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作者 珍妮佛.弗芮德
零基礎也OK!   開啟不同的占星視野,   從此不再依賴虛無飄渺的每周運勢指南,   真正認識自己,就能創造獨有的好運!   ★什麼是心理占星學?★   著名心理學者榮格曾認為,「占星學」不只是玄學或偽科學,而是代表古代心理學知識的總結。以此概念發展出來的心理占星學,帶你從最生活化的話題,進行自我覺察,有意識地調整行為模式。 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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会员 RM 62.37 (-10%)

作者 Darcia Narvaez PhD
A beautiful resource for Nature advocates, parents-to-be, Animal lovers, and anyone who seeks to restore wellbeing on our planet, The Evolved Nest reconnects us to lessons from the Animal world and shows us how to restore wellness in our families, communities, and lives. Each of 10 chapters explores a different animal’s parenting model, sharing species-specific adaptations that allow each to thrive in their “evolved nests.” You’ll learn: How Wolves build an internal 了解更多
原价 RM 84.50

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会员 RM 76.05 (-10%)

作者 墨實·巴爾
Right time, right mind. 透過本書,學會如何依照場合的需求,採用正確的心智模式。 本書將使我們: 徹底解決思緒混亂的問題 不再受到雜念干擾; 大腦出現神奇的空盪感,能擁有足夠的心智資源 達成思想上的輕鬆推進。 還能: 讓思考更暢快、範圍更廣泛, 因此心情變美麗了 創造力、專注力、解決問題的能力都提高了。   ■ 分心時,永遠只會想著4件事   了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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会员 RM 58.23 (-10%)

作者 Karl Pillemer , PhD
Real solutions to a hidden epidemic: family estrangement. Estrangement from a family member is one of the most painful life experiences. It is devastating not only to the individuals directly involved--collateral damage can extend upward, downward, and across generations, More than 65 million Americans suffer such rifts, yet little guidance exists on how to cope with and overcome them. In this book, Karl Pillemer combines the advice of people who have successfully reconciled 了解更多
原价 RM 84.95

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会员 RM 76.46 (-10%)

作者 Cyrus Khambatta , PhD
As the creators of the extraordinary and effective Mastering Diabetes Method, Khambatta and Barbaro lay out a step-by-step plan proven to reverse insulin resistance-the root cause of blood glucose variability- while improving overall health and maximizing life expectancy. Armed with more than 800 scientific references and drawing on more than 36 years of personal experience living with type 1 diabetes themselves, the authors show how to eat large quantities of carbohydrate-ri 了解更多
原价 RM 94.00

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会员 RM 84.60 (-10%)

作者 T·柯林·坎貝爾 , 尼爾森·迪斯拉
吃錯營養,每年多死百萬人! 史上最重要的預防醫學聖經 《救命飲食》系列最新力作! 為什麼現代化的飲食營養是疾病根源? 為什麼整體營養論才是營養發展的未來? 真實認知全食物蔬食營養的強大療癒威力, 就算是癌症或世紀病毒COVID-19都有效!   2020健康類美國獨立出版圖書獎   全球健康權威歷時40餘年的呼籲見證,影響全世界75億人   Amazon讀者5 了解更多
原价 RM 70.85

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会员 RM 63.77 (-10%)

作者 Joshua Coleman , Phd
As a trusted psychologist whose own daughter cut off contact for several years and eventually reconciled, Dr Joshua Coleman is uniquely qualified to guide parents in navigating these fraught interactions. He helps to alleviate the ongoing feelings of shame, hurt, guilt, and sorrow that commonly attend these dynamics. By placing estrangement into a cultural context, Dr Coleman helps parents better understand the mindset of their adult children and teaches them how to implement 了解更多
原价 RM 99.90

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会员 RM 89.91 (-10%)

作者 愛曼達·卡熙兒
  認識自己的敏感,擁抱自己的差異,只有善待自己才能更自由。   你太敏感了!   你幹嘛想那麼多!   你很神經質耶!   忍一忍就過去了嘛!   別人常常對於你的反應有以上的定論和建議。   但,你只不過是想得深一點,情緒的強度高一點,對環境意識活躍一點,反應的時間長一點……這樣錯了嗎?   是的,你沒有錯!但關鍵的核心是 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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会员 RM 58.23 (-10%)

作者 約瑟夫·F·柯佛林
  國際頂尖MIT 年齡實驗室深入研究20年,首部官方調查報告   10億銀髮族 × 15兆美元商機=全球銀光大藍海   設計思考 × 創新思維 × 人本價值 = 美麗老世界   ➤BMW、克萊斯勒、隨選經濟、哈雷機車……何以得到銀髮族青睞?   ➤助聽器、長輩機、吃藥寵物、老人食品……為何不受歡迎?   老花眼鏡業績超越近視眼鏡,成人紙尿布領先嬰兒尿 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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会员 RM 62.37 (-10%)

Good health is not a secret. To achieve good health, we must first understand it. By drawing links between diet, health, and the immune system, this book provides fascinating insights into the preventive science of Nutritional Immunology 了解更多
原价 RM 40.00

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会员 RM 26.00 (-35%)

作者 伊賀列阿卡拉‧修‧藍博士 , 河合政實
*暢銷書《零極限》作者修‧藍博士的最新力作,詳細解說神奇的四句話該怎麼說?向誰說? *日本「企管之神」船井幸雄熱切推薦,並親身實踐! *統一集團總裁林蒼生、知名訓練師周思潔、承億管理顧問股份有限公司執行長林櫻珊、《零極限》譯者宋馨蓉 極力推薦! 【內容簡介】 「零極限」工作事業篇和Q&A解惑篇 被譽為吸引力法則終極版的「荷 了解更多
原价 RM 40.05

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会员 RM 36.05 (-10%)

作者 喬‧維泰利 , 伊賀列卡拉‧修‧藍博士
◆內容特色 四句話,就能解決所有問題?讓心處於「零」的狀態,一切就會順利? 聽起來很不可思議,卻有效得驚人! 原來在夏威夷島上的一位神奇治療師,卻轟動全美和日本,因為他運用的「零極限」法,宛如吸引力法則的終極版本,創造了不可思議的奇蹟! ★日本「企管之神」船井幸雄熱切推薦並親身實踐。 ★新時代拓荒者王季慶、靈性作家張德芬 了解更多
原价 RM 43.10

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会员 RM 38.79 (-10%)

作者 Regine Galanti Phd 
The complete CBT-based guide for parenting kids with anxiety Do you suspect your child may have anxiety? While it's normal for children of all ages to experience fears and worries, if your child's anxiety interferes with their daily life, it's time to get some help. Parenting Anxious Kids is an accessible, research-based guide for parents that is filled with actionable steps to help your child conquer their anxiety-and a must-have parenting tool in a world where kids' anxiet 了解更多
原价 RM 94.95

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会员 RM 85.46 (-10%)



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