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作者 David Isay
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. 了解更多
原价 RM 57.00

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作者 Sarah Jakes
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Inspiring Motivational Message for Women from Sarah Jakes Ruth's life is a journey of transformation. Allowing God to transform her circumstances, Ruth went from a widow excluded from society to a wife with a secure and protected future, one tha 了解更多
原价 RM 64.90

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作者 David Logan
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. 了解更多
原价 RM 46.90

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作者 Edward St. Aubyn
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Winner of the Betty Trask Award, Never Mind is the first in Edward St Aubyn's semi-autobiographical Patrick Melrose novels, adapted for TV for Sky Atlantic and starring Benedict Cumberbatch as aristocratic addict, Patrick. At his mother’s 了解更多
原价 RM 44.90

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*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. 了解更多
原价 RM 79.40

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作者 Barbara Kingsolver
Born in a trailer in the southern Appalachian Mountains, where opioid addiction is rife and affection hard to come by, Demon Copperhead needs his wits about him to survive a string of misfortunes. With the narrative structure of David Copperfield, this multi-award winning novel echoes Dickens†desire to hold up a mirror to social injustice while also highlighting the resilience of the human spirit. 了解更多
原价 RM 62.95

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作者 David Tan Sek Yin
原价 RM 30.90

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作者 David Pilling
原价 RM 66.90

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作者 Tim Tamashiro
Why isn't every day meaningful for every person? Is it even possible to live each day in meaningful ways? Sure it is. Let me tell you about a tiny, tiny, tiny little island south of Japan where people live their life's purpose every day. They are happy. They are fulfilled. They are some of the oldest living people in the world. Their secret is ikigai. Ikigai is a concept that comes from Okinawa, Japan. Ikigai is a simple but abstract map for living a meaningful life. It has 了解更多
原价 RM 69.95

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原价 RM 79.90

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作者 David J. Schwartz
Millions of readers have acquired the secrets of success through The Magic of Thinking Big. Achieve everything you always wanted: financial security, power and influence, the ideal job, satisfying relationships, and a rewarding, happy life. 了解更多
原价 RM 46.90

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作者 John Green , David Levithan
The New York Times bestselling novel from John Green, the author of multi-million bestseller The Fault in Our Stars, and David Levithan, author of Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist.----------'Funny, rude and original' - New York Times Book Review'Will have readers simultaneously laughing, crying and singing at the top of their lungs' - Kirkus Reviews'This n 了解更多
原价 RM 52.50

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作者 Roald Dahl
From the world's NUMBER ONE STORYTELLER, James and the Giant peach is a children's classic that has captured young reader's imaginations for generations. For a limited time only, this new 2018 edition of James and the Giant Peach comes with novelty fuzzy stickers, shaped like the giant insects who travel on the peach!James Henry Trotter lives with two ghastly hags. Aunt Sponge is enormously fat with a face that looks boiled and Aunt 了解更多
原价 RM 29.95

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作者 Aldous Huxley
'The best science fiction book ever, definitely the most prescient... Looking at our present trajectory we are on the way to Brave New World' Yuval Noah Harari, author of Sapiens and Homo Deus `A masterpiece of speculation... As vibrant, fresh, and somehow shocking as it was when I first read it' Margaret Atwood A grave warning... Provoking, stimulating, shocking and dazzling' Observer 'What Aldous Huxley presented as fiction with the human hatcheries of Brave New W 了解更多
原价 RM 65.90

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作者 柯慈
一位大學教授David Lurie與學生發生不正常的關係,因拒絕認錯被迫離開教職,前往女兒Lucy的農場尋求平靜。但在造訪中所發生意外及暴力事件,卻凸顯長期種族隔離政策下,不同文化間無法融合的差異及敵對,也衝擊了這對父女的關係。面對發生在自己及至親上的不幸,David被迫接受異於本身價值觀的現狀,卻也對自己的生活感到無比的絕望。但在被迫離職、被 了解更多
原价 RM 42.90

