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原价 RM 213.90

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作者 Susan Dennard
原价 RM 42.90

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作者 Susanna Kaysen
NATIONAL BESTSELLER - In 1967, after a session with a psychiatrist she'd never seen before, eighteen-year-old Susanna Kaysen was put in a taxi and sent to McLean Hospital. Her memoir of the next two years is a poignant, honest ... triumphantly funny ... and heartbreaking story (The New York Times Book Review). The ward for teenage girls in the McLean psychiatric hospital was as renowned for its famous clientele--Sylvia Plath, Robert Lowell, James Taylor, and Ray Charles--as 了解更多
原价 RM 52.50

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作者 Susan St. Louis , W. Murray
"Key Words with Peter and Jane" uses the most frequently met words in the English language as a starting point for learning to read successfully and confidently. The Key Words reading scheme is scientifically researched and world renowned. Book "12b" explores Peter and Jane's mountain adventure in 131 new words, including ' goodbye', 'suggested', 'clouds' and 'discussed'. Once this book has been completed, the child moves on to book "12c". 了解更多
原价 RM 9.90

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作者 Jenny Han
Belly has an unforgettable summer in this stunning start to the Summer I Turned Pretty series from the New York Times bestselling author of To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before. Some summers are just destined to be pretty. Belly measures her life in summers. Everything good, everything magical happens between the months of June and August. Winters are simply a time to count the weeks until the next summer, a place away from the beach house, away from Susannah, and most i 了解更多
原价 RM 65.90

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作者 Jenny Han
Belly finds out what comes after falling in love in this follow-up to The Summer I Turned Pretty from the New York Times bestselling author of To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before. It used to be that Belly counted the days until summer, until she was back at Cousins Beach with Conrad and Jeremiah. But not this year. Not after Susannah got sick again and Conrad stopped caring. Everything that was right and good has fallen apart, leaving Belly wishing summer would never come. 了解更多
原价 RM 65.90

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作者 Susan Cain
Quiet by Susan Cain will change how you think about introverts forever A Sunday Times and New York Times Bestseller Our lives are driven by a fact that most of us can't name and don't understand. It defines who our friends and lovers are, which careers we choose, and whether we blush when we're embarrassed. That fact is whether we're an introvert or an extrovert. The introvert/extrovert divide is the most fundamental dimension of personality. And at least a third 了解更多
原价 RM 63.95

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作者 Stephen King
For readers new to The Dark Tower, The Wind Through the Keyhole is a stand-alone novel, and a wonderful introduction to the series. The Dark Tower is now a major motion picture starring Matthew McConaughey and Idris Elba.The No. 1 Sunday Times bestseller The Wind through the Keyhole is a perfect bridge between the fourth and fifth novels in Stephen King's epic masterpiece. A story within a story which features both the younger and 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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作者 蘇珊.威辛克
成功者偷偷在做的事……   不用命令就輕輕鬆鬆達到目的。   我們都希望別人順我們的心意去做事,   *做老闆的,希望員工自動自發的賣命;   *做員工的,希望面試什麼公司都會被錄用;   *做家長的,希望孩子喜愛音樂,乖乖練琴;   *當政治人物的,希望大家都能去投票……   但,我們該如何做到呢?   當你希望別人按照你的心意做 了解更多
原价 RM 45.80

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作者 Sir Richard Branson
Looking for advice on setting up your own company, improving your career prospects, or developing your leadership skills? Why not ask Richard Branson? In Like a Virgin: Secrets They Won't Teach You in Business School, Richard distils and shares the wisdom and experience that have made him one of the world's most recognised and respected entrepreneurs. From his 'Top 5 secrets of Business Success', to hard hitting discussions about the global financial crisis, this book brin 了解更多
原价 RM 66.90

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作者 莉莎‧潔諾娃
繼《我想念我自己》後, 再一次牽動你我靈魂深處的動人作品 我來到這世界,不是要去做你在我出生前夢想我會做的事, 不是要去打小聯盟、上大學, 不是要成為醫生、律師或數學家, 也不是要變成老人、結婚生子。 我來到這世界是為了…… 【國內名家真愛推薦】(依姓名筆劃排序) 花媽卓惠珠 「幫助高功能自閉與亞斯柏格」部落格版主 林正盛 導 了解更多
原价 RM 47.20

