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' William Shakespeare '找到 196 件相关商品
作者 Dreamer
Apa dah jadi dengan Encik William? Pemergian mengejut Mimi menambah sengsara. Kasih sayang direnggut sekelip mata. Tak sanggup meratap dan menangisi seorang diri. Lalu kuasa 'penunggu' pokok jadi pilihan, kononnya boleh bersama anak tersayang buat kali terakhir asalkan segala syarat dipenuhi. Walaupun tempoh diberi cuma tujuh hari... Ayuh kita rungkai misteri siri 'Black Rose' yang pasti menggugat emosi. Duit Perlindungan Penunggu Pokok Waris Lembaga Hitam 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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作者 Neil Gaiman
An entrancing collection of stories based on the World Fantasy Award-winning Sandman comic book series by Neil Gaiman--the basis for the highly anticipated Netflix series and hailed by the Los Angeles Times Magazine as "the greatest epic in the history of comic books"--including contributions from Tori Amos, Clive Barker, Susanna Clarke, Tad Williams, and Gene Wolfe, among other celebrated names in fantasy and horror There is a dark king who rules our dreams from a place of 了解更多
原价 RM 42.50

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会员 RM 38.25 (-10%)

Hong Kong action-star Louis Koo returns as William Luk, an investigator with the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), in this action-thriller directed by David Lam. In this fifth and final film in the "Storm" series, William will investigate a case in the Immigration Department which links it to a Thai human trafficking ring. ICAC首席调查主任陆志廉(古天乐饰)与总调查主任程德明(郑嘉颖饰)共同调查走私贪污案,却意外发 了解更多
原价 RM 21.90

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作者 尼克·威廉森
  ★日本最暢銷語言書,隨書贈「魔法A4學習表格」   ★破43萬人訂閱學習,「尼克式英語會話」教你輕鬆學英文   ★英語學習圈掀起的旋風革命──用一張表格培養英語腦迴路   以認知科學為基礎,無痛直覺開口說英文   不死背 零文法 練聽力也OK!   一頁魔法表格,拆解英文句子4大元素   時態+動詞+主詞+補述 任何會話都可套用! 了解更多
原价 RM 60.05

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作者 William Poundstone
An entertaining book we can all enjoy... highly informative and amusing.' Daily Mail 'Full of valuable insight...this is a must-read for those looking to nail their next interview.' Publishers Weekly How Do You Fight a Horse-Sized Duck? explores the new world of interviewing at A-list employers like Apple, Netflix and Amazon. It reveals more than 70 outrageously perplexing riddles and puzzles and supplies both answers and general strategy for creative problem-solving. 了解更多
原价 RM 57.95

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作者 柏頓·墨基爾 , 查爾斯·艾利斯
《漫步華爾街》作者柏頓.墨基爾 X《投資終極戰》作者查爾斯.艾利斯 財經界兩位頂尖思想家,攜手為普通人撰寫的一本簡短、直白的投資手冊   康乃爾大學英語系教授威廉.史壯克(William Strunk Jr.),曾寫過一本英文寫作作品:《英文寫作風格的要素》(The Elements of Style),將如何發揮寫作的力量,歸納成幾個簡單法則。此書出版40年後,史壯克的學 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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作者 卡洛琳·威廉斯
★《新科學人》雜誌2021年度好書★ =入圍2022年「運動表現好書獎」= 久坐少動有害健康, 這個觀念只對了一半, 其實,一個人的智力、情緒、創造力、記憶力、成就...... 都跟「動」息息相關! 最新科學實證研究, 教你怎麼動得淋漓盡致又神清氣爽, 拉近你與成功的距離!   ★ 結合神經科學×細胞生物學×運動生理學×演化生物學×心理學的成功法    了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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会员 RM 62.37 (-10%)