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作者 大卫·威斯纳
 星期二晚上8点左右,池塘里昏昏欲睡的青蛙被惊醒了!接下来,没有文字的描述,只有在荷叶上尽情飞翔的青蛙带你穿越城镇的每个角落,感受一个不平静的夜晚,初升的太阳照耀着恢复平静的城镇。然而,下一个星期二的晚上,房子的外墙上借由灯光的照射,半空中出现了猪的影子……   这本书对于孩子最大的吸引力,应该是书中梦境般的故事展现。在 了解更多
原价 RM 35.80

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作者 David Walliams
原价 RM 54.95

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作者 David Walliams
原价 RM 54.95

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作者 大卫·香农
《小仙女艾丽斯》几乎是《大卫,不可以》的女孩版。艾丽斯有无穷无尽的魔法,将爸爸的饼干“变”成她的,之后再补偿性地为公爵大人(爸爸)变出新的衣服和王冠;用魔棍指挥树叶飘落下来,并用魔棍在水中画出神奇的图画;让自己隐形,还能将难吃的燕麦粥变成香喷喷的蛋糕……。看完《小仙女艾丽斯》,你或许能从书中找到自己小时候或小女儿的影子 了解更多
原价 RM 29.80

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原价 RM 86.20

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作者 葛拉罕 , 陶德
◆1930年代,時值美國經濟大蕭條,葛拉罕與陶德所撰寫的《證券分析》彷彿一盞明燈,為眾多投資人指引方向,並成為華爾街的經典作品。儘管經歷了七十多年,面對「後金融海嘯時代」的來臨,這本價值投資聖經仍能引導投資人,在瞬息萬變的投資市場中贏得先機!   ◆《證券分析:第六增訂版》共分上、下兩冊,上冊先帶領讀者認識價值投資的方法, 了解更多
原价 RM 107.80

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作者 葛拉罕 , 陶德
◆1930年代,時值美國經濟大蕭條,葛拉罕與陶德所撰寫的《證券分析》彷彿一盞明燈,為眾多投資人指引方向,並成為華爾街的經典作品。儘管經歷了七十多年,面對「後金融海嘯時代」的來臨,這本價值投資聖經仍能引導投資人,在瞬息萬變的投資市場中贏得先機!   ◆《證券分析:第六增訂版》共分上、下兩冊,上冊先帶領讀者認識價值投資的方法, 了解更多
原价 RM 107.80

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作者 R. J. Palacio
Now an Oscar nominated film starring Julia Roberts, Owen Wilson and Jacob Tremblay. 'My name is August. I won't describe what I look like. Whatever you're thinking, it's probably worse.' Auggie wants to be an ordinary ten-year-old. He does ordinary things - eating ice cream, playing on his Xbox. He feels ordinary - inside. But ordinary kids don't make other ordinary kids run away screaming in playgrounds. Ordinary kids aren't stared at wherever they go. Born with a t 了解更多
原价 RM 42.95

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作者 MaryBuffett , DavidClark
股市劇烈震盪之際,在多變的市場中,到底還有沒有章法可循? 答案是「有」。華倫‧巴菲特的投資策略經過幾十年的驗證,仍能歷久不衰,在市場低迷之際,依據他的投資法則,你也能「和巴菲特同步買進」。 《和巴菲特同步買進》是一本內容豐富且最深入的入門書,探討巴菲特如何運用「選擇性反向策略」,在空頭市場和冷門股中獲利,因而讓他名列 了解更多
原价 RM 43.10

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作者 Simon Sebag Montefiore
The epic story of Jerusalem told through the lives of the men and women who created, ruled and inhabited it.Jerusalem is the universal city, the capital of two peoples, the shrine of three faiths; it is the prize of empires, the site of Judgement Day and the battlefield of today's clash of civilizations. From King David to Barack Obama, from the birth of Judaism, Christianity and Islam to the Israel-Palestine conflict, this is the epic history of 3,000 years of faith, slaught 了解更多
原价 RM 74.90

