90

    NOW: RM 5.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 5.31 (-10%)

  6. 三年级起步练习国文
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2021-09-20
    *Disusun khusus sebagai persediaan awal murid untuk melangkah ke tahun 3 *Buku ini bertujuan untuk membina dan memperkukuh kemahiran bahasa murid sebelum melangkah ke tahun 3 Learn More
    USUAL: RM5.90

    NOW: RM 5.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 5.31 (-10%)

  7. 三年级起步练习英文
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2021-09-20
    *A preparatory book, specially designed for Year 2 students transitioning to Year 3 *It aims to equip students with the crucial language skills needed to build a stronger foundation in the subject and ultimately ease their transitioning process Learn More
    USUAL: RM5.90

    NOW: RM 5.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 5.31 (-10%)

  8. 三年级起步练习华文
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2021-09-20
    *专为准备升上三年级的学生而精心编写 *旨在帮助学生无缝衔接三年级课程,掌握重要的语文技能,为升上三年级打好稳固的基础 Learn More
    USUAL: RM5.90

    NOW: RM 5.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 5.31 (-10%)

  9. 三年级起步练习数学
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2021-09-20
    *专为准备升上三年级的学生而精心编写 *旨在帮助学生无缝衔接三年级课程,掌握重要的数学技能,为升上三年级打好稳固的基础 Learn More
    USUAL: RM5.90

    NOW: RM 5.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 5.31 (-10%)

  10. 三年级起步练习科学
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2021-09-20
    *专为准备升上三年级的学生而精心编写 *旨在帮助学生无缝衔接三年级课程,掌握重要的科学技能,为升上三年级打好稳固的基础 Learn More
    USUAL: RM5.90

    NOW: RM 5.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 5.31 (-10%)

  11. 二年级超值套装(五个科目)
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:1970-01-01
    Consist of 5 subjects: Praktis Kendiri Bahasa Melayu SJKC Tahun 2 Praktis Kendiri Bahasa Inggeris SJKC Tahun 2 Praktis Kendiri Bahasa Cina SJKC Tahun 2 Praktis Kendiri Sains SJKC Tahun 2 Praktis Sari Penyelesaian Masalah Matematik SJKC Tahun 2 Learn More
    USUAL: RM21.00

    NOW: RM 10.00 (-52%)

    MEMBER: RM 10.00 (-52%)

  12. 图画字典(马来文-英文-华文)
    By Publisher:联营出版(马) Publication Date:2019-05-27
    1)收入23个主题,包含91个单元,共超过1600个词汇。 2)分门别类的主题及详细生物的插图,能激发孩子的思考能力。 3)词汇三语对照(国文,英文,华文),让孩子更容易掌握三语。 Learn More
    USUAL: RM19.90

    NOW: RM 19.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 19.90 (-0%)

  13. 四年级历史图解手册
    By Publisher:嘉阳小状元 Publication Date:2020-12-01
    内容 · 图文并茂,帮助学生掌握历史知识 · 提供额外的历史知识和资料来源 · 含课本所提出的问题及参考答案 · 备有中巫文对照的索引 编排 · 由浅入深,循序渐进 · 直观简洁,一目了然 文字 · 人名和地名含中巫文对照 · 浅白易懂,学生更容易理解内容 图片 · 彩色精美,增加学生阅读的乐趣 · 备有图片说明 Learn More
    USUAL: RM14.90

    NOW: RM 14.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 13.41 (-10%)

  14. 一至三年级小学汉语拼音手册
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2020-12-01
    *专为小学生精心编写的汉语拼音参考手册 *以详尽的笔记与多样化的练习,巩固学生对汉语拼音的掌握能力 *通过声母与韵母举例生字,加强学生对汉语拼音与生字的认识 *透过朗朗上口的“朗读训练”,帮助学生轻松地学习汉字的正确读音 Learn More
    USUAL: RM9.90

    NOW: RM 9.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 8.91 (-10%)

  15. 四至六年级小学汉语拼音手册
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2020-12-01
    *专为小学生精心编写的汉语拼音参考手册 *以详尽的笔记与多样化的练习,巩固学生对汉语拼音的掌握能力 *通过声母与韵母举例生字,加强学生对汉语拼音与生字的认识 *以深入浅出的笔记,引导学生学习汉语拼音的音变 Learn More
    USUAL: RM9.90

    NOW: RM 9.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 8.91 (-10%)