作者 安東尼·威廉
75 道蔬食料理快速上手,輕鬆打造健康排毒生活   當你了解了3:6:9 排毒飲食法的理論與實踐方法,你一定迫不及待想嘗試這種飲食方式!   醫療靈媒安東尼‧威廉(Anthony William)備受讚譽的9 天 3:6:9 排毒飲食法已深入影響世界各地,本書食譜囊括3:6:9排毒飲食法中排毒法的種種實踐,包含3:6:9 排毒飲食法的具體飲食計畫,以及與之搭配的75份食譜,有了 了解更多
原价 RM 60.05

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会员 RM 54.05 (-10%)

作者 威廉·希爾博
  神祕的金屬,何以讓兩百年來富豪權貴為之著迷?   動盪不安的局勢下,為何你要抱緊白銀?   買進白銀,先理解它的價值!   從美國歷史來看白銀對全球政經的影響,為何今天它依然重要?   白銀能讓人致富,也能改變一個國家的命運!   看權勢者如何操盤白銀避險、力挽狂瀾,   成為亂世裡的贏家!   巴菲特也為之著迷 了解更多
原价 RM 73.90

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作者 威廉·尤瑞
★熱銷29年,Amazon 4.7星好評★ 聞名全球的談判專家、哈佛知名教授 威廉.尤瑞經典之作 溝通好難,不知道怎麼說服對方? 有效溝通說服對方,就靠這一本!   生活中,常常遇到雙方各持己見、僵持不下的情況。   夫妻為了家務分工、家庭支出吵架,誰也不讓誰。   難纏的客戶提出無理要求,還威脅要找你老闆。   努力辛苦的工作,老闆卻不願意 了解更多
原价 RM 53.90

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会员 RM 48.51 (-10%)

作者 Pip Williams
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - REESE'S BOOK CLUB PICK - "Delightful . . . [a] captivating and slyly subversive fictional paean to the real women whose work on the Oxford English Dictionary went largely unheralded."--The New York Times Book Review "A marvelous fiction about the power of language to elevate or repress."--Geraldine Brooks, New York Times bestselling author of People of the Book Esme is born into a world of words. Motherless and irrepressibly curious, she spends h 了解更多
原价 RM 54.95

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作者 保羅·維爾 , 威廉·波特
  一本由STEM教育大使及STEM教育叢書作者共同執筆的跨學科最新力作!   你可曾想過,每天通勤的交通工具、冬暖夏涼的居住空間、   純淨無雜質的飲用水質、光速暢行的網際網路是怎麼來的?   倘若沒有工程師,人類社會將停滯不前,這個世界也無法運轉……   工程師會提供方法來滿足人類的各種需求,運用智慧製作工具,   再藉由這些工具 了解更多
原价 RM 107.65

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会员 RM 96.89 (-10%)

作者 瑞秋·德洛奇·威廉斯
某種程度上,我們都渴望更像安娜。 ══ NETFLIX《創造安娜》不為人知的內幕 ══ ※ 全部都是真實故事,沒有虛構的部分   ★ 《時代雜誌》年度百大好書   ★ 《紐約時報》暢銷書、亞馬遜第一暢銷書   ★ 第一手揭密!安娜.德爾維(Anna Delvey)驚動全球的大騙局   ▊ 真人真事,《慾望城市》、《惡血》加上《神鬼交鋒》   安娜是25歲的德國 了解更多
原价 RM 60.05

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作者 威廉·麥唐諾 , 麥克·布朗嘉
★ 博客來選書、誠品選書、金石堂強力推薦 ★ ★ 誠品暢銷榜 ★ 好的設計就像大自然,沒有浪費這回事! 想像一下,河流想要怎樣的肥皂?櫻桃樹又會怎樣設計一棟房子?   在大自然裡,沒有需要丟棄的東西──當一棵櫻桃樹開滿花朵、而這些花朵又紛紛落地時,沒有人會覺得資源被浪費了──因為所有枯枝、落葉、落花,都將回到土壤,再度成為養分 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 威廉·薩默塞特·毛姆
  「毛姆是對我影響最大的現代作家。」──喬治‧歐威爾   「他小說中的情節令人清醒、驚異,對時機的把握完美無缺。」──雷蒙‧錢德勒   「生活才是正事,走入這個世界,才能獲取寶貴的經驗,寫出有價值的內容。」──毛姆   毛姆以《月亮與六便士》、《人性的枷鎖》、《剃刀邊緣》等著作而聞名,作品中飽含獨特的構思以及對人性的深 了解更多
原价 RM 55.45

