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Eric Clapton’s lifelong passion for the blues burns brightly inNothing But The Blues. The CD of the soundtrack features 17 previously unreleased live performances recorded in 1994 during the legendary guitarist’s tour supportingFrom The Cradle, his GrammyÒ-winning, multi-platinum blues album. Clapton’s longtime co-producer, Simon Climie, has remixed the audio from those performances from the original multi-tracking recordings. - The previously unreleased live performan 了解更多
原价 RM 149.90

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作者 Winston Ma
An in-depth and authoritative treatment of one of the most pressing topics of our time In Blockchain and Web3: Building the Cryptocurrency, Privacy, and Security Foundations of the Metaverse, two tech and finance experts deliver a comprehensive and accessible guide to the present and future of blockchain technology and how it will form the foundation of a new, better internet. To support a concept as bold as the Metaverse, we need several orders of magnitude more powerful c 了解更多
原价 RM 148.45

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作者 鮑伯·伯格 , 約翰·大衛·曼恩
  ★來自全球超過百位企業經理人、暢銷書作家的一致推薦   ★被翻譯成21種語言,暢銷全球   ★Go-Giver行動為世界帶來正面影響,2017年榮獲「活在當下新書獎長青勳章」   多數人認定的成功可能是做大事、賺大錢,   這些表面的成就,是否讓你真的快樂?   一則商業寓言改變你對於成功的看法!   「『給予』聽起來是不是有點天真?」書 了解更多
原价 RM 52.35

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作者 Harold Koplewicz
In The Scaffold Effect, world-renowned child psychiatrist Harold Koplewicz introduces the powerful and clinically tested idea that this deliberate build-up and then gradual loosening of parental support is the single most effective way to encourage kids to climb higher, try new things, grow from mistakes and develop character and strength. 了解更多
原价 RM 86.90

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作者 英格麗·克蘭迪恩-用
妳認識自己的身體嗎? 身為女人而發生各種身心變化的時期相當漫長, 婦科探討的範圍不只是器官,也包含女性的性生活、月經、 還有藏在我們內心深處的私密想法和焦慮。 ──英格麗.克蘭迪恩—用 雖然我們真的不想要經痛,不過自己的身體卻沒得選擇。 那我們能做些什麼,好讓自己舒服一點? 奧地利奶奶為妳設計的 \ 極簡 / 女子居家芳療小藥鋪 4 了解更多
原价 RM 97.00

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会员 RM 87.30 (-10%)

作者 J.M.杜邦 , 梅佐
不只魔鬼和十字路 「三角洲藍調之王」 羅伯.強生的故事 美國傳奇藍調鬼才――羅伯・強生Robert Johnson 馬世芳【導讀】、舒國治【後記】 「只要有靈魂,你就能夠聽懂藍調。」   影響巴布.狄倫、艾力克.克萊普頓等後世無數音樂人   孕育美國流行音樂的藍調大師   羅伯.強生(Robert Johnson, 1911-1938)是一位美國藍調吉他手、音樂家、詞曲作家, 了解更多
原价 RM 100.10

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会员 RM 90.09 (-10%)

《第一章》 歐洲戰火一觸即發 : 一場意志力的持久戰 1930年代末,戰爭即將爆發,當時在東京工作的記者中,沒有比德國記者理查.佐爾格(Richard Sorge)關係更好的人了。他的消息來源包括日本首相的顧問尾崎秀實(Hotsumi Ozaki),還有在1938年4月成為德國駐日大使的陸軍武官歐根.奧特(Eugen Ott)上校。奧特會和佐爾格分享德國的情報,佐爾格再協助奧特將日 了解更多
原价 RM 29.00

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作者 約翰·傅利曼
36個作家、36個故事, 告訴你美國如何撕裂自己的國家, 再把全世界都拖下水。 族群融合、互助互利、民主自由、人權保障 曾經的「美國夢」,為什麼如今淪為謊言?   謊言一:當「人人有機會」,變成無可挽回的貧富差距   美國最富有的十%的人,所賺取的收入相當於底層九○%的人的九倍   科技公司創造了百萬富翁與億萬富翁,八三%的加州房屋和 了解更多
原价 RM 76.85