  16. 量词、标点符号-华文
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2020-12-01
    *一本专为小学生编写的语法笔记,内容紧密配合小学的语文教材,有效提升学生对更多词汇的认识 *本书除了收录量词和标点符号,也加入了形似字、汉语拼音、多音多义字、同音字、介词、连词、修辞和词语应用,以帮助学生打好语文知识的基础 *此外,每个部分也附有具挑战性的练习,加强学生对语文知识的掌握能力 *按照汉语拼音顺序排列 *每组词汇附有例 Learn More
    USUAL: RM9.90

    NOW: RM 9.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 8.91 (-10%)

  17. 马来量词、重叠词、合成词、明喻 (国文-华文)
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2020-12-01
    *Buku ini merupakan rujukan yang efektif untuk membantu murid-murid memahami, memperkaya perbendaharaan kata dan memantapkan penggunaan kosa kata *Buku ini juga mencakupi beberapa topik, iaitu penjodoh bilangan, kata ganda, kata majmuk dan bandingan semacam *Entri yang tersusun *Maksud entri yang tepat *Contoh ayat yang jelas *Latihan yang pelbagai Learn More
    USUAL: RM9.90

    NOW: RM 9.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 8.91 (-10%)

  18. 一年级跟着课文学造句国文
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2021-05-31
    *Mengandungi latihan yang pelbagai dan progresif *Merangsang kreativiti murid dalam membina ayat *Meningkatkan kemahiran murid dalam membina ayat *Membimbing murid membina ayat secara sistematik Learn More
    USUAL: RM4.90

    NOW: RM 4.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 4.41 (-10%)

  19. 一年级跟着课文学造句英文
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2021-05-31
    *Various types of writing exercises *Helps stimulate students' creativity *Helps students learn sentence construction *Strengthens students' writing skills Learn More
    USUAL: RM4.90

    NOW: RM 4.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 4.41 (-10%)

  20. 一年级跟着课文学造句华文
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2021-05-31
    *习题多元化且循序渐进 *激发学生的创意能力 *帮助学生掌握造句的技巧 *提高学生的书写能力 Learn More
    USUAL: RM4.90

    NOW: RM 4.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 4.41 (-10%)

  21. 一年级英文语法重点复习
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2021-01-14
    *Specially designed for students who wish to equip themselves with the crucial skills needed to strengthen their foundation in grammar *Structured and methodical selection of essential grammar items based on the CEFR-aligned curriculum *Comprehensive yet concise bilingual notes to offer students a quick and effective explanation on each grammar item *Challenging exercises to reinforce the students' understanding of a particular grammar item and to consolidate the knowledge ac Learn More
    USUAL: RM3.90

    NOW: RM 3.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 3.51 (-10%)

  22. 一年级国语语法
    By Publisher:Gemilang Publication Date:2020-12-01
    Gemilang Tatabahasa Bahasa Melayu ditulis khas untuk membantu murid-murid memahami dan menguasai penggunaan tatabahasa. Buku ini dimuatkan nota-nota ringkas dan padat dalam dwibahasa untuk memudahkan kefahaman murid-murid. Latihan progresif yang disediakan pasti dapat meningkatkan keberkesanan murid-murid mempelajari aspek tatabahasa. Learn More
    USUAL: RM6.50

    NOW: RM 6.50 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 5.85 (-10%)

  23. 一年级英文语法
    By Publisher:Gemilang Publication Date:2020-12-01
    Gemilang English Grammar aims to help primary school pupils master the fundamentals of English grammar. Its concise notes with bilingual explanations facilitate clear understanding on grammar rules. The varied exercises reinforce pupils on the usage of grammar. Learn More
    USUAL: RM6.50

    NOW: RM 6.50 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 5.85 (-10%)

  24. 二年级跟着课文学造句国文
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2021-05-31
    *Mengandungi latihan yang pelbagai dan progresif *Merangsang kreativiti murid dalam membina ayat *Meningkatkan kemahiran murid dalam membina ayat *Membimbing murid membina ayat secara sistematik Learn More
    USUAL: RM4.90

    NOW: RM 4.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 4.41 (-10%)

  25. 二年级跟着课文学造句英文
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2021-05-31
    *Various types of writing exercises *Helps stimulate students' creativity *Helps students learn sentence construction *Strengthens students' writing skills Learn More
    USUAL: RM4.90

    NOW: RM 4.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 4.41 (-10%)

  26. 二年级跟着课文学造句华文
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2021-05-31
    *习题多元化且循序渐进 *激发学生的创意能力 *帮助学生掌握造句的技巧 *提高学生的书写能力 Learn More
    USUAL: RM4.90

    NOW: RM 4.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 4.41 (-10%)