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作者 威廉·索恩戴克
★巴菲特、查理‧蒙格等價值投資大師 必讀書單 ★當代企管大師、《從A到A+》作者詹姆‧柯林斯 好評推薦 ★《富比士》雜誌評比:商業重量級著作! ★萬名讀者好評:亞馬遜商業類、企業管理暢銷排行   投資本書任何一位執行長1萬元,   25年後,價值就會超過150萬,   這些執行長到底做對哪些事?   能為股東帶來超過20%的年化報酬率!    了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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会员 RM 58.23 (-10%)

作者 Michelle Gadsden-Williams
A game-changing guide for women who want to transform the way they work and create their own success-from an award-winning global diversity expert. In today's world, it takes more than ambition to succeed. It takes intention. But intention without clarity, deliberate words, and calculated actions is meaningless. According to Michelle Gadsden-Williams, a global expert in diversity, workplace culture, and career building, intention is more than just setting goals. It's seamles 了解更多
原价 RM 80.00

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作者 Tirzah Price
One of BuzzFeed's best YA books of 2021! Perfect for fans of the Lady Janies and Stalking Jack the Ripper, the first book in the Jane Austen Murder Mysteries trilogy is a clever retelling of Pride and Prejudice that reimagines the iconic settings, characters, and romances in a thrilling and high-stakes whodunit. When a scandalous murder shocks London high society, seventeen-year-old aspiring lawyer Lizzie Bennet seizes the opportunity to prove herself, despite the interfere 了解更多
原价 RM 75.50

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作者 Talia Hibbert
A witty, hilarious romance about a woman who's tired of being "boring" and recruits her mysterious, sexy neighbor to help her experience new things--perfect for fans of Sally Thorne, Jasmine Guillory, and Helen Hoang! Chloe Brown is a chronically ill computer geek with a goal, a plan, and a list. After almost--but not quite--dying, she's come up with seven directives to help her "Get a Life", and she's already completed the first: finally moving out of her glamorous family's 了解更多
原价 RM 42.50

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作者 布莉琪·柯林斯
《裝幀師》作者瑰麗奇想⧒絕美新作 ──致敬文學大師赫曼.赫塞《玻璃珠遊戲》── 亞馬遜讀者直逼五星好評!   祕密在牆隙間低語……   為了獲勝,你願意用什麼交換?   在蒙特維爾遊戲學院裡,聚集了全國最聰明的年輕人來此研讀「聖之嬉」,   這是一種晦澀而神祕的遊戲,融合古典樂、西洋棋、數學、詩學、哲學等藝術精髓而成,旨在追 了解更多
原价 RM 73.90

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会员 RM 66.51 (-10%)

作者   Mark Carney
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER 'A radical book that speaks out accessibly' BONO 'Indispensable ... This is the essential handbook' CHRISTINE LAGARDE 'A remarkably good read' GILLIAN TETT, Financial Times 'A landmark achievement' WILL HUTTON, Observer We are at a pivotal moment in the fight against climate change - with the ultimate opportunity to reassess what society values and how we can better respond to future crises. This book asks why it is that the things we value most 了解更多
原价 RM 69.95

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作者 David Spencer
Is work a primordial curse? Or a spiritual calling? Or is it a tedious necessity that technology will abolish, freeing us to indulge lives of leisure? In this book David A. Spencer argues that work is only an alienating burden because of the nature of work under capitalism. He makes the case not for the abolition of work - which can remain a source of meaning and dignity - but for its lightening. Engaging with thinkers ranging from Marx and William Morris to Keynes and Graeb 了解更多
原价 RM 96.40

