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作者 温蒂·玛斯
本书为平日照顾陪伴婴儿的父母、(外)祖父母们提供了大量易于掌握的亲子游戏。每个游戏都是根据全球领先的早教专家金宝贝(Gymboree)的理念,由资深专家精心设计,并经过多年的验证。 书中游戏根据婴儿的不同发展阶段量身定做,既有热闹的肢体游戏、音乐游戏,也有安静的观察游戏、想象游戏,还有乐趣无限的阅读时光,每种游戏都可以为宝宝开发多 了解更多
原价 RM 58.00

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作者 卡桑德拉·阿爾森
你不是不會整理,只是還不夠了解自己。 最有效的收納,是照自己的個性做!   #你是不是煩惱於:     ‧自己為何總做不好井然有序的收納?   ‧試過許多收納術,但總是過沒多久又亂了?   ‧懷疑被自己弄得一團糟的不只是空間,還有人生?   #真相是:   你其實並不亂,只是每個人的整理方式都不同。   比起一味模仿、套用別人 了解更多
原价 RM 61.60

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作者 列夫·托爾斯泰
韓劇《海岸村恰恰恰》男主角心愛之作 創作史詩巨著的俄國大文豪 透視人類靈魂的經典短篇 一名墜落凡間的天使,終於習得人間的道理: 「人類是依靠愛而生存。」   寫出長篇史詩《戰爭與和平》、《安娜‧卡列尼娜》的托爾斯泰,在晚年也創作了許多短篇及民間故事,其中蘊含著愛的啟示以及人生的哲思,使這些故事百年不衰、歷久彌新。托爾斯泰 了解更多
原价 RM 43.10

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*Bluetooth Version : 5.1*Ergonomic Design , Undroppable Fit Design*Charging Type : USB Type C*Playtime @ 50% Volume , Approx : Up to 8 + 30 hour*Driver Size , Each : 10 MM*IPX Rating : N/A 了解更多
原价 RM 79.90

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作者 李天菲
本书为吉他弹唱达人“南音Nancy小姐姐”针对吉他入门学习者所编写的教程。图书分为三部分内容:快速教程,帮助你更好地认识吉他,了解吉他入门知识;技巧提升教学,南音Nancy小姐姐用“陪你练琴100天”,和你一起练琴打卡,提升内力,并亲授多年来领悟出的弹琴独门技巧;曲目弹唱与教学,作者选取了精心编配的吉他弹唱曲谱100首,并配备高清视频示范 了解更多
原价 RM 68.00

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作者 藍偉瑩
藍偉瑩老師繼暢銷作品《教學力》後又一力作 所有教學者、學習者及家長,無法忽視且需刻意練習的《提問力》   「探究」與「素養」不僅是孩子學習的關鍵字,   父母與老師更要成為啟動孩子思考的提問者!   善用提問,促進聆聽、對話與思考,發現與看見「關鍵理解」,   透過提問,優化解決問題,激發創意潛能,建立互動關係,驅動更好的改 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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作者 Doug Lowe
Make PowerPoint the most "power"ful weapon in your Office arsenal and captivate your audience Presentations are your opportunity to stand out from the crowd, impress your colleagues, and be the smartest person in the room. And upping your PowerPoint game is the key to making your next talk one to remember. But where do you start? Luckily, the trusted For Dummies series is here to help you put the umph back in your PowerPoint decks, one compelling slide at a time. Don't worr 了解更多
原价 RM 124.55

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作者 約翰·勒卡雷
※金球獎、奧斯卡金像獎雙料最佳女配角瑞秋.懷茲獲獎電影《疑雲殺機》(2006)原著小說。   「他們的心態究竟是什麼,告訴我。這是不是我們所謂的原罪?如果妳問我,我會說他們的做法比原罪還嚴重得多。在我的觀念裡,原罪包含的是某種純真,只是,蝶莎,如今的純真到哪裡去了?」   蝶莎死了。   英國駐肯亞外交官賈斯丁接獲年輕妻子的死訊 了解更多
原价 RM 73.90