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作者 詹姆斯·丹克特 , 約翰·伊斯特伍德
沒有人喜歡無聊,但它卻無所不在, 無聊會不會是在傳達什麼訊息呢?   無聊等同於沮喪或冷漠嗎?從人類、動物到機器人都會感到無聊嗎?   哪種人更容易感到無聊?又是哪種環境最會讓人覺得無聊呢?   衝動行為、藥物濫用、成癮、賭博、飲食問題、憂鬱,全都是無聊造成的?   無聊有助於創造力和學習?心流、興趣和好奇心是擺脫無聊的妙方 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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会员 RM 62.37 (-10%)

作者 Bernard Marr
Future-proof yourself and develop critical skills for the digital future The working world has changed dramatically in the last twenty years and it's going to continue to transform at an even faster pace. How can the average professional stay afloat in an ocean of constant change and technological revolution? In Future Skills: The 20 Skills and Competencies Everyone Needs to Succeed in a Digital World bestselling author and futurist Bernard Marr delivers an engaging and ins 了解更多
原价 RM 119.75

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作者 J.K.羅琳 , 約翰·帝夫尼 , 傑克·索恩
19年後,第8個故事, 哈利波特回來了! 愛是解咒,還是詛咒? 孩子屬於你,還是他自己? 魔法再現!空降各國暢銷排行榜TOP 1!   自從哈利波特、榮恩.衛斯理和妙麗.格蘭傑拯救了魔法界以來,轉眼間已經過去十九年。如今哈利是魔法執法部門主管和三個孩子的父親,本該享受退休英雄的悠閒生活,他卻每晚深陷往事引發的夢魘,醒來則要面對家庭 了解更多
原价 RM 73.90

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作者 Edward Chancellor
The first book of the next crisis. All economic and financial activities take place across time. Interest coordinates these activities. The story of capitalism is thus the story of interest: the price that individuals, companies and nations pay to borrow money. In The Price of Time, Edward Chancellor traces the history of interest from its origins in ancient Mesopotamia, through debates about usury in Restoration Britain and John Law ' s ill-fated Mississippi scheme, to the 了解更多
原价 RM 165.00

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作者 Leila Mottley
A searing debut novel inspired by a true story from the streets of Oakland, California, announcing the arrival of a blazing, young talent When there is no choice, all you have left to do is walk. Kiara Johnson does not know what it is to live as a normal seventeen-year-old. With her mother in a rehab facility and an older brother who devotes his time and money to a recording studio, she fends for herself and for nine-year-old Trevor, whose own mother is prone to disappe 了解更多
原价 RM 85.90

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作者 李德哈特
歷史往往只記錄戰勝者的榮耀,卻忽略戰敗者的觀點 要了解真實的二戰史,不能忽略戰敗者的看法 以古鑑今——尊重戰敗者,洞悉你的競爭對手! 國際局勢╳軍事戰史╳二戰真相╳外交布局 軍事戰略大師「李德哈特」必讀經典   李德哈特是誰?他是軍事史學家,同時也是軍事理論家;美國總統甘迺迪(John F. Kennedy)說他「上尉而為將軍之師」,《經濟學 了解更多
原价 RM 86.25

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作者 姜芳千 , John Lee
韓國股市「雙股神」──姜芳千與John Lee強強聯手 首度為廣大股民,公開畢生堅守的投資原則   認真工作存下薪水,明明沒做什麼,卻感覺手上的錢越來越薄?   同齡人都買上車買上房,自己卻一事無成?   感受到現在不考慮投資,之後可能會成為下流老人?   以上問題是不是你的煩惱?   如果答案都是肯定的,你就需要這本書!   這時,你 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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作者 Cathy Hackl
Jump into the metaverse to connect with consumers and explore endless opportunities Like the Internet before it, the metaverse is a virtual space bringing people, companies, and products together in both digital and real environments to create new economic opportunities. The groundwork is already laid. People and organizations jumping in are gaining invaluable experience, meeting customers, developing revenue streams, and even shaping metaverse culture. In Navigating the Me 了解更多
原价 RM 105.35

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会员 RM 94.82 (-10%)