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作者 Nirrosette
Nafeesa seorang gadis berusia 21 tahun suka buat kerja gila! Sewaktu cuti semester universiti, Nafeesa nekad terbang seorang diri ke Vancouver untuk bertemu dengan abangnya Najwan. Si abang yang sedang sibuk belajar telah mengamanahkan teman serumahnya Khalil, menemani Nafeesa. Bersama Khalil, Nafeesa belajar banyak perkara baharu: tentang hidup, tentang cinta, tentang agama. Khalil sangat sempurna di mata Nafeesa. Segak, tampan, bijak, berkerjaya dan berdaya intelek. Belum 了解更多
原价 RM 32.00

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作者 Jennifer Ashton
ABC’s chief medical correspondent helps you ring in the New Year right with a resolution that’s actually doable: a year-long plan to improve your emotional and physical health—from giving up alcohol to doing a digital detox, but each for only one month. Dr. Jennifer Ashton is at the top of her field as an ob-gyn and news correspondent. But even at the top there’s still room to improve, and with The Self-Care Solution, she upends her life 了解更多
原价 RM 84.95

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作者 蓓兒·帕瓦
  「大多數的慢性疾病都來自於體內分泌過多的壓力荷爾蒙。不斷練習呼吸技巧,透過正向的內在自我對話,才能啟動副交感神經,讓身心不再加速暴衝。」──帕瓦博士   「要對抗壓力,最有效的工具就是思想。所以我們要選擇健康的想法,放棄有害的念頭。」──美國心理學家威廉・詹姆斯(William James)   帕瓦博士是北美知名的女性醫學專家,卻 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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会员 RM 62.37 (-10%)

作者 Phedora Lynn William
Peonies into Sambal is the second poetry collection by Phedora but the first to be debuted under her own name. Her collection dives into the process of sambal-making by seeking to accept, process, and define the self through finding love, losing hearts, and self-exploration on what it means to find a home. 了解更多
原价 RM 38.90

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作者 Sophie Cousens
The stunning new love story from the bestselling author of This Time Next Year 'Impossible to put down' CATHY BRAMLEY 'A sure-fire hit!' LAURA JANE WILLIAMS 'Packed full of holiday sparkle' JOSIE SILVER ____________________________ Tell me the story of how you two met... Laura has built a career out of interviewing people about their epic real life love stories. When she picks up the wrong suitcase at the airport, Laura wonders if this could be the start of something that 了解更多
原价 RM 52.90

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作者 Jefrey Archer
Turn a Blind Eye is the third instalment in the gripping story of Detective Inspector William Warwick, by the master storyteller and Sunday Times number one bestselling author of the Clifton Chronicles. William Warwick, now a Detective Inspector, is tasked with a dangerous new line of work, to go undercover and expose crime of another kind: corruption at the heart of the Metropolitan Police Force. His team is focused on following Detective Jerry Summers, a young officer wh 了解更多
原价 RM 45.90

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作者 Kristina Forest
Through this pitch-perfect rom-com, Kristina Forest explores the legacy of family and what it means to be young and full of artistic passion. I was utterly charmed from start to finish. --Maurene Goo, author of Somewhere Only We Know Now That I've Found You is a YA novel about searching for answers, love, and your eccentric grandma in all the wrong places. Following in the footsteps of her überfamous grandma, eighteen-year-old Evie Jones is poised to be Hollywood's next bi 了解更多
原价 RM 53.90

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作者 威廉·格林
  「不只教你如何投資,更教你如何思考。」   「這本經典之作能讓你成為更好的投資人,以及更好的人!」   ──百萬暢銷作家、亞馬遜讀者一致★★★★★盛讚   傳奇的億級投資專家   8堂無價的財富與人生經營課   客觀思索機率、嚴守紀律、防範偏見和盲點、應付壓力和逆境,   提升你在投資和生活雙贏的成功率。   ★ 理財暢銷 了解更多
原价 RM 70.85

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会员 RM 63.77 (-10%)