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作者 芭芭拉·歐克莉 , 貝絲·羅戈沃斯基 , 泰倫斯·索諾斯基
線上、實體教學並重時代 搭配大腦學習模式的最新教學法   新世代教學工作者必備的授課方法全攻略   你不必是科技專家,也不必花費大量金錢,只要搭配簡單的工具,   就能運用本書的觀念,將教學方法從優秀轉變為卓越。   無論是線上課程,或在傳統的教室裡,都能運作良好。   學生是否花太多時間學習,成效卻令人失望?他們是否因為感 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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•Line Spacing: 6mm •Number of Lines: 36 Number of Rings: 26 Number of Sheets: 10 Paper Refillable: Yes with loose leaf paper •Paper Weight: 75 gsm •Sheet Capacity: 60 •Sheet Color: White •Sheet Style: Dotted Line 了解更多
原价 RM 45.90

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作者 瑟列斯特·赫莉
為什麼我們努力工作,沒有換得快樂, 反而像是關進了生產力牢籠裡? ──我們真的不必時時刻刻對自己喊加油 「追求生產力」讓我們有安全感,但誰說凡事「努力」一定不會錯? 小心!它可能就是令你過度耗損的枷鎖!   ◆Check!以下症狀你有幾項:   ‧認為該將清醒的時間全部投入有生產力的事,才不算浪費?   ‧常常把工作帶回家,休假總是 了解更多
原价 RM 55.45

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作者 あし
  11歲的蓮,與往昔的美少女朋友重逢,給予援助。   孤兒少女蓮在10歲的時候,想起自己曾在過去被稱為地球的世界裡,作為一名三十五歲前後的男性研究人員活過另一段人生。轉生之後被孤獨拋在嚴苛的異世界的她靠著前世的科學知識,以及與生俱來的魔法資質開創命運。經歷過冒險者生活,度過11歲生日的她,帶著諾倫與薇兒這對芬里爾母女前往王都 了解更多
原价 RM 36.95

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作者 Daisy Meadows
The perfect Christmas present for Rainbow Magic fans! Join Rachel and Kirsty in six sparkly adventures with two of our favourite festive fairies - Holly the Christmas Fairy and Stella the Star Fairy! When the friends meet Holly the Christmas Fairy, they must help her to rescue the Christmas elves from Jack Frost. If the elves can't make presents, Christmas will be cancelled! Next, they have to help Stella the Star Fairy to find her magical tree decorations. Santa won't be ab 了解更多
原价 RM 42.90

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作者 Ali Hazelwood
Contemporary romance's unicorn: the elusive marriage of deeply brainy and delightfully escapist.' Christina Lauren, New York Times bestselling author of The Unhoneymooners When a fake relationship between scientists meets the irresistible force of attraction, it throws one woman's carefully calculated theories on love into chaos. As a third-year Ph.D. candidate, Olive Smith doesn't believe in lasting romantic relationships but her best friend does, and that's what got h 了解更多
原价 RM 52.90

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作者 Andy Griffiths
There are lots of laughs at every level in The 143-Storey Treehouse, the eleventh book in the number one bestselling Treehouse series from Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton, out in hardback. We've added thirteen new levels to our Treehouse (it used to be 130 storeys, but it keeps on growing!) including a word-o-matic (it knows every word in the whole world!); a recycling depot; a wrecking ball; a deep, dark cave with a real live, fire-breathing dragon; a complaining room; a sp 了解更多
原价 RM 41.90

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作者 原田重光 , 清水茜
  藥物過量導致細胞的情緒沉入了絕望深淵,這時射進了一道希望之光,就是「身體的反省與後悔」。   然而,正當身體想要主動改變自己不健康的壞習慣時,   「憂鬱症」卻無情地襲向身體——!   雖然細胞遭到身體的荼毒以及背叛,   他們依舊替身體著想,相信身體,並持續戰鬥下去——   看了這本書,就再也不敢做出不健康的行為。    了解更多
原价 RM 21.00