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作者 Susan B Sileci , Esther C Rodrigues
原价 RM 49.90

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作者 Susan B Sileci , Esther C Rodrigues
原价 RM 49.90

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作者 Susan B Sileci , Esther C Rodrigues
原价 RM 49.90

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作者 Susan B Sileci , Esther C Rodrigues
原价 RM 49.90

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作者 Susan B Sileci , Esther C Rodrigues
原价 RM 49.90

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作者 Susan B Sileci , Esther C Rodrigues
原价 RM 49.90

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作者 Susan B Sileci , Esther C Rodrigues
原价 RM 49.90

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原价 RM 49.90

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作者 Susan Cain
The instant New York Times bestseller! In The XX Brain, Lisa meticulously guides us in the ways we can both nourish and protect ourselves, body and mind, to ensure our brains remain resilient throughout our lives. --from the foreword by Maria Shriver The first book to address cognitive enhancement and Alzheimer's prevention specifically in women--and to frame brain health as an essential component of Women's Health. In this revolutionary book, Dr. Lisa Mosconi, director of 了解更多
原价 RM 59.95

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作者 蕾貝卡·亞歷山大 , 薩沙·艾普
總有一天,我會失去聽覺和視覺, 但今天擁有的總是比明天更多。 因為你能掌握的只有當下。   因為失去的存在,才知擁有的美好。   當下能擁有的,我都要刻進回憶裡。   蕾貝卡12歲的時候,   被診斷出「尤塞氏綜合症」,到30歲會逐漸全盲耳聾。   她現在每過一天都像是多出來的一天。   雖然視覺和聽覺越來越模糊灰暗,   但每一個當 了解更多
原价 RM 48.60

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作者 梅莉恩·糜爾納
  梅莉恩‧糜爾納的《正常人被鎮壓的瘋狂》一書,彙編了她從1940年進入精神分析專業領域開始直到她的68歲高齡(1986年)之間所寫的精神分析論文、講稿、短文共計20篇,再加上編書時所寫的導論和後記各一篇,可以看成她一生在精神分析專業方面著作的全集。由美國心理協會與倫敦精神分析中心共同創立、現今最完備的《精神分析電子資料庫》(Psychoanalyt 了解更多
原价 RM 84.40

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作者 Susan Kuang
除了本業,你還擁有什麼?   除了職稱,你還有沒有比名片更亮眼的故事?   席捲全球新風潮!   不是迫於生存,而是不甘平庸!      斜/槓/青/年──Slash是一種生活態度!   共享經濟時代,越來越多人不再滿足於單一職業和身分的束縛,   開始選擇一種能夠利用自身專業和才藝,經營多重身分的多職人生。   這些人都擁有一個 了解更多
原价 RM 43.10

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作者 芭芭拉.派崔特 , 蘇珊.瑪姬
能處理好衝突的人,才算了解自己,才懂得真正的溝通! 三大法則讓你有禮又有力解決工作、生活、網路上的溝通難題,擺脫有苦難言的窘境!   老闆處事不公、部屬投機取巧、團隊已讀不回、同事佔人便宜、   鄰居我行我素、朋友借東西總是忘了還、伴侶總是愛使喚人……   這些不知如何開口的情境,你一定也經歷過。   隱忍只會積怨,暴 了解更多
原价 RM 48.85

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作者 Angela Duckworth
UNLOCK THE KEY TO SUCCESS WITH JP MORGAN'S BEST SUMMER READ OF 2018 In this must-read for anyone seeking to succeed, pioneering psychologist Angela Duckworth takes us on an eye-opening journey to discover the true qualities that lead to outstanding achievement. Winningly personal, insightful and powerful, Grit is a book about what goes through your head when you fall down, and how that - not talent or luck - makes all the difference. `Impressively fresh and original' 了解更多
原价 RM 69.90