作者 威廉·高汀
【全台唯一正式授權,十週年紀念版】 ☆全新名家設計書封 ☆新增全球獨家名人推薦序   ★《時代雜誌》評選威廉‧高汀為1945年以來最偉大的50名英國作家之一   ★榮獲「美國圖書館協會」精選1990-1999年 百大最具爭議性的小說之一   ★被《時代雜誌》評選為1923-2005年 百大英語小說之一   ★榮登「當代圖書館」20世紀百大英語小說之一   ★與《 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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作者 馬克·道格拉斯
交易心理名作,涉足金融市場的必讀經典 雙書典藏版,全球Amazon財經讀者共感推薦──★★★★★ 交易之道:攻心為上,技術次之! 價格的跳動,始於市場中起伏的人心; 建立堅不可摧的贏家心智系統,是所有交易者的重中之重!   ▋首部曲   紀律的交易者:培養贏的態度,成功的交易80%靠心理,只有20%靠技巧【全新修訂版】   交易兩個 了解更多
原价 RM 123.20

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会员 RM 110.88 (-10%)

作者 威廉·達泠
令人難以忘懷的那一個個“書店”,它們久久地、頑強地活在現實的經驗裏,久久地、溫馨地活在紙頁與文字的歲月裏,久久地、葱蘢地活在愛書者不滅的記憶裏。 差不多一百年前,愛丁堡威廉·達泠爵士(Sir William Y. Darling)匿名出版了一本《破產書商札記》,洛陽紙貴,這位愛丁堡大學榮譽法學博士、英國下議院議員、蘇格蘭皇家銀行董事,化身成一個倒霉 了解更多
原价 RM 97.50

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会员 RM 87.75 (-10%)

作者 楊牧
  一心化微塵   楊牧最後一本詩集:   未曾結集 + 未曾發表之作   開漢文詩壇先例,公開詩人創作手稿的原貌:   每首詩作,均附珍貴修改手稿 1 ~ 7 式不等,得以窺見詩人如何經   營琢磨,完成一首詩的藝術秘密和心血付出。   精裝、平裝版本雙書封:   特殊開本全彩印,兼具賞讀,研析,和收藏,極為珍貴的版本。   《微塵》是 了解更多
原价 RM 77.00

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会员 RM 69.30 (-10%)

作者 Nina Kenwood
William C. Morris Debut Award Finalist! From debut author Nina Kenwood comes It Sounded Better in My Head, a tender and funny love letter to coming of age, and first love and its confusions, perfect for fans of Booksmart and To All the Boys I've Loved Before. When her parents announce their impending divorce, Natalie can't understand why no one is fighting, or at least mildly upset. Then Zach and Lucy, her two best friends, hook up, leaving her feeling slightly miffed and dec 了解更多
原价 RM 65.90

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会员 RM 59.31 (-10%)

作者 Jeffrey Archer
Newly promoted, Detective Sergeant William Warwick has been reassigned to the drugs squad. His first case: to investigate a notorious south London drug lord known as the Viper. But as William and his team close the net around a criminal network unlike any they have ever encountered, he is also faced with an old enemy, Miles Faulkner. It will take all of William's cunning to devise a means to bring both men to justice, a trap neither will expect, one that is hidden in plain s 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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作者 Ben Hubbard
A Financial Times Book Best Book of the Year 2020 A Foreign Affairs Best Book of the Year 2020 The gripping, untold story of how Saudi Arabia's secretive and mercurial new ruler rose to power. Even in his youth as a prince among thousands of princes, Mohammed bin Salman nurtured sweeping ambitions. He wanted power - enough of it to reshape his hyper-conservative, insular Islamic kingdom. When his elderly father took the throne in 2015, MBS got his chance. As the 了解更多
原价 RM 57.95

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作者 吳丹敏
不被承認的羅興亞人! 不能遏止的民族衝突! 無法帶來和平的停火協議! 不容忽視的地緣政治經濟角逐! 翁山蘇姬上台後, 政治的角力與資源的分配,仍持續讓國家動盪。 吳丹敏延續《緬甸,新亞洲的博弈競技場》 詳實的田野調查功力與深刻的書寫, 為基層人民用力發聲! 讀者可以從這本書了解: ◆緬甸為何從區域最富饒的國家,淪為最封閉國家的背後 了解更多
原价 RM 73.90