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作者 大衛.布魯克斯
★蟬聯紐約時報、出版週刊、Amazon暢銷排行榜超過20週   ★美國民眾票選,大學新生必讀的十大推薦書目之一   ★甫上市銷售超過40萬冊,授權20國語文翻譯   你是否只知埋頭苦幹,比不上別人懂得察言觀色?   你會不會空有好腦袋,卻敗給同事的好人緣?   理性可以讓你傑出,但社會能力才能給你幸福!   我們生活在人群中,從誕生到 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 大衛·霍金斯
  ★德蕾莎修女、前福特汽車總裁、宗教界、醫學界、企業界、體育界、《科學人》《紐約客》一致推薦!   ★本書榮獲丹麥皇室授予耶路撒冷聖約翰主權教團勳章。   ★一部橋接物質與心靈的意識能量全書,生命中一切問題均適用。   能量學經典之作   一個分辨真假、通往開悟的工具   你的身體,連通著一個共享的雲端能量場。   透過 了解更多
原价 RM 47.20

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作者 Josh Kaufman
This revised and expanded edition of the bestselling book, The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman, gives you everything you need to transform your business, your career or your working life forever.An MBA at a top school is an enormous investment in time, effort and cold, hard cash. And if you don't want to work for a consulting firm or an investment bank, the chances are it simply isn't worth it.Josh Kaufman is the rogue professor of modern business educati 了解更多
原价 RM 82.00

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作者 David Walliams
原价 RM 54.95

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作者 亨利.大衛.梭羅
《梭羅:綠色先知》The Green Thoreau 尋找自己的「華爾騰」 亨利.大衛.梭羅﹝Henry David Thoreau,1817-1862﹞在去世一百五十年之後,他的遠見似乎是特別為我們這個時代準備。自然對他來說,亦師亦友,也是療癒、更新及靈感的泉源。 梭羅堪稱是第一個環境保護主義者﹝遠遠領先此一觀念的形成﹞,早就振臂疾呼:「世界存乎於荒野。」這些先知般的話語,呼喊 了解更多
原价 RM 31.50

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会员 RM 28.35 (-10%)

作者 麥克.莫斯里 , 咪咪.史賓賽
專業醫生親身實證推廣, 好萊塢名人最新減重新寵, 連主持人、名廚、美食家都一窩蜂群起嘗試, 執業醫師也大膽推薦病人採用, 歐美時下最熱門的全民健康瘦身運動!   ●英國亞馬遜NO.1長達半年   ●讀者回饋分享破千篇   ●美國跟進出版後,同樣登上亞馬遜&紐約時報排行榜NO.1   ●專屬記錄片引起回響   ●主流新聞媒體爭相報導   ●碧昂 了解更多
原价 RM 42.90

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作者 陳建維
曾經擔任李宗盛、劉若英等多位知名歌手的攝影師陳建維(David),其專業地位在演藝圈內有口皆碑,攝影作品包含唱片、雜誌、平面廣告、服裝目錄等。合作過的藝人國內包括:李宗盛、劉若英、李玟、黃大煒、胡德夫、郭富城、S.H.E、五月天、巴奈等;國外包括:休‧傑克曼、文森‧培瑞茲、寶兒等。他巧妙融合商業與人文的攝影技巧,無論是大咖明星、家 了解更多
原价 RM 286.00

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作者 大衛.李維森
每一天換一個不同的身體,每一天過一種不同的生活,每一天我都愛著同一個你。 ★《科克斯書評》《書目雜誌》《圖書館期刊》2012年度最佳青少年選書 ★亞馬遜網路書店、美國邦諾連鎖書店2012年度最佳青少年小說   紐約時報暢銷作家、歐美小文青最喜歡的作家之一大衛.李維森   繼《寫本字典說愛妳》又一挑戰創作體裁的浪漫故事   小說將由《簡 了解更多
原价 RM 42.90

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PRODUCTS ORDERED ARE SUBJECTED TO SUPPLIERS STOCK AVAILABILITY. FULL REFUND WILL BE ISSUED SHOULD THE PRODUCTS ARE UNAVAILABLE. ESTIMATE DAY(S) OF DELIVERY: 26-30 WORKING DAYS 21 is the second studio album by English singer-songwriter Adele. It was released on 24 January 2011 in Europe and on 22 February 2011 in North America by XL Recordings and Columbia Records. The album was named after the age of the singer during its production. 21 shares the folk and Motown 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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会员 RM 39.92 (-20%)