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作者 菲卓·派崔克
意外發現的黃金墜飾手鍊, 串起一段關於悼念摯愛與重啟人生的旅程。   『是那些曾經有過的故事,豐富了我們的生命。』   ★授權德國、法國、挪威、日本、韓國等21國版權   ★goodreads網站1.2萬人4顆星評價,2000條評語   ★英國Lovereading.co.uk 2016年最佳小說   ★Red magazine四月最佳小說   ★Kobo’s當月最佳小說   ★Indie Next List當月最佳小說 了解更多
原价 RM 55.45

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作者 Malcolm Bradley , Susan Gardner , Chris Sunley
Collins Cambridge IGCSE (R) Co-ordinated Sciences Physics provides full coverage of all core and extended topics in the new syllabus. Carefully developed features including Science in Context, questions, Science Links and more allowing students to build firm scientific knowledge, develop practical skills and approach exams with confidence. Exam Board: Cambridge Assessment International Education First teaching: 2017 First exams: 2019 This title is endorsed by Cambridge Asse 了解更多
原价 RM 115.00

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作者 布萊恩‧費思桐
工作與生活的分界愈來愈模糊,我們需要涵蓋人生不同部分的工作新哲學!   生涯規劃是累積出自己想要的人生,而不只是換到讓人羨慕的工作。   在快速汰換年代,找到持續推進專業的動力,在生涯不同階段都有最適落點。   你想過現代人大概工作多少年嗎?45年!而且40歲之後花在工作的時間,比40歲之前還多。   你知道人生財富累積最 了解更多
原价 RM 53.90

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作者 Schmid , Susan Maupin
Inside an enchanted castle, there’s a closet—a closet with one hundred magical dresses that only Darling Dimple can wear. Each one disguises her as somebody else. It turns out that Darling needs disguises. A thief is on the loose! Someone is causing an uproar among the servants—moving things around, stealing clothes from the laundry, and even pocketing Princess Mariposa’s jewels. Then Darling and her friend Roger think they spot a ghost roaming the halls. Could the 了解更多
原价 RM 42.50

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作者 苏珊·斯科特
两位得力干将失和,公司业绩下滑,你不知如何训诫? 和孩子之间有隔阂,你找不到谈话的方式增进关系? 朋友借钱不还,你不好意思开口?…… 面对职业和生活中这样的关键时刻,你如何应对? 在往常的职业和生活中,为了避免麻烦,避免对方生气,我们常常的习惯是,几乎从未指出真正的问题。在沟通中,我们总是过于委婉,以至于对方根本没有了解我 了解更多
原价 RM 45.00

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作者 蘇珊·布魯
  *美國亞馬遜525位讀者4顆半星推薦   *自體免疫類書籍排名第一   不只自體免疫疾病患者需要,想恢復免疫系統健康的人,也很需要   你總是疲倦,每逢流感必定中獎?你關節僵硬疼痛?失眠?過敏、常腹瀉、肌肉無力、掉髮、皮膚乾燥、冷熱感覺與旁人不 同?總是感到焦慮不安、思緒很難清明、暴躁易怒?……各種說不清楚的毛病,看過許 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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作者 Daniel Zakaria
原价 RM 25.00

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作者 Fernandes Tony
What a life. Tony Fernandes has accomplished amazing things - and who's to say what he can go on to achieve?' Sir Richard Branson The inspiring story of business hero and Apprentice Asia star Tony Fernandes As a boy, Tony Fernandes wanted to be a pilot, a footballer or a racing driver. By 2011 he'd gone one better: founding his own airline and his own formula one team, and becoming Chairman of Queens Park Rangers, helping them reach the Premier League again after a 15-year 了解更多
原价 RM 59.95

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作者 蘇珊·弗蘭克
  「我決定一整天不碰觸任何塑膠,   但實驗才展開十秒,我就知道這個實驗有多荒謬……」──蘇珊.弗蘭克   塑膠無所不在:從口香糖、手機、不沾鍋,到奶瓶、輸血袋,甚至衣服,   現代生活中想要不碰到塑膠,連十秒鐘都很難!   人與塑膠戀愛了將近百年,才發現陷入一場有毒的愛戀中,   卻已上了癮……   ▉今天我們每一個人, 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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作者 Susan Branson
Essential oils have been used for thousands of years in many cultures for a variety of health purposes. These ancient oils act as natural medicines and contain the most proven therapeutic compounds in the world. You can find a variety of oils on the market today, but how do you use them? When used properly, essential oils can help alleviate stress, repel mosquitoes, overcome jet lag, reduce wrinkles, and so much more. Millions of 了解更多
原价 RM 61.50