作者 約翰·傑維德·倫德維斯特
世上有兩個東西是白的: 純真,還有砒霜。   這個冬季寒冷如常,卻有些異狀同時發生:   小鎮郊區發生恐怖殺人案件,屍體倒吊於樹,渾身血液遭人放乾。   一對詭異父女搬入社區,老邁父親望著女孩的眼神並不對勁。   十二歲的奧斯卡在被霸凌後走到家附近的公園,帶著恨意以刀揮砍樹幹,並與女孩相遇。   女孩蒼白精緻,猶如陶瓷娃娃。 了解更多
原价 RM 73.90

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会员 RM 66.51 (-10%)

作者 Baek Se-hee
THE PHENOMENAL KOREAN BESTSELLER TRANSLATED BY INTERNATIONAL BOOKER SHORTLISTEE ANTON HUR PSYCHIATRIST: So how can I help you? ME: I don't know, I'm - what's the word - depressed? Do I have to go into detail? Baek Sehee is a successful young social media director at a publishing house when she begins seeing a psychiatrist about her - what to call it? - depression? She feels persistently low, anxious, endlessly self-doubting, but also highly judgemental of others. Sh 了解更多
原价 RM 69.90

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作者 John Grisham
***THE SUNDAY TIMES THRILLER OF THE MONTH***'Besides the usual Grisham virtues of an arresting idea, polished plotting and vivid social snapshots, what's impressive here is his willingness to take on fresh challenges' THE SUNDAY TIMESNonstop suspense from the Sunday Times bestselling author: Investigator Lacy Stoltz follows the trail of a serial killer, and closes in on a shocking suspect - a sitting judge.In The Whistler, Lacy Stoltz investigated a corrupt judge who wa 了解更多
原价 RM 52.90

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会员 RM 47.61 (-10%)

作者 QuHarrison Terry
The metaverse is here. Are you ready? In The Metaverse Handbook: Innovating for the Internet's Next Tectonic Shift, a duo of experienced tech and culture experts delivers a can't-miss guide to participating in the most promising new technology since the advent of the web. Through dozens of metaverse creator case studies and concise, actionable insights, you'll walk away from this book understanding how to explore and implement the latest metaverse tech emerging from blockcha 了解更多
原价 RM 125.78

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作者 Coffee Break Languages
Transform your down time into 'do time'. The most successful language learners create a habit of studying on a regular basis. 50 French Coffee Breaks makes it easy to master a simple routine of improving your French by effortlessly integrating it with your calming daily ritual - from a 5-minute espresso to a 15-minute latte. Organised by 5, 10 an 了解更多
原价 RM 72.90

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会员 RM 65.61 (-10%)

作者 Coffee Break Languages
Transform your down time into 'do time'. The most successful language learners create a habit of studying on a regular basis. 50 German Coffee Breaks makes it easy to master a simple routine of improving your German by effortlessly integrating it with your calming daily ritual - from a 5-minute espresso to a 15-minute latte. Organised by 5, 10 and 15 了解更多
原价 RM 72.90

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作者 Coffee Break Languages
Transform your down time into 'do time'. The most successful language learners create a habit of studying on a regular basis. 50 Italian Coffee Breaks makes it easy to master a simple routine of improving your Italian by effortlessly integrating it with your calming daily ritual - from a 5-minute espresso to a 15-minute latte. Organised by 5, 10 and 15 minutes, these 50 varied and lively activities 了解更多
原价 RM 72.90

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作者 Coffee Break Languages
Transform your down time into 'do time'. The most successful language learners create a habit of studying on a regular basis. 50 Spanish Coffee Breaks makes it easy to master a simple routine of improving your Spanish by effortlessly integrating it with your calming daily ritual -from a 5-minute espresso to a 15-minute latte. Organised by 5, 10 and 15 minutes, these 50 varied and lively activities - 了解更多
原价 RM 72.90

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作者 Dr Wendy Suzuki
World-renowned neuroscientist, Wendy Suzuki, explains how to harness the power of anxiety to your advantage - to think better, feel better and DO better. We are living in the age of anxiety, a situation that often makes us feel as if we are locked into an endless cycle of stress, sleeplessness, and worry. But what if we had a way to leverage our anxiety to help us solve problems and fortify our wellbeing? What if, instead of seeing anxiety as a curse, we could recognize it f 了解更多
原价 RM 72.90

