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作者 Khan
原价 RM 107.77

现售 RM 107.77 (-0%)

会员 RM 96.99 (-10%)

作者 Nadia Khan
"The road less traveled really is hard. There's no map, no manual. It's just you trying to figure things out as you go along, all the while hoping you don't lose yourself or your humanity." After suffering from a tragedy, Abby picks up the pieces of her broken self while still being plagued by the consequences of her impulsive actions. But words from the millennial bible – "Adulting is hard" – follow her like a curse as she struggles to not fall into the trap of bad deci 了解更多
原价 RM 24.90

现售 RM 19.92 (-20%)

会员 RM 19.92 (-20%)

作者 帕拉格·科納
當疫情過去,人類即將重啟大規模遷徙。 掌握移動力,就能在新時代創造機運、改變命運! 未來我們都將成為一個個的量子人, 在動盪不安的局勢之下,你更該找到自己在世界上的定位與未來方向! 地理是被創造的,我們這個世代將會改寫地圖!   在過去的六萬年中,人類文明反覆出現的特徵是「移動」,是對資源和穩定性的不斷探索。疫情時代一切停 了解更多
原价 RM 70.85

现售 RM 70.85 (-0%)

会员 RM 63.77 (-10%)

作者 Parag Khanna
Where will you live in 2030? Where will your children settle in 2040? What will the map of humanity look like in 2050? Mobility is a recurring feature of human civilisation. Now, as climate change tips toward full-blown crisis, economies collapse, governments destabilise and technology disrupts, we're entering a new age of mass migrations - one that will scatter both the dispossessed and the well-off. Which areas will people abandon and where will they resettle? Which countr 了解更多
原价 RM 72.90

现售 RM 72.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 65.61 (-10%)

作者 Intisar Khanani
I've been cursed, betrayed, and sold into slavery - but the truth I carry can't be allowed to die. Only Rae knows the extent of the corruption at the heart of the kingdom of Menaiya, from the noble lord who betrayed her, to the Circle of Mages whose wards protect the slavers from discovery. Injured and imprisoned on a slave ship, Rae's options are quickly running out. When a desperate escape attempt goes terribly wrong, she finds herself indebted to a terrifying Fae sorceres 了解更多
原价 RM 60.90

现售 RM 60.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 54.81 (-10%)

作者 Intisar Khanani
I did not choose this fate. But I will not walk away from it. Children have been disappearing from across Menaiya for longer than Amraeya can remember. When her friend's sister is snatched, Rae knows she can't look away any longer - even if that means seeking answers from the royal court, where her country upbringing and clubfoot will only invite ridicule. Yet at court she discovers an ally in the foreign princess, Alyrra, who recruits her as an attendant. So Rae begins to 了解更多
原价 RM 60.90

现售 RM 60.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 54.81 (-10%)

作者 馬可·顏西提 , 卡林·拉哈尼
「破壞式創新正持續扭轉我們所熟悉的產業競爭樣貌。 對於渴望在嶄新商業環境中永續發展的企業領導者, 本書絕對是一本令人信服的必讀之作!」 ―克雷頓.克里斯汀生(Clayton Christensen)   經歷新冠肺炎疫情的衝擊,我們已經沒有拖延的藉口   為求企業永續,數位轉型勢在必行!   ● 領導者該如何帶領企業成功「數位轉型」?   ● 行 了解更多
原价 RM 77.00

现售 RM 77.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 69.30 (-10%)

作者 帕拉格·科納
19世紀,歐洲席捲全球;20世紀,美國領導局勢, 21世紀,世界由亞洲主宰!   ★全球新銳戰略、趨勢觀察家帕拉格‧科納,深入解讀亞洲未來格局   ★收錄專為台灣讀者所撰寫〈給台灣的建言〉,指出台灣如何在亞洲佈局中站穩腳步   ★已發行德、義、荷、日、韓多國版本,長據Amazon暢銷排行榜   ★誠品書局2021年3月中文選書   ◤亞洲小 了解更多
原价 RM 73.90

现售 RM 73.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 66.51 (-10%)

作者 Khanani Intisar
For Princess Alyrra, choice is a luxury she's never had... until she's betrayed. Princess Alyrra has never enjoyed the security or power of her rank. Between her family's cruelty and the court's contempt, she has spent her life in the shadows. Forced to marry a powerful foreign prince, Alyrra embarks on a journey to meet her betrothed with little hope for a better future. But powerful men have powerful enemies - and now so does Alyrra. Betrayed during a magical attack, her 了解更多
原价 RM 60.90

现售 RM 60.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 54.81 (-10%)

作者 Chef Hussin Khan
原价 RM 29.90

现售 RM 29.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 29.90 (-0%)

作者 Ahmad Farkhan Daie
Setelah penghijrahan Nabi SAW ke bumi Madinah. Satu persatu perubahan telah berlaku ke atas bumi bertuah ini. Bumi Madinah yang dahulunya merupakan tanah yang biasa berubah menjadi istimewa asbab daripada penghijrahan Rasulullah SAW. Di sana bermula segalanya, di sana juga terdapat lima tanda syurga. Antaranya adalah Jannatul Baqi'. Kawasan yang menyemadikan kebanyakan para sahabat, para tabiin, dan orang orang yang berjuang untuk agama. Sehingga sekarang Jannat 了解更多
原价 RM 23.00

现售 RM 23.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 20.70 (-10%)

作者 Chef Hussin Khan
原价 RM 29.90

现售 RM 29.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 29.90 (-0%)

作者 凱蒂·康恩
  這是一個有待抽絲剝繭的愛情謎團   揪心結局三度翻轉,裝幀設計由你親手裁開書頁揭曉   他和她,誰能活到最後一頁?   ★《時光邊緣的男人》作者大讚:一口氣光速讀完,此書只應天上有!   ★英國媒體盛讚:這故事會先讓你心碎,再以世上最美的方式,在你受傷的心狠踹好幾下。   ☆好萊塢重點瞄準的新穎劇情,改編電影拍攝中    了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

现售 RM 58.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 Hussin Khan Bin Rahmatullah Khan
原价 RM 29.90

现售 RM 22.90 (-23%)

会员 RM 22.90 (-23%)

作者 Saniyasnain Khan
原价 RM 16.90

现售 RM 16.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 15.21 (-10%)

作者 Hussin Khan Bin Rahmatullah Khan
原价 RM 29.90

现售 RM 22.90 (-23%)

会员 RM 22.90 (-23%)

作者 Saniyasnain Khan
原价 RM 16.90

现售 RM 16.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 15.21 (-10%)

作者 Saniyasnain Khan
原价 RM 26.90

现售 RM 26.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 24.21 (-10%)

作者 Saniyasnain Khan
原价 RM 16.90

现售 RM 16.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 15.21 (-10%)

作者 Saniyasnain Khan
原价 RM 26.90

现售 RM 26.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 24.21 (-10%)



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