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作者 蘇珊·佛沃 , 唐娜·費瑟
五種典型有毒姻親,正在侵蝕你的婚姻!   ★國際知名心理專家、美國版《情緒勒索》與《母愛創傷》作者蘇珊·佛沃探討「姻親關係」另一力作!   ★呂秋遠(律師)、鄧惠文(精神科醫師;榮格心理分析師)、賴奕菁(精神科醫師;《好女人受的傷最重》作者)同感推薦!(依名稱筆劃順序排列)   我們帶著自己的故事、經驗與需求走進婚姻, 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 芭芭拉·安吉麗思
做自己的生命主人   唯有出自靈魂,才能使人生真正轉變   ★★★ 當代重量級靈性成長導師 ★★★   睽違八年的全新升級經典之作   不分宗教,一致深刻好評!   當感覺到一股不舒服從內在湧現,就表示有什麼在呼喚著我們,要求我們去看見或是說出來。此時,我們絕對不能忽略,因為這是覺醒的信號。你的內在沒有任何欠缺。我們之所以 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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作者 Susan Dennard
War is sweeping the witchlands and tainted magic is destroying both friends and enemies. While the Bloodwitch Aeduan is keeping one crucial secret . . . Here, loyalties will be tested as never before . . . The Bloodwitch Aeduan and Iseult the Threadwitch race for safety, desperate to evade the Raider King. His attempts to subdue the Witchlands are gaining momentum, as his forces sow terror in the mountains, slaughtering innocents. Despite differing goals, Aeduan and Iseult 了解更多
原价 RM 46.90

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作者 Lori Gottlieb
Now being developed as a television series with Eva Longoria and ABC! "Rarely have I read a book that challenged me to see myself in an entirely new light, and was at the same time laugh-out-loud funny and utterly absorbing."--Katie Couric "This is a daring, delightful, and transformative book."--Arianna Huffington, Founder, Huffington Post and Founder & CEO, Thrive Global "Wise, warm, smart, and funny. You must read this book."--Susan Cain, New York Times best-selling aut 了解更多
原价 RM 73.50

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作者 Haemin Sunim
Many of us respond to the pressures of life by turning inwards and ignoring problems, sometimes resulting in anxiety or depression. Others react by working harder at work, at school or at home, hoping that this will make ourselves and the people we love happier. But what if being yourself is enough? Just as we are advised on airplanes to take our own oxygen first before helping others, we must first be at peace with ourselves before we can be at peace with the world around 了解更多
原价 RM 69.95

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作者 維申·拉克亞尼
一本讓你重生的人生雕塑法 從此生活不再缺乏前進的動力 全球超過20位卓越人士的200小時深度訪談精華 美國亞馬遜近千名讀者4.5星熱烈好評   【活出你想要的人生版本!】   我們對世界的理解往往都來自一套無形的標準。不論是工作、戀愛、育兒、消費、定義成功 : 成績好才有前途!人生想作主就要當老闆!結婚才叫幸福!女人要生兒育女、男人要扛經濟責 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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作者 蘇珊娜·卡哈蘭
「好看極了!」亞馬遜書店數千名讀者近滿分好評, 全美狂銷破 1,000,000 冊,全球售出二十餘國版權, 全球熱議醫療案例,改編電影由克蘿伊・摩蕾茲主演。 寫下心理學、神經科學與免疫學研究新頁, 國際權威醫學期刊《刺胳針》(The Lancet): 「精彩懸疑,讓人一口氣讀到最後一頁才罷休。極力推薦。」   「完全變了個人是什麼感覺?」   起先,卡 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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作者 Louisa May Alcot
Louisa May Alcott shares the innocence of girlhood in this classic coming of age story about four sisters—Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy. In picturesque nineteenth-century New England, tomboyish Jo, beautiful Meg, fragile Beth, and romantic Amy are responsible for keeping a home while their father is off to war. At the same time, they must come to terms with their individual personalities—and make the transition from girlhood to womanhood. It can all be quite a challenge. But t 了解更多
原价 RM 32.95