  27. 二年级英文语法重点复习
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2021-01-14
    *Specially designed for students who wish to equip themselves with the crucial skills needed to strengthen their foundation in grammar *Structured and methodical selection of essential grammar items based on the CEFR-aligned curriculum *Comprehensive yet concise bilingual notes to offer students a quick and effective explanation on each grammar item *Challenging exercises to reinforce the students' understanding of a particular grammar item and to consolidate the knowledge ac Learn More
    USUAL: RM3.90

    NOW: RM 3.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 3.51 (-10%)

  28. 二年级国语语法
    By Publisher:Gemilang Publication Date:2020-12-01
    Gemilang Tatabahasa Bahasa Melayu ditulis khas untuk membantu murid-murid memahami dan menguasai penggunaan tatabahasa. Buku ini dimuatkan nota-nota ringkas dan padat dalam dwibahasa untuk memudahkan kefahaman murid-murid. Latihan progresif yang disediakan pasti dapat meningkatkan keberkesanan murid-murid mempelajari aspek tatabahasa. Learn More
    USUAL: RM6.50

    NOW: RM 6.50 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 5.85 (-10%)

  29. 二年级英文语法
    By Publisher:Gemilang Publication Date:2020-12-01
    Gemilang English Grammar aims to help primary school pupils master the fundamentals of English grammar. Its concise notes with bilingual explanations facilitate clear understanding on grammar rules. The varied exercises reinforce pupils on the usage of grammar. Learn More
    USUAL: RM6.50

    NOW: RM 6.50 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 5.85 (-10%)

  30. 三年级跟着课文学造句国文
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2021-05-31
    *Mengandungi latihan yang pelbagai dan progresif *Merangsang kreativiti murid dalam membina ayat *Meningkatkan kemahiran murid dalam membina ayat *Membimbing murid membina ayat secara sistematik Learn More
    USUAL: RM4.90

    NOW: RM 4.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 4.41 (-10%)

  31. 三年级跟着课文学造句英文
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2021-05-31
    *Various types of writing exercises *Helps stimulate students' creativity *Helps students learn sentence construction *Strengthens students' writing skills Learn More
    USUAL: RM4.90

    NOW: RM 4.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 4.41 (-10%)

  32. 三年级跟着课文学造句华文
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2021-05-31
    *习题多元化且循序渐进 *激发学生的创意能力 *帮助学生掌握造句的技巧 *提高学生的书写能力 Learn More
    USUAL: RM4.90

    NOW: RM 4.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 4.41 (-10%)

  33. 三年级英文语法重点复习
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2021-01-14
    *Specially designed for students who wish to equip themselves with the crucial skills needed to strengthen their foundation in grammar *Structured and methodical selection of essential grammar items based on the CEFR-aligned curriculum *Comprehensive yet concise bilingual notes to offer students a quick and effective explanation on each grammar item *Challenging exercises to reinforce the students' understanding of a particular grammar item and to consolidate the knowledge Learn More
    USUAL: RM3.90

    NOW: RM 3.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 3.51 (-10%)

  34. 三年级国语语法
    By Publisher:Gemilang Publication Date:2020-12-01
    Gemilang Tatabahasa Bahasa Melayu ditulis khas untuk membantu murid-murid memahami dan menguasai penggunaan tatabahasa. Buku ini dimuatkan nota-nota ringkas dan padat dalam dwibahasa untuk memudahkan kefahaman murid-murid. Latihan progresif yang disediakan pasti dapat meningkatkan keberkesanan murid-murid mempelajari aspek tatabahasa. Learn More
    USUAL: RM6.50

    NOW: RM 6.50 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 5.85 (-10%)

  35. 三年级英文语法
    By Publisher:Gemilang Publication Date:2020-12-01
    Gemilang English Grammar aims to help primary school pupils master the fundamentals of English grammar. Its concise notes with bilingual explanations facilitate clear understanding on grammar rules. The varied exercises reinforce pupils on the usage of grammar. Learn More
    USUAL: RM6.50

    NOW: RM 6.50 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 5.85 (-10%)

  36. 四年级英文语法重点复习
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2021-01-14
    *Specially designed for students who wish to equip themselves with the crucial skills needed to strengthen their foundation in grammar *Structured and methodical selection of essential grammar items based on the CEFR-aligned curriculum *Comprehensive yet concise bilingual notes to offer students a quick and effective explanation on each grammar item *Challenging exercises to reinforce the students' understanding of a particular grammar item and to consolidate the knowledge Learn More
    USUAL: RM3.90

    NOW: RM 3.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 3.51 (-10%)