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作者 陳玠安
如果這裡頭的故事也跟你有關, 是的,那就是我最想要給予的問候了。 請不要懷疑,我們的頻率。 睽違九年最新散文集《問候薛西弗斯》 獻上一份問候,給勞碌於心智或身體的你。 文學或能作為問候,即使不會改變任何事情,也是有其力道的。   睽違九年,陳玠安推出最新散文集《問候薛西弗斯》,這次他試著問候生命中的「薛西弗斯們」:仰慕的作家 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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作者 Soren Sveistrup
NOW A MAJOR NETFLIX SERIES 'A full-throttle thriller in the tradition of classic Stieg Larsson, drenched in atmosphere and charged with adrenaline. I loved this book' A. J. FINN, author of The Woman In The Window 'A cracking ending that left me STUNNED' 5***** READER REVIEW THE CHILLING DEBUT NOVEL FROM THE CREATOR AND WRITER OF HIT TV SHOW THE KILLING, perfect for fans of THE FALL and DES ________ As the leaves fall, he's coming for you . . . One October morning in a qu 了解更多
原价 RM 59.95

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• Available in 0.5mm • 6 Colours available: Clear, Clear Black, Clear Blue, Clear Blue Green, Clear Pink, Clear Yellow • Unbreakable pencil lead system • The DelGuard utilizes an ingenious two-part system that makes it virtually impossible to break the lead. First, a spring in the barrel of the pencil lets the lead slide back into the pencil instead of breaking if too much vertical pressure is applied. Second, another spring in the tip dynamically extends the lead gua 了解更多
原价 RM 14.70

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• Available in 0.5mm • 6 Colours available: Clear, Clear Black, Clear Blue, Clear Blue Green, Clear Pink, Clear Yellow • Unbreakable pencil lead system • The DelGuard utilizes an ingenious two-part system that makes it virtually impossible to break the lead. First, a spring in the barrel of the pencil lets the lead slide back into the pencil instead of breaking if too much vertical pressure is applied. Second, another spring in the tip dynamically extends the lead gua 了解更多
原价 RM 14.70

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• Available in 0.5mm • 6 Colours available: Clear, Clear Black, Clear Blue, Clear Blue Green, Clear Pink, Clear Yellow • Unbreakable pencil lead system • The DelGuard utilizes an ingenious two-part system that makes it virtually impossible to break the lead. First, a spring in the barrel of the pencil lets the lead slide back into the pencil instead of breaking if too much vertical pressure is applied. Second, another spring in the tip dynamically extends the lead gua 了解更多
原价 RM 14.70

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• Available in 0.5mm • 6 Colours available: Clear, Clear Black, Clear Blue, Clear Blue Green, Clear Pink, Clear Yellow • Unbreakable pencil lead system • The DelGuard utilizes an ingenious two-part system that makes it virtually impossible to break the lead. First, a spring in the barrel of the pencil lets the lead slide back into the pencil instead of breaking if too much vertical pressure is applied. Second, another spring in the tip dynamically extends the lead gua 了解更多
原价 RM 14.70

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• Available in 0.5mm • 6 Colours available: Clear, Clear Black, Clear Blue, Clear Blue Green, Clear Pink, Clear Yellow • Unbreakable pencil lead system • The DelGuard utilizes an ingenious two-part system that makes it virtually impossible to break the lead. First, a spring in the barrel of the pencil lets the lead slide back into the pencil instead of breaking if too much vertical pressure is applied. Second, another spring in the tip dynamically extends the lead gua 了解更多
原价 RM 14.70

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• Available in 0.5mm • 6 Colours available: Clear, Clear Black, Clear Blue, Clear Blue Green, Clear Pink, Clear Yellow • Unbreakable pencil lead system • The DelGuard utilizes an ingenious two-part system that makes it virtually impossible to break the lead. First, a spring in the barrel of the pencil lets the lead slide back into the pencil instead of breaking if too much vertical pressure is applied. Second, another spring in the tip dynamically extends the lead gua 了解更多
原价 RM 14.70

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作者 久保田麻美
~將思考化為圖形,將會議化為圖畫~ 透過圖像記錄,提升思考力、溝通力、創造力 建立工作團隊的共通語言!   各位在工作時,是否曾經遇到這些狀況:   .開會時間愈拖愈長,卻遲遲得不出結論。   .同事們熱烈討論時常常偏離主題,導致無謂的時間浪費。   .想到了很好的點子,卻沒辦法順利傳達給其他人。   .與不同專業領域的人開會 了解更多
原价 RM 53.90