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会员 RM 66.51 (-10%)

作者 Kristen Willeumier
A neuroscientist’s groundbreaking, science-driven plan for revitalizing, nourishing and rejuvenating your most essential asset—your brain. Your brain is the most essential organ in your body. The brain and spinal cord are intimately connected to every bodily system and organ, so when it is balanced everything in your body and mind will function more efficiently. It’s vitally important to take proactive steps now, or you risk losing everything, including your abi 了解更多
原价 RM 89.50

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作者 Jean Kwok
A deeply moving story of family, secrets, identity, and longing, Searching for Sylvie Lee is both a gripping page-turner and a sensitive portrait of an immigrant family. It is a profound exploration of the many ways culture and language can divide us and the impossibility of ever truly knowing someone—especially those we love. 了解更多
原价 RM 76.90

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作者 John Williams 
Stuck in a job that’s boring you to tears? Slogging away at a business that’s never quite taken off? Still can’t decide what you’d rather do? It’s time to say ‘enough’. The world has changed. It’s now possible for anyone to make a living from doing the things they love. The only problem is that no one has shown you how. Until now. Based on life-changing ideas and tools proven with tens of thousands of people over the last decade, F**k Work Let’s Play is yo 了解更多
原价 RM 79.70

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作者 Jeffrey Archer
Hidden in Plain Sight is the second brilliant and captivating novel featuring William Warwick by the master storyteller and bestselling author of the Clifton Chronicles, Jeffrey Archer. Newly promoted, Detective Sergeant William Warwick has been reassigned to the drugs squad. His first case: to investigate a notorious south London drug lord known as the Viper. But as William and his team close the net around a criminal network unlike any they have ever encountered, he is al 了解更多
原价 RM 125.90

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会员 RM 113.31 (-10%)

作者 威廉·伯恩斯坦
政經局勢、科技進展、疾病災難、飲食文化…… 貿易如何牽動世人命運,改變人類的未來? 重量級金融經濟史作家精湛解析, 翻轉世界樣貌的貿易史圖景   ● 黑死病是貿易病?伊斯蘭教的大分裂,或許也能歸咎黑死病?   ● 第一場反全球化的抗爭竟出現在十七世紀的倫敦?   ● 波士頓傾茶事件其實是種商業競爭手段?   ● 引爆美國南北戰爭爆發 了解更多
原价 RM 107.65

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会员 RM 96.89 (-10%)

作者 Joanna Gaines
Following the launch of her #1 New York Times bestselling cookbook, Magnolia Table, and seeing her family’s own sacred dishes being served at other families’ tables across the country, Joanna Gaines gained a deeper commitment to the value of food being shared. This insight inspired Joanna to get back in the kitchen and start from scratch, pushing herself beyond her comfort zone to develop new recipes for her family, and yours, to gather around. Magnolia Table, Volume 2 is 了解更多
原价 RM 164.50

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作者 谢莉·戴维德 , 保罗·威廉姆斯
遭遇挫折时,人类最需要的是什么? 本书的两位作者使用经过数年的深入调查和样本跟踪的研究成果,结合荒诞哲学和理想主义、现实主义世界观,彻底颠覆了人类固有的受挫逻辑,给出了全新的逆向逻辑模式,帮助人们解除内耗,淡定面对挫折的挑战。 书里将失败分为三个层次,以存在主义哲学为武器,带领读者用特有的逆向逻辑打破固有的思维惯性,在 了解更多
原价 RM 39.80

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会员 RM 35.82 (-10%)

作者 威廉‧歐文
後疫情時代 你如何重新定義人生? 從45億年前行星撞地球 到人類祖先邂逅繁衍 哲學家帶你探索 我們是誰?為何在這裡?   你是什麼?顯然你是人類,科學家可以用家譜樹繪出你的祖先,但你也有其他身分。   演化生物學家認為,在生命樹上,你是智人物種的一份子;微生物學家認為,你是一群細胞的組合,每一個細胞都可追溯到數十億年前的 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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会员 RM 62.37 (-10%)