作者 大卫·香浓
 永远顶着几根不乖顺头发的大卫在圣诞节里有点儿忘乎所以,那么多好吃的、好玩的,“淘气榜”第1名的大卫实在没办法不闯祸。他试图偷偷吃掉饼干、为了等圣诞老人不肯睡觉、积雪尚未融化光着屁股就跑出去,还在地上边尿尿边画出自己的名字!不得不感叹大卫旺盛的精力和挑战妈妈底线的勇气。   不过,圣诞节与以往大的不同在于有“圣诞老人”作 了解更多
原价 RM 33.80

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作者 陳金偉 , 寧仁梅
《從看不見的手到資訊不對稱:解讀10位經濟學大師的智慧觀點》 10位影響世界經濟運作的大師 一部綜觀全球發展歷史的鉅作 200多年的經濟學發展歷程 從「看不見的手」到「資訊不對稱」 從《國富論》到《全球化及其不滿》 看學者在複雜的經濟現象中,如何找到分析觀點與解決策略 亞當‧斯密(Adam Smith) 1723/6/5-1790/7/17 大衛‧李嘉圖(David Ricardo) 1772/4/18-1823 了解更多
原价 RM 42.90

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作者 布萊斯.霍夫曼
<內容簡介> ★2011年《時代週刊》百大人物、英國《金融時報》2011年度風雲人物、 獲選《執行長雜誌》2011年風雲執行長 穆拉利的不可能任務:拯救福特 曾經,福特汽車是華爾街分析師最不看好、預測最先倒閉的車廠 在穆拉利的改革下,奇蹟復活逆轉勝!   拯救福特,CNBC報導美國史上最偉大的企業拯救計畫   各大媒體爭相報導:《時代》雜誌、《華 了解更多
原价 RM 68.60

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作者 廖晟勇
本以为只是一次简单的核电厂参观之行,没想到因为一场前所未有的大地震,而导致X探险特工队受困在废墟之中。正所谓一波未平。一波又起",紧接着淹没,还把小宇给卷走…… 了解更多
原价 RM 9.50

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作者 陈锡远
本书作者陈锡远是知名福建企业家和慈善家陈六使的第三代子孙。陈锡远将本书献给他的祖父陈六使,因为是祖父的勇气和资源帮助了陈锡远坚持去追求自己的理想;还有祖父独特的福建民族文化及口味,也深深的铭刻在陈锡远的心里,同时也使促使本书的诞生。 陈锡远在本书里介绍了50道精彩的福建家庭食谱。书中大多数食谱都是让人怀念的老味道,其中有 了解更多
原价 RM 30.90

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作者 David Walliams
原价 RM 54.95

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会员 RM 49.46 (-10%)

作者 安德魯‧索柏 , 傑洛‧帕拿
★亞馬遜書店「溝通技巧類」暢銷榜 No. 1   想知道如何讓產品賣得更好?   該如何跟盛怒下的老闆溝通?   想瞭解怎麼跟任何人都聊得來?   《紐約時報》、《富比士》、美國《商業週刊》競邀的人際溝通專家教你   33種情境×9類需求×337個中英對照問題   讓你跟誰開口都沒問題!   問對問題,比答對答案更有威力!   善用發問的力量, 了解更多
原价 RM 42.90

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作者 Malcolm Gladwell
Malcolm Gladwell's dazzling and provocative exploration of why everything we think we know about power is wrong What if everything we thought about power was wrong? What if, in the ancient story of the shepherd boy who topples a giant, David actually had the advantage? This thought sets Malcolm Gladwell on an extraordinary journey that takes him from art to basketball, the brain to revolutions, along the way weaving unforgettable stories of misfits, outsiders, trickster 了解更多
原价 RM 49.95

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作者 BillGardner
你對LOGO設計是否具有以下盲點? 凹設計師朋友幫忙做一個簡單的logo交差了事 全權交給設計師發想就好,完全沒有溝通 對於什麼才是好的logo設計完全沒有概念 許多企業不明白為什麼要花那麼多錢來製作商業識別,常常都是凹公司內部設計人員或是要網站設計人員半買半相送。其實logo不只是圖像,擴大到企業識別的領域,它就是企業與品牌的外表。若是業主本 了解更多
原价 RM 68.60