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作者 Max Lucado
Racial divides, political strife, uncertain futures, challenging times—is this the story of Esther or the story of today? Thankfully, the promise of both then and now is this: Our God triumphs in troubled times and we are invited to be a part of the victory. In You Were Made for This Moment, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado takes a fresh, in-depth look into the story of Esther and uncovers hope for tomorrow and courage for today. Max will help readers 了解更多
原价 RM 89.50

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作者 Jeff Walker
The only guide you'll ever need to achieve online marketing success. With new chapters offering fresh information, you'll find all the insider tips in one place. Praise for Jeff's previous edition: 'This book is invaluable, and Jeff is the modern marketing savant the world has been waiting for.' - Brendon Burchard, #1 New York Times bestselling author In Launch 2.0, Jeff brings his definitive guide up to date with the latest developments and hot topics in the rapidly changi 了解更多
原价 RM 159.90

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作者 佐佐木讓
直木獎、山本周五郎獎、日本推理作家協會獎、日本冒險小說協會獎 ────四冠王得主佐佐木讓巔峰之作!──── ★直木獎入圍、「這本推理小說了不起」No.1! ★「這本警察小說了不起」All The Best No.3! ★日本朝日電視臺50週年特別呈獻紀念鉅作! ★備受期待!韓國即將改編電影── 《信號》趙震雄、《寄生上流》崔宇植主演!   Ⓞ特別收錄 / 台灣 了解更多
原价 RM 107.80

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作者 大衛·艾登堡 , 喬尼·休斯
【Netflix同名紀錄片】 森林大火、北極融冰、暴雨洪水、氣溫高到跳電連連…… 第六次大滅絕即將來臨? 人類大反省! 一位百歲老人,用行動想要挽救年輕人的明天。 這是我們生活的地球,我們的明天只能靠自己守護。   ★英國國寶級自然科學主持人、歷史學家、地球歷史見證人   ★榮獲英國女王頒發爵士勳章   ★IMDb前十名影集中,有四部是 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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作者 平井正修
生活和職場的煩惱不留過夜,讓每一天都清新地開始,詳和地結束。 ★日本首相安倍晉三和中曾根康弘曾到作者的寺廟參禪★   如何不賴床,改掉早晨拖拖拉拉的習慣?   如何投入工作中,專注到忘我?   如何在睡前整理心緒,不將負面想法帶到明天?  一天不同的時段,都會面臨大大小小不一樣的煩惱:起床後如何保持清新的心境、在公司如何面 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

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作者 赤坂アカ
學生會會長.白銀御行與副會長.四宮輝夜在精英雲集的秀知院學園相遇…。雖然這2個天才兩情相悅,彼此卻一直設法要讓對方愛上自己、主動向自己告白,為達此目的,他們將在日常生活中使出渾身解數鉤心鬥角,演出全新感覺的愛情喜劇!…原本是這樣的2人現在開始交往,經過幾個月後升上3年級被分配到相同的班級裡!而這個班上不僅聚集了藤原千花 了解更多
原价 RM 23.00

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作者 Fearne Cotton
Wild, bold, connected truth talkers. Fearne takes our hand and shows us how to be one by treading the wild, vulnerable path first.' Sarah Wilson, author of First, We Make the Beast Beautiful Fearne Cotton's voice is familiar to millions, whether that's through television, radio or on her hugely successful Happy Place podcast. Her voice is her career, her livelihood and the way she communicates with her audience and her loved ones. So, when Fearne's doctor told her she was at 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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作者 藤野英人
  漲跌起伏的不安穩時代,你需要像投資家一樣思考   ☆狂銷5.4萬冊,日本亞馬遜讀者盛讚:「每個人都該看!值得納入國民教育的必讀好書!」   ☆闖蕩投資界30年、鑑識7,000位企業家的傳奇基金經理人,教你將投資的智慧應用於人生規畫   ☆上班族脫胎換骨的行動指南,破解3大財務迷思×掌握5種經營邏輯,你就是自己的超級成長股   你的每一 了解更多
原价 RM 55.45