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作者 Stephen King
Legendary storyteller Stephen King goes into the deepest well of his imagination in this spellbinding novel about a seventeen-year-old boy who inherits the keys to a parallel world where good and evil are at war, and the stakes could not be higher - for their world or ours. Charlie Reade looks like a regular high school kid, great at baseball and football, a decent student. But he carries a heavy load. His mom was killed in a hit-and-run accident when he was ten, and grief d 了解更多
原价 RM 129.90

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作者 傑克·布倫南 , 約翰·沃斯
把市場與時間變盟友,投資要成功比想像中容易 「指數化投資教父」約翰.柏格欽點接班人! 執掌全球規模最大的投資公司 先鋒前首席執行長 傑克‧布倫南教你 讓投資,經得起考驗   指數投資先行者傑克‧布倫南親授23堂課,   循序說明投資基本知識、資產配置方法、如何強化心智與紀律。   無論金牛狂奔或熊市來襲,   良好心態+選對低成本指 了解更多
原价 RM 84.70

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作者 Rachel Lynn Solomon
From the author of Today Tonight Tomorrow comes a magical romance in the vein of Groundhog Day about a girl forced to relive her disastrous first day of college—only to discover that her nemesis is stuck in the time loop with her. Barrett Bloom is hoping college will be a fresh start after a messy high school experience. But when school begins on September 21st, everything goes wrong. She’s humiliated by the know-it-all in her physics class, she botches her interview for 了解更多
原价 RM 65.90

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作者 Raven Kennedy
It's the arrogance of men to think so little of women. And it'll be their downfall too' This is the story of King Midas. Or that's what we're always told. The Golden King with his palace of riches and me, the girl he turned to gold. Upon the snowy mountains in the Sixth Kingdom of Orea, I'm locked away in Highbell Castle. It's for my safety, I'm told. Away from the dangers of the world below. No one can get in. Apart from him. King Midas rescued me from the streets. He g 了解更多
原价 RM 63.95

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作者 Helen Thomson
Award-winning science writer Helen Thomson has zero desire to become a lifestyle guru, she just wants to help us understand the often surprising truths behind meditation, resilience, addiction, willpower, love, good sleep, CBT, success, dieting, antidepressants, intelligence and much, much more. Full of fascinating evidence-based advice pulled from the very latest research and packed with experiments you can try on yourself (including one guaranteed to lift your mood), this 了解更多
原价 RM 72.90

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作者 約翰·勒卡雷
「若有必要,我會盡忠職守,展現出必要的冷血。 不過,是誰的必要 ? 又冷血到什麼程度?」 諜報小說大師勒卡雷 生前出版最終作―― 機巧、幽默又刺激緊湊的現代間諜故事,呈現當今國際局勢的詭譎複雜和曲折人性!   這場國際政治角力,英、俄、美、德、烏克蘭,統統都上場了   駐外多年後,英國情報員奈特從海外返鄉,有意退休,但情報局希 了解更多
原价 RM 61.60

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作者 約翰·派伯
長銷20年 ★交易心理的經典之作!★ 暢銷書《走進我的交易室》作者強力推薦   想當操盤手!或也想像操盤手那樣持續且穩定的獲利!   但為什麼做不到?操盤手到底哪裡跟我們不一樣?   英國待在期權市場最久、獲利最豐的一流交易員約翰・派伯   將告訴我們,頂尖操盤手「持續穩定獲利」的祕密:   ●他們會有一個完整的交易系統    了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 強納森·法蘭岑
暢銷300萬冊的小說《修正》出版20年後 「美國偉大小說家」 強納森.法蘭岑 最新力作 《紐約時報》、《紐約客》、歐巴馬、歐普拉推薦 囊括各大重量級媒體年度選書 《大西洋月刊》讚嘆這是自「世紀小說」《自由》後:「法蘭岑至今最好的作品!」   「讓人讀到心碎。」——《紐約時報書評》   「我們這個時代的文學天才。」——英國《衛報》    了解更多
原价 RM 80.10

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作者 John C. Maxwell
The Best-Selling Leadership Book of All Time Just Got Better! HarperCollins and John C. Maxwell are celebrating the milestone anniversary of Maxwell's New York Times bestselling book The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership with the publication of a new revised and updated 25th Anniversary Edition. Maxwell has gone through every word of this book and updated it for the next generation of leaders. He has added new insights to these timeless laws and included lessons learned sin 了解更多
原价 RM 93.95