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会员 RM 61.74 (-10%)

作者 哥德夏
★「紐約時報書評」選書 ★「洛杉磯時報好書獎」決選書單 故事可以改變你的行為,故事讓我們成為人類。 因為故事就是大腦的生存戰場! 本書活潑又具洞見,頌揚人類把周遭所有事物都化為故事的原始本能。                                ──「紐約時報書評」 因為故事,我們才成為人類。本書以科學和故事 了解更多
原价 RM 48.60

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会员 RM 43.74 (-10%)

作者 David A Thayne
歐巴馬道晚安 (可能)不說「Good night」!?   日本最受歡迎的英語老師,讓你英語說得連老外都按讚   你還在用國中英語跟外國人對談嗎?   還在用「What is your name?」、「No, thank you」、「Please help me?」   這些怪英文嗎?你這知道這三句老外聽起來是:   「你哪位?」、「不必了」、「救命!」   當心!你可能已經嚇到老外、囧到老外,或是恐 了解更多
原价 RM 42.90

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会员 RM 38.61 (-10%)

作者 Morgan Chang , David Hsu
雲端應用概論:本書介紹虛擬主機與網頁寄存概念,對於雲端應用服務不太瞭解的讀者,可透過本章節瞭解現今雲端服務商業模式與架構,對於已瞭解基礎概念的讀者,透過本章節重新構思架設的服務,創造創新網頁服務應用。   虛擬主機/網頁寄存:說明如何利用Heroku進行靜態、整合式與功能性網站建置,本章節同時介紹Heroku網羅眾多業者Add-ons服務,教你 了解更多
原价 RM 57.20

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会员 RM 51.48 (-10%)

作者 大衛.伯金斯 
美國藝術教育革命之作,哈佛「零計畫」多元智能奠基大作。看畫10分鐘,是有效的思考練習,更是最簡單的藝術觀賞之道。   了解更多
原价 RM 40.00

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会员 RM 36.00 (-10%)

作者 麥可‧米勒
為什麼定價9結尾的商品總是賣得比較好? 到底是什麼樣的數字祕密,連FBI都想知道? 環顧四週,我們的生活數字無所不在。 你是否曾經想過,這些數字「究竟代表了什麼」? 它們是打哪來的?是誰決定要用這些數字組合? 別以為數字只是數字,它們其實都在你我的生活中偷偷耍心機! 你知道黑心食品的代號之一是E102? 撲克牌為什麼是52張? 為什 了解更多
原价 RM 43.10

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会员 RM 38.79 (-10%)

作者 西恩‧大衛‧科恩
「別吃什麼」比「要吃什麼」更重要千萬倍! 我們每天吃的食物與使用的日用品,都添加了太多有害化學物質, 這些毒素正悄悄的在你體內種下癌症的種子! 從今天起,學習別再吃進癌症,你才不會被癌症吃掉。   食安風暴一樁接著一樁連環爆,黑心商品裡隱藏的化學添加物,更是廠商不肯老實說的秘密。   化學添加物、環境荷爾蒙,還有許多潛 了解更多
原价 RM 33.90

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会员 RM 30.51 (-10%)

作者 Rachel Renee Russell
Meet Nikki Maxwell (aka Queen of the Dorks!) in the first book in the mega-selling Dork Diaries series - now with over 45 million copies in print worldwide! New school. New Crush. New mean girl. New diary, so Nikki can spill all about it! Nikki Maxwell has never been popular but now she's started at a new school, she's hoping to leave her old dorky ways behind! Follow Nikki's adorkable life through sketches, doodles and diary entries as she spills all the details of her n 了解更多
原价 RM 47.90

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会员 RM 43.11 (-10%)