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作者 易明
 ☆羅伯‧魯賓、裴敏欣等美國政商學界專家一致推薦   從政治、網路、創新、經濟、環境、外交政策,   詳細解讀習近平的施政模式與未來發展。   繼毛澤東、鄧小平後,習近平帶領中國進入第三次革命轉型   內政上獨掌大權,擴大共產黨在政治、社會與經濟生活的重要性   在國際社會推行大國外交,積極參與全球事務,發展地緣戰略目 了解更多
原价 RM 77.00

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作者 蘇珊·紐曼 , 克里斯汀娜·錫瑞爾
  本書獻給   正在做著數百萬件不願做的事情的   數百萬個人們   只因他們無法說NO!   你有說「不」的困擾嗎?   別人是否總向你請求幫忙?   不知道為何總是被朋友、家人、同事   甚至咄咄逼人的推銷員說服   而做了自己一點都不想做的事?   不太好意思、害怕得罪人、拐彎抹角說話……   其實比有技巧的拒絕更‧傷‧人! 了解更多
原价 RM 53.90

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作者 蘇珊·坎恩
  ★全球銷售超過250萬冊!榮登紐約時報暢銷書、亞馬遜.紐約時報.洛杉磯時報最佳圖書,哈佛商業評論盛讚   ★TED Talk史上最快瀏覽次數破百萬講者、哈佛法學院「禮讚領袖60獎」、LinkedIn「世紀之聲20人」獎得主蘇珊.坎恩力作!   在眾人喧嘩,爭相表現的職場上,你是否曾獨自冷眼旁觀?   你是否擔心孩子太害羞,會影響他的人際關係?    了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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rom #1 New York Times bestselling author Marie Lu comes a historical YA fantasy about a musical prodigy and the dangerous lengths she'll go to make history remember her--perfect for fans of Susanna Clarke and The Hazel Wood. Two siblings. Two brilliant talents. But only one Mozart. Born with a gift for music, Nannerl Mozart has just one wish--to be remembered forever. But even as she delights audiences with her masterful playing, she has little hope she'll ever become the a 了解更多
原价 RM 49.50

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作者 芭芭拉·安吉麗思
  ★★★ 當代重量級靈性成長導師 ★★★   ★榮獲美國亞馬遜4.8星讀者感動好評★   唯有深入靈魂,才能感受到真正的愛   作者繼暢銷經典《靈覺醒》後的觸心大作,全新升級的愛境界!   愛,為一切帶來意義   我們一生中,總有一些事物看似毫無道理可言,讓我們有時會納悶這世上是否存在著任何意義。但人生也有充滿恩典的時刻、啟 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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作者 Susan Kleiner
这是所有健身者都能读懂并应用的科学饮食指南。 当你已经为健身花去大把时间、精力和金钱,为什么不花点时间关注一下自己的饮食,让健身事半功倍呢?你是否吃了大量蛋白质,但肌肉依旧生长缓慢?尝试过各种节食法,但体脂不降反升?食欲不振或暴饮暴食?运动时提不起劲,休息时很难恢复?还不了解胰岛素和生长激素的作用?所有这些有关运动营养 了解更多
原价 RM 68.00

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作者 Susan Kuang
在現今這個時代, 認識誰已經沒有那麼重要了, 你是誰才是最重要的。   你滿意現在的人生嗎?   你的工作是值得投注一生的理想事業嗎?   如果《斜槓青年》曾經陪你畫出夢想藍圖,   那麼本書將帶你建構堅韌的自我,   找到快樂與平靜,更能迎風破浪,直奔夢想的彼岸!   ◆ 影響十萬人,引領風潮數年不墜!曾獲2018博客來年 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