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作者 月夜涙
★超人氣WEB小說大幅修改添寫後出版實體書! ★重生後的「傳奇暗殺者」更上巔峰!突破極限的刺客奇幻作品! ★改編漫畫,由皇ハマオ作畫。 ★日本改編TV動畫預計於2021年10月播映。 盧各等人成功討伐第三頭魔族,與入魔的諾伊修分道揚鑣後回到圖哈德領。 顯赫戰功使得王室對盧各信賴有加,另一方面卻有嫉妒其活躍的貴族正在對圖哈德家暗施毒計。 了解更多
原价 RM 33.90

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作者 太宰治
★《斜陽》執筆創作七十五週年★ ★暢銷千萬冊、日本文學永恆的經典★ 這個世界上,最美的是犧牲者。 我和你都是如此。 《人間失格》絕世前,太宰治筆下最後的戰鬥 「我這樣一棵小草,能夠活到今天, 已經盡了最大的努力。」——《斜陽》   二戰後,身為貴族的和子一家因家族沒落,從東京搬到伊豆的山莊居住。然而,仍保留貴族般優雅舉止的母 了解更多
原价 RM 43.10

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作者 Fredrik Backman
A brilliant and comforting read' MATT HAIG 'Funny, compassionate and wise. An absolute joy' A.J. PEARCE 'A surefooted insight into the absurdity, beauty and ache of life' GUARDIAN 'I laughed, I sobbed, I recommended it to literally everyone I know' BUZZFEED 'Captures the messy essence of being human' WASHINGTON POST The funny, touching and unpredictable No. 1 New York Times bestseller from the 15 million copy internationally bestselling author of A Man Called Ove _______ It 了解更多
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作者 約翰·勒卡雷
「你可知道,在上帝的世界裡,除了你,我無法對任何人講述這個故事? 其他人,不論男女,全都是敵人――撒謊,欺騙,告密, 永遠過著雙重生活,就像我一樣。」   「九一一事件」後在英美兩地引起爭議之作,大師勒卡雷為這個時代所寫的殘酷寓言。   在德國古堡大廳的重重鏡影中,導遊泰德看見沙夏的身影,飄忽猶如鬼魅。消失多年的摯友赫然現 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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作者 吳家揚
37歲財富自由、42歲提早退休 理財達人教你運用人生最重要的五張表, 打造財富自由系統,做好損益、風險、支出、財務與時間管理, 不再成為工作的奴隸,遇見財富自由的未來!   「經濟獨立」看似遙不可及?「提早退休」只能痴心妄想?   37歲財富自由、42歲提早退休的知名理財顧問無私大公開:   你我的人生只需簡單五張表,   善用股票、保 了解更多
原价 RM 52.35

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作者 Holly Jackson
Pip Fitz-Amobi is haunted by the way her last investigation ended. Soon she'll be leaving for Cambridge University but then another case finds her . . . and this time it's all about Pip. Pip is used to online death threats, but there's one that catches her eye, someone who keeps asking: who will look for you when you're the one who disappears? And it's not just online. Pip has a stalker who knows where she lives. The police refuse to act and then Pip finds connections be 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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作者 Matthew Reilly
THE HOTTEST ACTION WRITER AROUND' EVENING TELEGRAPH THE LATEST ADVENTURE IN THE WILDLY ENTERTAINING, ACTION-PACKED JACK WEST SERIES Former SAS soldier Jack West is on a mission to save the world, no matter what - or who - it might cost him. Still reeling from the loss of his daughter, and with his rivals far ahead of him, Jack must race across the globe to complete the ancient Trial of the Mountains. With the offs already agains them, Jack and his crew will soon discover t 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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作者 Stephen Fry
An inimitable retelling of the siege of Troy . . . Fry's narrative, artfully humorous and rich in detail, breathes life and contemporary relevance into these ancient tales' OBSERVER Step into Stephen Fry's bewitching retelling of the legend of Troy in his most epic book yet ________ 'Troy. The most marvellous kingdom in all the world . . .' Paris the Trojan has kidnapped Helen, Greek queen and most beautiful woman of the ancient world. A thousand ships give chase and lay 了解更多
原价 RM 69.95