作者 Rachel Renee Russell
TOTAL DISASTER!!! Mean girl MacKenzie has stolen Nikki's diary! What if she tells everyone Nikki's totally secret thoughts?! But reading Nikki's diary isn't the only thing MacKenzie's interested in. Get ready for Dork Diaries with a twist as MacKenzie takes over and tells all about her GLAMFABULOUS life! What does the queen bee really think about Nikki and her dorky friends? The brand NEW instalment from the internationally bestselling Dork Diaries series! Perfect 了解更多
原价 RM 47.90

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会员 RM 43.11 (-10%)

作者 Brian Sargent , David Watson , Graham Brown
Endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education Now including Brian Sargent in the expert author team, alongside first edition authors Graham Brown and David Watson, this book has been fully revised and updated to cover every part of the latest Cambridge IGCSE ICT (0417) syllabus. • Written by experts, who bring a wealth of theoretical knowledge and practical experience to both the book and the CD • Ensures that students are fully prepared for both the writt 了解更多
原价 RM 102.50

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会员 RM 92.25 (-10%)


作者 Lang Leav
Best-selling poet Lang Leav presents a gorgeous hardcover gift book featuring the best of Lullabies and Love & Misadventure plus thirty-five new poems for fans to discover, along with original color illustrations by the author. For fans of Lang Leav, this beautiful gift book is a must-have! Beloved pieces from Lullabies and Love & Misadventure are collected together in this illustrated treasury. In addition, 35 new poems that have not 了解更多
原价 RM 88.00

现售 RM 70.40 (-20%)

会员 RM 70.40 (-20%)

原价 RM 163.65

现售 RM 163.65 (-0%)

会员 RM 147.29 (-10%)

作者 廖晟勇
X探险特工队无惧生命的威胁,远赴美国去协助塞隆博士“追风”。必须在近距离搜集龙卷风资讯的任务,听起来并不困难,但实际上每分每秒都是与死神搏斗的挑战!小宇等人接下如此危险的任务后,才发现原来塞隆博士竟然是与他们年纪相仿的少女!她……靠得住吗? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 廖晟勇
一场精彩绝伦的韩星演唱会会竟演变成一发不可收拾的大火!火神降临摩天大楼,加剧了逃生的难度,甚至还让小尚、石头和戴爱娜不省人事!凭着毫无逃生知识的小宇、艾美丽和笨蛋韩星,这一回,他们能逃出险境,还是活生生地葬身火海呢? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 Rachel Renee Russell
Nikki Maxwell, Queen of the Dorks, is back in the seventh book of the blockbuster Dork Diaries series! Nikki and her friends are about to have their five minutes of fame! A reality TV crew is going to follow them for the whole month as they record their hit song together. But will the excitement also cause unexpected problems, now that cameras are everywhere Nikki and her friends go? Is life in the spotlight really going to be all they think it is or will it be a Dork Disas 了解更多
原价 RM 47.90

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会员 RM 43.11 (-10%)

原价 RM 163.65

现售 RM 163.65 (-0%)

会员 RM 147.29 (-10%)

作者 大衛.費德曼 , 李.丹尼爾.克拉維茨
連心理學家也讚嘆的命運決鬥, 從大挫折到谷底反彈的隱性力量!   ★亞馬遜網路書店暢銷書   ★Business Insider、《彭博商業週刊》選書   ★《時人雜誌》、《時代雜誌》、《今日心理學》、《哈佛商業週刊》好評推薦   好萊塢特技演員、世界紀錄保持人、成功的企業家,   還有改變世界的人權鬥士要告訴我們的事──世界其實沒有那麼美好! 了解更多
原价 RM 40.00

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会员 RM 36.00 (-10%)

作者 大衛.逵曼
當我們包圍野生動物,把牠們逼到牆角、消滅牠們、並吃掉牠們時, 我們也染上了牠們的疾病! 人類踏進了病原的地盤,創造了絕佳的條件讓自己成為新的宿主, 也替神祕病原製造了全新的生態機會,為自己招來下一場大禍!   我們無法避開這些可怕疾病而置身事外,因為我們就活在自然界裡,   人類常常忘了,自己也是動物之一,而且和其他動物 了解更多
原价 RM 78.65

现售 RM 78.65 (-0%)

会员 RM 70.79 (-10%)

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