作者 Jeffrey Archer
Nothing Ventured is the incredible and thrilling novel by the master storyteller and bestselling author of the Clifton Chronicles and Kane and Abel, Jeffrey Archer. This is not a detective story, this is a story about a detective. William Warwick is eight when he decides to join the police force. Resolute in the face of his prominent QC father's objections, William graduates in Art History from university and immediately enrols as a constable in the Metropolitan Police. Ga 了解更多
原价 RM 45.90

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会员 RM 41.31 (-10%)

作者 威廉·尤瑞
全球暢銷超過1300萬冊《哈佛這樣教談判力》的前傳   和別人溝通之前,要先學會和自己談判。   因為,「你」才是最難說服的對手。   擁有三十多年資深談判經驗的專家,   歸納出能達到自我認同,並與人達成共識的6個步驟,   有效化解衝突與紛爭,充分圓滿自己與他人。   當面對談判、對立、衝突或爭執時,最大的障礙並非對方有多難纏 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

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会员 RM 44.37 (-10%)

作者 威廉·戈茲曼
  吳一揆(中信金控總經理):今天全球是一個複雜經濟體的組合,這個全球文明必須面對金融創新給這個世界帶來的基本問題:如何平衡當下與未來的需求?如何避另一次金融災難的發生?以及如何讓金融創新的利益讓社會每一個人受益?這些問題或許透過威廉‧戈茲曼這本書,可以在金融創新的歷史發展軌跡上找到許多有用的指引。   金融是一部時光 了解更多
原价 RM 89.30

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会员 RM 80.37 (-10%)

作者 威廉·沃克·阿特金森
  全美百年來所有心理學家的思想聖經   我們的思維信念,能將一切不可能之事化為可能   問題是,你是否願意相信自己?   ★百萬暢銷書《秘密》的思想源頭   ★「吸引力法則」創始大師威廉‧沃克‧阿特金森最重要的經典之作   ★《成功的奧秘》作者羅伯特‧柯里爾、《矽谷禁書》作者查理斯‧哈奈爾、《喚醒心中的巨人》作者安東尼‧羅 了解更多
原价 RM 55.45

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会员 RM 49.91 (-10%)

作者 Teme Abdullah
Kisah seorang artis terkenal. Hidup pada zaman manusia terpaksa mengumpul 'kredit' yang cukup sebagai bukti bahawa mereka berhak untuk kekal hidup di muka bumi. Mereka yang gagal mencapai tahap kredit minima, akan ditarik nyawa. Artis terkenal itu ada segalanya - wajah, suara, personaliti dan pencapaian yang belum pernah dikecapi mana-mana rakyat Nusaraya sebelum ini. Popularitinya melebar ke serantau Asia. Sehinggalah ada pihak yang membangkitkan gosip bahawa ada 'arti 了解更多
原价 RM 30.00

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会员 RM 27.00 (-10%)

作者 麥克尼爾
  傳染病與人類文明交融史 經典中的經典   世界史奠基巨擘─麥克尼爾 史詩級代表作   瘟疫,是人類最深的恐懼,   病菌,是塑造人類歷史的推手,   槍砲、鋼鐵也擋不住這股力量!   人類實踐了太空旅行 卻擺脫不了傳染病的威脅   全球化消弭了疾病散播的界線 社群加深了恐懼   歷史不斷證明 政經情勢極有可能一夕劇變 了解更多
原价 RM 57.20

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会员 RM 51.48 (-10%)

作者 William Tham Wai Liang
1981, Kuala Lumpur. An aging Communist revolutionary arrives in the hazy heart of the capital while the country lurches towards a political turning point; a time marked by protests, clandestine arrests and media suppression. A woman known only as H agrees to document the revolutionary’s story and her dangerous task is complicated by the fragmented memories of her family’s own complicity during the violent days of the Emergency. As a silent assassin closes in, their lives 了解更多
原价 RM 39.00