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作者 約翰·杜爾 , 萊恩·潘查薩拉姆
  ➢OKR權威推手、矽谷40年創投家約翰‧杜爾全球矚目力作   ➢以OKR解構淨零排放世紀挑戰,揭示ESG潔淨科技巨大商機   ➢攜手貝佐斯、高爾、比爾蓋茲等超過50位全球意見領袖及企業家以最快速度投入最大規模,達成2050全球淨零排放目標   第一本OKR的減碳實用方案   我們已經耗盡解決全球氣候危機的時間,為了避免災難發生、拯救適宜居住的 了解更多
原价 RM 107.80

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会员 RM 97.02 (-10%)

作者 Olly Richards
An unmissable collection of eight unconventional and captivating short stories for young and adult learners of Japanese. “Olly’s top-notch language-learning insights are right in line with the best of what we know from neuroscience and cognitive psychology about how to learn effectively. I love his work – an 了解更多
原价 RM 72.90

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会员 RM 65.61 (-10%)

作者 信實
上班的媽媽,也是深愛孩子的媽媽 溫柔的故事,熨貼了媽媽和孩子分離焦慮、不安的心   ★Fighting!職場媽媽,你並不孤單!   ★透過家長與孩子拉鋸的生活情境,培養孩子體貼父母的心情與獨立的能力,為職場雙親加油打氣!   「啊!今天特別累,真不想起床。   但是,我還沒有在尿布上寫名字,聯絡簿也還沒有簽名……」   「唉呀!你們還 了解更多
原价 RM 50.80

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会员 RM 45.72 (-10%)

作者 Chelsea Ichaso
A gripping new psychological thriller from the author of Little Creeping Things—can a grieving girl discover the twisted truth behind her sister’s hiking accident? Piper Sullivan never should have been at Suicide Point the day she fell. Her older sister, Savannah, knows this with all her heart—just as she knows that Piper’s “accident” was entirely her fault. Savannah did something awful, something she can barely stand to think about, and now Piper is in a coma. 了解更多
原价 RM 56.50

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作者 约翰·里德
从秘鲁库斯科太阳神庙里的黄金土豆,到生长在爱尔兰泥地中的同类作物;从如今中国大量种植以制作麦当劳薯条的食材,再到对其基因组的全面测序,比顿夫人、查尔斯•达尔文、列宁等名人故事点缀其间,土豆的历史既引人入胜,又令人直呼过瘾。在人类文明史的灿烂画卷中,约翰•里德成功钩沉出土豆故事的整体脉络:从起源到进化,再到进入食谱乃至成 了解更多
原价 RM 68.00

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作者 約翰·戈登
第一部以「人性」為線索串連的金融交易史 這本重磅巨作將帶你重返「財富重分配」的百年賭局, 聆聽各種貪婪與恐懼的聲音! 「當你研讀這些當代景氣循環和恐慌事件後,你將震驚地發現: 那些市場參與者的面貌始終如一;股票遊戲從未改變,人性也是。」 ── 傑西‧李佛摩 ── 世界金融強權──華爾街,如何從一個只是在街邊喊價的小市, 蛻變成 了解更多
原价 RM 77.00

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作者 約翰·高曼 , 妮安·希維爾
  ■ 個性不合,是否就註定無法在一起? 本書告訴你:不是的!   ■ 即使兩人之間有無法化解的衝突, 還是可以幸福快樂一輩子。   ■ 要如何維持戀情長長久久? 怎樣才能建立快樂的長期關係?   ■ 如何預防親密關係變質? 瀕臨崩解的關係還可以挽救嗎?   ■ 7大法則、9項評量、25個練習 本書揭露戀情能夠持續一生的秘訣     作者以 了解更多
原价 RM 52.35

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作者 John C. Maxwell
In this inspiring guide to successful leadership, New York Times bestselling author John C. Maxwell shares his tried and true principles for maximum personal growth. Are there tried and true principles that are always certain to help a person grow? John Maxwell says the answer is yes. He has been passionate about personal development for over fifty years, and for the first time, he teaches everything he has gleaned about what it takes to reach our potential. In the way that o 了解更多
原价 RM 94.90