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作者 韓良露
  每一個人都是一個小太陽系,每個人的小太陽系,時時刻刻都在跟天上的大太陽系互動。   每個人星圖太陽系的核心,就是太陽。在星圖的太陽系中,不管是順境或逆境,都是為了要讓我們的太陽得以完成這輩子的人生目標。而本命星圖會被行運啟動,當行運啟動本命星圖,就像鬧鐘響了一樣,我們就必須在這段期間,做好行運帶來的功課。   生命 了解更多
原价 RM 53.90

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作者 Tom Ziglar
Tom Ziglar, CEO of Zig Ziglar Corp, shares ten leadership virtues that are essential for coaching employees through immense change and creating an environment of maximum potential and productivity. With the world changing so rapidly, many leaders are struggling to find new ways to make a significant and positive impact on their team. The key, says Tom Ziglar, is to consistently bring out the best in everyone by focusing on ten core virtues: kindness, humility, respect, per 了解更多
原价 RM 89.50

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作者 Josh Malerman
THE TERRIFYING, BESTSELLING, NETFLIX RECORD-BREAKING BIRD BOX IS BACK. 'Brilliant, insanely compelling' Daily Mail 'One of the best horror stories published for years.' Express * * * * * In the old world there were many rules. In the new world there is only one that matters: don't open your eyes. In the seventeen years since the 'creatures' appeared, many people have broken that rule. Many have looked. Many have lost their minds, their lives, their loved ones. In that t 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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The complete guide to choosing and caring for your perfect cat breed! From ancient breeds to modern hybrids, there are a wide range of domestic cat breeds and it may be tricky to choose the right one! This practical illustrated guide will help you explore different cat breeds' characteristics, personalities, and common behavioural problems to ensure a healthy and happy cat. Inside the pages of this guide to cats, you'll discove 了解更多
原价 RM 86.95

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作者 Tom Ziglar
Ziglar Inc. CEO Tom Ziglar shows readers how the choices they can make--beginning today--will help them achieve balanced success, true significance, and an everlasting legacy. The secret to winning at life is one good choice at a time. Are you frustrated with your job, career, or relationships? Are you unsure if what you are doing right now in your life is the right thing? In this revolutionary new book, success and motivation expert Tom Ziglar shares the good news that you 了解更多
原价 RM 99.95

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作者 DudePerfect , Travis Thrasher
This photo-intensive, behind-the-scenes look at the viral sensation Dude Perfect offers step-by-step instructions for great do-it-at-home stunts along with valuable life lessons such as perseverance and teamwork, direct from DP headquarters. Tweens and teens, ages 8 to 12, will enjoy complete panda-monium with this incredible look at Dude Perfect: five guys (and one mysterious panda) who are kickin' it, throwin' it, tossin' it, and shootin' it for more than 53 million YouT 了解更多
原价 RM 116.95

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This book can help to strengthen students’ overall understanding and appreciation of the topics taught in Additional Mathematics (0606) and increase their chances of scoring a distinction in the Cambridge IGCSE Examinations. This book is based on the latest syllabus and key features of the book include: • Syllabus requirements at the start of every chapter • Key words at the start of each chapter • Formula list and study notes for each chapter • Comprehensive notes 了解更多
原价 RM 68.00

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作者 余秋雨
《暮天归思》是余秋雨先生以“一个暮年学者对于人生和文化的归结性思考”,更是余先生对本书的一个最基本的定位。作品以独立短文的形式呈现给读者,完整而简明的表述了一种人生信仰。供当代读者在繁忙间隙随意选读,并且在阅读的同时,给予人生和文化的主旨性引领。《暮天归思》分三个部分:第一部分,为“生命支点”,综述了作者的人生信仰和相 了解更多
原价 RM 58.00

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作者 史考特·蓋洛威
★Amazon「經濟成長與發展類」排行榜第1名 ★《紐約時報》暢銷排行榜 ★商業周刊第1751期選書   疫情過後,誰將被新世界狠狠甩在後頭?   蓋洛威以招牌式幽默和敏銳產業洞察力,不時發出正義怒吼   他對「後疫時代」提出警示和希望,更期望危機能帶來轉機   試想:   ●公司所提供的員工福利,寵物津貼可能比健身房會員證更受歡迎? 了解更多
原价 RM 60.05