  37. 四年级国语语法
    By Publisher:Gemilang Publication Date:2020-12-01
    Gemilang Tatabahasa Bahasa Melayu ditulis khas untuk membantu murid-murid memahami dan menguasai penggunaan tatabahasa. Buku ini dimuatkan nota-nota ringkas dan padat dalam dwibahasa untuk memudahkan kefahaman murid-murid. Latihan progresif yang disediakan pasti dapat meningkatkan keberkesanan murid-murid mempelajari aspek tatabahasa. Learn More
    USUAL: RM6.50

    NOW: RM 6.50 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 5.85 (-10%)

  38. 四年级英文语法
    By Publisher:Gemilang Publication Date:2020-12-01
    Gemilang English Grammar aims to help primary school pupils master the fundamentals of English grammar. Its concise notes with bilingual explanations facilitate clear understanding on grammar rules. The varied exercises reinforce pupils on the usage of grammar. Learn More
    USUAL: RM6.50

    NOW: RM 6.50 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 5.85 (-10%)

  39. 五年级英文语法重点复习
    By Publisher:EPH 教育出版社 Publication Date:2021-08-12
    *Specially designed for students who wish to equip themselves with the crucial skills needed to strengthen their foundation in grammar *Structured and methodical selection of essential grammar items based on the CEFR-aligned curriculum *Comprehensive yet concise bilingual notes to offer students a quick and effective explanation on each grammar item *Challenging exercises to reinforce the students' understanding of a particular grammar item and to consolidate the knowledge ac Learn More
    USUAL: RM3.90

    NOW: RM 3.90 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 3.51 (-10%)

  40. 五年级国语语法
    By Publisher:Gemilang Publication Date:2020-12-01
    Gemilang Tatabahasa Bahasa Melayu ditulis khas untuk membantu murid-murid memahami dan menguasai penggunaan tatabahasa. Buku ini dimuatkan nota-nota ringkas dan padat dalam dwibahasa untuk memudahkan kefahaman murid-murid. Latihan progresif yang disediakan pasti dapat meningkatkan keberkesanan murid-murid mempelajari aspek tatabahasa. Learn More
    USUAL: RM6.50

    NOW: RM 6.50 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 5.85 (-10%)

  41. 五年级英文语法
    By Publisher:Gemilang Publication Date:2020-12-01
    Gemilang English Grammar aims to help primary school pupils master the fundamentals of English grammar. Its concise notes with bilingual explanations facilitate clear understanding on grammar rules. The varied exercises reinforce pupils on the usage of grammar. Learn More
    USUAL: RM6.50

    NOW: RM 6.50 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 5.85 (-10%)

  42. 六年级国语语法
    By Publisher:Gemilang Publication Date:2020-12-01
    Gemilang Tatabahasa Bahasa Melayu ditulis khas untuk membantu murid-murid memahami dan menguasai penggunaan tatabahasa. Buku ini dimuatkan nota-nota ringkas dan padat dalam dwibahasa untuk memudahkan kefahaman murid-murid. Latihan progresif yang disediakan pasti dapat meningkatkan keberkesanan murid-murid mempelajari aspek tatabahasa. Learn More
    USUAL: RM6.50

    NOW: RM 6.50 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 5.85 (-10%)

  43. 六年级英文语法
    By Publisher:Gemilang Publication Date:2020-12-01
    Gemilang English Grammar aims to help primary school pupils master the fundamentals of English grammar. Its concise notes with bilingual explanations facilitate clear understanding on grammar rules. The varied exercises reinforce pupils on the usage of grammar. Learn More
    USUAL: RM6.50

    NOW: RM 6.50 (-0%)

    MEMBER: RM 5.85 (-10%)

  44. 四至六年级(第二阶段) 168篇马来文书写范例
    By Publisher:Penerbitan Potensi Publication Date:2021-05-06
    168 Model Penulisan B.Melayu Tahap Dua ini merupakan teman setia kepada murid-murid S.J.K.(C) yang menghadapi ujian penulisan Bahasa Melayu. Obektif utama buku ini adalah untuk membimbing murid-murid menjawab kertas penulisan Bahasa Melayu dengan penuh yakin dan memperoleh kejayaan yang cemerlang dalam peperiksaan. Learn More
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  45. 四至六年级(第二阶段) 168篇华文书写范例
    By Publisher:Penerbitan Potensi Publication Date:2021-05-06
    168篇第二阶段华文书写范例适合小学四至六年级学生作为学习书写的最佳参考资料。本书范文包罗万象,题材广泛,书写方式多样化,以便学生多接触不同形式的作品。本书提供内容充足,用词规范的范文,让学生从好的文章中学习写作。每篇作文中加入作文刚要、生字拼音和注解,使学生充分了解该作文的写法和内容。本书亦附有学生在书写试卷中常犯的错误 Learn More
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