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作者 Barbara Ryan
* Digestive problems * Bloating * Diarrhoea * Constipation * Pain Do you identify with these symptoms? Does your digestive system feel like your enemy? Is your unpredictable gut a source of embarrassment or fear, or is it holding you back? If you’re a woman who’s answered ‘yes‘ to any of the above, you’re not alone. More than two-thirds of people with IBS are fe 了解更多
原价 RM 112.90

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作者 Nigel Cumberland
Following the success of the international bestseller, 100 THINGS SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE DO, Nigel Cumberland turns his attention to productivity. 100 THINGS PRODUCTIVE PEOPLE DO distills all the wisdom of a lifetime of coaching successful business people into 100 short chapters showing you how to boost your productivity and get things done. It is packed with great ideas for achieving more and creating success. Explore the habits, tools, techniques and mentality of highly produc 了解更多
原价 RM 99.90

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作者 Edward M. Hallowell
A revolutionary new approach to ADD/ADHD featuring cutting-edge research and strategies to help readers thrive, by the bestselling authors of the seminal books Driven to Distraction and Delivered from Distraction World-renowned authors Dr. Edward M. Hallowell and Dr. John J. Ratey literally “wrote the book” on ADD/ADHD more than two decades ago. Their bestseller, Driven to Distraction, largely introduced this diagnosis to the public and sold more th 了解更多
原价 RM 94.00

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作者 艾瑞克·J·強森
  ★《快思慢想》《雜訊》作者康納曼:必讀!對個人、他人與社會,提供架構更好選擇的重要指南。   ★《心態致勝》作者卡蘿.杜維克:精采揭示了影響你決策的細微卻強大的元素。   ★《恆毅力》作者安琪拉‧達克沃斯:若想知道如何能幫助彼此做出更明智的選擇,本書是必讀之作。   你的選擇都是自己決定的?這只是一個假象!   你的每 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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作者 羅伯·愛德華 , 約翰·馬基 , W.H.C.巴賽蒂
「原文增訂第11版」中譯本首次授權發行! 業界公認最具權威的技術分析經典,總發行量超過數百萬冊! 由技術分析之父約翰.馬基&道式理論大師羅伯.愛德華合著的最佳投資指南   由道式理論大師羅伯•愛德華與技術分析之父約翰•馬基撰寫的《股價趨勢技術分析》,長年被公認為技術分析的經典,也是股票圖形分析方面的權威著作。自1948年初版發行 了解更多
原价 RM 107.80

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作者 羅伯·愛德華 , 約翰·馬基 , W.H.C.巴賽蒂
縱橫股市70年的投資寶典《股價趨勢技術分析》 「原文增訂第11版」中譯本首次授權發行! 業界公認最具權威的技術分析經典,總發行量超過數百萬冊! 由技術分析之父約翰.馬基&道式理論大師羅伯.愛德華合著的最佳投資指南   由道式理論大師羅伯•愛德華與技術分析之父約翰•馬基撰寫的《股價趨勢技術分析》,長年被公認為技術分析的經典,也是 了解更多
原价 RM 107.80

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Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu 吸血鬼马上死 JAP/ENG (E / C) Vampires are known to have many weaknesses that balance out their incredible power, but the vampire lord Draluc happens to be weak to pretty much anything. The vampire hunter Ronald receives a job to infiltrate the castle of the so-called "Invincible Progenitor" and rescue a woman's son from the monster within. But upon arriving, he is dumbfounded to discover that the vampire quickly turns to ash by something as tri 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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作者 Frank Slootman
The secret to leading growth is your mindset Snowflake CEO Frank Slootman is one of the tech world's most accomplished executives in enterprise growth, having led Snowflake to the largest software IPO ever after leading ServiceNow and Data Domain to exponential growth and the public market before that. In Amp It Up: Leading for Hypergrowth by Raising Expectations, Increasing Urgency, and Elevating Intensity, he shares his leadership approach for the first time. Amp It U 了解更多
原价 RM 92.20

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作者 Daniel A. Varroney
Tap into the potential of strategic partnerships with industry associations in this groundbreaking new book Reimagining Industry Growth offers readers a blueprint to harnessing the power of leading industry associations as strategic partners. By utilizing those partnerships, business leaders will become able to leverage the collective strength of the supply chain to overcome challenges, address uncertainty, mitigate risks, and position their industries for growth. The book 了解更多
原价 RM 100.60