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作者 Susan Kuang
同样的起点,为什么有的人总是能找准目标,实现跨越式发展? 同样的赛道,为什么有的人却能跑到最后,最终收获满满? 当别人已经能自由主宰人生时,为什么你还在抱怨机会太少,命运不公? 成为自控者,便是要拿回人生的主导权。 别白白浪费你的时间、精力和情绪了,早一点找到正确的方法,就早一步踏上掌控人生的路。 所谓“自控者”,代表的是这 了解更多
原价 RM 48.00

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作者 C. S. Lewis
The seven chronicles of Narnia are brought together in a beautifully presented slipcase. The Narnia Chronicles remain one of the most enduringly popular series ever. The adventures of Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy have delved into the imaginations of readers for over fifty years. Now the enchanted world of Narnia is brought to you in this stunning slipcase. Containing all seven Chronicles, with special illustrations, it is a must-have for every Narnia fan and something 了解更多
原价 RM 299.00

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作者 Kate Griggs
The future needs Dyslexic Thinking! British social entrepreneur, founder and CEO of charity Made By Dyslexia, Kate Griggs has been shifting the narrative on dyslexia and educating people on its strengths since 2004. Having been surrounded by an extraordinary 'smorgasbord of Dyslexic Thinking' her whole life, Griggs knows the superpower of dyslexia all too well. With a forward from Sir Richard Branson, This is Dyslexia covers everything you need to understand, value 了解更多
原价 RM 79.90

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会员 RM 71.91 (-10%)

作者 Oga
Dalam kebanyakan kes, penjenayah yang ditahan polis hanyalah orang suruhan kepada dalang sebenar. Demi menjejak dalang tersebut, Sarjan Donn menubuhkan Unit Khas Sementara dianggotai Ed, Parry dan Susanna untuk mengkaji semula kes yang telah selesai secara rahsia. Bagaimanapun sebagai syarat penubuhan, pasukan ni perlu membantu jabatan lain dan tugas pertama mereka ialah membantu pasukan peronda.Mampukah Ed dan rakan-rakan menyelesaikan tugas dengan sempurna? Ayuh betindak se 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 莎拉·查納·希爾佛斯坦 , 蘇珊·高蘭
這是一本全方位的情緒照護指南, 寫給被生活折磨得很累的你。   什麼是理想情緒?   了解心情好、心情壞都只是一個循環,情緒波動是正常的。   人不會永遠是正能量,也不會永遠不快樂,   只要弄清楚情緒週期,不要在某一階段停留太久,   就能找到屬於自己的靜心理想境地。   ★高級藥草專家的獨門配方   ★最天然的情緒療癒法 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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作者 James Ashton
This book has the power to change everything' Susan Cain, author of Quiet In this groundbreaking book, designer Ingrid Fetell Lee explores how making small changes to your surroundings can create extraordinary happiness in your life. Drawing on insights from neuroscience and psychology, she reveals how the seemingly mundane spaces and objects we interact with every day have surprising effects on our mood and how we can harness the power of our environment to live fuller, hea 了解更多
原价 RM 72.90

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会员 RM 65.61 (-10%)

作者 Annabel Streets , Susan Saunders
An essential handbook for making the second half of your life happy, healthy and disease-free. Diseases of older age take root decades before symptoms appear. For a longer, happier life, we need to plan ahead - but what exactly should we do? For five years, Annabel Streets and Susan Saunders immersed themselves in the latest science of longevity, radically overhauling their lives and documenting their findings on their popular 了解更多
原价 RM 64.90

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会员 RM 58.41 (-10%)

作者 Oga
Selepas tamat waktu bekerja, Susanna dan Ed bertembung dengan seorang gadis yang ayahnya disyaki hilang beberapa bulan lepas. Manakala Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Narkotik pula menemui mayat pengedar dadah di dalam hutan. Dia sebenarnya sedang dijejaki Unit Khas Sementara.Kedua-dua kes ini seperti tidak berkait, tetapi ada bukti menunjukkan mereka terlibat dalam aktiviti pemerdagangan manusia. Apakah kebenaran yang terselindung? Jom siasat bersama kami!Jilid ketiga 'Siri Barisan 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 Oga
While off duty, Susanna and Ed encounter a young girl whose father has been missing for the past month. It turns out that he may have a connection to the female drug dealer at the centre of their most recent cases, and who has met a terrible fate...  了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

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