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会员 RM 35.10 (-10%)

作者 威廉·馮·希伯
探索600萬年來人類的演化 如何塑造我們今日的生活 從工作、人際關係,到領導力、創新 以及最重要的:我們對幸福的追求   人類心理充滿矛盾。我們努力達成目標,但是一旦成功了,幸福感與付出的努力相比卻是轉瞬即逝。我們希望朋友過得好,但是當他們過得很好時卻無法克制自己的嫉妒。想到我們認識的人被謀殺,即使我們討厭他,還是會覺得很驚駭 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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会员 RM 62.37 (-10%)

作者 麥克尼爾
  傳染病與人類文明交融史 經典中的經典   世界史奠基巨擘─麥克尼爾 史詩級代表作   瘟疫,是人類最深的恐懼,   病菌,是塑造人類歷史的推手,   槍砲、鋼鐵也擋不住這股力量!   人類實踐了太空旅行 卻擺脫不了傳染病的威脅   全球化消弭了疾病散播的界線 社群加深了恐懼   歷史不斷證明 政經情勢極有可能一夕劇變 人性面 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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会员 RM 62.37 (-10%)

作者 Cooper Emma
Beautifully observed, tender and genuinely funny' Josie Silver 'Funny, original storytelling, an emotional rollercoaster packed with twists and turns that tugged at all my heartstrings' Holly Miller 'A profoundly affecting, beautifully written story packed with heart and hope' Miranda Dickinson Lost: Six-foot-two Irish man who answers to the name Samuel McLaughlin. Has weak shins and enjoys show tunes. If found, please return to Sophie Williams. Before Sophie met Samuel s 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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作者 David Yoon
An Instant New York Times Bestseller and #1 Indie Bestseller! A William C. Morris YA Debut Award Finalist An Asian Pacific American Librarians Association Honor Book Two friends. One fake dating scheme. What could possibly go wrong? Frank Li has two names. There's Frank Li, his American name. Then there's Sung-Min Li, his Korean name. No one uses his Korean name, not even his parents. Frank barely speaks any Korean. He was born and raised in Southern California. Even so, his 了解更多
原价 RM 49.50

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会员 RM 44.55 (-10%)

作者 葛雷格·威廉斯
  了解霸凌者心態,掌握應對策略,精準反擊!   美國談判專家親授,現代人必備的人際自保手冊   這世上,到處都有恃強凌弱、虛張聲勢的人   這是人性中,最黑暗也確實存在的部分   拒絕接受被軟土深掘,你可以不必逆來順受!   我們該如何務實面對、解決、甚至防範霸凌的發生?   透視霸凌者的動機   ・他想要更多權勢嗎?   了解更多
原价 RM 50.80

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会员 RM 45.72 (-10%)

作者 威廉·諾德豪斯
氣候變遷是假議題? 全球暖化是騙局? 沒有人告訴你,氣溫升高將加深貧富差距 未來10年,熱壓力將使8000萬人失業 地球升溫4度,全球經濟每年將損失23兆美元!   ★諾貝爾經濟學獎得主、氣候變遷經濟學之父重磅巨作★   ★《金融時報》50本世界最佳圖書入選★   ★新英格蘭圖書節非小說類榮譽獎★   ★美國出版商經濟學類專業卓越學術傑作獎★ 了解更多
原价 RM 73.90

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会员 RM 66.51 (-10%)

作者 威廉·吉布森
未來可以預測,人類則否。   影視化決定!   《星際效應》《西方極樂園》強納森.諾蘭強勢改編   非典型時間旅行,虛擬實境謀殺案;   軀殼與靈魂的哲學答辯,復古與未來的超脫想像。   你我相遇的瞬間,   我們的未來就開始朝不同方向前進。   芙林接下高價打工代班,在虛擬遊戲中監視特定對象。然而,執行任務過程中,那名對象 了解更多
原价 RM 89.30

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会员 RM 80.37 (-10%)

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