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作者 Maggie Stiefvater
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Raven Boys, a mesmerizing story of dreams and desires, death and destiny. Do the dreamers need the ley lines to save the world . . . or will their actions end up dooming the world? As Ronan, Hennessy, and Bryde try to make dreamers more powerful, the Moderators are closing in, sure that this power will bring about disaster. In the remarkable second book of The Dreamer Trilogy, Maggie Stiefvater pushes her characters 了解更多
原价 RM 46.90

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作者 Deli
• Metal cover + SPCC metal structure + metal base • Swivel handle design to allow stapling of more paper positions • Wide-angle opening for tacking • Full anti-slip base for a more stable desktop performance • Large flat staple anvil for easier operation 了解更多
原价 RM 20.90

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作者 Rutger Bretman
THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER A Guardian, Daily Telegraph, New Statesman and Daily Express Book of the Year 'Hugely, highly and happily recommended' Stephen Fry 'You should read Humankind. You'll learn a lot (I did) and you'll have good reason to feel better about the human race' Tim Harford 'Made me see humanity from a fresh perspective' Yuval Noah Harari It's a belief that unites the left and right, psychologists and philosophers, writers and historians. It drives the head 了解更多
原价 RM 66.90

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作者 Jeff Kinney
You've never seen the Wimpy Kid World like this before - an entirely new, awesome, friendly, truly fantastic fantasy quest from #1 international bestselling author Jeff Kinney! From the imagination of Wimpy Kid's Rowley Jefferson comes an adventure of epic proportions! Join Roland and his best friend, Garg the Barbarian, as they leave the safety of their village and embark on a quest to save Roland's mum from the White Warlock. Will our heroes survive? Find out in Rowley Jef 了解更多
原价 RM 39.95

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*Khusus untuk murid tahun 4, 5 dan 6 *Memuatkan nota tentang panduan menulis dan jenis-jenis karangan untuk mengukuhkan pengetahuan murid *Mengandungi pelbagai bentuk latihan menulis karangan yang disusun berdasarkan tema dalam buku teks *Setiap latihan disusun mengikut peringkat kesukaran bagi meningkatkan kecekapan murid menulis karangan *Karangan yang lengkap disediakan bagi setiap latihan 了解更多
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Complete 101 wordsearches featuring classic Disney films including The Lion King, Alice in Wonderland and more 了解更多
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1. 1 CD 2. 1 Photo Book 3. 1 Lyrics Book 16pgs 4. 2 Random Photo Card 5. 1 Random Lenticular Card 6. 1 Signature Sticker 7. 1 Carnival Ticket 8. 1 Folded Poster 了解更多
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Lexar JumpDrive M35 USB 3.0-64GB flash drive Features - Stores and transfers content faster with high-speed USB 3.0 performance - Stylish metal design with exceptional durability Securly protects files using an advanced security software solution with 256-bit AES encryption Reliably stores and transfers photos, videos, files, and more - Compatible with PC and Mac.® Systems. - Backwards compatible with USB 2.0 devices Specifications. - Silver: - Capacity: 64gb 了解更多
原价 RM 35.00

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作者 Lynn Painter
TIKTOK MADE ME BUY IT! The addictive and feel-good enemies to lovers romance that will have you swooning . . . Bad luck has always followed Olivia. But when a steamy text from a random number turns into the most entertaining relationship of her life, it seems things are looking up. Colin has always considered Olivia his flatmate's annoying little sister. Until she moves in with them, and he realises she's turned into an altogether sexier distraction . . . He's determined to 了解更多
原价 RM 59.00

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作者 Ciannon Smart
Trust no witch . . . Iraya Adair has spent her life in a cell. Heir of an overthrown and magically-gifted dynasty, she was exiled from her home on the island nation of Aiyca when she was just a child. But every day brings her closer to freedom - and vengeance. Jazmyne Cariot grew up dressed in gold, with stolen magic at her fingertips. Daughter of the self-crowned doyenne, her existence is a threat to her mother's rule. But unlike her sister, Jazmyne has no intention of 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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