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作者 Sarah Hogle
If you dream something hard enough, it might just come true . . . Maybell Parrish lives with her head in the clouds, which is the sensible choice because her fantasy life is wonderful. She runs a cosy coffee shop, surrounded by friendly colleagues and delicious baked goods, and is together with the man of her dreams - the one she's now certain doesn't exist. In real life, she works in a thankless job surrounded by screaming children, blocked toilets and work frenemies who pi 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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作者 John Hughes-Wilson
US President Harry Truman evidently understood the terrifying power of atomic weaponry, but no one could have realised its full potential when he ordered the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. Those military attacks, along with the disasters at the Fukushima and Chernobyl nuclear reactors, might spring to mind at the mention of nuclear destruction, but the majority of the events recorded in this book are entirely unknown to most people. This book records the f 了解更多
原价 RM 72.90

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作者 John Green
Goodreads Choice winner for Nonfiction 2021 and instant #1 bestseller! A deeply moving collection of personal essays from John Green, the author of The Fault in Our Stars and Turtles All the Way Down. “The perfect book for right now.” –People “The Anthropocene Reviewed is essential to the human conversation.” –Library Journal, starred review The Anthropocene is the current geologic age, in which humans have profoundly reshaped the planet and its biodiversity. I 了解更多
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作者 金·約翰·培恩
孩子需要簡單的生活,才能有平穩的情緒 一起跟著華德福教養經典,練習簡單教養精髓   Q:孩子失控時,到底該怎麼幫助他?   Q:為什麼看了一堆書、學了一堆教養方法,還是沒有用?   Q:我們的教養方式錯了嗎?為什麼孩子會出問題?   Q:孩子前幾天還相當乖巧聽話,為什麼現在卻完全失控?   簡單教養關鍵1:給孩子明確、一致的的規範 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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作者 John Patrick Green
The InvestiGators' latest case has our sewer-loving secret agents between a rock and a hard place in InvestiGators: Braver and Boulder, the latest chapter in the hilarious New York Times bestselling adventure graphic novel series from John Patrick Green. The InvestiGators are having a hard time keeping a low profile with their new headquarters being a giant robot towering over the city! How can they be SECRET agents if everyone recognizes them? But with their ears to the gr 了解更多
原价 RM 72.50

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作者 Jane Casey
The incredible new break-out thriller from the Sunday Times bestselling author. Shortlisted for the Irish Crime Book Awards 2021 Ingrid will never forget what John did. The people he hurt. The way he lied about it so easily. The way she defended him. Now he’s back. He says a murderer is after her. He says only he can protect her. Would you trust him? The clock is ticking for Ingrid to decide. Because the killer is ready to strike… 了解更多
原价 RM 56.95

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作者 David A. Yovanno
Unlock the enormous potential of strategic partnerships You think you know partnerships, don't you? But the nature - and growth potential - of partnerships for business has transformed in recent years. In The Partnership Economy, partnership automation expert and impact.com CEO David A. Yovanno delivers an insightful, actionable guide to navigating this newly defined era and growing your company's revenue far beyond expectations. Using real-life examples from well-known 了解更多
原价 RM 121.28

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作者 Janice Johnson Dias
An accessible blueprint to embolden our daughters to be critical thinkers, fearless doers, and joyful change agents for our future?from the proud mother of teen activist Marley Dias, founder of 1000BLACKGIRLBOOKS. Renowned sociologist Dr. Janice Johnson Dias has devoted her life to nurturing and training girls to become change-makers—whether through her investment in her daughter Marley’s humanitarian projects or through her work w 了解更多
原价 RM 79.95

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作者 Scott Cawthon
What really happened to Charlie? It's the question that John can't seem to shake, along with the nightmares of Charlie's seeming death and miraculous reappearance. John just wants to forget the whole terrifying saga of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, but the past isn't so easily buried.Meanwhile, there's a new animatronic pizzeria opening in Hurricane, along with a new rash of kidnappings that feel all too familiar. Bound together by their childhood loss, John reluctantly teams up wi 了解更多
原价 RM 82.50

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